Am I the only one who didn't ascend?

Chapter 57 The best narrative is not to let the other person tell the story

After Wang Luo finished his story, the inner courtyard was quiet for a while.

Everyone was immersed in his story, and Wang Luo was not in a hurry to wake them up. He made a cup of tea under the tree, with mist and tea fragrance.

After a long time, it was Zhao Xiuwen who couldn't hold back his curiosity and asked, "Wang Luo, is what you just said really just a story?! Which one is true, your story or Zhang Yu's story?"

Wang Luo laughed and said, "It doesn't matter which one is true. What matters is which one you choose to believe. Assuming you believe Zhang Yu's story, if Shijie really revives in the future, it will naturally be Zhang Yu and Bolan Manor who have done a great job in exterminating traitors, and everyone will praise Boss Zhang for being awesome; if it fails to usher in a revival, or most of the benefits are taken away by the upper class, it can also be explained that the Shi family's poison has not been cleared, and the people of Shijie need to further deepen the reform to correct the chaos... And if you believe my story, then if Shijie revives in the future, it will naturally be Shi Yue who has done good deeds, and everyone will praise Shi Yue for being awesome; if it fails to revive, then the blame will be put on the Zhang family and Bolan Manor, and everything is a conspiracy of the despicable and greedy Upper City District. It's nothing more than that."

This joke made Zhao Xiuwen completely confused. Shi Yue was obviously a little hesitant, but Kong Zhang quickly followed Wang Luo's train of thought.

"So, the key now is, how can you tell your story and prevent Zhang Yu from telling his story?"

Wang Luo said: "Yes, although I am confident that my story is better, there is no need to compete with my opponent in any story. Any kind and upright person in Shijie should not be polluted by poisonous stories. So, Mr. Kong Zhang, I need you to use the authority of the third jade master to convene a jade master meeting."

Kong Zhang was stunned: "Meeting? When?"



As the neutral third jade master, Kong Zhang has no privileges in Shijie. Of course, his prestige does not come from the jade talisman, but from the good relationships he has made in operating a chess stall in Sanjiao Alley for many years. If not, this jade talisman representing neutrality, with only responsibility but no corresponding power, would not fall into his hands.

However, even Kong Zhang, who has always been serious and responsible, did not know that the jade talisman in his hand could actually force the convening of a jade master meeting.

Seeing Wang Luo skillfully infusing the jade talisman with true essence, causing the jade talismans in his and Shi Yue's hands to emit a faint light at the same time, and then the light intertwined, infiltrating the virtual image of the third jade talisman... Kong Zhang couldn't help but fall into deep thought.

He has always deliberately kept a distance from the mountain master mentioned by Shi Yue and Zhao Xiuwen. For example, he has never seriously inquired about his background, even though it is clear that Wang Luo will tell him everything if he asks.

But he didn't say anything after all, because he is a neutral party. He has been getting closer to Shi Yue during this period to balance the unbalanced strength comparison between Shi Yue and Zhang Yu, but not because he really stands on Shi Yue's side.

But now it seems that he is a little self-indulgent. With Wang Luo, the noble man sent from heaven, the revival of the Shi family has long been inevitable. Why does he need a neutral third jade master to join in the fun? In other words, if he really wanted to maintain neutrality, he should have gone to Zhang Yu and reminded him that the Zhang family was on the verge of crisis...

But Kong Zhang didn't move in the end, just watching the changes in the jade talisman in front of him with curious eyes.

After the shadow of the third jade talisman gradually solidified, Zhang Yu's figure also appeared beside the shadow. This wealthy businessman with a wealthy figure and a gentle face was showing a mixture of surprise and fierceness.

"Who are you?! Is it you!? How do you know these three talents..."

Zhang Yu stopped talking halfway.

After Wang Luo infused his true essence and activated the magical power of the jade talisman, he did not occupy the magpie's nest, but gave up his position and signaled Kong Zhang to speak.

So Kong Zhang said, "Boss Zhang, the Jade Masters will gather at my chess stall. Come quickly."

Zhang Yu stared at Kong Zhang with an especially ferocious look and asked, "So, which side are you on?"

Kong Zhang did not answer, but said, "Let's meet at the chess stall."

Wang Luo said, "This is a mandatory gathering, so don't be late on purpose. Although I don't mind if you're late, it can save a lot of trouble."

Zhang Yu snorted, "Okay, then let's meet at the chess stall!"

At the end, a hint of panic could not be concealed in his tone.


Triangle Alley is not far from the Stone Mansion, and the site is not spacious. Two long and narrow roads have alluvial deposits at the end of a small open space, which is roughly surrounded by several snack and grocery stores in a triangle shape, forming Triangle Alley. And Kong Zhang's chess stall borrowed the light of a teahouse and was placed under the eaves.

The three Jade Masters gathered again at the chess stall, attracting a large number of onlookers.

Although the three of them rushed to the Triangle Alley as quickly as possible after confirming the meeting, the speed of the people in Shijie was no less than that.

When Zhang Yu, the last one to arrive at the scene, slowly stepped down from a not-so-luxurious cloud, the surroundings were already bustling.

Inside and outside the alley, even in the air, there were people everywhere. The scene was much more lively than when Shi Yue repaid the debts of the neighbors, and it was comparable to the corpse tide in the netherworld.

However, when they arrived near the teahouse, the hustle and bustle quickly returned to silence. The dilapidated eaves reflected the morning light while setting up a barrier to isolate noise.

As a neutral party, Kong Zhang, the owner of the chess stall, consciously sat on the side of the chessboard, and the opponent position naturally belonged to Shi Yue and Zhang Yu.

However, both Shi Yue and Zhang Yu knew very well that the real key figure was Wang Luo, who stood behind Shi Yue and shrouded the girl in shadow.

In terms of Wang Luo's original intention, he did not want to continue to be too sharp, to overtake others, and to make Shi Yue, the real jade master, more and more irrelevant. But he won't be pretentious when necessary. In the current situation, he did his best.

Kong Zhang said: "Now that everyone is here, let's start the meeting. This meeting was proposed by the first Jade Master Shi Yue, and I initiated the convening with the authority of the third Jade Master. The theme of the meeting..."

Before he finished speaking, Zhang Yu interrupted with extreme irritation: "There is no need to pretend here, let the real owner do the talking and save each other's time."

The main leader, Wang Luo, couldn't help but laugh: "Even if it's just pretending, there must still be procedures. Respecting procedures is the basis of the Jade Master system. As the second Jade Master, you should know this better than anyone else." ah."

Zhang Yu couldn't help but close his eyes, but his eyelids were trembling slightly. After a moment, he said: "Okay, let's follow the procedures and discuss how to deal with the public opinion storm in Stone Street."

When Kong Zhang heard this, he glanced at Wang Luo, and when he saw the other party nodded slightly, he sighed: "Yes, the topic of this meeting is how to face the storm of public opinion."

With that said, Kong Zhang showed a piece of brocade to everyone and said loudly: "Facing this public opinion storm of slander out of thin air!"

Zhang Yu sighed at this time: "This matter is actually..."

Before he finished speaking, Kong Zhang extended his hand and interrupted: "Please be patient. According to the assembly procedures, the order of speeches should follow the order of jade masters. In other words, the first jade master Shi Yue must speak first."

Zhang Yu was stunned for a moment, then frowned!

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