Am I the only one who didn't ascend?

Chapter 561: The Remnants and the End

The promotion of Taixu Illusion in Xinheng was like wildfire, but in just over a month, a ten-square mirror was erected high in the middle of the city of Mingtai County.

It was a super-large floating mirror with a diameter of more than ten meters, occupying the most eye-catching empty space in front of the county magistrate's mansion. Once upon a time, the Golden Immortal Statue of Dasheng in Dasheng Temple was located there. Around the mirror, floating With a set of mirrors like stars, each small mirror dances in the air as if it is full of spiritual consciousness, and keenly captures the sights from all directions.

Whenever a curious sight is caught, the mirror group will immediately turn its direction and shine the miraculous light straight into the mirror, reflecting the noisy scene in the Taixu illusion - the scene of the Nine Statues Competition.

The light of such a bright mirror can cover the entire county and even several miles outside the city, and the star-like mirror is enough to accommodate more than 100,000 people watching at the same time, which is more than enough for the western county.

What's more, the erection of the Shifang Mirror is more symbolic. As Xinheng is the most staunch anti-Xianmen League area, this mirror representing the culture of the Xianmen League can be landed in front of the county governor's house, which undoubtedly symbolizes the local resistance movement. A critical failure.

And this wave of failure soon spread along the Sheriff's Mansion to surrounding towns and then to the countryside. So much so that after more than a month, when the first snowflake fell on the ground of Mingtai County, the land had already been ignited with a blazing fire called the Jiuzun Competition. , the focus of people’s after-dinner talk always revolves around the Jiuzun Competition.

"Isn't this Mr. Shi? It's rare to see you here, but if you are destined, I must give you a toast."

"Haha, thank you for being so polite, sir. I still owe you this glass of wine. If it hadn't been for your great convenience on the issue of winter storage, I might not be able to take any time off from my busy schedule today."

"Haha, it's all responsibilities, not to mention convenience, Mr. Shi is just being polite... Besides, wouldn't it be a pity if the 'Supervisor of Divine Calculation and History' really wastes his precious energy on general affairs?"

"This... is just a matter of luck in guessing the outcome of a few rounds. I really deserve the reputation of divine calculation. Please don't say that again, Mr. Xie."

"Compared to us ordinary people who lose as much as we buy, aren't you a master of calculation, Lao Shi? As for the Taixu picture scrolls of the Immortal League, I have only briefly dabbled in a few academic classics. As for these national team members, I really can’t figure out the outcome of this time, let alone you, Old Shi, who is well-informed and knows everything about everything... Of course, when it comes to real money and silver, I can’t listen to your predictions for free. I just hope that if there is any important time in the future, It would be convenient for Mr. Shi to remember our friendship as officials in the same government..."

"Hey, Mr. Xie, you are... easy to say, easy to talk about. In fact, these are really not divination. It is just a matter of looking at the Shifang Mirror more often and listening to the analysis of the Immortal Alliance people themselves..."


Half a day later, in a remote town to the west of the county town, a slim and oily young man scanned the surroundings vigilantly while taking deft and quiet steps, avoiding the eyes and ears of the town people, and came to a sewage In the dilapidated alleys overflowing with garbage.

The people living in this alley are all the scoundrels in the town. On weekdays, they would like to die like corpses at home. If they have more energy, they will be sorry for their ancestors. However, this night, every ruffian The scoundrels all seemed to have eaten hallucinogenic fungi and were in high spirits, like hungry beasts hunting at night.

The skinny young man was like a small animal trapped in a hunting circle. Not long after he stepped into the deep alley, he was blocked by a group of people. Some of the people were in high spirits, some were vicious, and their words were all mixed up. Mixed and unclear.

"Why the hell did you come back?"

"Xiao Jianzi, have you found out the news?"

"Who wins? Tell me quickly!"

During the commotion, a green-skinned middle-aged man coughed and slapped a fat man into the ditch in the alley, finally shocking the scene. After the crowd calmed down, he coughed, put on a smile, and said to the skinny boy: "Brother Xiao Jian, you have worked so hard for this. You must be tired after coming back from the county town all night? Well, Chu San Son, don’t you have eyes? Why don’t you go get some wine?”

The middle-aged man whose name was called was stunned for a moment, and then under the fierce glare of the other party, he turned around and left the scene with a curse, going to get the watered down wine collected at home.

On the other side, the slick young man shook his head: "I don't need your wine. I will leave as soon as the matter is finished. Today at noon, Supervisor Shi Zhengyi and Supervisor Xie Bing of the County Sheriff's Mansion met at Langu Tower. Supervisor Shi Si did say some news about the Jiuzun Competition. According to his opinion, there are two warm-up matches between Zhuwang and Yueyang that are worthy of attention. One is Glory Dinghuang, the other is Pinglongshou. Xiang Duzhuwang seems to be strong, but the advantage actually lies in Yueyang..."

As soon as he finished speaking, the gangsters around him became impatient and turned away happily, even shouting: "I understand, I understand, buy Yueyang, buy Yueyang!"

The slick young man showed contempt, and then said to the green-skinned middle-aged man: "Niu Er, I have already inquired about the information you need. You must remember to keep your promise, otherwise..."

Niu Er laughed and said: "Brother Xiao Jian, don't worry. Although I, Niu Er, am just a small person who cannot stand on the stage, at least I understand the principle of a promise worth a thousand pieces of gold. I will definitely do what I promised you... As long as Yueyang can really win this time ”

The young man was stunned and then angry: "Niu Er, are you going to change your mind? This is not what we promised before!"

Niu Er laughed again: "Brother Xiao Jian, don't be angry. Of course I won't change my mind, but we agreed before that you would help me find out the news in the ancient building in the county city, and I would help you take care of that old stubborn man in Lao Niu's family." . But even though you have come back with the news, the brothers really can't tell whether it is the statement of the big shot in Langu Tower or someone else is deceiving you, Brother Xiaojian. I can trust you, but I can't trust Lan. Those waiters in the ancient building, so in the end, we have to rely on the facts. If Yueyang can really defeat the weak, it naturally means that Brother Xiaojian, your information is correct. I misunderstood you, so don't worry about it then. Good old Niu, I can even mobilize my brothers to assist you and help you pick those two little flowers from the Niu family as soon as possible..."



Roaring in unison stirred up the alley, and as the sound gradually echoed, the colors of the people in the alley gradually changed.

Of course, these scoundrels would not be afraid of the roar of a slippery young man, not to mention that the young man was also pale and trembling at this time.

The source of fear came from the entrance of the alley, a sturdy old man wearing a gold-dyed white robe. That was the local master of Guanxiang, who was also the top master in the town, Yin Shiquan.

As we all know, this incense master hated the Immortal Alliance the most in his life. Even when the government tried to promote Taixu Illusion in Mingtai County, he led the Dashengguan believers to stop it. Nowadays, in the entire town, topics related to the Immortal Alliance are taboo, and the Jiuzun Competition is even more taboo among taboos.

Now, everyone who tasted the forbidden fruit has been caught, and the consequences... no one dares to think about it.

A group of scoundrels who used to show off their power and bully men and women, but now they have turned into wood carvings and clay dolls, and they dare not move. At most, with the convenience of being close to him, Niu Er is presented to the forward, forcing him to respond.

Of course Niu Er did not dare to face Mr. Yin directly, but as Yin Shiquan's cold gaze swept over him, his scalp suddenly became numb, so he had to force himself to take a step forward and said: "Master Yin..."

Before he finished speaking, a strong wind blew past, like a tangible heavy hammer, and smashed Niu Er's entire body into the nearby earthen wall. The sound of broken bones could be clearly heard!

"Kill, kill!"

A frightened rogue screamed, turned around and ran away. Yin Shiquan glared at him with cold eyes, but did not stop him. The rest of the gangsters saw the opportunity and fled in droves. During the escape, those who occasionally looked back were glad to see the pile of rotten meat in the ruins of the earth wall.

Someone helped block the knife, and also found out the key information about the future gambling. After that, it didn’t matter whether the people in the alley were dead or alive!

On the other side, Yin Shiquan looked at the few rogues left in the alley, who were limp on the ground unable to move. He frowned, waved his sleeves, and rolled them all far away, and then looked at them with extremely complicated eyes. Looking at the young man with no more slick eyes.

"Jian'er, you..."

The young man lowered his head and said nothing, but the silence itself was worth a thousand words.

And these thousands of words were like being cut into pieces by a thousand knives, making Yin Shiquan feel even more painful.

The young man in front of him named Jian Zhijian was the one he valued most among the local Dasheng viewers. Although his cultivation talent is mediocre, he is superior to his flexible methods and mental perseverance. What's even more rare is that both of his parents died when he was young, so he was raised by Dasheng Guan, and his Yin Shiquan is like Jian Zhijian's adoptive father.

Therefore, he never thought that Jian Zhijian would betray him.

The reason for betrayal... is actually very sufficient. Young people may not be moved by interests, but it is always difficult to resist the impulse of youth. What's more, people like Jian Zhijian who have lived in poverty since childhood, this point He had expected this when he adopted the other person, and also considered giving him some training at the right time to make his mind more flawless, but unfortunately it was too late in the end. But no matter what the reason, betrayal is betrayal, and at this time when the concept of victory is going against the trend, it must not be tolerated.

"Jian'er, you...what else do you want to say?"

Jian Zhijian raised his head and said in a difficult voice: "I only hope that Lord Xiang can help me take care of it..."

"Okay, I promise you."

After saying that, Yin Shiquan waved his sleeves again, and the young man was no longer in the alley... When he put down his hand, Yin Shiquan's arms were trembling slightly uncontrollably. However, just as he endured the heartache, When he was about to leave, a bright light suddenly shone above his head, and several bundles of ropes served as a hood.

Yin Shiquan subconsciously waved his sleeves to block the rope, but soon more bright light came, and at the same time, agents covered in armor and auras surrounded him from all directions.

"The bold traitor dared to commit murder in the street and was captured without hesitation!"

"Yin Shiquan, don't move!"

"Mr. Yin, calm down. If you have any inside story, please come to the house with me and tell me."

Finally, Ma Changxue slowly appeared. His face was still gentle and his tone was not harsh, but at this moment, the sharp sword in his hand was more powerful than any words.

Yin Shiquan glanced around and couldn't help but sneer: "How long have you been planning? How many outsiders have you colluded with? There are many strange faces among these people wearing police uniforms, right?"

"Silence, traitor!"

With a sharp shout, another rope was tied up. At the same time, someone in the crowd secretly pulled out a flying sword filled with cold light. As long as Yin Shiquan resisted again, he would no longer hold back.

However, Yin Shiquan, who had always been stubborn, did not resist and allowed the rope to fall on him.

In fact, after he personally dealt with the traitor, he no longer had any intention of resisting. For more than two months, he had tried his best to mobilize every believer who could be mobilized and contact every gentry who could be contacted, but the result was still irreversibly tilted towards the direction he least wanted to see.

Needless to say, those ruffians who had long been obsessed with the huge profits of gambling, and the attitudes of officials such as Ma Changxue have always been wavering, let alone expecting... As for other ordinary people, it is precisely because they are ordinary people that they are even less likely to hold any stubborn ideas to go against the general trend. Therefore, during this period of time, he has long been accustomed to pretending to obey but secretly disobeying. Those who are usually well cared for by Dashengguan, on the surface, promise never to make peace, but in private, they will still quietly inquire about what the Nine Zun Competition that can make a fortune is.

And some people who have been to the county city and seen the Ten Directions Mirror often can't help but brag about what they saw in the mirror and exaggerate the various magnificent scenes in the fantasy scroll.

Until today, even Jian Zhijian, whom he regarded as his own son, chose to betray. Yin Shiquan knew that he had lost everything. Indeed, Jian Zhijian did not betray on purpose, but it was precisely because he did not do so on purpose that it showed that the current situation had reached a point where anyone could be eroded.

For example, he came to this deep alley to catch people, but in the blink of an eye, his position was exposed and he was surrounded by Ma Changxue and his men. On the contrary, the believers who were responsible for picking him up had no news. The meaning of this is self-evident.

For a time, Yin Shiquan felt that the whole world was his enemy. Facing the overwhelming trend, he could not stand alone.


The counties in the west of Xinheng did their best to resist to the end. The remnants of Dashengguan, such as Yin Shiquan, even made a "song-worthy" struggle without hesitation. However, under the historical trend, these micro-resistances were not even enough to be taken seriously by the historians.

It took only three months from the introduction of the Immortal Alliance Taixu Illusionary Realm to the erection of the Ten Directions Mirror in the last village in the country. In the memorial submitted by Prime Minister Xiahou Ying to Emperor Gan Fengxian, the promotion of the illusionary realm was described as unstoppable.

In three months, traces of the Taixu Illusionary Realm were everywhere in Xinheng, and even the bigwigs in the capital city of Fancheng had begun to try out the high-grade Lishen Powder specially provided by the Immortal Alliance and immersed themselves in the illusionary realm.

At the same time, the invisible force from outside Mingzhou also slowly infiltrated.

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