Am I the only one who didn't ascend?

Chapter 564 There are always unavoidable troubles

The agenda of a meeting with the participation of the king is bound to be short. Although Grihama's report is rich in information, the summary report is actually quite short. After several heads of state stopped raising new issues, the meeting quickly voted to form a resolution: to accelerate progress along the original path.

At first glance, this seems to be another strong proof that "the Immortal Alliance belongs to her alone, Lu Youyou", but only the parties involved know that in order to make this meeting at the head of the country short and smooth, the convener has to work hard in private. How hard it is.

"Do you find it troublesome?"

Over the fortress, in a lofted attic that belonged exclusively to the owner of this place, Lu Youyou sat down lightly, and then handed Wang Luo an exquisite porcelain vase.

"The elixir newly refined by the Ministry of Internal Affairs is suitable for you."

Wang Luo waved his hand to refuse: "I'm not very tired, and I don't find it too troublesome."

Lu Youyou smiled and said: "Really? Even I feel a little impatient sometimes. I didn't expect you to be more patient than me... But now patience is a must. Even after many rounds of preliminary communication and evidence presentation, if you want It is still difficult to make those kings completely believe in the current situation in Jingzhou. It is true that Gao Heng did not intend to provoke today, but the distrust in his heart has reached an uncontrollable level..."

As he said this, the petite humanoid spirit deer suddenly became a little stuck, and his eyes suddenly became as blurry as fog.

"Sorry, I seemed a little sleepy just now." Lu Youyou lowered his head apologetically, then reached out to open the cork of the porcelain bottle, extracted a pink elixir in the bottle and took it into his mouth... After a moment, he let out a low groan of relief, The aura in his eyes also returned to crystal clear.

"Huh, Mo Yu's newly established Danchengfang has indeed recruited a group of Dandao masters... Speaking of Gao Heng, he has the greatest ruling pressure in the country among the several country leaders. The last time he attended the temporary meeting At that time, there was a fire in his own backyard, and he was almost unable to leave as the leader of the country. However, the reason used by those who attacked him was that he was too catering to national interests and could not uphold his own interests. "

Wang Luo couldn't help but curl up his lips when he heard this reason. A few years ago, Gao Heng dared to impeach Lu Youyou in public at the Immortal League meeting. At that time, he was criticized by thousands of people, and he was accused of questioning the great leader. But now he is opposed again because he did not question enough. Such a ridiculous comparison can only mean one thing.

"I'm afraid Gao Heng is really not suitable for this Lord Butian. His skills, qualifications, and courage are all lacking."

Lu Youyou sighed: "If there was a more suitable candidate, he should have abdicated two years ago. In the final analysis, there is no better candidate, and the current Immortal Alliance cannot afford Yueyang, one of the five powerful countries. The political situation is intensely turbulent, so..."

Wang Luo said: "I know that I will not blame him for his incompetence. In the end, there is no need for you to worry about me on this issue. From the very beginning when I decided to tell the truth to the kings, Even if we have all the troubles we have today, we have no choice.”

Lu Youyou said: "Yes, it is impossible to keep such a major event that requires the collective mobilization of the Immortal Alliance a secret. What's more, excessive secrecy is tantamount to ignoring the power of the group, which directly violates the basic principles of the great law established by the Lord. Principle. Therefore, even if it is troublesome and tiring, we can only keep up our spirits and deal with mediocre people one after another to persuade them to come to our side, and in many cases, the support of mediocre people is also crucial."

Wang Luo agreed: "Yes, the results of Lingkong Pavilion also proved our previous guesses. The observation of Tianzun itself contains meaning. The more we observe, the greater the chance of winning the decisive battle in the future, so even if it is just mediocre The more sights the better, try to guide them to Tianzun’s immortal body..."

Before they finished speaking, a white light suddenly lit up in front of the two of them. In the light, a silver bell swayed gently, making a pleasant urging sound.

Lu Youyou was a little surprised, but still reached out to pick up the silver bell and whispered: "It doesn't matter, come in."

A moment later, Mo Yu, wearing a purple shirt, appeared outside the attic. After respectfully and silently asking for instructions, he stepped inside and then got straight to the point.

"Guanghan Palace just sent news that someone lost the training match."

Lu Youyou stood up immediately: "Seriously?! Who is it?"

Mo Yu whispered: "It's Wenwen. She... is very disappointed because she didn't expect that the first defeat of the sisters in the palace would be her. She is the one who takes the game most seriously among everyone... and from her feedback Judging from the situation, there is no doubt that she tried her best in the training match, did not underestimate the opponent, and did not give in, but she was still defeated. "

With that said, Mo Yu also handed a Guanghan Han jade symbolizing the highest secret level to Lu Youyou. After the latter read the information in it using a secret method, he confirmed that there was no ambiguity in Mo Yu's report, and a smile gradually appeared on his face.

"It is indeed an undoubted defeat. Although it is only an unpopular project like "Sister Promotion Battle", if you lose, you lose. Even though you are blessed by the God, you are still defeated by a mere folk practitioner. It is obvious that the blessing itself has weakened below the threshold. ! The progress of Tianzun's pollution is faster than expected..."

Mo Yu reminded: "This also means that the day when Tianzun will fully wake up may be earlier than expected."

The joy on Lu Youyou's face subsided slightly, and he murmured in a low voice: "Tianzun is almost always undefeated in his life. Even in the Taixu scroll, he has miraculous computing power. When the instructors guided the national teams of various countries, they held The blessed Guanghan maids have never failed, so..."

Mo Yu said: "One defeat may not be enough to disturb Tianzun, but I am worried that the threshold of other events is about to be exceeded. Luo Xiao himself is not a talented player. In comparison, even if he has passed his peak Li Mo has more obvious talents, and if they defeat Tianzun Blessing in a project like Dinghuang Glory, I'm afraid..."

"I'm afraid Tianzun will realize immediately that the thousands of training matches that have repeatedly triggered blessings, and the entire Nine Tournaments that swept the Immortal Alliance, are essentially just used to tarnish the wisdom of his immortals..."

Seeing that Lu Youyou was silent for a moment and seemed to be at a loss for words, Wang Luo prompted: "A cesspit?"

Lu Youyou said helplessly: "I wanted to say it was a blasphemy ceremony...but indeed your wording may be more accurate."

After that, she couldn't help but sigh: "Using the human heart to resonate with the heaven's heart is actually just to tarnish the heaven's heart... Did the Lord already get to this point when he weaved the Great Law?"

Mo Yu was speechless, while Wang Luo gave his own understanding.

"A Heavenly Dao that apparently does not allow humans to break through to become gods is simply lowering its status and waiting for others to tarnish it. In order to maintain the stability of the Great Law, Senior Sister did not hesitate to abandon her true immortal cultivation. So as a Heavenly Dao As a first-level incarnation, it is natural for Tianzun to take the initiative to deign to understand human thoughts... even if this understanding itself means degradation and degradation. "

Lu Youyou sighed again: "This is the truth... I'm afraid Tianzun himself may not be willing to accept it."

Mo Yu reminded: "Another problem is that judging from the monitoring results of Guanghan Guangmu, the truth about Tianzun has begun to spread on a small scale in some countries... and the diffusion process is accompanied by a lot of information distortion and conspiracy. Argument."

Lu Youyou said: "It's no accident... the moment you tell others the truth, it is destined to spread out of control in one way or another. The several kings of the Immortal Dry Forest may be able to strictly keep secrets, but they govern the country and organize National strength also requires the support of close friends, and when assigning tasks, one or two secrets must be disclosed. In this process, leaks are inevitable. "

Mo Yu reminded again: "So, whether it is necessary to activate the next step plan, let the official inform all the people of the truth, and then..."

"Not yet." Lu Youyou quickly rejected it, "It can easily backfire."

Mo Yu asked again: "So, do we need to warn the leaders of various countries to severely crack down on the spread of rumors at this stage?"

Lu Youyou pondered for a moment and looked at Wang Luo.

Wang Luo's reply was: "This kind of warning is likely to be counterproductive. It is better to let the rumors ferment. Let the bizarre imaginations promote the wild growth of rumors. Then the rational people who cannot tolerate it and the fun-loving people who are afraid of the world will inevitably be everywhere. The final result of the debate will inevitably be a mess.”

Lu Youyou couldn't help but smile when he heard this: "As expected of the Lord's junior brother, he is really professional on such issues."

Wang Luo shook his head and did not answer.

Because in the true sense of the term, the Lord’s junior brother is not professional in this kind of issues. In the few short days in Jingzhou, he had several long conversations with the Lord of Heaven and heard the other party's complaints. The most important point is that Lu Zhiyao always used her precious practice guidance time to instill some inexplicable knowledge and skills, such as the painting methods of picture books, and the methods just now used to manipulate people's hearts and govern a country. , which Lu Zhiyao has mentioned many times, and sometimes even insists on strict assessment.

It is a pity that in the Lingshan era, no matter how Lu Zhiyao taught by words and deeds, it was always difficult for the Lord of Heaven to learn the essence, because in essence, Lu Zhiyao's full body of scriptures was simply a dragon-slaying skill in a classical immortal cultivation era. The dragon-slaying technique is actually the most difficult to learn.

"God knows where she learned those messy things. Is there anyone in this world who is born knowing them?"

The qualifications and understanding of the Lord of Heaven are at a level that is seen only once in ten thousand years, and is definitely not inferior to that of the Immortal Ancestor. However, in front of Lu Zhiyao, he always felt that he seemed clumsy and slow.

As for Wang Luo, he does not have this psychological burden, because in the Lingshan era in his memory, as long as he is taught by his senior sister, he will always understand any knowledge and skills and master them as soon as he learns them... Now it seems that this is obviously the senior sister. When creating a human being in the Jingyi Pond of Taiqingmen, some conveniences were given in private, some conveniences that made the imitation better than the original one.

However, Wang Luo actually had the same doubt in his heart.

If his knowledge comes from Lu Zhiyao's complete indoctrination, then who does Lu Zhiyao's knowledge come from?

There is no true meaning of being born with knowledge in this world. A person as powerful as the Immortal Ancestor Chicheng also grew up step by step in the wild land of Jingzhou. The ground-breaking theory of immortality was also pieced together by Chicheng over hundreds of years. Get up. Only Lu Zhiyao, when Master Song Yijing saw her, she had become extremely different from anyone else in the world.

Of course, Lu Zhiyao has never concealed her identity as a time traveler from another world. This is how she positions herself as a person.

However, to this day, after traveling around the world and witnessing many secrets close to the creation of the world, Wang Luo knows one thing.

There are no time travelers in this world.

Because there is no other world that can accommodate travelers. Whether it is the starry sea in the sky or the dark soil underground, it has long been full of explorers' footprints. As for the Chaos Fog Sea in the West and the Dark Sea in the East, although no one has ever experienced the depths, people have already had a full understanding of these two places by using fairy arts and deduction.

Even if you can't go there or see it, you can guess it.

And to this day, you will not get any clues about the "other world" by flipping through any books or asking any wise man.

The concept of the other world has always existed only in Lu Zhiyao's mind.

Of course, strictly speaking, in today's Immortal Alliance world, after Lu Zhiyao's own cultural promotion, other world crossing, taking over and rebirth are no longer novel words. Even in the field of story creation, a large number of masterpieces by masters with levels higher than Lu Zhiyao have emerged. However, even if you look through the cultural products of countless people's wisdom over the past few hundred years, you still can't find the secret of Lu Zhiyao's origin.

Where did Lu Zhiyao come from?

This was not the first time Wang Luo had thought about this question. Of course, he could not get an answer when Lu Zhiyao was in seclusion. But as the day of the decisive battle approached, this question appeared in Wang Luo's mind more and more frequently.

"Wang Luo... Wang Luo?!"

The gradually increasing voice of the call pulled Wang Luo back from his contemplation.

"Sorry, I was a little distracted... What are you discussing?"

Lu Youyou looked at him with some concern: "We are discussing the matter of blending with Taichu in advance... Since Jiuzun's progress is faster than expected, and Jingzhou's illusion has also arrived in Xinheng in advance, I think I should be prepared for an early meeting with Tianzun. But there is no rush. You don't look very good now. Go and rest for a while. I will let Han Guming take over temporarily for Xinheng's matter."

Wang Luo wanted to say something, but Lu Youyou suddenly stood up and said without hesitation: "Okay, this is the order of the king, you should take a short vacation... Mo Yu, are there any pills in Danchengfang?"

Mo Yu's face was a little strange: "Yes, there are, but it is tailor-made for you, the king. If a man takes it rashly, I'm afraid..."

Lu Youyou was speechless for a moment and had nothing to say.

Wang Luo stopped arguing and stood up and clasped his hands: "Then I will obey your order and take a short vacation first."

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