Of course Wang Luo has no interest in enforcing the law, but he does have the authority to enforce the law. Although as the master of Lingshan Mountain, he has gradually retreated behind the scenes in Xinheng, and the related docking work has been handed over to Han Guming. But both Zhang Jincheng and Emperor Gan Fengxian were obviously politically sensitive enough and still reserved many privileges for Wang Luo.

One of them is to have almost absolute control over the Taixu Illusion Realm in Xinheng.

Therefore, if Wang Luo wants to see any scene in the Legend of Dang Mo, he can use the name of Xinheng Taixu Si to go to the locally operated workshop and ask for permission to directly descend into the picture scroll... In fact, when Taichu Tianzun corroded Dang After the Demonic Legend, the Taixu Mansion of the Immortal Alliance sent quite a number of elite generals to Xinheng and launched a very detailed investigation into the Demonic Legend. However, the result was unexpectedly nothing.

Taichu Tianzun left almost no traces for capture in the Legend of Demons. If the confessions of those students had not been verified repeatedly and were true, if someone in Lingkong Pavilion had not died tragically on the spot that day, if it had not been for the regional map of the Lord of the Three Realms that should have been refreshed, no matter what It can't be reconstructed... Then the arrival of Tianzun seems to be just a dream that never actually happened.

Up to now, neither the Taixu Mansion nor the Taixu Departments of various countries have come to a strong enough conclusion, and there are so many seemingly strong hypotheses at once that it is dizzying, but in essence they are just the struggle of a group of professionals who are unwilling to fail. , and has no actual reference value.

Taichu Tianzun is still a difficult puzzle for the Immortal Alliance. Just observing it requires the sacrifice of life. But now there is not much time to slowly solve the puzzle, so Wang Luo plans to take advantage of his spare time during the holiday to try some stupid methods.

"If it doesn't work, I can find another floating boat."

Before Wang Luo could say these words, the face of the woman on the boat immediately changed, and a submissive smile seemed to overflow from her face.

"I'm just joking, sir, please don't take it seriously... The Legend of Dangmo has always been about serving customers as its highest purpose. Although [Ruins of the Three Realms] is a later part of the picture scroll, if you really need it, we can also make a convenient one." Door……"

Wang Luo shook his head and declined: "Don't open any convenient door, just treat me as a normal traveler. If a normal person enters this Demonic Scroll, how can he travel to the ruins of the Three Realms as quickly as possible?"

The woman was startled when she heard the words, and she couldn't help but have doubts in her heart, but she responded extremely readily.

"Okay, then please come with me and I will tailor a strategy for you and keep it so that you can reach the ruins as quickly as possible without violating any rules!"

After speaking, the woman took two steps back to make room on the boat. After Wang Luo settled down and stabilized, the boat suddenly accelerated, making the lights on both sides of the water resemble thin golden threads... In the blink of an eye, the boat It's like opening a door of fog, making the scenery suddenly clear.

"Sir, we have officially entered the world of Dang Mo Zhuan. Let me introduce myself again. I am Xiaoya, your exclusive assistant in the picture scroll. I will answer any questions you have during the journey as soon as possible. To answer your questions, for example, regarding the ruins of the Three Realms... Hey, have you seen the relevant guide before? Yes, the direction you are looking at is the location of the ruins, but we can't go to the later map yet, so we need you. Follow the guide and complete several tests..."

Wang Luo didn't listen carefully to Xiaoya's words, and even felt a little noisy.

Of course he had read the relevant guides. This time he came to Dangmozhuan to look for clues about Tianzun, not just on a whim. What's more, even if it happens on a whim, you always have to do a thorough strategy before rushing to the scene. Before arriving along the Taiyin River to the Xinheng Waters, Wang Luo even carefully read the interviews of those students, and inquired about all the information about their group, and the process of their first kill in the whole territory was almost completely imprinted in his mind. inside. In a way, he didn't need any assistants at all.

It is a pity that the general environment of the Legend of Demons is very different from the original... After the arrival of Tianzun and the injury of students, no matter how the workshop tried to persuade them to stay, the popularity of the scrolls was still not as good as before. The workshop had no choice but to change its thinking. We actively harvested the stock and launched a large number of paid gift packs. For those students who worked hard to plan the clearance path, for today's remaining practitioners, they only need to pay some spiritual leaves to easily open the shortcut.

In other words, for those who remain, if they want to experience the content of the scroll normally, they can only pay. Therefore, spending millions at the beginning and having a professional assistant accompany you is the correct strategy for today's Dangmozhuan. Wang Luo can be regarded as doing as the Romans do.

And with a million-dollar paid foundation, his strategy progress is indeed astonishingly fast, relying on the magical weapons, fairy servants and beasts that come with the paid gift package, as well as the strategies that Xiaoya thoughtfully provides from the operation workshop. It became a method, and in one morning, I cleared the level of the novice village tyrant who had tortured countless newcomers for a week. Then, he continued non-stop and rushed all the way along the normal map without stopping...

About three days later, Wang Luo successfully arrived at the ruins of the Three Realms, which had taken students more than a month to get started.

Looking at what he saw, Wang Luo felt that the name of the ruins was indeed true. The glorious courtyard, once dedicated to the Lord of the Three Realms, carries the entire imagination of the operating workshop for heaven. However, at this time, they were all covered with a thick layer of dust. Although the Linlang Fairy Pavilion and the splendid flowers and trees maintained their original outlines, they showed their decay under the wash of falling dust. Although it is a ruin, it still inherits the magnificent scene of the past.

Then, in the distance of the field of vision, in the center of the glorious courtyard, there was a dark void, tearing apart the almost perfect composition like ink stains on the canvas... However, the void itself was completely empty, without any The slightest impurity, compared to it, the Brilliant Courtyard itself is more like an impurity.

Wang Luo was silent for a moment, while Xiaoya, the assistant next to him, cheered up - following Wang Luo's high-intensity land reclamation for several days and nights, she felt that she would die from overwork at any time, but considering the high commission, her smile remained strong The ground hangs on the face.

"Sir, ahead are the ruins of the Three Realms. Well, maybe you know a lot about the situation here. Since that incident, this area has become an area that cannot be processed."

Wang Luo raised his eyebrows slightly, indicating that he was interested in this topic.

Xiaoya suddenly became energetic: "I would like to ask you, sir, to keep the following contents a secret. They are all top secrets within the workshop. Because you are interested, sir, I only know everything... To put it simply, the ruins of the Three Realms are out of control. After the accidental death of those students, the workshop initially planned to restore everything here and try to calm down the situation. However, we soon discovered a serious problem. The characters who died in that incident could not be regenerated at all. In other words, not only the accounts of those students cannot be retrieved, but even the Lords of the Three Realms cannot be refreshed. "

Wang Luo nodded, indicating that he was listening.

Xiaoya added: "This situation is very strange, because...you know, the characters in the picture scrolls are essentially like the illustrations in the picture album. Even if it is impossible to restore the original ones, the workshop can completely restore them according to the original We have a template and draw a new one. However, no matter how hard we try, the Lord of the Three Realms cannot be reproduced. Even if the character is perfectly restored within the design framework, the moment we put him into the scroll, he will melt in place. !”

Speaking of this, Xiaoya tried her best to look serious and horrified, but Wang Luo still just nodded lightly.

Because of course he also knows these things... Since the incident in the Legend of Demon, the workshop's operation log has been synchronized to Xinheng Taixu Division every day, and Taixu Division will immediately synchronize it to Xianmeng Taixu Mansion. Therefore, Wang Luo has more than one channel to check these facts at the first time, and his understanding of some details is even better than Xiaoya, a temporary assistant who heard about it.

However, there are indeed some things that workshop staff will not write in the diary, but will only communicate in private.

"Some people say this is punishment from heaven."

Wang Luo immediately turned his gaze: "Who is talking?"

Xiaoya suddenly felt a chill in her body - even though the body in the picture scroll was an incarnation, she clearly felt that her soul was being wrapped in the cold.

Realizing that she had opened up an extremely dangerous and sensitive topic, Xiaoya couldn't help but regret it, but at this moment, she had no choice but to betray her teammates immediately.

"Yes, it's my colleague, Xiaozhen, Rouzhenzhen from the customer service team. She is a local. It is said that she has always been a believer in Dasheng Temple and is particularly loyal to Heaven. Then one day she said to me mysteriously , the accident in the Legend of the Demon is that the immortals in heaven are punishing us, punishing us to submit to the Immortal Alliance, and designing the Lord of the Three Realms based on the Golden Immortal in the scroll..."

Upon hearing this, Wang Luo realized that it was not someone in the workshop who realized the truth about Taichu Tianzun, but some old men who had an undying desire for restoration and were using the topic to spread rumors, so he shook his head and interrupted: "That's enough. "

"Yes, yes..." Xiaoya didn't dare to say anything.

Wang Luo, on the other hand, was still deep in thought as he stepped forward and stepped onto the gray ruins courtyard. Xiaoya couldn't help but said: "It may be dangerous. This is an out-of-control area. Anything can happen."

Wang Luo smiled. If something really happened, it would be a worthwhile trip.

Seeing that she couldn't hold him back, Xiaoya became anxious, because she really didn't dare to set foot in the ruins in person - it was said that colleagues from the maintenance team investigated the ruins in depth, but they never returned!

But as a personal assistant, it was impossible to leave the big clients alone. In desperation, Xiaoya had an idea and told a story.

"By the way, sir, do you know that after the ruins of the Three Realms, our workshop actually launched a series of more exciting maps and designed more powerful enemies?"

Wang Luo snorted and didn't take it seriously.

After experiencing the crisis, Legend of the Demons adjusted its operating strategy and increased the number of paid services to dramatically expand the values ​​in the scrolls. The original system collapsed almost overnight. The so-called Lord of the Three Realms, who stumped the heroes of the world, blessed everyone with paid gift packages. High-end walkers are already vulnerable to a single blow, so the workshop will naturally introduce more powerful enemies.

The Demon Lord of Six Paths, the Great Sage of the Nine Heavens, the Realm-Breaking Void Beast, the Heaven-Swallowing Way... For a time, the number of enemies in the Legend of Demons also increased with the promotion of paid gift packages. The remaining travelers, while complaining that their money was spent solely on monsters, continued to spend money habitually.

"Well, in fact, these subsequent maps and enemies are also carefully designed by the workshop. They were originally planned to be gradually released after the picture scroll has been in operation for several years. But now we have to compress the progress, but it will definitely not affect the quality! If the young master is right If you are interested in Dang Mo Zhuan, you should really get to know these new enemies!”

Wang Luo had no interest at first, but when he heard this, he thought of a question: "So, have these well-designed enemies ever caused surprises like the Lord of the Three Realms?"

Xiaoya shook her head quickly: "Of course not! If there was, I would have paid it back!"

Wang Luo then asked: "Then, why not?"

Xiaoya was stunned. Is this a problem?

Wang Luo said: "If it was the design of the Lord of the Three Realms that offended Heaven, then wouldn't the subsequent Six Paths and Nine Heavens be even more offensive? The Lord of the Three Realms just made reference to the Golden Immortal Stone Suying that fell over Dongdu, but the Six Paths Jiutian, especially Tuntian Guidao, actually relied on a lot of information from the Bai family... My senior sister has betrayed her own secrets a lot in recent years. But in short, when it comes to offending, these enemies in the future are obviously more serious. Why Heavenly Court. Instead of punishing him?"

Xiaoya could only shake her head helplessly, indicating that everything was Xiaozhen's nonsense and had nothing to do with her.

Wang Luo continued to reason: "Before coming here, I did read a lot of information and made many guesses. But after walking along the path of a normal traveler, I suddenly realized one thing: perhaps the key to the problem It’s not about the picture scroll itself, because if I hadn’t relied on paid gift packages along the way, I wouldn’t have been able to get this far.”

Xiaoya's smile was slightly stiff: Isn't this nonsense? ! Isn’t this the kind of ease and comfort that money buys? But soon, her stiff smile completely froze.

Because she recalled what she had seen along the way, she suddenly realized that even without the paid gift package, the scroll painting skills of the wealthy young man next to her were actually ridiculously high. Many maps were designed according to the guide, and even if they paid, it would be difficult to overcome them in a short period of time. They were all easily defeated by the opponent's miraculous fighting skills.

This is actually a pretty powerful Scroll Walker, but the two million payment at the beginning hides this.

At the same time, Wang Luo said: "Then let's go back and talk about it. What is the strength of the team that advanced all the way, was the first to advance into the Brilliant Courtyard, and was the first to defeat the Lord of the Three Realms? Especially the student who is the team's think tank, strategic judgment They are all quite powerful. I saw the strategies he published afterwards, and many of them are better than those in your workshop... So, is there a possibility that that person is not doing it for the Legend of Demons, but for that team of students? Come?"

After a pause, Wang Luo came to his own conclusion in the eyes of Xiao Ya who gradually widened in surprise.

"At least in the Legend of Demons, a scroll walker who is skilled enough may cause disaster. And I have probably just met the 'skilled enough' standard."

As he spoke, a white-gold light suddenly filled the dark void in the distance.

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