Am I the only one who didn't ascend?

Chapter 536 Meeting with colleagues

When the first autumn wind in Mingzhou blows across Xinheng from the southwest coast, this country with a history of 600 years seems to have been stripped of dead leaves by the wind and ushered in its own harvest moment.

Near Fancheng, Dongdu City is in the hustle and bustle of a new day.

In the past, Dongdu, as the sacrificial capital of Xinheng, had always been deserted despite its name. Apart from the ritual personnel who maintain daily formations and sacrificial vessels in the city, there are only guards who patrol constantly. In the dead of night, the capital city is completely silent. Only the occasional starlight flows on the star platform, as if it sounds like light...

However, half a year later, the capital city was noisy and bustling with people. Tourists from all over the world shuttled through the streets and alleys of the capital, trampling on the jade streets that were so noble and extraordinary that only senior ritual personnel could set foot on. Clicking sound - Fortunately, the jade in the Eastern Capital City is all deep jade mined from the seabed in the southwest, and its texture is extremely tough.

And this craze is probably due to the newly built "Ningyuan Pavilion" in the city.

This pavilion adopts the extremely rare "immortal construction technique" and uses the heavenly cloud soil left by the previous generation of rotating immortal officials in the Dongdu Immortal Library to hang a magnificent palace in the air. As a cultural landscape alone, it is already the best in the world.

It is said that the Ning Yuan Tu enshrined in the pavilion, as well as the statues of heroes serving around it, can bring unusual good luck to those who come to worship.

At this time of rapid change, no one does not want to witness the "Ning Yuan Pavilion" transmitted from the Immortal League, and no one does not want to have good luck and ride the wind and waves to rise straight up.

Therefore, when the Xinheng court announced the opening of Dongdu and Ningyuan Pavilion, tourists from the eighteen counties immediately crowded this quiet city.

Lord Ningyuan, in front of the passage to the Ascension Pavilion, a row of guards wearing platinum armor were trying to maintain the invisible shield barrier while mechanically repeating the same words.

"Visitors behind you, please be patient and patient! The passage to Ningyuan Pavilion will be opened soon. Please line up to enter, climb the steps in order, and avoid crowding and pushing..."

Once upon a time, these aloof ceremonial guards of the Eastern Capital regarded themselves as semi-immortal soldiers, and even the Imperial Guards of Fancheng looked down upon them. However, just six months later, they had to put aside their past glory and pride and smile at those mud-legged people from remote counties and cities.

"Be at peace and don't be impatient, be at peace and don't be impatient..."

Amidst the warnings that sounded like chanting sutras, I saw a group of people suddenly breaking through the waves in the crowd in front of the passage, pushing forward despite the curses around them, and even had to cross the shield barrier and step up the steps.

The ceremonial guard who was leaning at the front immediately became interested.

Since the opening of the Eastern Capital, although the imperial court has established a strict visiting order from top to bottom, there have never been a few people who tried to break the order. Among the eighteen counties in the whole territory, which county does not have some young and old men who run rampant in the countryside and have high aspirations?

The ceremonial guards have never had a good look towards this group of rural sages and gentry. Among the big shots thrown out of the city by them, there was even a certain western county guard... However, as guards of the ceremonial capital, before they turned against each other, It is always necessary to identify the other party's identity first.

They can indeed be honest about the powerful people from other counties, but if they are important officials of the imperial court and their relatives, that is a different matter... The Eastern Capital is no longer what it used to be, and it is no longer the holy city for sacrifices that connects the heart of heaven. Ceremony The guards no longer have a transcendent status, and are already being ordered by the Fancheng court to receive Mudlegs. If you really offend an important member of the court and get hurt, the consequences will be really painful.

The last ceremonial guard who was on duty in front of Ningyuan Pavilion had been assigned to manage the newly built public toilets in the eastern capital because he forcefully stopped a distinguished guest from the imperial court.

However, when the several ceremonial guards saw clearly the appearance of the crowd in front of them, they suddenly became angry.

I saw dozens of tourists from other counties wearing old-style dark clothes, squeezing excitedly at the front of the crowd... If the bustling crowd in front of Ningyuan Pavilion today is a bunch of mud-legged people, then these dozens of people in front of them are simply It’s the mud pit itself!

From which wilderness was this savage dug out? Although they were indeed wearing formal clothes and were neatly starched, the style, which looked like costumes in a period drama, simply stamped their remoteness and backwardness directly on their foreheads.

And based on this bleak and vulgar appearance, the ceremonial guards could already tell that these people were undoubtedly at the bottom of the contempt chain. Then someone immediately turned their backs on him.

"Get back! Get everyone back! Why are you squeezing?! Cutting in line in front of us, and pretending that Dongdu's commandments are just for show!?"

The person at the front was a short, fat middle-aged man. Among the crowd, he was the only one who was slightly decently dressed. Seeing that the tall ceremonial guard, who was as tall as a heavenly soldier, turned against him, the middle-aged man quickly smiled.

"General, we are not cutting the queue, we have fast-track tickets."

"...What fast-track ticket?" The ceremony guard was a little confused.

"This is it, please take a look at it, General."

The middle-aged man said, and respectfully presented a red-background gilded copybook.

The ceremonial guard just glanced at it and almost laughed out loud: "Where did you get this kid's stuff from? Why don't you just find someone to write a redemption ticket for 100 million spiritual leaves?!"

The middle-aged man quickly defended: "General, we are really not lying. Qing Qing, who works in Ningyuan Pavilion, specially sent an invitation to us..."

"Ha! Where did Qingqing come from Ningyuan Pavilion?! You might as well say it was sent by Immortal Honghong who is a servant of Heavenly Court. Get out of here quickly! Otherwise, don't blame us for issuing an expulsion order!"

The middle-aged man suddenly became anxious, and the crowd of mud-legged people behind him were also making a lot of noise.

Seeing that Ningyuan Pavilion was about to open, but the order on the scene was still in chaos, the ceremonial guards were a little impatient, so they reached into their arms and took out the most severe expulsion order. After that, as long as it is ignited with true energy, these troublemaking mud-legged people can be thrown hundreds of miles outside the east capital city.

However, just before the magic talisman took action, he heard a lively laughter behind him.

"Hey, Boss Wen, Grandpa Qu, Aunt Yu...are you here?"

Hearing that laughter, the ceremonial guard trembled on the spot, and the magic talisman fell to the ground and turned into a ball of star ash.

The next moment, a young girl in green clothes slowly landed from mid-air. She greeted the guards with a smile: "Brothers, these are the guests I specially invited from Liuyan City to Ningyuan Pavilion at the request of Grandpa Xiahou. Folks, I didn’t have time to inform you before, so I came to greet you personally. Please don’t get me wrong, that fast-track ticket is not a fake or a toy, it was written by Brother Wang Luo of the Xianmeng.”

Although these words came from a smiling face, the ceremony guard felt as if he had fallen into an ice cave.

Among the guards working in the Eastern Capital, although no one has heard of Qing Qing, there is no one who does not know the "adopted daughter" of the current prime minister, Mr. Wu, the current manager of Ningyuan Pavilion. A few months ago, she came to Fancheng from Liuyan City to join Xiahou Ying. However, Prime Minister Xiahou, who was always impartial and selfless, made an exception and reused this little girl with an ordinary background. Not only did she accept her as an adopted daughter, but she also made arrangements for her. He received a very important errand - the general manager of Dongdu Ningyuan Pavilion.

The significance of Ningyuan Pavilion to Xinheng today is needless to say, and the location managed by Ningyuan Pavilion is naturally envied by countless people. This girl in blue shirt landed in Ningyuan Pavilion with civilian qualifications, which was a subversion of common sense, but there was no objection from the civil and military officials of the court.

Because the letter of appointment she held was nominally issued by the prime minister, but in fact it was issued by the special envoy of the Immortal Alliance... People may dare to argue with the new prime minister, but no one dares to disobey the will of the special envoy of the Immortal Alliance.

Since Wang Luo joined forces with the imperial master outside Dongdu to kill Miaofa Jinxian with one stroke half a year ago, his prestige in Xinheng has never been greater. After that, he was in the high hall of the Temple of Heaven, named the special envoy, but actually the emperor. He took charge of the political affairs of a country and handled all political affairs in Xinheng in an orderly manner, so that the country quickly recovered from the civil strife... and even won him a lot of honors. Excellent reputation.

What's more, as the Tongming Road from the Immortal Alliance continues to extend, the Immortal Alliance army that can destroy the world is getting closer and closer. At this time, as the only permanent representative of the Immortal Alliance in Xinheng, Wang Luo's will is likely to be related to Xinheng's life and death.

Naturally, there were different opinions in the court regarding the relationship between this flowing rock girl and Wang Luo, but no matter what kind of speculation, it did not affect the ceremony guards' kneeling on the spot.

"This villain is short-sighted, please forgive me, Mr. Wu!"

Wu Qing laughed: "Brother Hu, what are you doing? You are just doing your duty, how can you say you are guilty? Come on, get up quickly, don't let everyone laugh."

As she spoke, she stretched out her hand to support the guard on the ground. Her seemingly soft fingertips contained irresistible strength, causing the ceremonial guard to stand up straight and stiff.

After that, the girl generously apologized to the onlookers, and then led a group of Liuyan City blind daters onto the passage, and in the blink of an eye they arrived at the Ningyuan Pavilion in mid-air.

The layout of Ningyuan Pavilion in the Eastern Capital is largely modeled after that of Ningyuan Pavilion in Xianmeng Rong City. The most important Ningyuan Picture is sacrificed in the center, surrounded by historical displays.

Of course, Xinheng, which was under the rule of the Heavenly Court not long ago, has no history to speak of. Therefore, many of the display contents are copied from the materials of the Xianmeng - which can be regarded as the general education promoted by the Xianmeng in Xinheng in the early stage. Although the contents displayed in the pavilion are easy to understand, for the people of Xinheng, the ease of understanding of the people of Xianmeng often subverts the world view. Therefore, the pavilion must arrange for people with profound knowledge and quick thinking to explain to tourists in order to promote the general education of Xianmeng.

Nowadays, there are often part-time lectures by bachelors from Fancheng in Ningyuan Pavilion - for the bachelors, this is also a process of reviewing the past and learning the new. But the best explainer is the manager of Ningyuan Pavilion himself.

No one knows where this border town girl, who has never even entered a serious academy, learned so much knowledge about the Immortal Alliance... She has obviously never set foot outside Sang County in the past, but when she explains the history of Dinghuang, she acts like a A native of Xianmeng.

"Okay, let's go to the Ancient Museum first and see the prehistoric era in the eyes of the Immortal Alliance..."

Wu Qing, as always, starts with ancient myths. This is her favorite way to expand. Compared with the New Immortal Calendar, she is actually better at the Old Immortal Calendar and the Prehistoric Era. In many cases, her understanding of these two eras is enough to impress some academy scholars...

However, now these distinguished guests who were entertained by her personally were not cherished at all.

"Oh, Qingqing, we are all fellow villagers, and we won't hide it from you. In fact, our main reason is..."

Wu Qing smiled when he heard this: "Okay, I understand. Then let's skip the boring historical part and get straight to the point. Let's pay homage to the heroes of Ningyuan from all walks of life!"

"Hehe, Qingqing still understands us. We are all idiots. Those fancy histories are of no use..."

"Humph, there is no place to use it now, but maybe in the future. Liuyan City is the terminus of Tongming Road and the starting point for the future integration of the two countries. Many people from the Immortal Alliance have already crossed Tongming Road in advance and arrived at Xinheng Come on! Boss Wen, your inn will be full soon, so there is no harm in learning more about the history of the Xianmeng people. However, let’s focus on the benefits today... Look here, the contemporary heroes are ranked first. Yes, it is His Majesty the Emperor whom we are most familiar with. A few months ago, there was a sudden change in the world in the Ming and Mo states, and the wild beasts were in chaos. It was His Majesty who led the army to keep the beast tide away from the country... We all saw the situation at that time. In the eyes."

As he spoke, the folks in Liuyan City suddenly started talking about it. People's views on His Majesty the Emperor, who was a nuisance to Sang County more than half a year ago, are too complicated.

Wu Qing also quickly ignored this slightly sensitive contemporary hero.

"This second portrait depicts a Dinghuang hero from the Immortal League, General Huang Long. Although he looks like a beautiful woman, she is actually a veteran who has experienced hundreds of battles. The battle at Xian Yang Peak was thanks to him Only by leading the elites of the Immortal Alliance to support His Majesty in a timely manner can we defeat the nest of beasts... Next to him is Lieutenant General Xiao Ling, who also contributed a lot in that battle. Well, I know you may not be that interested in the specific deeds. So I’ll just pick out the key points. Those who want to be in peace, worship the emperor. Those who want to join the army, worship General Huang. Those who want to join the army and be safe, worship General Xiao... In addition, there is Li Xiong from the Xianmeng. General, he led the Immortal Alliance army to promptly support the four southern counties two months ago and defeated the beast herd's conspiracy to attack from behind. Therefore, he is one of the heroes of Dinghuang. However, worshiping him is not mainly to defeat the enemy but to win. I’m looking for marriage..."

Talking and walking along the way, Wu Qing soon took the villagers to see the displays in Ningyuan Pavilion and came to the rest room in the corner to rest. At this time, the pavilion was already bustling with people, and more and more tourists gathered. Come - there are not many people who are willing to seriously worship Ning Yuan Tu. Most of them kneel down and make noise in front of Yingjie Tu based on various superstitions.

For the manager of Ning Yuan Pavilion, this kind of noise is part of daily life, but soon, an unharmonious voice came from the noise.

The sound came from the historical area - because the passenger flow was relatively sparse, the sound came out particularly clearly.

She is a young woman who is several years older than herself and has just stepped out of the realm of girls. There is a natural sincerity in her voice.

"Hello, please inform the relevant supervisor that this part of the historical introduction is wrong."

The next moment, Wu Qing said goodbye to the villagers and quickly came to the historical area. Then with curiosity, he looked at the young woman who was nitpicking in the pavilion.

"Hello, I am Wu Qing, the manager of Ningyuan Pavilion. May I ask who you are..."

"Ah, hello, I am a tourist from the Immortal League. My name is Shi Yue."

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