Am I the only one who didn't ascend?

Chapter 54 When fasting, people's IQ will drop significantly

When Wang Luo left Xiaobailou, the night was still dark.

He and Zhang Fuhong didn't chat for too long. After all, prison is not a nightclub. After eating and drinking for a long time, some high-level officials who were out on business were about to come back.

Although the supper was short, Wang Luo learned two important things.

First, Zhang’s Meat Factory operates with integrity and wins with quality. Take the grilled special spiritual meat that Chi Xuewei brought this time as an example. It is not only tender and juicy in taste, but also contains pure and delicate spiritual energy. Even eating it raw can improve one's cultivation, and with the correct cooking, it will be better. Double the value of your soul and flesh. For such high-quality spiritual meat, there is no need to increase the price, and there is no need to play tricks. You only need to register and make an appointment at the relevant store with Jianmu seeds, and the meat factory will deliver the goods in sequence. And if anyone is reselling for profit, they will be severely punished. Compared with the inertial operations of the large chambers of commerce in Shangcheng District, Zhang's Meat Factory is simply a blessing from heaven.

Secondly, as a product of the Zhang family, Zhang Fuhong himself is actually far smarter than the stereotype he leaves on others. However, his family environment did not allow him to be too shrewd at all. After all, Zhang Yu already had an eldest son, Zhang Fulu, who was smart, generous, and had a good skin, so Zhang Yu could trust him with most of his important business resources. There is another Zhang Fulan who is very talented in cultivation and can reach the top of Qingping Division.

Therefore, as a young son who was born with almost no territory resources to expand, and had no advantage over his elder brother in talent and talent, Zhang Fuhong could only carefully restrain his nature and constantly show his blond and blue-eyed playboy side to others... until he waited. The opportunity of many years comes.

The late night snack was short, but Wang Luo was not empty-handed when he came, and he also brought something back with him when he left.


When he returned to Shifu, the sky was already dark. Wang Luo was carrying a cloth bag containing Lao Hong's home-cooked food. The bag contained a full ten kilograms of super-grade spiritual meat. It was Zhang Fuhong's deposit for subsequent cooperation, and it was also made for Wang Luo's late-night fried rice. return gift.

These ten kilograms of spiritual meat are suitable for cutting into fine cubes, mixed with some pickled fish roe, and a few drops of vinegar and orange juice... it will be an excellent breakfast. The senior sister had done this before, and she made an excellent delicacy amidst the lamentations of the uncle who was in charge of the spoon at that time: "What a treason!"

Unfortunately, as soon as Wang Luo entered the courtyard, he heard a burst of angry curses.

"It's so ridiculous! This report is simply confusing right and wrong, and it's so shameless!"

After crossing the inner courtyard gate, they saw Zhao Xiuwen holding a pair of brocades in his hands, cursing as he walked, his neat short hair standing on end, as energetic as a morning erection. Shi Yue, on the other hand, was yawning and looking carefully at another pair of fabrics under the tree. Although he was tired, there was still a lot of anger in the way he raised his hands and feet.

Seeing this scene, Wang Luo knew that the healthy and lively breakfast party he expected would not be possible.

The taste of the food mostly depends on the mood of the taster. When the mood is bad, the taste of the food will also become worse. The two people in the hospital are obviously impetuous, and they obviously cannot taste the beauty of the special spiritual meat.

When he saw Wang Luo, Shi Yue's eyes lit up: "Master Mountain Master, what did Fatty Zhang say?"

However, Zhao Xiuwen frowned and suppressed his anger: "Lord Mountain Master, have you read today's news? The investigation has just begun, but Shangcheng District has already put all the responsibility on Shijie! It has even begun to openly call on the people to denounce it. !”

With that said, Zhao Xiuwen handed over the brocade in his hand.

After living in the new era for a few days, Wang Luo was already familiar with this brocade. This is a universal magic weapon that has spread across the five states and hundreds of countries and benefited the common people. Every silk thread in the brocade is related to the mother silkworm that produces silk. There is a connection across space, and with this connection, practitioners only need to control the silkworm mother, and they can control every piece of fabric woven by the silk produced by it, so that it presents a unified color pattern...

So this kind of spiritual silk was regarded as a kind of printing technology and widely used in the media industry. You only need dozens or hundreds of spiritual leaves to buy a piece of brocade, and you can enjoy first-hand the silkworm mother raised by the newspaper before she dies. news. And if you find it too expensive, you can also buy a cheaper version. Many second- and third-rate newspapers find it difficult to raise silkworm mothers independently, so they raise silkworms through crowdfunding, and then share the brocade, each updating their own news on specified dates. At most, there were even ten newspapers sharing one silkworm mother, and the brocade woven from silk was called ten brocades...

What Zhao Xiuwen held in his hand was a set of ten brocades, which were jointly edited by ten newspapers in Shangcheng District. The content focused on a variety of topics, including sensationalism. But at this time, these colorful and sensational brocades are reporting the food poisoning case that happened yesterday in a large area. As for the specific content, I can only say what I expected.

Wang Luo glanced at it, wrote down all the contents, and handed the brocade back to Zhao Xiuwen: "Shouldn't this have been expected?"

Zhao Xiuwen scratched his head irritably: "That's what I said, but they are too shameless this time. They are obviously framed! Zhou Lu is already in the academy..."

Shi Yue sighed: "Don't let her work blindly. Wasn't Han Ying's answer obvious enough last time? The one who can make all these brocades uniformly worded must be a higher-level force. Zhou Lu is an academy student and does things too much. If you stand out, you'll get into trouble."

Zhao Xiuwen said: "If we are afraid of attracting attention and trouble, we don't have to come to Rongcheng! In short, even if everything is in vain in the end, I can't just watch this kind of confusing thing happen!"

When he heard this, Wang Luo suddenly asked: "What if we don't confuse right and wrong?"

Zhao Xiuwen was stunned: "What?"

"I mean, if what is written in this brocade is true, the food poisoning is indeed the responsibility of Zhang's Meat Factory, and the specific reason is because the local people in Stone Street are not of good quality and cannot strictly implement safety regulations, right? What should I do if I cheat?"

Zhao Xiuwen couldn't help being shocked and angry: "How could you say such a thing?! How could a Shijie person do such a thing!?"

Wang Luo said: "We might as well ask the other way around, why wouldn't people in Shijie do that kind of thing? People in Shijie are also human beings, and as long as they are human, they will make mistakes. In fact, people in Shijie not only make mistakes, but also commit crimes. , Are those imprisoned in Gen Prison by Qingping Division all innocent people? You have been working here for several months, and have you not encountered any deception? "

Zhao Xiuwen was speechless for a moment when he was asked, while Shi Yue under the tree was thoughtful.

Wang Luo added: "You are just based on the standpoint of Shijie people and do not want to admit the possibility of objective existence. There is no essential difference between your wishful thinking and the subjective assumptions on this brocade."

Zhao Xiuwen stuttered and asked, "But, didn't you say that you heard that people from Jing Lixuan bribed reporters to frame Shijie?"

Wang Luo said: "Isn't this how big chambers of commerce all do things? They don't distinguish between right and wrong, and they shirk the blame first. But on the other hand, blaming the blame first doesn't prove right or wrong. Maybe they were indeed wronged, and they were just the deacon who happened to be responsible for external liaison. He just made his own decision. In short, the truth of the matter does not depend on whether Jing Lixuan bribed the reporter."

Zhao Xiuwen was finally speechless.

Wang Luo smiled and said: "You have nothing to say now? No, the words I just said may be used by Zhang Yu to torture you soon. If you have nothing to say by then, it will be completely confirmed that the responsibility lies with you." It’s on one side of Stone Street.”

Both of the audience members under the tree were creepy.

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