Am I the only one who didn't ascend?

Chapter 538 Disappeared without a trace

"Ah? Did you find the envoy? He was here not long ago. Well, there is an official document that he has half read on the desk. It is a memorial about the formal introduction of Taixu Illusion Realm. But he has only read half of it, and it seems that there is The emergency is out."

In the high hall, a young official was carefully packing up the documents and files left by the big shots during the day while responding even more carefully to the questions raised by Mr. Wu, the manager of Ningyuan Pavilion.

Regarding the young manager Wu in front of him, the young man was more cautious than curious. Although he did not dare to look directly at him when he replied, his peripheral vision wandered around the edge of Wu Qing's shadow on the ground, trying to figure out through the changes in the shadow. The mind of the shadow master - in fact, it is precisely because of his detailed skills in observing words and deeds that he can enter this high palace at a young age and serve as assistants for those big shots who can decide the fate of millions of people with just a move of his hands and feet, waiting for promotion. …

But his ambition is far more than that. Instead of working for big shots every day, and then waiting for those high-ranking officials who have long since lost their conscience in the officialdom to remember his good deeds. Destiny should still be in your own hands.

And now is a rare opportunity!

Compared with those court ministers with gorgeous clothes and distinguished officials, the little girl in front of her who has been in an important position since she was a teenager is obviously closer to the road to heaven!

So the young official quickly plucked up the courage and said, "Well, Mr. Wu may not know something. The envoy is in charge of the government and is very busy. He often travels around suddenly..."

"Shut up."

The carefully prepared passionate words were choked back, and the young official felt strangely depressed. However, before he could regain his composure and come up with words to resolve the embarrassment, he felt his body lighten, and a gust of wind rose out of thin air and swept him around. He flew straight out of the high hall, and then the door of the hall was closed tightly... He was actually given the most unkind order to be kicked out! But he is the only worthy official in the palace!

At this point, the imperial guards outside the palace were also surprised. Several of them looked at each other, and some of them planned to come forward.

"Hahaha, it's all a misunderstanding. Brother Li, don't be impulsive. Mr. Wu is here for the envoy's business, and he happens to have some private conversations with some distinguished guests..."

The young official was joking and getting rid of the matter by relying on his good popularity at the grassroots level... But when he finally appeased the guards outside the palace, he also persuaded a senior official from the Ministry of Revenue who came to work the night shift to leave. Finally, an extremely subtle premonition lingered in my mind.

This time, the envoy will not be able to come back, right?


On the other side, in the high hall, Lu Youyou watched in silence as Wu Qing sent away the young man who worked the night shift as if to vent his emotions. He waited for her to pace around the hall for a long time... and finally couldn't help but ask.

"What happened?"

Wu Qing said: "As you can see, Wang Luo is missing...but he shouldn't just disappear like that."

After a pause, Wu Qing explained seriously: "In the past period of time, when he had an overview of the government affairs, he would occasionally use the flawless glazed light remaining in Xinheng to move to any place in the eighteen counties - to be honest, this This usage is quite unconventional, and I don’t know where he learned it.”

Lu Youyou frowned slightly and stepped forward.


With a crisp sound of short boots hitting the ground, Lu Youyou's petite figure disappeared instantly and reappeared behind Wu Qing.

Although he only moved a few meters, Wu Qing had a look of surprise on his face: "What a powerful shrinking magic technique. Is this a new technique created by the Immortal Alliance? It is indeed quite similar to the technique used by Wang Luo. But this kind of technique must be supported by the right time and place in order to travel far. "

Lu Youyou nodded. She was able to escape thousands of miles in one step when wishing, and she also relied on the help of the Great Law.

"However, since the Tongming Immortal Road was officially connected, Xinheng's glazed light no longer exists. Therefore, theoretically, it is impossible for Wang Luo to disappear without reason..."

Shi Yue couldn't help but ask: "You mean he is in danger?"

Wu Qing glanced at her and said: "Even if there is danger, it cannot come from Xinheng. He is much safer here than in the Immortal League. After all, the people here really regard him as the envoy, and the people of the Immortal League But they may not be willing to trust him.”

Shi Yue retorted: "Your emperor has newly ascended the throne, won't there be a power conflict with him?"

"Emperor... ha." Wu Qing shook his head disdainfully, "He is just a dying man who is stubborn and unrepentant. He is afraid that it is too late to save his own life now, and it is impossible for him to have the energy to murder Wang Luo."

Shi Yue was surprised when he heard this: "Isn't he a famous general in the world? General Huang fought alongside him a few months ago and was full of praise for him. He also said that this man not only worked hard to govern, but was also ambitious and would never be easy..."

Lu Youyou sighed: "Being an emperor is different. Shi Yue, if you think about it carefully, is there an emperor among the hundred countries of the Immortal Alliance?"

Shi Yue was stunned: "Yes..."

Although hundreds of countries have different political systems, and there is no shortage of leaders who hold all the power, no one calls himself the emperor no matter how he is called.

"The word emperor is an invisible taboo in the Great Law, because the word desolate evolved from the word 'emperor'. To those immortals, the desolate poison in our mouths actually symbolizes the principles of heaven and earth. The awe-inspiring atmosphere of the Imperial Court was the product of compromise when the Immortal Law was broken and repaired several times during the Dinghuang War. When the True Immortals failed to reestablish the Heavenly Court, they temporarily replaced it with the Emperor. Since then, it has had a different meaning. The Hundred Countries of the Immortal Alliance does not restrict each country from making its own laws, but there are only strict restrictions in name..."

As he spoke, Lu Youyou also shook his head: "This kind of restriction is not found in any explicit text, but anyone who openly violates it will suffer a lot of disasters because of the backlash of the great law. Therefore, over the millennium, people have already developed unconsciousness. ”

Shi Yue suddenly realized: "Now that the Tongming Immortal Road is completed, and the Great Law flows along the road to Xinheng, will it also backfire on the emperor of Xinheng? This... the king, you already knew?"

Lu Youyou was speechless and directly ignored the topic and looked at Wu Qing: "So, where is the national master of your country?"

Wu Qing looked hesitant and said: "Zhang Jincheng has become a heroic spirit on the Ningyuan Diagram. For more than half a year, he has been practicing stargazing on the star platform for more than half a year. Even if he has an incarnation available, he lives in a simple way. He and Wang We are indeed closer to Luo, but I have no contact with him.”

"It doesn't matter, I'll go find him directly."

Lu Youyou said and was about to take a step forward.

"Wait a minute... If you just go straight to Qianxing Platform like this, it will cause an accident. Ningyuan Pavilion is an imported product of your Immortal Alliance, and it is open to the public for tourism, so the vigilance is actually relatively relaxed. You may have a way to hide it from the public and travel incognito, but Qianxing Terrace is the foundation of Xinheng's country, and its strict security is not the same as Ningyuan Pavilion... Wait a minute, I'll find Xia Houying, he is the prime minister of the dynasty, and it is only natural that he will bring you to the stage. "

After saying that, Wu Qing took out a spiritual talisman from his waist and lit it with his true energy, and Xia Houying's voice came from it.

"Qingqing, you haven't come home so late? Are you working overtime again? You should also pay attention to your health..."

The peculiar nagging of the elderly made Wu Qing dumbfounded for a moment, but she quickly calmed down her expression and spoke directly to interrupt the other party's concern.

"Wang Luo is missing. I am accompanying Lu Youyou, the Lord of Zhuwang who came incognito, to look for him in the High Hall of the Temple of Heaven."

The person opposite the spiritual talisman was immediately silent. After a moment of dimming, the spiritual light on the talisman immediately burned like a raging flame.

"Just wait in the high hall and don't move around. I'll be here right away! Remember not to be disrespectful to the Lord of the Deer Kingdom..."

The sound of Xia Houying's fussing about suddenly stopped.

A moment later, from a residence in the north of the imperial city, a dazzling brilliance soared into the sky, attracting the attention of countless forbidden troops in the city. There were only a handful of people who dared to fly so arrogantly near the imperial city, and the only one who flew so brightly was Xia Houying.

When the prime minister flies away late at night, this is a major event that can cause turmoil in the court... but obviously the person involved can no longer care so much. Followed by several soldiers, he quickly descended to the high hall of the Temple of Heaven, then opened the door and entered. With just one glance, he was frightened by the petite but majestic figure and was speechless for a moment.

"Down here..."

Lu Youyou said: "Prime Minister Xiahou, I am here for an informal visit, so there is no need to be too polite. Finding Wang Luo's whereabouts is a top priority now. Please also ask the Prime Minister to take us to the Eastern Capital Qianxing Platform to inquire about your country's national advisor."

The leader of the Immortal Alliance, a man with a hundred times more power and energy than Emperor Xinheng, spoke to him so politely. Naturally, Xia Houying did not dare to be more verbose and nodded immediately: "Please follow me."

After that, stray lights appeared again in the high hall, and this time there were countless people in the air who came to watch after hearing the news, including many prominent courtiers... Yang Qijian was about to return to Beijun, but was still in the process of handing over his duties. , is also on the list!

Obviously, for the Yang family, the changes in the court now require even more caution and concern.

Xia Houying extended his hand to Yang Qijian from a distance, but didn't explain much. The next moment, a dull bell rang out from the imperial city.

As a result, all the spectators who rose into the air were frightened.

That is the bell that symbolizes the emperor's will. Since Gan Fengxian ascended the throne, the bell in this imperial city has never been rung. But now the bell is rung just to convey an edict.

The sound of the bell seems to contain the words of Gan Fengxian himself: "The prime minister acts according to urgent orders, and no one else is allowed to watch, and those who resist the order and do not comply are not allowed to be killed!"

The melodious bells quickly resounded throughout the city with the evening breeze, and the harsh "cutting" sound was deeply imprinted in everyone's hearts.

Even though the newly ascended emperor seemed a little decadent when he first came to the throne and was not as enterprising as people expected, he finally laid a solid foundation for his rule with his illustrious military exploits. At this moment, when strict orders were issued, no one dared to resist them. Lower your height, converge your gaze, and don't dare to look up at will.

And Xia Houying was able to successfully fly with a few people to the Dongdu Star Platform.

However, when he was about to land, Xia Houying was a little surprised, but as expected, he saw Emperor Gan Fengxian wearing light armor waiting there in front of the Qianxing Platform.

Although Xia Houying has always been at odds with the emperor, he still did not lose etiquette at this moment. He knelt down in mid-air and said respectfully: "See your Majesty..."

The former veteran shook his head gently: "How dare you speak sagely in front of the leader of the Immortal Alliance? Well, don't waste time, I will wake up the national master right away. Please follow me."

After that, he took the lead and walked slowly up the long steps of the star-raising platform.

Xia Houying explained to Lu Youyou: "There is a national treasure in Qianxing Taichung. It is now a forbidden area. Even the emperor cannot enter directly. Please forgive me."

Lu Youyou nodded, with no hint of impatience on his face: "It's okay, we are taking the liberty of visiting. I will keep your country's friendliness and sincerity in mind..."

As soon as these words came out, Gan Fengxian, who was in the lead, obviously stepped lightly. Xia Houying couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief, but then he saw Gan Fengxian quietly gesturing behind him, and Xia Houying helplessly asked for his lord: "May I ask, what difficulties did your lord envoy encounter?"

Lu Youyou was speechless, but the woman in purple clothes beside her suddenly said: "It seems that we will also bear in mind your country's curiosity."

Xia Houying's steps suddenly staggered and he didn't dare to ask any more questions.

Fortunately, the road to the top is not long. The awkward silence lasted for a short time, and everything in front of us suddenly became clear, and the stars above our heads seemed to be brighter and brighter.

Under the starlight, a tall and handsome young man bowed to several people and said softly: "I have met His Majesty, Mr. Xiahou. I have also met several distinguished guests from the Immortal Alliance. I already know your purpose of coming. , but I’m afraid I don’t have the answer you want. Shanzhu Wang suddenly left Xinheng not long ago. Where did he go? Even if I asked Xingchen, there was no answer. "

Hearing this, Xia Houying was stunned, Gan Fengxian seemed to have some realization, and Lu Youyou sighed and shook his head helplessly.

But Shi Yue couldn't hold it any longer. He took a half step forward and suppressed the throbbing in his heart and asked, "What exactly do the Imperial Masters want to say? Please state it clearly..."

Zhang Jincheng showed an awkward smile and did not answer.

Lu Youyou gestured to the woman in purple shirt beside her with her eyes, and quietly stretched out her hand to stop Shi Yue's questioning. Afterwards, he said a few simple words of courtesy and after maintaining basic etiquette, he quietly left with a few people. Naturally, Xinheng Jun and his ministers did not, and did not dare to stop it.

It wasn't until the figures of Lu Youyou and others were completely hidden in the thick night that Gan Fengxian shook his head in disinterest and stood up to return to the palace.

He actually doesn't care about Wang Luo's whereabouts... As an emperor, a considerable part of his power is still lost in the Temple of Heaven. Now that that person is gone, he can monopolize the power. However, he was not even half happy. Power and status were once something he dreamed of, but when he reached a height he had never dreamed of, his interest waned.

With the monarch acting like this, Xia Houying naturally didn't dare to say anything, or even dare to ask about his "adopted daughter".

The night gradually blurred in silence.

At the same time, Lu Youyou and others had arrived above Dongdu City and sat in the shuttle shining in the snow.

At this time, the woman in purple shirt, also known as Mo Yu, finally spoke.

"Okay Shi Yue, the meaning of the Xinheng Imperial Master just now is very clear. Wang Luo is no longer in the world. He...should have gone to Jingzhou."

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