Am I the only one who didn't ascend?

Chapter 555 Seeing is believing

Zhao Yan's meeting lasted for half a day. In the first half of the meeting, he explained the information in a flat tone, throwing out shocking views and arguments one after another. In the second half, after the politicians of various countries accepted the premise of dismantling the five questions of Tianzun with the Ether Scroll, he patiently answered the questions from the audience one by one.

During the meeting, as a core member in charge of Xinheng's affairs, Wang Luo naturally had to participate deeply in it, either asking questions or answering questions raised by others... When the meeting finally ended, the fatigue on his face became heavier.

"So, I have canceled the next meeting for you, take a good rest for a while."

Lu Youyou said with a sigh of tiredness... The voice gradually faded in the empty meeting room, but it made Wang Luo smile.

"You are the one who really needs to rest for a while. After all, I am acting, and you are not."

While speaking, the clear and definite fatigue on Wang Luo's face has melted away like snow, and the dim spiritual charm has regained vitality.

For Wang Luo, the eighteen meetings in these three days are certainly not easy, but they are far from the level of fatigue that can be seen at a glance... As a practitioner with two Yuanying and a natural Taoist body, Wang Luo's energy is much more vigorous than that of ordinary people. Even if the content of the meetings he participates in is several times more complicated, he can still handle it with ease.

However, it was also when he continued to attend meetings and constantly dealt with politicians from various countries that he gradually realized a truth: Many times, if you put on a tired posture, it is easier to appear sincere and win people's trust. And in the words of the senior sister, this is "appropriate misery is good for physical and mental health."

However, looking at Lu Youyou, her small face, which was as pure as white jade, did not show any shadow or flaw, but Wang Luo could clearly see the word tired... During this period, although she did not attend meetings as frequently as Wang Luo and made her presence felt at the front line, she actually handled ten times more arduous matters. For example, the actual preliminary preparations for Zhao Yan's Taixu seminar were handled by Lu Youyou alone, and even Mo Yu did not help much.

"It doesn't matter. After all, it's a critical moment now. A little bit of fatigue... is already very cheap. Besides, after this level today, I can take a short break."

As he said that, Lu Youyou stretched his body again, and then asked: "How do you feel...? To be honest, do you think the design of the five questions of the Heavenly Venerable is feasible?"

Wang Luo asked back: "Do you have a better plan?"

Lu Youyou smiled bitterly: "No, this is the best solution I can think of... To kill the high and mighty Heavenly Venerable in the illusion, but the truth cannot be known to the world, so as not to shock the world. After thinking about it, I can only come up with this roundabout way. Before the Lord went into seclusion, he only mentioned the keyword "test", and the rest of it made me feel so Life is difficult to continue!" "Since there is no better solution, this design is undoubtedly usable. Besides, hasn't the concept of Tianzun's Five Questions been verified successfully? Not only did it successfully affect the 'barrier', it also did not arouse suspicion from anyone else. This is good enough, and there is no need to ask for more. "Wang Luo nodded and gave an affirmative answer, and then said, "That Zhao Yan has made great contributions. If it weren't for him telling such an outrageous story, I'm afraid it would be hard to convince people... I heard that this person is most famous in the academic world not for his academic achievements, but for his stubborn temperament. No one can get in the way. How did you persuade him to help you lie?" Lu Youyou said: "I didn't persuade him to help you lie. His words are all from his heart. He treats academics with sincerity. He has always been sincere. Otherwise, he would not have been able to hide it from so many people present today. I just threw the difficult problem in the illusion to him, and then when he was solving the problem, I gave him a little hint, and he naturally got the conclusion of the five questions of the Heavenly Venerable, and believed it. As for Duan Ping later, it was an unexpected surprise..."

"Ha, so that's how it is. It's still the easiest to use honest people. You have been the king for hundreds of years, and you really know this well."

Lu Youyou said: "If the Lord is here, there is no need to go through so much trouble. She always has a way to convince everyone to believe in something incredible, and go through fire and water for that belief..."

Wang Luo couldn't help laughing again: "For example, she only left a keyword and closed it alone. "Lu Youyou shook her head and said, "My Lord always takes on the most difficult and incredible tasks alone, and leaves them to others, even if they seem difficult, they must be relatively easy. She hastily closed herself off this time, and she must be facing a more difficult challenge. Even at this time, she at least kindly provided me with a hint, so what right do I have to complain... But, many times, I can't help but think, at this time, what else can't be said to us? Does she really have to do what she wants to do alone? Can't I help?" Wang Luo was silent when he heard this, because he was also thinking about the same question.

Not long ago, Wang Luo returned from Jingzhou, and Lu Zhiyao showed up in person, met with him in the Shi family's ancestral home, and proposed the bold idea of ​​killing Tianzun twice. Not long after that, Lu Zhiyao disappeared without a trace. Apart from leaving a two-word reminder to Lu Youyou, she no longer paid attention to the problems she left behind. This is partly because she is in poor condition and cannot be free for a long time, but partly because she is clearly hiding something.

This is indeed very strange. At this time, you can even say the words to kill Tianzun in person. What else needs to be covered up?

Wang Luo and Lu Youyou were generally curious and puzzled, but they also had a tacit understanding and did not discuss it further.

Since Lu Zhiyao didn't mention it, let's just... let's not mention it for now.

After a short silence, Lu Youyou said again: "Today's meeting basically reached a consensus among the hundreds of countries. Later, in the name of the Immortal Dry Forest, I will call on the Immortal Alliance countries to mobilize the major picture scroll workshops to accelerate the five major The construction of the picture scroll will take about a few months to achieve initial results at the earliest. However, it is really unsettling to see how the initial results will be. After all, what we are actually facing is... It’s not a pre-designed extraterrestrial demon, but the real one… Tianzun himself.”

Wang Luo smiled and said: "I can't say anything else, but one thing is certain: those who will participate in the painting scroll challenge will definitely send crazy greetings to the whole family. 'What kind of shit mechanism is this?!', 'Are the values ​​filled in with your feet? ! ', 'Where did the little fairy think of Tianzun as her dream boy? '?

Lu Youyou's expression was a little gloomy, but he couldn't help laughing when he heard this: "When you say this, I have a picture in my mind."

Wang Luo added: "And because you forced these five scrolls to be driven out at high speed, it was natural that various materials were reused during this period, and then countless masters of copying would swarm in, first tearing the scrolls into pieces, and then Find relatives and fathers for each corpse. Finally, go to Taixu Zhaotang to set the rhythm and complete it in one go. "

"...You haven't been in the Immortal League for a few years since you woke up, so you are really familiar with these routines!"

Wang Luo nodded and said: "Well, actually I haven't really understood the content of today's Taixu picture scroll very seriously. I just helped my friends to draw cards... But even in the limited time, I have seen too many unprovoked and confusing things. It feels like many people are more inclined to use the picture scrolls as material to debate in the hall and attack them personally..."

Lu Youyou said: "That's true. The people from Taixu Division also gave me a special report. So, if we encounter a similar rhythm, how should we deal with it?"

Wang Luo said: "Professional issues should be left to professionals to consider. Those scroll workshops have been ups and downs in the industry for decades or hundreds of years, so they naturally have mature strategies. For example, publishing the global combat power rankings and developing more resources With cashback and other activities, no matter how inhumane the content of the picture scroll is, people can grit their teeth and get through the difficulties.”

Lu Youyou couldn't help but laugh again: "So you want to say that when the time comes, we will gather all the ugly Taixu Walkers in the Immortal Alliance to meet with the Heavenly Lord?"

After laughing, Lu Youyou asked again: "You said, can the mob we lured with a scam... really defeat Tianzun? Even if Tianzun is included in the Taixu Scroll and becomes tangible, An enemy that can be defeated in theory, but that’s just in theory.”

For this kind of question that is destined to be difficult to answer clearly, Wang Luo thought seriously for a while and said: "It is indeed difficult to rely on a hastily organized mob. Although in the world of picture scrolls, travelers rely on the unconstrained Imagination, full exploration of the rules, and the privilege of unlimited trial and error can always accomplish feats that are absolutely impossible in reality. However, many times, there are the kind of powerful enemies that are born purely due to design errors, and they are countless. Human wisdom and hard work are difficult to defeat. In the end, the picture scroll workshop can only release an update patch in a hurry to weaken the powerful enemy... But it is impossible for us to release a patch this time. Once Tianzun enters the scene, we must face the ending. Regardless of success or failure, there is no need to worry so much. After all, according to Senior Sister's plan, the main force to kill Tianzun is not the rabble of us, but Tianzun himself. What we have to do is not to rely on the rabble to defeat someone in the illusion. A monster that has been practicing for thousands of years, but a seriously injured person after losing both sides."

After saying this, Wang Luo didn't wait for the other party to ask further questions, and asked first: "So, what happened to you? These questions shouldn't cause any trouble to you... After all, you are a hero who has personally experienced the Battle of Dinghuang. The current situation , can it be worse than before?”

Lu Youyou was startled when he heard this, and then smiled bitterly: "You really saw through it at a glance... Yes, struggling on this issue does seem to be a bit of a fuss. Moreover, the current situation is not bad at all. On the contrary, It is as beautiful as a dream. At the end of the wasteland, Jingzhou Heavenly Court actually chooses to surrender without a fight. As long as we can successfully pass the level of Tianzun, this thousand-year battle to determine the wasteland will finally come to an end. . I once thought that even with Linglu’s longevity, it would be difficult to see the unification of Kyushu in his lifetime, but now, victory is close at hand.”

Wang Luo said: "Well, this is the mentality that the successor of senior sister should have. So, what's going on with the sentimentality just now? Have you noticed that there is something wrong? But the problems of ordinary people are probably not worthy of you. ...So, is it Senior Sister? Is there anything new about her?"

Lu Youyou sighed: "So don't you know this very well? It is indeed because of the Lord, but it is not because of any new trends, just...a little inexplicable uneasiness."

Wang Luo was stunned for a moment, and then his expression gradually darkened: "The uneasiness of Jixiang Linglu can never be understood with the simple word 'inexplicable'. That's why you wonder if she is experiencing difficulties in seclusion alone now?"

Lu Youyou was silent for a while and said: "Yes, I am indeed worried about her. I know that the Lord will never blindly show off his strength. She has always been able to overcome the difficulties no matter how difficult the situation is. But, all the time, , I have never had heart palpitations like this... I have been a human for too long, and some of my previous supernatural powers may not be able to be maintained very well, so it is difficult for me to judge how accurate this palpitations are. Because victory is imminent, I mistook the anticipation and excitement in my heart for uneasiness... But in short, since the Lord has not asked me to accompany him, I can only speculate here, which is really meaningless. "

Wang Luo couldn't help but fell into deep thought. After a moment, he asked: "Speaking of which, I have always been curious, has Senior Sister ever mentioned to you what state Taixu Tianzun is in now?"

Lu Youyou was startled, then shook her head: "The Lord has rarely awakened in the past hundred years, and it was only after you appeared that she never told me about her current state. However, if it is a story from the past, I I remember that a long time ago, the Lord once said that the most carefree and happy person in the world is Taixu Tianzun. At that time, I asked her curiously, "Tianzun has no heart, how can you be happy?" Unfortunately, the Lord did not answer me at the time... Is Taichu Tianzun also happy and happy in the illusion?"

Wang Luo recalled what he saw that day and said: "It's hard to say. On the one hand, he has been constantly pioneering in the Star Sea and Sky Territory, and has continuously broken through new realms for two thousand years. This is a supreme enjoyment in the basic setting of the upgrade stream. . Otherwise, it is difficult to imagine what could drive a person to repeat one thing mechanically for two thousand years, without social entertainment, or even thinking too much. But on the other hand, this kind of upgrading day after day. Although there is a "happy" experience in breaking through the realm, it is more like being immersed in some poisonous magic fungi, without any real support. At least according to my cognitive standards, I would not call his state of happiness. ”

Lu Youyou then asked: "Then why is Tianzun so happy?"

Wang Luo thought for a while and said, "Then you can only know if you have witnessed it with your own eyes."

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