Of course, Wang Luo doesn't really need a vacation.

Unlike modern practitioners who grew up in the new era and focus on "health preservation", Wang Luo's understanding of practice and life comes from the classical era, an era in which people practice to death if they don't practice to death, and an era in which people may die from neglecting practice if they don't die from practice. The concept of death from overwork is really an excessive luxury.

What's more, Wang Luo doesn't feel very tired. In the same realm, his energy and physical strength are far superior to modern practitioners. Compared with the practice when he was polishing the base of Dan in Lingshan, just attending some meetings and scheming with some people at the meeting... It's as easy as a vacation.

But Lu Youyou naturally knows the same truth.

Therefore, the vacation that Lu Youyou strongly suggested was obviously not a real vacation.

She just needs Wang Luo to temporarily leave the position of Lingshan Mountain Master. Recently, the title of Lingshan Mountain Master has brushed too much presence and affected too many strategic decisions. In other words... attracted too much hatred.

The essence of a meeting is to form a consensus, and the essence of a consensus is compromise, and compromise means that the interests of some people are damaged, and the resentment and injustice that comes from it naturally need a channel for relief.

For a long time in the past, Wang Luo played the role of such a channel. As a person who has almost no qualifications in the political arena of the Immortal Alliance, but has jumped to a high position overnight. Wang Luo relies on the title of "Master Junior Brother" which is not justified, and the favor of Lu Youyou. But when Wang Luo controls the fate of others and forces others to sacrifice and make concessions, he is often calm and decisive, just like Lu Zhiyao herself. So grievances and hatred naturally accumulate and brew, and they will explode when the time is right.

Therefore, after this period of high-intensity participation in politics, Wang Luo should naturally retreat to the second line and avoid the edge... so that Lu Youyou can free up his hands and feet and personally go down to stir up more intense political waves.

However, no matter how intense the waves are, they have nothing to do with Wang Luo.

Because he is going on vacation.


On this day, when the morning sun shone through the gaps between the branches of the housekeeper tree and fell on Wang Luo's face, the long-lost atmosphere of comfort made Wang Luo dazed for a moment, unable to distinguish between reality and dreams.

It was not until the noise outside the courtyard came over the courtyard wall and into his ears, and he heard the familiar shouts of peddlers and hawkers, that Wang Luo exhaled lightly, came back to his senses, and realized that he was on vacation, a short vacation hidden in the city.

The place of vacation was located in the old house of the Shi family on Shi Street in Rongcheng. A place that many people did not expect.

This house once held everything of a girl named Shi Yue, and also carried her memories of poverty and embarrassment. Once upon a time, the four rooms belonged to four tenants, but now the courtyard has been vacant for a long time...

Shi Yue, who worked odd jobs in the streets to pay off debts, has long been a well-known political rookie in Rongcheng and even in the entire Zhuwang. She followed Governor Han Ying and made many contributions in the past few years of settling the wasteland. Naturally, the burden on her shoulders became heavier and heavier, and her title changed almost every year. And since a long time ago, her food, clothing, housing and transportation were all in the Governor's Mansion, and she had no time to go home. A year ago, Han Ying even arranged a house for her in Bibo Garden. Shi Yue refused at first, but gradually adapted to the environment there, and naturally lived less in Shi Street.

Xiao Zhao, who was once keen on setting up a grill under a tree for midnight snacks, was admitted to Rongcheng Academy early - and did not use his popularity in Shi Street at all. He really opened the door of the academy with his excellent grades, and naturally lived together with his girlfriend. Not long ago, the two graduated from the Academy and went to Molin for further studies according to the advice of the hall master.

As for Qin Yu in the South Wing, he was probably the one with the most ups and downs among the tenants. Wang Luo thought that after clearing up many misunderstandings and obstacles, he would continue to stay with Gu Shishi, but when Gu Shishi visited him not long ago, she denied this. After she and Qin Yu separated because of Bai Cheng's parting poison, the two did not reconcile. Now Gu Shishi is still busy with work and consolidating her power and position in Bolanzhuang. But Qin Yu left Zhuwang early and his whereabouts are unknown... The last time he contacted was when he sent a travel photo from Zhou Guo. In the photo, in addition to Qin Yu, there were two beautiful girls with almost the same appearance.

Finally, Fan Li in the West Wing. Compared with the other tenants, her experience is relatively plain. She lived in the Shi family courtyard the longest and once recommended her former colleague Shu Quan to live with her. For a period of time, her business in Taixu Qinglu experienced a period of rapid growth, which naturally caused a lot of trouble. However, with the help of a master from the Governor's Mansion, the troubles soon subsided, and Qinglu's business gradually stabilized. Although Fan Li was not rich, she had no worries about food and clothing. Just when she thought that she might live in Shijie permanently, her roommate Shuquan disrupted her plan and insisted on pulling her to start a business, saying that he had gathered a group of backbones who retired from the big workshop to join in the celebration. Fan Li has never been able to persuade others, so she had no choice but to follow. Who knew that a few years later, when the Nine Zun Competition was in full swing, the Xianmeng painting scroll market was booming, and their business was really a great success. As a veteran, Fan Li, in addition to financial freedom, also lost her freedom of life. She stayed in the workshop almost all day to work overtime, and from time to time accompanied Shuquan to welcome the guidance of various politicians... Whether this kind of life is what she wants, it is unknown.


In short, today's Shijia courtyard has become Wang Luo's exclusive residence during his vacation. Compared with the tranquility inside the hospital, the noise outside the hospital was particularly harsh.

For example, not far from the courtyard gate, at a makeshift breakfast stall, there was a pair of young people, shouting loudly to the boss for fried liver buns, and setting up a lotus pedestal at will, mixed with the already impure local accent. , complaining to each other.

"Have you heard that the boss of Taixu Division is going to be replaced again?"

"Damn, this is the first time... Every time there is a change of people, our subordinate agencies have to go through the process all over again. A work report is revised and submitted over and over again, and then it is copied from the superior of Te Niang. Damn it, why is this fried liver full of starch?"

"Hey, five spiritual leaves in a bowl, what else do you need from Zaiyun? Damn, are these steamed buns or steamed buns? Isn't this a bit too much!?"

"What a fool, report it to the Qingping Division and the Industrial and Commercial Division after eating. By the way, it is said that almost half of the important ministers at Yueyang have been replaced from the first assistant to the imperial minister. I haven't seen anyone bothering like this, right?"

"Hey, who doesn't know that Zhuwang people are the most bureaucratic..."

In the morning on Stone Street, discussions and complaints like this pair of young people came like an endless stream. Therefore, even though Wang Luo was on vacation, he also knew that the political structure of Zhuwang and even the entire Immortal Alliance was undergoing violent turmoil.

The specifications of Lu Youyou's personal exit are indeed extraordinary... As a channel to channel grievances in the early stage, Wang Luo's exit made many people mistakenly believe that the top management planned to temporarily cease operations and stabilize the political situation... But this is really a huge misunderstanding.

Perhaps according to general political common sense, maintaining overall stability is the most important, but the crisis facing the Immortal Alliance and even Kyushu now is enough to break all common sense. Under the threat of the two Heavenly Lords, in order to survive, no matter how fierce the political turmoil is, it is not too much. And when the truth about Tianzun gradually spreads from top to bottom, all the turbulent aftermath will be invisible. Therefore, headed by Lu Youyou, several major kingdom leaders almost unanimously exerted their efforts, which can be said to have hit the mark, and they cleared up their respective political structures in a short period of time.

Then, you can start focusing on the next stage.

Just as he was thinking about it, there was a light knock on the door outside the courtyard. Wang Luo turned his eyes, and the maroon door opened with a creak, and a small flying sword shot out quickly, and then stopped in front of Wang Luo. One meter away, suspended quietly and submissively. There is a letter attached to the sword, and the letter is stamped with the gold seal of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Wang Luo couldn't help laughing when he saw this: This is an information briefing that the Ministry of Internal Affairs must submit to Lu Youyou every day, but now a separate copy is copied for him, and then delivered as a routine every morning with a golden deer patrol sword. Obviously, although Wang Luo's short vacation is not a real vacation, it must be short enough. Soon, when the political situation is cleaned up, Lu Youyou will ask him to come out again.

Wang Luo naturally had no objection to this. Dealing with the Tianzun crisis and clearing the last obstacle to the unification of Kyushu was also what he wanted in his heart, so he naturally worked tirelessly for this. But there is no need to read the briefing from the Golden Deer Hall. Because he will see and understand the really important things for himself.

You must also see and understand it in person.

After sending the Golden Deer Patrol Sword back, Wang Luo took out a black jade bottle and took two pills from the bottle. Then the soul instantly left his body and came to an endlessly flowing river.

Taixu illusion, Taiyin River.

However, compared to the Taiyin River that Li Shen San led to, the river under Wang Luo's feet seemed turbid, and the water contained a faint fishy smell. There were no Taixu Walkers on the river as numerous as stars, but only a few figures, and they were so far apart from each other that they couldn't even say hello.

And this is the only Taiyin River in the Tianzhiyou Immortal League that can directly connect to Mingzhou Xinheng Fantasy Realm.

Since the Tongming Immortal Road was successfully completed and Xinheng established the Desolate Barrier, the promotion of the Taixu Illusion Realm has been natural and in full swing. Now the illusion has already covered the entire Xinheng Realm, with more than 100,000 ten-direction mirrors, which makes Xinheng people no matter what. Whether you swallow the Lishen Powder or not, you can instantly understand the various trends happening in the Immortal Alliance. However, this does not mean that the illusions of the two places have been completely integrated into one, because the geographical barriers have not been completely eliminated. From Lingshan on the western border of Zhuwang to the nearest Liuyan City in Xinhengsang County, there is still a journey of several hundred miles. As for Xinheng itself, after being raised by Heaven for hundreds of years, his way of heaven is somewhat different from that of Heaven's Right. Therefore, although Taixu Illusion has been popularized, it will take a long time to adapt to perfect integration.

Of course, the above reasons are only the apparent reasons for Taixu Mansion to announce to the world. The essence of the problem is that Xinheng has been preset as the battlefield where the two Tianzun will directly collide. Before the war, the infiltration from the Taichu illusion was Gradually, Xinheng's illusion changed. The fishy smell in the Taiyin River now does not come from the pollution along the Tongming Immortal Road, nor from the pollution of Xinheng itself... but from the erosion of Taichu.

This erosion is also the first issue assigned to the Immortal Alliance by the Lord of Heaven. What Wang Luo wants to see now is the actual progress of the project.

After a while, he shuttled along the Taiyin River and came to a brightly lit water area. He saw Taixu Zhaotang like floating islands, nimbly sailing scroll pontoons, and hundreds of Thousands of Taixu Walkers with different appearances fly in the air, intertwining together to form a prosperous picture.

This is the Taixu Fantasy Realm in Xinheng. Although it is not as large and prosperous as the large nodes of the Immortal Alliance, considering that the promotion of the fantasy here has been less than half a year, the current scale is incredible.

Soon, a small boat came to Wang Luo. On the boat, a graceful woman, almost naked, with only a faint white light covering her vital parts, said to Wang Luo in a coquettish voice: "Sir, are you willing to come to "The Legend of Demon Slayer" and dance with me?"

Wang Luo sighed in his heart. The Legend of Demon Slayer is a Taixu scroll with the theme of battle upgrades. Where does it come from to dance with me? This kind of scroll advertisement that goes straight to the bottom and is seriously fraudulent is basically listed as a taboo in the 100 countries of the Immortal Alliance, but the good thing about Xinheng is that there are no taboos, and the people of Xinheng who have never experienced such false propaganda are often particularly susceptible to this.

Especially not long ago, several students encountered accidents in "The Legend of Demon Slayer" and died in agony, and then they could not enter Taixu again... This news did not pose a big obstacle to the promotion of Taixu Fantasy in Mingzhou. But for the workshop operating "The Legend of Demon Slayer", it was like a bolt from the blue. Now in order to save the performance, it is clear that the workshop dares to use any tricks.

Wang Luo's silence for a while made the woman on the boat a little bored. She quickly turned her head to greet the next guest, but the next moment, she heard Wang Luo say.

"Okay, take me to see it."

The woman was delighted and immediately stretched out her arms to greet Wang Luo: "Thank you, sir. Now the Demon Slayer is in the promotion period. You only need six spirit leaves to get a surprise gift package. If you accumulate enough spirit leaves, you will have exclusive privileges!"

Wang Luo thought for a while and said, "How much do you need to spend for the highest level of your privilege?"

The woman was stunned and asked subconsciously, "What did you say?"

Wang Luo didn't say much and directly withdrew a sum of money from his own account: "This is one million spirit leaves. Raise all the privileges to the highest level for me, and then tell me how to go to see [Three Realms Ruins] as soon as possible."

When she saw one million spirit leaves, the holy light on the woman's body was almost blown away, but when she heard about the Three Realms Ruins, the expression on her face suddenly became subtle.

"This sir, you are not... here to fish for law enforcement, right?"

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