Am I the only one who didn't ascend?

Chapter 554 The True Story

Zhao Yan's smile contained a hint of obvious relief.

As if a person who specializes in cooking is relieved when he meets a gourmet, Changsheng Jun's question is exactly what he wants.

"A good question... and a very difficult one to answer."

As Zhao Yan spoke, he slowly raised his head. This was the first time the old man had turned his attention away from the materials since the meeting officially began. And this slightly abnormal behavior made his next words even more interesting.

"Strictly speaking, Tianzun's Five Questions are not entirely original creations of our team... When I received the commission from several kings, I was actually confused about the dilemma in the fantasy realm. After that, I successively invited several industry authorities After discussing it together, we couldn't come up with a sufficiently valid conclusion. In the end, it was thanks to Professor Yi from Yueyang who mentioned the wisdom of the past that I suddenly became enlightened. "

While speaking, Zhao Yan sighed, causing the entire audience to feel a little uncomfortable.

When did this Taixu Hall Master, who always admired simplicity, efficiency, and seeking truth from facts, start to like telling stories?

But then, people became doubly curious. What would the stories told by a person who never told stories look like?

"What inspired me was the journey of Taixu from the master Lu Zhiyao."

As soon as this statement came out, many people in the audience suddenly spoke up.

"Is it that fairy tale?"

The so-called Travels of Taixu is a short fairy tale written in the early years of the New Immortal Calendar. It describes the Lord Lu Zhiyao's experience of accidentally entering a fantasy wonderland with gorgeous scenery during a daytime lucid dream. At that time, people believed that the fairy tale actually described the illusory world envisioned by the Lord a thousand years later. The travel notes are full of colorful and magnificent imagination, and it once topped the best-seller list at the time. Even thousands of years later, many fairy tale lovers still highly praise it... but they only regard it as a fairy tale, because in the story The fantasy depicted is vastly different from the fantasy that exists in reality today. In today's fantasy world, there are many magical powers and magical methods that are far beyond the imagination of people a thousand years ago. But at the same time, due to various restrictions, many beautiful visions from thousands of years ago have not yet been fully realized.

But obviously, Taixu Xingji is far more than a fairy tale about the future.

"In the travel notes, the Lord once described a door that could not be opened. It was the only superfluous thing in the perfect fairyland in the dream. No one knew what was behind the door, and no one cared about what was behind the door. Because There is already everything in the fairyland, so people don't need to open extra doors, but the Lord is stubborn and insists on opening that door. After that, she tried brute force to break it and tried to pick the lock with skill, but naturally it didn't work. , so she traveled around the fairyland and consulted many ancient sages in the fairyland, and finally determined that it was a test left by the owner of the fairyland for future generations. Only those who prove themselves in multiple dimensions can open that door. Entering the unknown world..."

On the stage, Zhao Yan briefly narrated the story in Taixu's Travels in a low voice, and then said: "The obstacle that Emperor Tianzun has set up in Mingzhou is the door that cannot be opened. And what we have to do is to follow suit. The Lord in the Journey of Taixu proves at the door that he has the qualifications to explore the unknown, and based on our repeated exploration, the effective proof can be roughly divided into five dimensions, which is the Five Questions of Heaven."

Someone in the audience suddenly realized again: "It exactly corresponds to the 'Five Virtues of Peace' in the travel notes!?"

"As expected of the Lord, this foreshadowing can last for thousands of years..."

At this time, even the Changsheng Lord relaxed his brows slightly, and his doubts were obviously much lighter. Although Zhao Yan just told a story, any story that involves Lu Zhiyao will be inexplicably more convincing.

"But, you haven't answered my question yet. How are we going to answer the Five Questions of Heavenly Lord?"

Zhao Yan shook his head: "Relying on the inspiration of the Lord's Travels, we reluctantly deduced the Five Questions of Tianzun, but that's all. Later, when we wanted to deepen and refine the Five Questions of Tianzun, the problem fell into place again. Deadlock. Tianzun has no intention or words, and cannot communicate with conventional words. It is even more difficult to know his evaluation criteria for each question. Tianzun's five questions are the most abstract problems in the world, and there is no standard answer at all. '."

Having said this, the old man sighed softly and lowered his gaze. As expected, he saw a pair of puzzled and even questioning eyes.

For an old scholar like him who has dedicated his life to exploring Taixu, there are many unsolvable problems in the illusion. There are also many abstract puzzles for which no standard solution exists. After hundreds of years of research and exploration, Zhao Yan has long been accustomed to not having the right answer. But obviously, the dignitaries from the Hundred Countries of the Immortal Alliance cannot accept this conclusion.

If the specialized group's analysis of Tianzun's Five Questions can only go so far, there is indeed no need to convene a meeting. Fortunately...

"Fortunately, there are not only old antiques like me who don't know how to adapt, but also young talents with active thinking and eclecticism in the specialized group. Next, let's ask the chief problem solver of Tianzun's Five Questions to explain the following content. "

After saying that, Zhao Yan bowed slightly to the audience and walked down the stage without any hesitation, giving up his prominent position. After that, a young man with a tall and strong body and full of vitality stood up from the seats arranged at the back, walked forward quickly, nodded to Zhao Yan, and then walked to the host stage in an easy manner.

"Hello everyone, my name is Duan Ping, from Ziwu Jinghai. I am honored to be invited to join the special group led by Professor Zhao this time. I have been highly valued by the professor and become the problem solver of Tianzun's Five Questions."

With this refreshing opening statement, everyone in the venue invariably felt the smell of sunshine, waves, beach... and the smell of rainforest flowers and fruits.

And this is the most iconic and unique aura of the Jinghai Duan family. As one of the most wealthy families in Ziwu, the youngest son of the head of the Duan family has perfectly inherited the luxurious temperament that has been passed down by his family for thousands of years.

But, when did this family, known for its luxury, get involved with the Taixu academic world? And when did this young young man become one of the experts?

Under the gaze of countless curious and puzzled eyes, Duan Ping smiled sincerely and said: "Everyone's guess is correct. I am not a professional scholar. Although I was fortunate enough to study in Taixu Hall of Ziwu Linlang Academy and achieved some good results... But I am not as far away from Professor Zhao. The talented scholar can really only be called the brilliance of a firefly. I was invited to join the special group this time because my father provided a special sponsorship to the group, which gave me the opportunity to follow a group of talented people. qualifications.”

After a pause, Duan Ping added: "Although I don't have the talent for academic research, my interest in Taixu Illusion has been cultivated and cultivated since I can remember. From Meng College to Linlang Academy, I studied it almost every day I have to be immersed in the illusion of Taixu for more than half a day, so even though I am young, I am already an experienced Taixu practitioner. In the future, the career path I plan for myself is to either delve into the Taixu industry or run a Taixu business. Zhaotang, or establish a scroll workshop..."

Having said this, some people in the audience were beginning to show their impatience. This young man must pay attention to time and place to enjoy the popularity, right? In a meeting of this level, even the head of your family, Duan Chunxian, would never dare to waste time like this!

However, taking into account the lessons learned by Shosuke Hirakawa, no matter how impatient everyone is, they can only suppress it forcibly before the person who is truly qualified to speak out.

Fortunately, Duan Ping's story did not last too long. After briefly introducing his life, he came to the main topic.

"...When the specialized group was blocked by the Five Questions of the Supreme Being, I was not qualified to speak at will, but at that time, it was as if I had received a revelation. Suddenly inspiration flashed and I thought of an interesting question: The Five Questions of the Supreme Being. The difficulty lies in the lack of a clear answer. Path, and the result of answering the questions cannot be quantified. However, in Taixu Fantasy Realm, there is actually a corresponding technology specifically used to solve this kind of problem. Yes, it is Taixu Picture Scroll. I wonder if all of you who are attending the meeting have experienced Taixu. Virtual picture scroll? In most picture scrolls, the problems people encounter can be judged by simple numerical values. The victory or defeat depends on attack, defense and blood volume; the key to running a sect lies in the sect's funds and the number of disciples; Even the love story between young men and women will have detailed numerical records of each other's affection. It can be said that the Taixu scroll is the most sophisticated technology in the world for quantifying everything. "

After a pause, Duan Ping continued as the audience's eyes gradually dawned on him: "In addition, in most of the scrolls, there will also be a clear goal. In the scrolls where we play a certain character, we have to advance the plot and get to know each other. Specific friends defeat specific enemies; in the scroll of sect management, we want to promote the sect to the top sect in the world and overwhelm all competitors; in the love story, we also need to make it clear that we will grow old together with a certain lover... Of course , there are indeed some scrolls that emphasize absolute freedom and openness, and do not set any clear purpose, but they are only a very small number after all. Therefore, when I came back to Tianzun Five Questions, I thought at that time, if I could make Tianzun Five. Question, if we dismantle the technology of Ethereum Scroll, can we get a clearer executable path? At first, even I was shocked by this absurd idea, but after thinking about it carefully, I realized But I feel more and more that this idea is feasible.”

While speaking, Duan Ping still maintained his confident posture, and this posture indeed suppressed the subconscious doubts of many people in the venue, such as: Taixu Scroll? Are you kidding me?

"I know that most people in the world today regard picture scrolls as simple playthings, and the next word for playthings is "death". It is a pity that Taixu picture scrolls were clearly a technology that the Lord personally promoted, but To this day, it is regarded as a scourge by many people. However, even if it is really a scourge, it means that the Taixu picture scroll has undoubted "weight" in the illusion. According to the information released by the Taixu Mansion of the Immortal Alliance, the entire Taixu Scroll. In the illusory market, picture scrolls and related content contribute almost half of the real revenue, and practitioners are really invested in it. Therefore, maybe we living people will discriminate against picture scrolls, but the gods who live in Taixu will definitely. No! Since we are now going to answer questions to the Heavenly Lord, we must look at everything from the Heavenly Lord’s perspective, and I think that the Taixu Scroll is worthy of the important task of unraveling the Five Questions of the Heavenly Lord.”

Duan Ping said these words so loudly that for a while no one in the venue could raise their hands to raise questions.

Duan Ping seemed to have expected it, and continued: "After that, I boldly shared my guess with several professors, and fortunately, the professors accepted my guess very actively. Professor Zhao, Professor Yi and others With the cooperation of virtual experts, we quickly produced a preliminary model and put it into verification, and the verification results... let Professor Zhao demonstrate it. After all, from here on, I can no longer make any contributions to the team. "

After saying that, Duan Ping walked down the stage gracefully and respectfully invited Zhao Yan, who had been waiting for a long time, back again.

During this interval, there was no lack of discussion and emotion in the venue.

Duan Ping's story session just now certainly contained elements of self-bragging, but without the story to foreshadow it, the views he proposed later would be unbelievable.

Use the Taixu picture scroll to answer Tianzun's five questions. Is this serious?

And then, as Zhao Yan returned to the hosting platform and turned the information to the last page... people finally accepted the reality with no room for argument.

Seriously, everyone does.

"According to Duan Ping's conjecture, we first built a simple model based on the fifth question of Tianzun's Five Questions, which is the Dinghuang model. The basic content of the model is to reproduce a local battle in the Battle of Dinghuang, led by Duan Ping and His companions played the role of the Desolation Army, and then Tianzun was responsible for controlling the Desolation Demon. At the beginning of the Taixu Illusion and the scroll technology, the Immortal Alliance did not have a complete enough way to share all the computing power requirements of the scroll to a large number of professional practitioners. , so many calculations are essentially handed over to Tianzun, and this model of facing Tianzun is indeed more in line with the original intention of Tianzun's Five Questions. We have conducted a total of ten simulation battles through this small model, and the relevant detailed records are included. In the files, the general conclusion is that the method of dismantling the scrolls is effective. Duan Ping won a total of seven games in ten simulation battles, and during this period, the invisible barrier of Taixu Illusion at the border of Xinheng, Probably one part per 10 billion has been eliminated..."

As soon as this conclusion came out, the noisy discussion in the venue could no longer be suppressed.

If Duan Ping's previous story was just empty talk, then the barrier dissolution phenomenon mentioned by Zhao Yan now is conclusive evidence.

Using Taixu Picture Scroll to dismantle the Five Questions of Heavenly Lord is really effective!

But unlike the surprised audience, Zhao Yan still maintained his calm look and continued: "However, we must also see that even the fierce battles in the Battle of Dinghuang can only be repeated. Dissolving one ten billionth of the barrier, inferring from this, if we want to truly satisfy Tianzun, we need to gather the power of the Immortal Alliance to build five oversized scrolls and achieve a victory ten billion times more glorious... And this, This is also the core purpose of today’s meeting.”

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