The great waves of the times often begin with a breeze or a ripple.

The first abnormality occurred in a remote mountain village in Mingtai County, west of Xinheng.

An old man with a yellow face walked over the mountains and ridges all night, almost barefoot, to the nearby county town. He didn't even bother to take a sip of water, so he dragged passers-by along the way, speaking in an almost unrecognizable accent, and asked for directions to a magnificent building. Where the building went, and then rolled and crawled to the downstairs of the building.

The two maids who were in charge of welcoming guests at the door subconsciously became vigilant when they saw the old man. One of them couldn't help but call for support from the rear. Soon a strong man from a local gang came out with his bare heart-protecting hair. .

But the withered old man didn't seem to see the strong man in front of him who looked like a brown bear in the forest. He only stared closely at the gorgeously dressed girl in front of the building and asked hoarsely: "Zhou, Zhou Guo Taixu Tower, you are the one ,Right?"

The young girl was stunned for a moment, then nodded and smiled - this was a strict rule that the instructor who trained them had repeatedly stated. When conducting business in Mingtai County, one must have a full sense of service, which is better than serving a fairy. The natives of the Alliance must serve the locals more respectfully. Only in this way can the crystallization of civilization from the Immortal Alliance - Taixu Illusion be promoted in a land with ignorant folk customs.

And indeed, relying on such a respectful and even humble service attitude, the [Mihuan Building] from Zhou Guo Taixu Division has firmly laid a foundation in Mingtai County. Not only has it built hundreds of Shifang Mirrors, but it has also successfully delivered the first batch of mirrors. The Lishen Sect against the New Heng people was put into use, and nearly a million native residents who were once hostile to the Immortal Alliance were introduced into the beautiful world of Taixu Illusion.

Therefore, even when faced with a dry man from a mountain village who seemed to have no luck and was only in trouble, the woman in front of Taixu Building still maintained a good smile. She looked back and signaled to the strong man guarding the hospital to step aside for the time being, while smiling. Then asked: "Exactly, sir, what do you need?"

Ku Han coughed a few times and said, "The mirror in our village is broken, so we can't see the paintings!"

The woman was stunned for a moment: "You mean the Shifang Mirror? Which village are you from? When did the mirror break? What are the specific symptoms?"

But Kuhan was impatient: "You sent people to occupy the land in the village. When you repaired the mirror, you clearly said that the mirror was durable. It doesn't matter if you don't maintain it for ten years. But the result was that the mirror ran out when the competition was critical last night. Then It’s all for nothing, we can’t even bet if we want to!”

The welcoming woman was even more surprised: "Li Shen San Ye... wait a moment, I will find a special person to contact you, and I will troubleshoot the problem for you as soon as possible!"

Although mirror failure should be extremely rare in principle, it has become commonplace for any Taixu Building in the past few months since Xinheng has been popularized. Those mountain people in remote areas can always find 10,000 reasons to regard the bright mirror as an evil thing, and then try their best to damage it... Although the mirror is designed with durability in mind, but how? Can you match wits and courage with these deliberate troublemakers? Therefore, the damage rate of mirrors in the early stages of promotion has remained high.

The response plan of the major trading companies in the Immortal League is also very simple: repair as much as it is broken, and never give in in promoting Taixu Illusion!

Soon, in Taixu Building, a young man with a simple face ran out carrying a wooden box. He didn't take it seriously when he saw the withered man in ragged clothes, but shook his hand warmly.

"Hello, I am Li Qiu, the local appraiser of Taixu Tower. You can just call me Xiao Li. After that, do you want to take a break or..."

Ku Han quickly pulled Li Qiu's arm: "If you don't rest, go back!"

Li Qiu sighed inwardly, looked back at the welcoming girl, blinked, and signaled that he should not forget to record his overtime work on a business trip. Then he spread out the wooden box and made it float in the air. Then he took Kuhan and sat on the box together, and slowly flew away.


About two days later, Li Qiu, with a yellow face, sat on a wooden box and floated to the top of the Taixu Building. He staggered as soon as he landed, and then simply rolled to the ground, leaning forward.

A plump colleague who happened to be having lunch on the roof saw him and couldn't help being surprised: "Old Li, what's wrong with you?"

Li Qiu was very weak and said: "I almost became a prisoner... It's really strange. I went to the Pianshui Village and looked at it. There was nothing wrong with the mirror, the Feng Shui array, and the rain branches of the mother tree. Logically speaking, there shouldn't be anything wrong with it." But when I got to the right place, even I couldn't get away from it. I tried hundreds of methods in two days, but none of them worked. I looked through the operation manual and never saw this situation, and the villagers couldn't help it. , I have been gambling like crazy during this period. Relying on the gambling shop's willingness to spend money in the early stage, I stopped plowing every field and stopped weaving cloth. Everyone, men, women, old and young, was studying the odds of the Nine-Signs Competition... It would be really fatal if I entered the illusory realm. If I couldn't repair the mirror, they would have killed me on the spot!"

While speaking, Li Qiu reluctantly stood up, glanced at the top floor, and asked strangely: "Where is Xiaoqian? Hasn't he been following you?"

The fat man shook his head and said: "Same as you, I went on a business trip to a village in the south. The situation was similar. The mirror was dull and the separation of spirits failed. Speaking of which, how did you solve it in the end?"

Li Qiu sighed: "How else can we solve it? According to the practical manual, let's blame it! I told them that the mirror malfunctioned because someone in the village had a grudge against the Immortal Alliance, and secretly destroyed the mirror's spiritual path, leaving them to do it on their own. Go and catch the traitor..."

The fat man couldn't help but be in a trance after hearing this. He didn't even bother to eat, and asked, "What happens next? Have you caught him?"

"They must have caught them, and there were more than one. Fortunately, before they could punish the traitors with their ancestors' methods, the mirror suddenly lit up."


Li Qiu spread his hands and said, "Don't look at me. I don't know what happened. Anyway, I didn't do anything, or I worked hard for more than a day, but it was useless. The villagers caught the traitors for a long time, and the mirror returned to normal, and even the Li Shen Powder could be used normally."

"Fuck, there is such a thing!"

"This is a wild land, everything is possible." Li Qiu sighed, "After staying here for three years, I have to go back no matter what. The work of promoting Taixu Fantasy Realm to the barbarians is too hard..."


For the Taixu Tower in the western counties, this sudden outbreak and sudden end of the storm was gradually forgotten over time. Even the parties involved soon forgot their original intentions in the process of working overtime again and again, and gradually immersed in the joy of work.

If the business groups operating Taixu Towers in various places had not still strictly abided by the regulations of the Taixu Mansion of the Immortal Alliance and had not kept detailed records of all kinds of events that occurred in Xinheng, I am afraid that this small storm would have been completely submerged in the dust of history.

After that, the promotion of Taixu Fantasy in Xinheng was still in full swing, especially with the victory of the Nine Venerables Competition. Zhu Wang lived up to everyone's expectations - especially those Xinheng people who placed a heavy bet on Zhu Wang - after winning the championship of the competition, the Xinheng people who used the Ten Directions Mirror to witness the whole process with their own eyes no longer rejected this technology from the Immortal Alliance.

Perhaps on the surface, they still had to maintain hostility towards the Immortal Alliance and belittle and be wary of Taixu Fantasy, but secretly, everyone could not do without it.

So far, Taixu Fantasy has been deeply rooted in Xinheng.

After a few months, the first batch of Taixu Painting Scrolls from the Immortal Alliance officially landed in Xinheng, and the related Taixu Zhaotang and Taixu Qinglu also came into being. The Taixu Mansion of the Immortal Alliance even announced that it would cooperate with Xinheng to create exclusive Taixu content for Xinheng. With the tacit approval of the Xinheng court, this strategy comparable to Taixu colonization has once again spread like wildfire and is unstoppable.

On this day, in a Taixu painting scroll.

The sword lights and shadows that were enough to tear the sun and the moon intersected in the haze, cutting a flesh-and-blood golem that covered the sky into millions of broken threads. As the golem fell, the dark clouds gradually dissipated, the sun returned to the earth, and a pleasant fairy music sounded.

On the earth, more than 20 young men and women cheered and were overjoyed.

"First kill, first kill in the whole territory!"

"We did it, we finally did it!"

"Did you take any pictures of the process? Remember to post them to Taixu Zhaotang as soon as possible, don't wear fancy clothes at night!"

While everyone was cheering, one person was particularly unsociable. He was wearing a jade-like fairy dress, stepping on red clouds, looking at the gradually dissipating wreckage of the golem, and snorted coldly: "Boring."

Although the voice was not loud, it was not meant to be concealed after all, and it was immediately heard by the people around him. So suddenly someone's smile froze and turned into an angry face.

"Boring, right? You feel bored, right?! Playing with us makes you, the top genius of your grade, feel bored, right!?"

While scolding the strong man, he stepped forward and grabbed the other's collar.

"I've really put up with you for a long time! We invited you to join the team to explore the land because we were classmates, but you kept saying weird things along the way! You either criticized the absurd design of the scroll or ridiculed some operating model. If you don't cause trouble for others, don't you know how to talk?!"

A beautiful young girl immediately came to persuade him: "Okay, don't say it. You know him. He has always been like that and doesn't spare anyone with his words. But if he hadn't helped us summarize along the way, we wouldn't have won the first kill so quickly."

The girl spoke, and the sturdy man who was making trouble was angry. Slightly reduced: "Do you have the right to talk nonsense just because you have made a contribution!?"

"Oh, just pretend you didn't hear it, why bother with him. Well, it's rare that we succeeded in the first kill, why don't we go and see the spoils first?"

Seeing that a fierce conflict was about to be resolved by the team members who were good at dancing, the young man in the jade fairy clothes sneered at this time and said: "Ignorance is really hopeless at any time."

This sentence immediately made the fire that had just been extinguished explode. Not to mention the person who started the fight first, even the woman who spoke for him couldn't help it.

"Student Yang Fu, are you done yet? We are classmates, you..."

The young man named Yang Fu said: "Since we are classmates, why can he grab my collar, accuse and slander me for no reason? And when you are trying to stop the fight, you should also put me in the position of the party at fault and ask for tolerance? From beginning to end, have I done anything wrong? On the contrary, without my help, this team should have disbanded halfway. Why do you still look down on me and blame me?"

The woman said angrily: "No one is looking down on you, but ask yourself, haven't you been sarcastic enough along the way?!"

Yang Fu asked: "I do have a lot of sarcasm, but I never target anyone in the team. No matter how low-level the loss of property is, I never blame anyone. I only target Zhu Wangren's Taixu Painting Scroll. I say it has low aesthetics and mediocre design, and it relies entirely on marketing to occupy the Xinheng market. Is there anything wrong with that? We just happened to become the practitioners of the painting scroll, not the hired workers of the workshop. Why can't we listen to criticism? Moreover, although I disdain its design ability, I have also praised its profound foundation of immortal law, which is still beyond Xinheng. Why are you selectively deaf again?"

A series of questions really made the others speechless, but being speechless does not mean being convinced, but it makes people more angry.

After a while, someone said: "I don't know what you mean by low aesthetics and mediocre design, but at least for those of us who are new to the Grand Illusionary Realm, this volume of "The Legend of Demon Slayer" is already exciting enough, and we are all traveling together because we really like it. You can't expect us to be without temper when you criticize something we really like!"

However, Yang Fu said: "Since you also know that you are just new to the Grand Illusionary Scroll, you should understand that the so-called exciting enough is just because you have never seen the mountains and the seas! This so-called flesh and blood golem, in the story setting, is said to be the master of the three realms, dominating the catastrophe of ten thousand years, But what about the actual performance? It's just a taller monster. What's the essential difference between it and the giant bear monster outside the Novice Village a month ago? Look at the skills, move and dodge, and then use the magic weapon in your hand to output with all your strength... When we were just starting out, we played the role of a newcomer who could draw in air. Now we are at the peak of Mahayana, using the time and place, and the ancient magic weapon to kill the gods. But in essence, isn't it just using a wooden stick with a new skin and light effect to beat a giant bear monster with a new skin and light effect? ​​How can you think this is exciting enough? ! "

These words, although the truth is not wrong, it is precisely because of the truth that it is particularly annoying. However, before the teammates could organize their words to refute, or clench their fists to refute violently... Suddenly, someone pointed his finger in the direction where the flesh and blood golem fell, and said in surprise.

"Hey, why does the sky over there look so strange?"

People turned their heads to look at the same time, and saw that the sky, which had just been brightened by the fall of the Demon Lord, was collapsing... It was as if the dome was broken, and all the clouds, light, and spirits were shattered, and then fell into the abyss above as if stretched.

The collapse of the sky was still far away at first, but in a blink of an eye, people were surprised to find that it had spread to the top of their heads and enveloped where they were! Then everyone felt their bodies cold, and then it was an indescribable cold.

As if they were in an incredible ice prison, the magic weapons and protective magic treasures they had collected with great effort lost their effectiveness at the same time, and the "flesh and blood body" in the scroll also melted rapidly in the severe cold. The value bar symbolizing vitality reached the bottom in the blink of an eye, and then even the "life bar" rooted in the basic framework of the scroll itself was shattered!

The whole process was accompanied by astonishing pain... The Taixu Painting Scroll has strict protection for the user, and any pain will not be completely transmitted to the soul. However, at this moment, everyone in the collapse of the sky clearly felt that they were crushed into powder.

And when they were crushed to pieces, a name clearly emerged in everyone's mind, the name of a person whose mere existence would cause everything around him to distort and shatter.

A name that perfectly fits the setting of the Three Realms Demon Lord.

Taichu Tianzun.

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