Am I the only one who didn't ascend?

Chapter 563 Observing the End of the World

"Here they come!"

At the same time, in a loft far away from Xinheng Capital's Fancheng, several Taixu Mansion monks wearing tight leather jackets and bright silver helmets exclaimed at the same time.

And in the middle of them, a mirror-like spring suddenly bloomed with lotus-like ripples...In a blink of an eye, the ripples did not gradually subside, but became more and more dense and more urgent, and even looked like boiling! Just like the fear in people's hearts!

"Don't mess around!"

Behind the few people, a middle-aged monk who was also wearing a tight leather jacket and a golden helmet on his head suddenly burst out with a loud shout, and the true essence of the Nascent Soul level surged, making everyone around him feel a buzzing in their heads and frightened.

"We have been holding the formation here for more than a month, isn't it what we are waiting for?! If everything is carried out according to the manual, there will be no problem! Everyone follow me, Taixu filter, start!"

As the last motto sounded, the surface of everyone's helmet began to flow with fluorescence, and then small round mirrors condensed and formed by the fluorescence, and then rose up, forming a small and exquisite Lishen refraction array on their heads.

Several people closed their eyes tightly, used their souls to control those round mirrors, slightly turned the angle on the helmets, and carefully pointed the round mirror on the farthest helmet to the west.

The place where Taichu Tianzun suddenly appeared.


The captain of the golden helmet who turned the mirror first only felt a faint impact blooming in the depths of the sea of ​​consciousness, but it soon disappeared. And the several mirrors on the top of the head did not leave any trace.

"Tsk." Realizing that his "sight" did not hit the target accurately, but just passed by Taichu Tianzun, the captain was a little unwilling, but also a little relieved: this kind of technology of controlling filters and looking at the illusion from hundreds of miles away is full of errors. No matter how delicate and micro-manipulated he is, he will most likely miss the target in the end. This is also the reason why Taixu Mansion requires them to work in groups of multiple people and rotate in multiple groups.

Jingzhou Illusionary Disaster, that is not something that can be looked at directly by one person.

The captain quickly turned his attention to others.


Another person trembled all over. He also felt something when he looked at Taixu with a filter, but in the end he still passed by the real owner and shook his head helplessly with nothing.


A short but quite fat middle-aged man exclaimed at this time. More than ten round mirrors on his head actually burst into ripples, and the mirror surface was distorted like water.

"I think I saw it! Almost..."

Before he finished speaking, the captain of the Golden Helmet interrupted him with a sharp voice: "Don't look directly at it!"

"No, just a little bit, just a little bit!"

The fat man turned a deaf ear to it, his whole body trembling like a sieve, his tone revealed an unconscious fanaticism, and even drooled at the corners of his mouth.

The captain was very anxious and immediately ordered: "Sever the spirit!"

The people waiting outside the attic heard the order and immediately activated the magic circle, shooting a golden light of severing the spirit at the short and fat middle-aged man. The golden light hit his consciousness that had left his body like a heavy hammer. The whole process was extremely compact and fast, just as the manual stipulated.

But it was still a step too late. The short and fat middle-aged man still looked directly at the Jingzhou illusion disaster that descended on the Western County through the twelve filters with a millimeter difference.

With just one glance, his cognition changed drastically, and all the basic elements that constituted his thinking and consciousness were dissociated. The full Yuanshen, which had been polished for decades and was comparable to that of a Yuanying Zhenren, was like a lit willow catkin, and it turned to ashes in an instant.

Only an empty sea of ​​consciousness and a fleshy body that was gradually extinguishing its vitality remained.

The short and fat middle-aged man slowly fell down in the stunned eyes of his colleagues. When his back landed on the ground, his helmet also rolled to the side weakly, and people only then saw that the whole head of the middle-aged man had sunk inward like a balloon deflated by negative pressure.


The captain of the golden helmet cursed involuntarily, with anger and fear in his voice.

What on earth is that phantom disaster in the west! ?

They were far away in Fancheng and had made full preparations for this distant view. When they carefully cast their sights towards the Western County, they even used the filter refraction method to filter the scenery in their field of vision through twelve layers, and each refraction would reduce the intensity of the light by half. In this way, even the bright light above the sky when the stars disappeared will be as dim as a firefly.

But even so, the manual issued by the superiors still strictly prohibits the holders of the mirror from looking directly at the illusion disaster, and only requires them to capture its edge by refraction when the illusion disaster occurs... and now, the captain with the golden helmet on his head is extremely glad that he didn't even capture the edge just now!

With the strong corrosive power of the illusion disaster, if he really saw his figure with his own eyes, even if it was just an outline, just a scale or a claw, he might die like the short and fat monk from the center of the moon!

As the elite of Taixu Mansion stationed in Yuliang, the capital of Song State, which is also the headquarters of the Immortal Alliance, anyone in the attic now has a great reputation in the Taixu field of the Immortal Alliance. Although the short and fat man is not from a professional school, his spiritual consciousness is tenacious and his methods are numerous, which is much more powerful than most of the top students from the academy who are from professional schools. When he was not recruited by Taixu Mansion and wandered around the countries, he had caused many Taixu Qingyis of small and medium-sized countries to worry and lose face.

However, such a powerful and slippery elite died as humble as an ant in front of him!

Just a glance, just a moment through twelve filters!

But at this moment, another change occurred on the body of the short fat man who fell to the ground. Bubbles suddenly seemed to pop up in the shriveled head, and something was about to sprout!

However, just as the bubbles swelled, the tight-fitting leather clothes on the corpse suddenly began to flow as if they were alive. In an instant, they were like silkworm chrysalises, completely wrapping the fat man's corpse. The silver helmet that landed on the ground jumped up and fell on the leather jacket, suppressing the corpse underneath.


The Golden Helmet captain cursed again, but it was more or less out of joy for surviving the disaster.

Because the fat man died so suddenly, even he, the captain, almost forgot the code of conduct in an instant. If someone died during Operation Overlook, the corpse must be disposed of as soon as possible... Fortunately, although he, the person in charge of the scene, was negligent, the formation talisman engraved in the leather cassock was not neglected, and the hole was filled in time for them.

After a while, the captain shook his head, managed to calm down his emotions, and ordered the people in the attic to retreat.

In this current state, it is impossible to carry out distant observation missions no matter what.

We can only hope that those colleagues guarding other volley lofts will be lucky enough.


An hour later, a report containing mottled blood appeared on the desk in the confidential room on the top floor of the Mountain Fortress, west of Lingshan Mountain.

The person who submitted the report was the new head of Taixu Palace, Ge Libang. Not long ago, this old man was able to successfully retire from his position as the envoy to Taixu because of his great achievements in the Nine-Son Competition, and was then transferred to the Song Dynasty as he wished. Guo Yuliang. But he didn't expect that Xianmeng Taixu Mansion was no longer the leisurely yamen that focused on academic exchanges for hundreds of years.

Its mission is more important than ever. And Gribang had worked hard all his life, and it was impossible for him to lose integrity in his later years, so he had no choice but to shoulder the heavy responsibility again.

"...To sum up, the illusion of Taichu has initially penetrated into Mingzhou. Tianzun's sudden appearance in "The Legend of the Demon" caused quite a shock. Fortunately, the situation did not exceed expectations, and the sacrifice was bearable. Within the scope, a total of three people from the ten observation points who participated in the Overlook operation were killed, and eleven others were seriously injured. As for the students in the Legend of Demons, they were lucky to be uninjured but could not survive for a short period of time. Once again, I was far away from the gods."

The old man's voice was slightly muffled, his articulation was slow, and his tone was so steady that it made people feel drowsy... However, the several heads of state who participated in the meeting were all shocked. Even though they were a little sleepy at first, they were already sweating coldly now. washed away.

"Master Ge, your report..."

Lord Butian from Yueyang interrupted Ge Li Bang before he could finish speaking slowly.

"It's really unbelievable. Who, through twelve layers of filters, can still make a Taixu Walker who is sitting at the peak of the golden elixir in the volleying loft instantly die? Moreover, if I understand correctly, the other party did not even apply A direct attack is just..."

"Just standing there and letting people see me." Qingyuan Jun's voice remained as elegant as before, but his face seemed to be darker. "With all due respect, this has reached an almost absurd level."

Then, Lord Changsheng also questioned.

"It's not that we can't believe Palace Master Ge, but there is something unexplainable about this matter. For example, those students of Xinheng, they should have faced Taichu directly for the first time, right? But the result was just in the illusion, Li Shen's body suffered He died of decomposition, but in reality he was almost unscathed, but the elite of the Taixu Mansion died tragically on the spot, so what's the point?"

As he spoke, the old man turned his eyes to Yulongjun, the leader of the Mo Lin Kingdom, but saw that Ling Xiao was only focusing on the details of the report and seemed to be turning a deaf ear to the discussion on the conference table... This made the old man suddenly a little suspicious.

The matter of Taichu Tianzun was not long ago informed by Lu Youyou himself to several kings in Yuliang during the closing ceremony of the Nine Lords Competition.

The matter was of great importance, and there were countless things that were unbelievable and even contrary to historical common sense. But since Lu Youyou chose to be honest, he was naturally well prepared and had all kinds of evidence in his hand that was unbelievable. Although several kings still had many doubts, they were finally convinced one by one.

However, it is obvious that the reasons why the several kings were persuaded were actually different. Some had to believe it because of the evidence, some were more based on trust in Lu Youyou himself, and some... I am afraid they already knew about this. .

Just when Lord Changsheng was temporarily distracted, across the conference table, the reporter, Grihama, explained the questions of Lord Changsheng in an orderly manner.

"Back to Mr. Changsheng: The truth is not complicated. The Lingkong Pavilion's distant view operation hosted by Taixu Mansion is essentially looking beyond the Taixu scroll and looking directly at the essence of Tianzun's existence in the illusion. And those students, Just being in the Taixu scroll and feeling the 'projection' of Tianzun in the scroll, the damage suffered by the two is naturally different. And from the perspective of the scroll alone, those students will be in trouble for a long time. Not being able to leave the spirit again is equivalent to the destruction of body and spirit in the illusion, and the damage is not heavy. "

Lord Changsheng frowned and asked again: "However, I remember that Lord Wangshan and Lord Lu had said before that the Taichu Tianzun was essentially deceived by a group of golden immortals and practiced on the false path of immortality for thousands of years. What kind of Yang Immortal has he achieved... Is that Yang Immortal so powerful?"

Gribang hesitated to answer this question. Although he could answer it, the one who was truly qualified to answer it was naturally the only person in the conference room who had actually seen Tianzun's true appearance.

Wang Luo shook his head: "Obviously not. At least it is impossible to go through twelve times of refraction and still kill people with the sense of existence. But I think the problem lies in the failure of the Lishen refraction array to take effect normally, not that Tianzun himself is stronger. The realm of the sun, moon and stars in this world.”

Lord Changsheng was silent for a moment, nodded and said: "That makes sense. The Immortal Way of Heaven's Right may not be fully effective on Heaven's Left, let alone...that Heavenly Lord. But in this case, we will What to do?”

Wang Luo said: "First of all, we need to control the news about Xinheng, appease those students, and ensure that the promotion of Taixu scrolls is not affected by this."

Lord Changsheng was shocked when he heard this, but Ge Libang responded seriously: "I understand, I will personally implement this matter."

Wang Luo added: "The ethereal illusion blends with Jingzhou, and then leads Taichu Tianzun to Taixu. This is a crucial link in the next step of the Immortal Alliance's strategy to determine the wilderness. The specific details, Lord Lu and I have already I have shared and discussed it with you many times, so there is no need to go into details now, and the Taixu picture scroll is the best way to introduce it. The difference between having a picture scroll and not is clear at a glance, so although it is a bit disrespectful to say this, But the Taixu scroll is still the top priority.”

Lord Changsheng then turned to ask: "So, Lingkong Pavilion..."

Wang Luo said: "Lingkong Pavilion still needs to be maintained. In other words, this result just shows that we need Lingkong Pavilion to play its role even more. Even the twelve refraction arrays cannot offset the pressure of Taichu Tianzun, then once the Taixu scroll cannot be completed The consequences of restraining Tianzun will be disastrous. Therefore, before Taichu Tianzun is completely introduced into Taixu, we must continue to guide him into our rhythm through observation instead of letting him wander around in the illusion. , Observation is always the most powerful weapon...even if it comes at a heavy price."

At this time, Lord Butian couldn't help but ask: "In that case, why don't Master Wang share with everyone how you completed the observation in Jingzhou without paying a heavy price?"

Wang Luo glanced at Gao Heng and replied seriously: "At that time, I had the Golden Immortal protecting me, and the Heavenly Lord was still sleeping. Now that the Heavenly Lord has gradually awakened, the pressure is completely different from that day. And the monks in the Lingkong Pavilion, even if Wearing Dinghuang's magic robe is no match for the wonderful golden immortal. Can Lord Butian understand my answer?"

Gao Heng was about to say more, but Yu Longjun, who had not spoken for a long time, suddenly said: "Of course it is understandable that this matter concerns all of Jiuzhou. Master Wang Shan has no need to deliberately conceal and mislead, and we also need to work together to defeat the powerful enemy. "

After Lord Butian heard this, he could only smile helplessly: "Okay, this time I am a villain in vain. Master Wangshan, what you said just now was not intended to be targeted, please forgive me."

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