Am I the only one who didn't ascend?

Chapter 55: Assumptions More Important Than the Truth

The hypothesis put forward by Wang Luo, or the prediction he made, successfully made the two people under the tree stunned.

Obviously, no one was really prepared for Zhang Yu to become an enemy.

As the richest man in Stone Street, Zhang Yu never lacks opportunities to appear in people's chats after dinner. About him, about his three sons, about everything he experienced in Shangcheng District... People will always talk about Zhang Yu in a frivolous manner. , intentionally or unintentionally ignoring the wealth gap between each other, ignoring the difference between the richest man in Stone Street and ordinary people, treating him as an ordinary uncle next door.

But after all, Zhang Yu is not the man next door that you can see everywhere, but a big shot worth billions, with a business network that can reach beyond Zhuwang, and who ranks at the top among the hundreds of thousands of residents of Stone Street.

If such a person really surrenders to the enemy, his destructive power will be far beyond people's imagination, because people never imagined that Zhang Yu would surrender to the enemy.

"So even though you make fun of him and even attack him secretly, you still assume that he will never leave Shijie?"

Wang Luo's pointed question made the two young men fall into silence at the same time.

"Then, it is clear that his main industries are in Shangcheng District, and Shijie assets account for less than one-fifth of his total assets, but you still insist that his roots are in Shijie, and his achievements should be half of those of Shijie?"

"And then……"

Shi Yue finally couldn't help it: "Master Mountain Master, why does your choice of words and sentences sound so weird?"

Zhao Xiuwen also said: "I always feel that you are metaphorizing something, but there is no evidence."

Wang Luo shook his head: "I am just explaining the facts in a way that is easier for you young people to understand, so that you can be mentally prepared in advance."

The so-called fact is: Zhang Yu has decided to surrender to the enemy, but Shi Jie obviously did not expect or deal with the consequences of his surrender.

But at this moment, a long sigh was heard from the east wing.

"Brother Wang Luo, please allow me to nag you a few words about this matter."

While they were talking, a hunchbacked old man with a gray waistcoat and a white shirt opened the door and came out. It was Kong Zhang who had been drinking tea under the tree in the middle of the night.

It turned out that he was old and frail, and Wu Luoqing couldn't stay up all night, so he dozed off in the middle of the night, so he asked Zhao Xiuwen for permission to take a nap in his room. Hearing Wang Luo's question at this time, he couldn't help but wake up and took the initiative to answer it.

Kong Zhang said: "The reason for not guarding against Zhang Yu's rebellion is actually not simply because the Shijie people are too naive or wishful thinking. There are actually two reasons why they have to do this. First, Zhang Yu has always wanted to be in Shangcheng District. The people in the upper city refused to accept him. Although his main assets were located outside Stone Street, they were essentially just floating wealth. Only when the people in the upper city allowed him to make a fortune could he make a fortune. If one day the people above him changed their minds, he would have to work hard. The business network they operate may be overturned at any time. Similar things have indeed happened in the past hundreds of years. In fact, the Shi family was the first to suffer big losses, so Zhang Yu chose Shijie instead of Shangcheng District. industry as the foundation.”

Wang Luo nodded to express his understanding.

Kong Zhang added: "The second thing is that if a person like Boss Zhang really wants to follow the people in Shangcheng District, we can't stop him at all. The rules of Shijie have always been soft rules, hard rules The rules are in Qingping Division. Therefore, it is meaningless to expect Boss Zhang to defect to the enemy, but it will only make each other worse... Of course, in the current situation, this explanation is too weak, so just listen to a story, little brother. "

Wang Luo said: "It's a good story, but it seems that I am a little too harsh."

Kong Zhang shook his head and said: "This kind of helpless and sad story is really not a good story. The development of Stone Street into the current situation has its historical reasons; but it is an indisputable fact that the people of Stone Street are too naive about their own situation. Wang Luo Little brother, although you were sure that Zhang Yu would defect to the enemy before this morning, there may be changes in this matter, and Boss Zhang's attitude may not be subject to change. But now it seems that there is no room for mediation. Why? "

Shi Yue also asked: "Yes, what did Fatty Zhang tell you?"

Wang Luo said: "Zhang Fulan mainly said two things. First, Bolan Village is indeed targeting the Stone Street Autonomous Chapter. They are sure that once they master the Stone Street Autonomous Chapter, they will have huge benefits, and Boss Zhang also Being able to get a piece of the pie confirms my previous suspicion.”

When Kong Zhang heard this, he frowned: "Huge benefits? Where does the benefit come from?"

"Not only Zhang Fulan doesn't know about this, but even Zhang Yu himself doesn't know it completely. But there is no need to delve into the details, because the so-called interests are nothing more than money and law. We only need to assume that Rongcheng and even Blessing Golden Deer Hall will soon use stone With the street as the core, strategic-level development will be carried out. At that time, massive funds will be injected, and the law will also be tilted. Anyone who is in Stone Street and has the real power of Stone Street can rise to heaven. It is not difficult to explain what Bolanzhuang is doing now. ”

The few people under the tree were speechless and their minds were filled with confusion.

Wang Luo clapped his hands, bringing a few people back to their senses: "It's too early to start imagining the beauty of one's attainment and ascension in the future. Because there is another matter. Although Zhang Fulan didn't say it clearly, I might as well let me lay it out here. Say. That is: in order to obtain this huge benefit, Shi Yue needs to be removed from this place."

As soon as these words came out, the three listeners felt like they were struck by lightning, and all the thoughts in their minds turned blank for a moment.

For a long time, Shi Yue let out a bitter smile, but was speechless.

Zhao Xiuwen opened his mouth several times, but he seemed to be restrained by invisible pressure and could not make a sound. No matter how indignant and unbelievable he was in the face of such a major event, after all he was just a tenant on Stone Street and had no room for comment.

Kong Zhang asked in a deep voice: "Brother Wang Luo, although you never speak without hesitation, I still have to ask one more question, are you sure?"

Wang Luo said: "Otherwise, what reason does Bolan Village have to rush the Zhang family to target a figure-headed No. 1 Jade Master? It is obviously because Shi Yue is in the way. If she is not eliminated, the subsequent strategic plan will be impossible. cast.”

Kong Zhang asked again: "How can Shi Yue be so virtuous and able to single-handedly hinder Shijie's strategic plan?"

Wang Luo couldn't help laughing when he heard this: "The Shi family has been using their own efforts to hinder the strategic plan. They have violated taboos and been rejected by the great law, which has dragged down their own territory... Isn't this an anecdote that has been circulated in the streets of Shijie? ? And there is indeed some truth in it. The Shi family made great achievements in the war during the Famine Era and was honored by the Lord. However, it continued to decline for thousands of years, so that only Shi Yue was left to support such a large family. Yuhui. Looking at the history of the Shi family, the worst thing is that Shi Xiusheng is a treacherous gambler. How many of the founding families in the new era fell to this point because of such trivial matters? If the great law is rejected, what else can it be?”

Kong Zhang sighed.

"It would be fine if it was just the Shi family that was rejected by the Great Law, but the Shi family and Shijie are highly tied. The Shi family fell into decline, Shijie fell into decline, and the once glorious Lingxi ancient town became an unrecognizable slum. And Just a bridge away, there is such a sharp contrast. Do you believe that Shijie is not affected by the Shi family? "

Kong Zhang shook his head silently, having nothing to say.

"Now Shijie is about to face a major change that has not happened in a thousand years. It is about to turn around, and its value-added potential is enough to attract the attention of the giant Bolanzhuang. By then, everyone in Shijie may be able to ascend... Such a good thing, if Shijie is not eliminated first How could Yue, the ominous omen who was rejected by the Great Law and the source of all evil, go smoothly? Taking the immediate example, Shi Yue had just paid off the local debt and regained the title of Jade Master, and immediately With the food poisoning incident, the entire Stone Street is in crisis.”

After speaking, Wang Luo asked Kong Zhang with a gentle smile: "If Zhang Yu says this, how do you plan to respond?"

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