Am I the only one who didn't ascend?

Chapter 58: Good times come after bad times

The Jade Masters' Gathering does have strict procedures.

Who proposes, who convenes, how to determine the topic, how to start the discussion...

However, this strict procedure is actually just the struggle of the impoverished Shi family head when he was forced to cut off his autonomy more than two hundred years ago.

It is obvious that they have reached the end of their rope and the family's dignity has been lost, but they still have to use their last bit of strength to design a set of formal and complicated procedures to portray the forced transfer of power as the Shi family's dedication to the public and the courage to reform.

The person who took over this power at that time did not expose the Shi family's self-deception, but promised to abide by the agreement, hold the jade talisman seriously, and perform their duties.

But more than two hundred years later, Zhang Yu, who inherited this jade talisman, did not intend to be so disciplined.

First, this rule was the dignity that the Zhang family gave to the Shi family in the past.

Second, thanks to the incompetence of the Shi family's ancestors, only one copy of the contract signed when the jade talisman was transferred is now safely kept in the secret room of the Bamboo Shoot Building. The Shi family themselves had not seen a contract for more than a hundred years. By the time of Shi Xiusheng's generation, they didn't even know the full content of the contract, and they didn't know how to use the jade talisman! As for the so-called third jade master who was newly established later, it was even more of a false name.

So, what reason did Zhang Yu have to trouble himself?

But he didn't expect that this secret that should have been dormant was dug out and exposed to the public!

As early as when Wang Luo used his true essence to infuse the jade talisman and activate the Three Talents Technique, he vaguely realized the problem, so he went to the secret room to confirm before coming, and there was no trace of intrusion there. Therefore, the secret of the contract should only be known by him!

Of course, there is also a possibility that Shi He passed some secrets of the past to Shi Yue without Shi Xiusheng, but according to Zhang Yu's understanding of Shi He, the old man was just an ordinary person who was struggling under the tide of the Heavenly Dao, and he didn't know much about the past.

So, how did the other party know the correct use of the jade talisman and this prosperous and ridiculous procedure?

Zhang Yu looked at Wang Luo, but saw that he was also looking at him, his eyes full of peace, but this peace made people feel palpitating!

At this time, Shi Yue, as the first jade master, had already spoken first under Kong Zhang's signal.

Zhang Yu missed the opportunity to interrupt, so he temporarily suppressed his impatience and listened to her attentively.

Unexpectedly, Shi Yue's first sentence was: "First of all, I want to authorize my agent Wang Luo to speak on my behalf in this meeting. Every word he says can represent the first jade master, that is, me."

Well, I won't even act!

Wang Luo was also very unceremonious. After nodding slightly to Shi Yue, he raised his head again, smiled, and waved to the neighbors around him.

I don't know why, this person has appeared in Shi Street for less than a week, but he seems to have a good popularity, especially when he waved and showed his forearm, many locals with only brute force showed intoxication. It's simply unreasonable!

Until everyone's attention was drawn to it, Wang Luo said: "What I want to say is very simple. This food safety accident was deliberately framed by someone, and then tried to take advantage of the situation to suppress the local order of Shijie!"

After the voice fell, the whole audience was in an uproar, and several blue-clothed people directly showed the golden seals on their waists, and wanted to suppress Wang Luo's shocking speech.

But Wang Luo took the lead, pointed at Qian, and said sternly: "Look, someone is already guilty! Look at those unfamiliar faces in blue clothes, each of them is an accomplice of this conspiracy!"

The next moment, the golden light that had just been lit was completely extinguished. Although the crowd looked for unfamiliar faces according to Wang Luo's words, they found that the strange blue-clothed people who seemed to be around not long ago seemed to have disappeared collectively.

Wang Luo shook his head and said with a smile: "Team Leader Gu is really cautious in doing things. It seems that he has studied the self-government chapter carefully in advance. Unfortunately, if you were more arrogant just now, I could have taken advantage of the situation to catch you all. Well, let me continue my story."

"What I just said must have made you curious. Why bother to frame someone so nakedly? Shijie is not a prosperous and wealthy place. No matter how badly you treat it, you can't get much money. Even if there are nobles who want to come to Qingping Division to gain qualifications, they don't have to do things so decisively. Similar special operations have been experienced several times in the past few years in Shijie, and there has never been such an extraordinary one. This place has self-government attributes after all, and no one can do whatever they want..."

As he said, Wang Luo deliberately paused for a moment and looked around, as if he was guiding people's thinking and attention invisibly. When the crowd began to think and discuss in this direction, he revealed the answer.

"The answer to this question is a bit complicated. Let me explain it step by step. First, after more than a thousand years of decline, Shijie has finally turned from bad to good and is about to usher in a comprehensive prosperity. Unfortunately, I cannot reveal the specific details to you yet, because it is related to the national strategic plan at the level of the Golden Deer Hall, but within the scope of what I can say, I might as well promise you a few things: First, the assets of Shijie will increase in value as a whole, that is, the houses you live in, the stores you own, etc.; second, the income will increase across the board, and there is no need to elaborate on this point, it is the literal meaning; third, the Great Law will focus on Shijie, and local residents will be able to enjoy the happiness of being a noble in the Upper City, with everything going well and the help of heaven and earth. There will be no more extra obstacles in building the foundation and congealing the elixir, and seeking a decent job will not be disliked because of the identity of Shijie. And then, you don't have to rely on freeloading to enjoy the night snack law."

Wang Luo deliberately slowed down his speech speed, and after each paragraph he would gesture around in an inciting manner. Although the content of these few sentences was completely empty talk, it undoubtedly aroused the interest of the audience.

It also caused extreme panic among the people on the other side of the chessboard.

However, it was still Wang Luo's speaking time. The three jade talismans on the chessboard intertwined with each other, and Zhang Yu was pressed so hard that he couldn't move at all!

Gu Shishi, who should have come forward to stop all this, simply left the scene, leaving only a group of local Qingyi people in Shijie, listening to Wang Luo's story with interest!

So Wang Luo's speech continued. After empty talk for everyone, he began to explain his story in depth.

"Okay, I've just told you a story. I believe that many people, after listening to it, are thinking these four words in their hearts: a fool's dream. Indeed, the decline of Shijie has been a fine tradition with a history of thousands of years. How can I change fate by just talking about it? Even last night, the people of Shijie were still suffering from unprovoked disasters and being wronged. Where does good come from?"

As he said this, Wang Luo put his hands on Shi Yue's shoulders, causing the girl to tremble.

"Good comes from stone."

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