Am I the only one who didn't ascend?

Chapter 59 A story that is impossible to believe

Wang Luo's conclusion that Tai came from the stone was so convincing that the jade talisman on the chessboard also trembled slightly, spreading an invisible ripple and washing away everyone's thoughts.

"As we all know, the fate of Stone Street is closely related to its owner, the Shi family. Over the past thousand years, the Shi family has been rejected by the Great Law, and as a result, the family has fallen into decline. As a result, their own territory has also been tragically affected. The Shi family is also responsible for the poverty and injustice suffered by the neighbors. Therefore, even though I have only been in Shijie for a few days, I have heard people talking in the streets, is it possible that without the Shi family, everyone’s life will be better? "

"Speaking of conscience, these comments are understandable. Why should we be inferior to others when we live in Stone Street? Why should other people's bad luck be transmitted to me? Regarding these issues, I think even if Shi Yue denies it in every possible way, I'm afraid it will be difficult to completely To convince everyone, I will only say two points and ask everyone to think carefully.”

At this point, Wang Luo deliberately maintained silence for a while. Although the Triangle Alley was packed with people and the sky was like a mountain of meat, there was no sound at this time.

Everyone is waiting for Wang Luo to finish the story and get to the point.

"First, Shijie and the Shi family are closely tied, and both will suffer losses. This is an objective fact that has been maintained for thousands of years in the past. So, as the only descendant of the Shi family, what is Shi Yue's recent fortune?"

This question made many people in Shijie wonder.

"Hey, it's true, Xiaoyue's luck doesn't seem so bad recently."

"Yeah, I haven't heard her complain about losing her wallet for a few days."

"The mad dog in Cripple Lane stopped chasing her and biting her."

"It is said that I took people to visit Lingshan that day and sold a souvenir for the first time!"

"But she has been subject to higher interest rates recently..."

"But I still paid off a debt of more than one million yuan!"

The neighbors were talking so much that Wang Luo couldn't help but twitch his eyelids, and the hand on Shi Yue's shoulder became a little more gentle, as if he was comforting a stray puppy whose legs were broken.

Then he spoke to end people's discussion.

"Everyone can see what Shi Yue's character is. For such a person to be rejected by the Great Law is a violation of the foundation of the law. Her current fate is just the result of her many years of good deeds. What's more, in addition to everyone just now In addition to the trivial matters mentioned...she has finally met a noble person, that is, me. For a person who has suffered many misfortunes since childhood, is there any clearer sign of fortune than this?"

As he said this, Wang Luo laughed a few times and then moved on to the next topic.

"Secondly, some people have had the foresight to transship the Stone Street transfer, and have proved it for us with practical actions. Please recall that the local asset transactions have been particularly frequent recently? Some dilapidated houses, which have been unsaleable for a long time, Some stores that are not doing well suddenly have more buyers? Are they even more eager to buy? Oh, words can deceive people, but the flow of money cannot. How is the luck of Shijie? Someone has already pointed out the way for us. Even if you can’t trust the number one jade owner who has never been associated with wealth, you should still trust the vision of the local richest man.”

At this point in the story, the crowd burst into noise again.

What Wang Luo described has indeed been witnessed by all in the past few days! Stone Street's assets have always been a model of low quality in Rongcheng, but recently they have been receiving wealthy buyers!

Without Wang Luo's story, people might not care too much. After all, it is normal for assets to be transferred occasionally on such a big stone street. However, after Wang Luo's guidance, even if there are only one or two cases, people will pay attention to it. It's inevitable to have wild imaginations... Besides, Zhang Yu's attacks are so powerful that it's hard not to notice!

However, Wang Luo did not waste too much time. Seeing that the atmosphere had reached, he clapped his hands again and said: "My story is not over yet. After the happy first half, we still have to be unhappy." I’m going to talk about the second half...Mr. Kong, do I have enough time?”

Kong Zhang glanced at the jade talisman on the chessboard and said: "The assembly procedures do not limit the speaking time of each jade master, but I still hope that you can be concise and to the point."

Wang Luo said: "Okay, everyone, do you still remember our original question? Why did the people in Shangcheng District set up a conspiracy to frame us? With the prosperity of Shijie and the revival of the Shi family, what is hindering them? And this This is the second half of what I want to say: Unfortunately, the revival of the Shi family has indeed affected many people, and the prosperity of Shijie has made many people grit their teeth and scratch their heads. In fact, everyone can understand the reason. Are you willing to watch a person who is usually despised and oppressed suddenly turn around? What's more, the wealth of Shijie comes from Shi Yue's luck. It is the compensation for the oppression of the past thousands of years by the Great Law and the Golden Deer Hall. It is not a wealthy family. Rich businessmen are well-managed, but Qingpingsi is not well-managed...then the wealth of Shijie has nothing to do with them. "

After a pause, Wang Luocai said: "Of course they would not be willing to have nothing to do with this wealth, so they planned this food poisoning incident, trying to use it as an entry point to frame up, splash sewage, and then deprive this place of its autonomy. We will fully take over all affairs of Stone Street and become the actual distributor of Stone Street's wealth. After that, no matter how much favor God bestows, it will only pass through a thick filter before flowing into our hands. So, you. Do you understand why there are unrelated people coming to Qingpingsi from the sky, leading a troubleshooting team, and constantly making things difficult for everyone all day long? Taking advantage of opportunities...the above is the truth about the public opinion turmoil we are facing today."

After saying that, Wang Luo picked up the ten brocade satin, waved it around, and said loudly: "I'll say it again! This food safety accident and the public opinion storm caused by it are purely a deliberate frame-up by a few people in Shangcheng District to suppress local order! To plunder the wealth and opportunities that should belong to us! They can't bear to see the poor people turn over, and they are reluctant to look down on the superiority of Shijie, and they are even unwilling to let go of things that don't belong to them!"

"And how to deal with this naked plunder should not be a topic! What is the need to discuss what is natural and right? However, it is a pity that the three masters of the Jade Talisman can't agree on this natural and right thing."

Wang Luo said, looking at Zhang Yu.

Zhang Yu was not as panicked as he was at the beginning, because he also thought clearly that Wang Luo's preemptive attack certainly caught him off guard, but as long as he tells his story well afterwards, there may be room for reversal.

After all, he actually had more real evidence than Wang Luo's empty words!

As long as it was his turn to speak, then...

However, just when it was Zhang Yu's turn to speak, Wang Luo said, "Mr. Kong, next, I want to redeem Zhang Yu's jade talisman."

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