Am I the only one who didn't ascend?

Chapter 553 Good Question

The conference room was already overcrowded, and the venue, which could accommodate 300 people, was packed with seats. The only empty seat was the seat next to Lu Youyou on the left hand side of the front row.

Seeing Wang Luo, everyone in the venue had different expressions, and the old man in charge of hosting the meeting clearly showed a reproachful expression.

"Master Wangshan, you are late."

After the words fell, the venue became even more noisy... He was indeed late, but only for less than half a minute. And from the clearly visible tiredness on Wang Luo's face, it is not difficult to judge that his schedule has been very heavy recently, and there is really no need to criticize him harshly. What's more, in today's fortress, even the leaders of the five powerful countries rarely denounce him face to face.

But to the old man standing on the stage, the concerns of the others seemed not to exist at all, nor should they exist. Being late is a fact, breaking the rules is also a fact, and pointing out the facts is the only thing he has done consistently in his life of more than 100 years.

As the master of Taixu Hall of Youcheng Academy, he has never flattered anyone in his life. From the king of the country, Lu Youyou, to the handyman who cleans up the debris in the academy, he treats them equally... This kind of lack of vision , and his unemotional way of doing things made him suffer a lot in his life, but his unique academic attainments made him gain the appreciation of Lu Youyou despite all the hardships. He was as stable as Mount Taixu in his position as the leader of Taixu Hall, and he also held many important positions. Serve as host at a meeting - like today.

Wang Luo was not angry at the old man's rebuke, which was not harsh but was conclusive. Instead, he felt a little kinship with him, so he nodded, apologized, and sat down safely. This indifferent attitude naturally caused another uproar.

For people with tight political nerves, Wang Luo's words and deeds are worthy of repeated scrutiny, let alone in this meeting... The old man who presided over the meeting dared to rebuke him face to face, but Wang Luo not only did not get angry, but even Does the rebuttal mean that this hot celebrity has begun to turn cold? Or is it that the old man who presided over today's meeting is more important than expected?

But before everyone could start the discussion, the old man on the stage raised his eyebrows and slapped a piece of thunder-patterned gavel hard, which exploded with lightning and shocked everyone in the venue.

"Everyone be silent!"

The stern tone was accompanied by an equally stern look. Even though he was as noble as the master of the five powerful countries, the old man did not give in at all. It wasn't until Qingyuan Jun, the leader of the Ziwu Kingdom who had just been secretly talking to the chief minister, apologized to him that the old man on the stage looked away and got down to business.

"Let's seize the time to start the meeting. According to the expected process, I will first introduce the topic to everyone. The relevant materials have been distributed to everyone's seats in advance. Please also combine my explanation to deeply understand the content of the materials. This matter is related to the Immortal Alliance's determination of famine. Don’t be careless.”

After saying that, the old man put down the gavel, took out a pair of glasses from the inner pocket of his wide gown and placed it on the bridge of his nose. Immediately, two concentration formations were activated, allowing the already old man to continue to maintain a high degree of concentration.

Then, the old man's voice was clearly heard in everyone's ears.

"Since the mountain lord Wang Luo personally went to Xinheng, laid the foundation stone and erected the desolation barrier, and the Immortal Alliance successfully built the Tongming Immortal Road, it has been the general trend for the Immortal Alliance to regain Xinheng... On this basis, the Immortal Alliance has The alliance has carried out various tasks in an orderly manner, and at the same time we have to face many difficulties. Among them, the biggest difficulty comes from ourselves, from Taixu Illusion."

The old man's speech was neither urgent nor slow, as if a prim but gentle old man was telling a story to his children. However, these few sentences contained too dense information, which was hard to chew and hard to swallow. , extremely uncomfortable.

Someone in the second row raised their hands: "Sorry, Professor Zhao Yan, please forgive me for interrupting..."

The old man raised his head and looked indifferently at the person who raised his hand. He was the chief minister of the country from the big mountain country [Pingchuan]. He had worked hard for decades in this position below one person. His powerful position was often not in the country. Under the Lord, now also represents Pingchuan's own country at the meeting. When he spoke, even the many dignitaries in the first row of the venue turned their heads slightly and listened carefully to this person's question.

"As for what you just said, which is the first paragraph of the material, there are some contents that I have never heard of and cannot agree with. Could you please the professor explain it in more detail? For example, is it too arbitrary to say that regaining Xinheng is the general trend?"

As soon as this statement came out, there was a silent commotion in the venue. This chief minister of Pingchuan has always opposed the Immortal Alliance's absorption of Xin Heng. For this reason, he even had many disputes with the leaders of the Five Kingdoms... This is not a secret, but I didn't expect that this person would choose to make trouble at today's meeting.

The chief minister was obviously well prepared. While he was asking questions, he had already taken out a file folder and placed stacks of information on the stage. He clearly showed that he was not willing to debate in public. At the same time, the heads of several small countries sitting in the back row seemed to be excited and full of expectations.

The Immortal Alliance has not actually achieved complete internal unity on the issue of absorbing Xinheng. Although the five major powers have barely reached a consensus, many second- and third-tier small and medium-sized countries among the hundred countries have clearly expressed their opposition based on their own positions. Although this kind of opposition cannot go against the overall situation, small and medium-sized countries can also show a strong sense of presence in many detailed areas.

However, just when Chief Assistant Pingchuan was eager to give it a try, he listened to Professor Zhao Yan on the stage.

"If we can't even agree on such basic facts, I'm afraid you are not suitable to participate in today's meeting. So to avoid wasting everyone's time, please leave the meeting temporarily."

After Zhao Yan finished speaking, with everyone waiting dumbfounded, he picked up the gavel and slapped it again. Suddenly, lightning burst out, and in the shining light, the chief assistant of Hirakawa, who was in the second row, had been expelled from the field.

When the lightning went out, there was dead silence in the venue, and even the many dignitaries in the first row were surprised.

Although I had expected that the debate between the chief minister of Pingchuan would not have any actual results, I never expected that the chief minister of a great power would be directly expelled from the stage by an academy hall master! And looking at the several kings of the Immortal Dry Forest, they seemed to have expected this, and they were not surprised... People naturally realized that Zhao Yan was clearly trying to scare the monkeys!

With the precedent of killing the chicken to scare the monkeys, the order of the meeting suddenly became solemn and orderly. No one dared to use the topic to express their opinions. Even some serious questioning opinions were firmly suppressed.

Zhao Yanze seemed completely unaware, calmly put down the gavel and continued to talk about the material.

"The biggest difficulty comes from the Taixu Illusion Realm... As we all know, the core of the Taixu Illusion Realm is Taixu Tianzun and the Great Law. Both the Tianzun and the Law are very rigid when it comes to determining the famine, and there is no room for flexibility. Not long ago, Zhuwang Taixu Si tried to promote Taixu Illusion in Xinheng, but the result was unsuccessful, and the source of the obstacle was traced to Tianzun."

After a pause, Zhao Yan added: "In short, Tianzun is clearly opposed to the Xian Alliance's absorption of Xin Heng."

As soon as this statement came out, there was inevitably another uproar in the venue, because this matter was too unbelievable. Except for the heads of the five powerful countries who had a tacit understanding and did not say a word about it, everyone else was shocked.

First of all, for more than 1,200 years in the New Immortal Calendar, Tianzun has never actively expressed any preference. Tianzun has no intention, just like a high-ranking puppet. This is the common sense of the Immortal Alliance. But now, common sense has been shattered.

Tianzun would actually clearly express his support or opposition! ? In other words, Tianzun actually knows how to express himself? !

Without waiting for anyone to ask, Zhao Yan continued to lower his head and explain: "The relevant details of this matter are recorded in the materials. Please read them by yourself... The agenda of today's meeting is how to deal with Tianzun. That is, we need to How can we persuade Taixu Tianzun to change his mind?"

In an instant, dozens of people in the venue raised their hands, eager to ask questions or doubts. But Zhao Yan turned a blind eye and continued without raising his head: "Tianzun's objection does not mean that things can't be done. On the contrary, we should correctly understand Tianzun's objection: when the Imperial Master Xin Heng came to the foot of Lingshan Mountain alone to ask for help, There had been disputes within the Xian League, but the final conclusion was that even if they took the risk, the Xian League would still save the 200 million compatriots in Mingzhou. This was a strategic judgment made based on the great law. The successful settlement of Mingzhou and the complete completion of the Tongming Immortal Road fully demonstrate that the expansion of the Immortal Alliance is correct and complies with the Great Law. Then, Taixu Illusionary Realm, as an important part of the civilization of the Immortal Alliance, is in Xinheng. The promotion and popularization of Xinheng is natural. Tianzun has no reason to object. Therefore, the so-called opposition should be understood as the test designed by Tianzun. As long as we can successfully pass the test, Xianmeng will not encounter any problems. Obstacle."

By the end of this sentence, nearly a hundred people in the venue had raised their hands and asked to speak. Obviously there are so many incredible elements in this matter that people have no choice but to ask even though they know they may be kicked out of the venue.

On the other side, Wang Luo sighed softly in his heart.

What a test of Tianzun made out of nothing... The truth of the matter is: Tianzun has never opposed the promotion of Taixu Illusion in Mingzhou. At least for the 200 million people in Xinheng, Tianzun regards them as his own people and will not reject them. surrender.

Tianzun's bottom line is in Jingzhou, not Mingzhou.

Nowadays, the so-called Tianzun's opposition is purely an illusion created by Lu Zhiyao secretly and deliberately in the illusion. And using this illusion, Lu Zhiyao pushed the boat forward and launched the hypothesis of "Tianzun Test". After that, as long as the resources of the Immortal Alliance are integrated, brainstorming, and jointly deduced a plan to complete the test, it will be equivalent to completing the plan to kill the sky.

Really beautiful design, really wonderful words.

Behind this excitement is naturally the tacit understanding of the five powerful countries... Wang Luo didn't know how Lu Youyou negotiated with the heads of the other four countries, but it was obvious that the five countries were now on the same side.

In the increasingly noisy venue, only the dignitaries belonging to the five countries remained silent and did not raise a single question.

Zhao Yan, who had received the endorsement of the five countries, naturally ignored the hundreds of pairs of hands raised high in the venue. He only lowered his head, flipping through the paper materials on the stage, and said loudly: "Tianzun is heartless and silent. His test is also a difficult problem with no clear topic. For this reason, several kings of Xiankulin have entrusted me to take the lead in setting up a special team to carry out technical research. The relevant content has also been formed in the data. There are records, so please read the information carefully and provide relevant comments and suggestions.”

After saying that, Zhao Yan reached out and touched the information page on the stage, and immediately everyone's files were flipped to the same page.

After that, the arms held high in the venue began to fall one by one. On the one hand, Zhao Yan obviously did not intend to answer questions at the meeting, and judging from the attitudes of the five major powers, it was obvious that it would be better to ask fewer questions. On the other hand, the content of the information can’t help but catch people’s attention.

"The test of the Heavenly Venerable can be broken down into five questions: First, how to establish the Tao? Second, how to be united? Third, how to multiply? Fourth, how to govern together? Fifth, how to settle the wilderness... Only by answering these five questions of the Heavenly Venerable can we pass the test smoothly. Of course, we have also drafted a preliminary answer framework, which is now shared as follows..."

In the venue, the content of the information page on the stage of the crowd changed again. On the new page, it clearly recorded the hard work of Zhao Yan and a group of industry elites who worked non-stop for several days.

The five questions of the Heavenly Venerable seem simple and clear, but it is not easy to answer them in practice, because the Heavenly Venerable does not understand human language... Even if you prepare a logically complete and colorful response article, it is essentially just playing the lute to a cow.

What the Heavenly Venerable can understand is not any language, but "objective reality". In short, don't tell him, but show him. Just like the Heavenly Venerable opposed the merger of the Immortal Alliance with Xinheng, it was not through any decree, but directly prohibited the popularization of illusions at the forefront.

Therefore, if you want to prove that you can pass the test, then do the corresponding deeds.

Based on this idea, the five questions of Tianzun can be broken down into the following five things: establish a new way to unify the left and right of the sky; unite the hearts of the people of foreign countries; blend and reproduce with the blood of foreign races; build a stable ruling structure... and completely eradicate the barrenness.

And after breaking it down in this way, a seemingly abstract and unsolvable problem has a clear solution. And with the execution ability of the Immortal Alliance, it doesn't seem difficult to do these five things well.

But soon, someone in the venue raised his hand again, first one person, and soon there was a second person, a third person... Even among the five powerful country leaders sitting in the first row, there was a bald old man who frowned slightly and raised his hand.

"Excuse me, it is indeed not easy to disassemble the plan to this point, but this is still not a serious answer. Establish the truth, what truth? Unite the people, to what extent? I know that the people in the special group have been working hard in recent days, but if the work results are only this far. Then maybe we should not rush to convene a meeting and announce the results."

The old man's words were not harsh, but as he opened his mouth, a heavy pressure suddenly filled the venue.

The words of Changsheng Jun contained such weight.

But Zhao Yan seemed to have expected it, and a slight smile appeared on his calm face.

"Good question."

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