Am I the only one who didn't ascend?

Chapter 537 No chance to see you again

When Shi Yue announced her home address, she did not restrain her voice. Those refreshing words echoed gently in the empty historical area, immediately causing a slight commotion and a lot of discussion among nearby tourists.

Xinheng is no longer unfamiliar with people from the Immortal League, but he is still curious.

Although the merger of Xinheng and Xianmeng has not yet officially begun, high-level talks have just begun. The Tongmingxian Road connecting the two places has only been initially completed, and it still needs subsequent overall dredging and reconstruction. The construction period is likely to take many years... But in recent months, people who have come to visit Xinheng through official and unofficial channels have already There are more and more. Over the past hundreds of years, the Immortal Alliance people living in legends and stories have appeared more and more frequently in the public eye. Regardless of whether they adapt to it or not, the people of Xinheng have gradually accepted this reality.

But the vast majority of people have actually never had such close contact with the Immortal Alliance people.

In the past few months, most of the people who visited Xinheng were the military and political dignitaries of the Immortal Alliance who came at the invitation of the imperial court. They were always accompanied by imperial guards, and they all worked and lived in the imperial city. Occasionally when I go out to visit a private place, local officials will clear the place and close the roads in advance. Therefore, although the presence of these guests from the Immortal Alliance is very strong, so strong that whenever there is a sudden traffic jam in a certain place, some people will curse whether it is the distinguished guests from the Immortal Alliance who caused the road closure... But people's understanding of these distinguished guests from the Immortal Alliance is actually only Limited to newspaper news.

Of course, in addition to this, there is also a group of bold gold diggers who believed some shocking gossip from Taixu Zhaotang and regarded Xinheng as an earthly paradise filled with gold and jade, and the shameless senior officials of the Immortal Alliance were planning to Monopolizing the resources without telling the people... So these gold diggers who used to be idle openly violated the Immortal Alliance's ban and broke into the wilderness without authorization. They followed the edge of the Tongming Immortal Road, avoiding the sight of the coalition forces along the way, and reached the Xinheng border all the way... ...Then with infinite yearning for a better new life, he was directly captured by the Xinheng Border Army who were on high alert.

The stories of these gold diggers are also popular jokes in Xinheng. However, after the jokes are made, the gold diggers will be packaged and sent back to the Immortal League for severe punishment. People's knowledge of them is also limited to news and gossip, and very few people have actually seen them.

Therefore, Shi Yue, who claims to be a tourist in Ningyuan Pavilion, is particularly eye-catching now.

When will the tourists from the Immortal League be able to go deep into the Dongdu Ningyuan Pavilion?

In response to this, Wu Qing's face showed a little surprise at first, and then quickly changed to a smile: "It turns out that he is a distinguished guest from the Immortal Alliance. It is really rude not to welcome him from afar..."

While Wu Qing was talking and laughing, several ceremonial guards from Ningyuan Pavilion appeared quietly, and then gently but resolutely completed the clearing, controlling all the people who tried to watch the noisy crowd. In the blink of an eye, only a few people were left in the already empty ancient history museum.

After that, Wu Qing's smile became sincere: "Sister Shi Yue, brother Wang Luo often talks about you..."

Hearing this, Shi Yue was shocked at first, then shook his head, obviously not believing the statement of "I often talk about you".

But she didn't refute. She just looked at Wu Qing with a bit of curiosity and asked, "Are you very close to Master Wang Shan?"

Wu Qing said: "Master Wang has saved my life. As for the close relationship... it can only be regarded as wishful thinking on my part. I haven't seen him for more than a month."

Shi Yue even smiled bitterly. She had not been able to talk to Wang Luo for more than half a year.

Wu Qing was so perceptive that when he saw this, he immediately asked: "Do you want me to call him? Although I may not be able to speak, but..."

"No need..." Shi Yue sighed softly, and added, "We are here just for sightseeing, and we don't intend to alarm anyone. We just saw that the historical records in the exhibition hall were wrong, and we couldn't help but say something. Correction... Haha, this can be regarded as an occupational disease of mine in the past. Until last year, I occasionally gave part-time lectures at Rongcheng Ningyuan Pavilion. "

Wu Qing then stopped worrying about Wang Luo's topic and chuckled: "It turns out that Sister Shi Yue and I are traveling together, what a wonderful fate! However, the historical records that my sister mentioned are wrong, where exactly are they referring to? This ancient time Most of the information in the library comes from the general textbooks of the Immortal Alliance, so they are all authoritative conclusions."

Shi Yue pointed to an exquisite and beautiful jade statue of a woman in the museum, and sighed: "No general education textbook mentions that my ancestor Shi Suying once became a Taoist couple in the fairy world. What's more, our ancestors once suffered in the human world. How could it be possible to lose your true love and vow never to be emotional again for the rest of your life..."

Before he finished speaking, Wu Qing's face tightened slightly and he said: "Shi Suying's cultivation in the human world only lasted a few hundred years, but he experienced thousands of years in the immortal world after ascending. Such a long period of time is enough to wear away all the immaturity. I made the oath... Well, I don't know the specific situation. These were all said by the previous rotating immortal official and national master. If there are indeed any omissions, I will ask someone to correct them. "

These words had special meaning, but they were obviously not sincere. Shi Yue's brows gradually tightened as he heard this. He didn't know how to answer, so he subconsciously looked at his companions behind him.

This time, she didn't come alone, there were two people accompanying her.

At the same time, Wu Qing was also carefully examining the two visitors from the Immortal Alliance besides Shi Yue.

Because she could tell from the first glance that the real distinguished guest of the Immortal Alliance was not actually Shi Yue, the chief of the outer sect of Lingshan, but the petite woman wearing a veil who followed behind Shi Yue.

Judging from her figure, she seems to be somewhere between a girl and a young girl, but her calm and calm temperament is like a mountain that has experienced thousands of years of vicissitudes, making people look up to her. Behind her, there is a purple-robed lady who is always restraining her sense of presence. Her temperament is equally unforgettable.

This is actually very unusual, because the Immortal Alliance has never been known for its individual strength... Although it benefits from the development of the overall civilization, the average cultivation level of the Immortal Alliance is actually higher than that of Xinheng. But for people living in the capital Fancheng, even the generals of the Immortal Alliance who are among the heroes of Ningyuan Pavilion are actually just a group of golden elixir Yuanying. What's the point? Even Lu Youyou, the legendary leader of the Immortal Alliance, Zhuwang Kingdom, has only reached the level of cultivation at the God Transformation stage, and can achieve the combat power of the Fusion stage. But Xin Hengguang was the only surviving Mahayana Lord, and there were three of them.

Therefore, the petite woman and the woman in purple shirt in front of me can actually present unforgettable qualities in their individual temperaments. Their identities are really intriguing...

At the same time, the petite woman seemed unable to see Wu Qing's scrutinizing gaze. She just looked at the female jade statue silently and whispered: "The general textbook about Shi Suying is probably wrong in the Immortal League, so don't I force others to correct it.”

Shi Yue said in surprise: "But..."

"The general textbooks of the Immortal League are mainly responsible for education and enlightenment. They are not equivalent to rigorous historical materials... What's more, the research of historical materials of the Immortal League may not be rigorous. In many cases, the position is greater than the facts. Shi Suying, the leader of Lingshan Mountain, Fenchuantian His ascension after a calamity is certainly an exciting story, but for the Immortal Alliance, which emphasizes the collective rather than the individual, such excitement is not advisable, so most of the compilers of the relevant content deliberately highlighted the sufferings on his journey to ascension. , to downplay the achievement of ascension itself.”

At this point, the petite woman paused, and her eyes behind the veil seemed to be examining Wu Qing equally seriously.

"What's more, no matter how authoritative the historical data is, how can it be more authoritative than the person involved?"

As soon as these words came out, Wu Qing's calm posture disappeared immediately, and pain, bitterness, self-mockery clearly appeared on her face... all kinds of emotions were intertwined, and after a moment, they merged into a long sigh.

"The number one person in the Immortal League is unusual. Xiaolu'er, we... haven't seen each other for a long time."

The petite woman, Lu Youyou, heard this and removed her veil, revealing her exquisite and flawless beauty. At the same time, the dim dress gradually began to glow with fairy light.

"Wu Qing, the Qingmiao Golden Immortal, it's been a long time indeed... Are you completely transformed into a mortal?"

Wu Qing smiled calmly and said: "When we ascend to become true immortals, we start with mortals and end with mortals. Reincarnation and return can be considered a kind of perfection. What's more, compared to Suying's sacrifice, what I have done is really insignificant, but As a mortal, I just cooperated with my boss to promote the strategy of the mortal world. After Suying left, I had no nostalgia for either immortal or mortal... I just wanted to see what the future would be for which he was willing to sacrifice his life. Look. What? Are you going to hold me accountable as a war criminal?"

Lu Youyou sighed: "Even on the life-and-death battlefield of the Battle of Dinghuang, Qingmiao Golden Immortal was one of the few immortals who had not committed any crimes. The Immortal Alliance has never regarded you as an enemy, not even the Lord... …”

Wu Qing shook his head: "I don't dare to believe her words. After all, all those who believed in her were destroyed together with those who despised her. So, whenever you want to take my life, please feel free to do so. I am here, every time I never tire of telling people stories... You all want to do great things, so you don’t need to waste too much energy on me.”

Lu Youyou said: "Compared to those who really do big things, we are just pawns on a chessboard, just drifting with the tide. And today we came to Ningyuan Pavilion on a whim, not for big things...but we want to hear from you. s story."

Wu Qing was silent for a moment, then nodded and said, "Okay, your distinguished guest has something to ask for, and I, as the manager of Ningyuan Pavilion, am obliged to do so. So, where do I start? Except for Suying, I can't remember much about the past events. , This is the bad thing about human beings, they always fail to remember important things.”

Lu Youyou said: "That's why mortals can create words, books and history, and build civilization based on this."

"Ha, he is worthy of being the leader of the Immortal Alliance. He always has a right opinion." Wu Qing smiled, then took Lu Youyou and others for a brief tour of the Ningyuan Pavilion Exhibition Hall.

The group of four people walked and stopped, but stories kept coming one after another. Although Wu Qing claimed that she had unclear memories, she could always tell the story from a new perspective about what happened thousands of years ago... And some of these stories were just Ordinary daily life, but some secrets related to famous sects in the old immortal calendar and even true immortals in heaven are enough to subvert historical data.

But in Wu Qing's words, big and small things are nothing more than stories.

By the time I finished talking about the Old Immortal Calendar, Ningyuan Pavilion was already empty - the daily closing time had long passed, and all the tourists had left. Even the folks from Liuyan City were attracted by the work in the pavilion. The staff kindly invited them to have dinner at a luxurious restaurant not far away, and the villagers immediately forgot about Qingqing, who was the servant of Ningyuan Pavilion.

At this point, Wu Qingcai finally brought the story to an end and asked, "After listening to the story, it's time to get down to business...are you guys here to see Wang Luo?"

Shi Yue nodded, but Lu Youyou shook his head slightly.

"I did have some objections to him... In the past few months, he has obviously been too deeply involved in Xinheng. Although it is crucial that he now oversees the affairs of Xinheng like the Supreme Emperor and presides over the return plan. But it is not He has to do this - Emperor Ling has been on the throne for more than a month, and he has every opportunity to withdraw from Xinheng, but he has always clung to power. But even if I asked him, he would not let go. He refused to say anything or even reply, so I thought it would be better to come and see for myself..."

Wu Qing said with a smile: "Men always have difficulties of one kind or another. When Suying decided to sacrifice her own life and cooperate with the magic method to kill the Zhenxi family, she didn't even mention a word to me. Until the situation happened. It was impossible to hide it, so he told me the truth frankly... Doesn't it sound annoying? But I knew he had no choice at the time, so I haven't asked him why he didn't want to tell me. "

Lu Youyou was thoughtful after hearing this and asked: "So, what is Wang Luo's difficulty?"

Wu Qing was silent for a moment and said, "Do you know the Lord of Heaven?"

Lu Youyou was stunned for a moment, and a stern look gradually appeared in his eyes: "Of course the number one enemy of the Immortal Alliance knows."

"So, who is this archenemy?"

The sharp look in Lu Youyou's eyes suddenly turned into confusion: "Of course...after Song Yijing's death, no one can completely control the immortal law. Is it the golden immortal of the Zhenxi family who has the chance to succeed and rebuild the heaven?"

Seeing this, Wu Qing sighed: "The old Jinxian of the Zhenxi family died in the sky over Dongdu more than half a year ago. But the heaven is not without people in charge now. Although it is true that the two states of Ming and Mo have been abandoned, But if anyone dares to go deep into Jingzhou, they will never return."

Lu Youyou's body swayed slightly: "I remember that Wang Luo once mentioned that he and the Lord of Heaven had reached a reconciliation, so the Immortal Alliance sent out coalition forces to build the Tongming Immortal Road... It's strange, has the Lord of Heaven ever descended to earth? Why did I just remember this? Why was I affected by Zhe Wuxia? "

In an instant, tens of thousands of threads broke through the invisible blockade in Lu Youyou's mind, emerging and converging into a surging river.

She raised her head and looked back at the Far East in disbelief, silently questioning the woman who was high above the clouds and on the top of the building.

"Lord, why are you hiding this from me!?"

But it was obvious that there would be no answer to her question, so Lu Youyou quickly calmed down and said to Wu Qing: "Can I meet Wang Luo immediately?"

Wu Qing smiled and said: "Of course, brother Wang Luo has always been in the High Hall of the Temple of Heaven. I will take you to see him right now."

However, when a group of four people walked along the Yunji Passage of Ningyuan Pavilion from the sky to the high hall of the Temple of Heaven, they were surprised to find that Wang Luo had disappeared long ago.

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