Am I the only one who didn't ascend?

Chapter 568 Destined Death

The Taichu Tianzun who appeared in the ruins of the Three Realms was quite different from the one in Wang Luo's memory... The sincere immortal ancestor who roamed the star sea and constantly broke through the limits of immortals, although he firmly maintained the human form, but his core was no longer human. The outer shell was just a layer of decoration like a dream bubble. After walking alone in the illusion for thousands of years, the concept of human beings had long been as distant and hazy as the heaven under his feet.

However, the Taichu Tianzun who appeared in the ruins of the Three Realms had a more vivid human breath than anyone else. The white and gold long boots were not the seamless heavenly clothes of the Tianzun in the illusion, but clearly had the flashy and unrealistic style that belonged to the human world. On the long boots, there was a pair of slim and straight trousers, followed by a short vest, and a pure white gold coat.

The appearance of the Tianzun was also very different... After ascending to the immortal world, all the appearances were controlled by the heart, but it was precisely because of the control of the heart that the appearance of the immortals often directly reflected their state of mind. After hundreds of years of ups and downs, Chicheng has long lost the youthful vigor and innocence. The immortal ancestor in the heavenly court looks like a majestic elder, at the junction of middle age and old age. The Taichu Tianzun, who was born from illusion, obviously has fewer burdens than the original one, and his face is a little younger... But perhaps because he has been exploring the false Xinghai Tianyu for too long, his face can also show vicissitudes and fatigue.

But the Tianzun who appeared in the scroll seemed to have returned to the young Chicheng who was still traveling in Jiuzhou to polish his own way hundreds of years before the immortal calendar. Although he was burdened with a lot, he had more expectations and dreams.

Then, the young Taichu Tianzun walked out of the hole, looked around, and a smart smile slowly appeared on his face.

... So far, more than ten seconds have passed, but in the world of the Demon Slayer, except for Taichu Tianzun, everything around him was firmly fixed in place, and people could not help but struggle with all their strength.

It was like some forced animations in a single-player scroll. Before the animation ended, the scroll walker had no freedom to control the character. Now, people are undoubtedly in the "forced animation" stage of Tianzun's appearance.

Just as Wang Luo realized this, Tianzun's smile faded and the air around him resumed flowing.

The animation is over!

Then, the battle begins!

Almost at the same time, Wang Luo felt a flash in front of his eyes, and the scenery suddenly changed from the glorious courtyard of the Three Realms Ruins to an elegant sky garden. He was lying under a pavilion, and his personal assistant Xiaoya looked confused.

"Sir...what happened just now?"

Wang Luo slowly stood up, and after a pause, he said, "This is the resurrection point I set up near the ruins. It's just that I haven't used it for a few months, so I just felt a little unfamiliar."

Xiao Ya suddenly realized and nodded vigorously, saying, "Sir, you have extraordinary skills. No matter how difficult the environment is, you will never make mistakes and die, so the resurrection point..."

Wang Luo stretched out his hand to interrupt the other party's boasting, and continued, "And I am now at the resurrection point. Of course, there is only one reason... So, let's take a look at the log."

Xiao Ya hurriedly summoned a square manual, quickly turned to a page, spread it in front of Wang Luo, and then let out a light exclamation.

"What is this?"

The last page of the traveler's log faithfully recorded many details of Wang Luo's death this time, and these details were incredible.

[You were attacked by ■■■, causing ■■ damage points! ]

[You have died! ]

[You will be transferred to the resurrection point (Duchen Xiaozhu)]

[You are in a weak state! (You can use the paid item Jiu Tian Yu Lu to remove it)]

[Please note that after multiple deaths, your level and items may be lost! (You can use paid items to protect your level and equipment items)]

"What do these garbled characters mean?" Wang Luo asked.

Xiaoya shook her head blankly: "I, I don't know either."

The next moment, a slightly anxious voice came from outside the pavilion.

"That's the blind spot of the scroll observation."

Wang Luo turned his head and saw a graceful woman wearing modern clothes that obviously did not belong to the world view of the Demon Slayer. She suddenly appeared outside the pavilion, and beside her was an official from the Xinheng Taixu Division, and several workers with shiny heads and hunched bodies.

Wang Luo recognized her, Qiu Heng, the founder of the Demon Slayer Operation Workshop, who had extremely outstanding scroll design capabilities and had led the drawing of many best-selling scrolls. The current Demon Slayer Biography was not written by her, but when the Demon Slayer Biography had a significance far beyond the ordinary Taixu scroll, the founder naturally took up the responsibility without hesitation, went to the front line, and kept an eye on the changes in the scroll.

Shortly after the Taichu Tianzun descended this time, she ignored the risks and entered the scroll in person, came to Wang Luo's side, and answered his questions from the most professional perspective.

"As you expected before, Tianzun has indeed broken through the last layer of membrane and officially descended into the scroll. But the way Tianzun descended is slightly different from what was expected. He does not seem to be completely assimilated by the scroll, and still retains some mysterious characteristics of the higher dimension, which cannot be translated into the conventional language of the scroll."

As soon as the voice fell, the elite officials of the Taixu Division beside him raised their eyebrows and questioned: "Officially descending means that Tianzun has completely condescended and obeyed the rules of the scroll. In this case, how can there be any higher dimension and mystery?"

Qiu Heng glanced at the other party and explained patiently: "Because the rules of the scroll itself are imperfect. This is not a self-consistent world. It is just a playground with very simple and clear design intentions. If you want to carefully look for omissions, , there are omissions almost everywhere, and for a figure like Taichu Tianzun, it is easy to use these omissions to create high dimensions and mystery..."

At this time, a hairless workshop employee added: "Similar to those Taixu thieves, they often take advantage of loopholes in Emaki, Shodo and other places to break the rules and do whatever they want. It's not because Emaki and Shodo are doing anything intentionally. Indulgence, in fact, the rules themselves cannot be perfect. "

The official was about to attack, but Wang Luo stretched out his hand to stop him from continuing.

"So, you can't kill him with workshop privileges?"

The hairless man shook his head helplessly: "That's not possible at all. It's the same as the result you deduced before. He can't even be found in the operation and maintenance logs of the workshop, so his data cannot be modified. As for temporarily generating powerful characters to fight with him, It’s not feasible either. Because the entire Three Realms Ruins area is out of control, and if a character is thrown in from the outside, it will be decomposed and dissolved immediately. Therefore, we still have to rely on living walkers.”

"Tianzun just took action, what was the result? Where are the people besides me?"

Qiu Heng said: "All the travelers in the ruins area of ​​the Three Realms were killed instantly. As for the situation outside the scroll, we have to wait for the Taixu Division's report."

"All were killed instantly?" Wang Luo frowned, "I remember that there were several aces from [Xiao Sheng Guan] present at the time. Each of them had a cumulative consumption of over 10 million, and their progress was faster than mine. The account strength is the current cap level..."

Qiu Heng shook his head: "According to the log statistics, they did take adequate protection before approaching the ruins. Among them, the viewer intuitively realized that the risk had been reduced, and proactively activated the [Sky Devouring Sun Devouring Formation] before the arrival of the Heavenly Lord. , in theory, no one in the picture scroll can penetrate its defense, but Tianzun's attack was indeed extraordinary. Those who used the large formation were more seriously injured. The current account has been permanently damaged, and I don't know if it can be restored. "

Wang Luo hummed, looked at the string of words on the diary, and fell into silence.

At this time, it was the staff member with a shiny head who spoke again.

"I personally suspect that perhaps it is because they used the Grand Formation that the result was more tragic. The Heaven-Eating Sun-Eating Array is a paid prop at this stage, and I just checked the workshop log. Before Tianzun took action, all Those who used paid props to defend in advance would suffer more or less damage to their accounts... On the contrary, Master Wang, you only used normal props and spells, so you were only killed instantly.”

The Taixu Division official asked again: "But Shanzhu Wang's account itself was accumulated through paid props."

The bald man said: "It is true that King Shanzhu's strategy relies heavily on paid privileges, but he neither practices paid-exclusive immortal magic nor is he equipped with exclusive immortal weapons. Instead, he makes extensive use of some expedited paid-for consumables. . So in terms of the strength of the account itself, Wang Shanzhu has never been at the top of the list. He has reached this point with his extremely outstanding skills, and our workshop planning team unanimously admires this!"

Qiu Heng was also a little surprised when he heard this: "Master Wangshan, are you deliberately avoiding the use of paid exclusive props?"

Wang Luo said: "It can't be said to be particularly intentional, it can only be regarded as an attempt. Because I have been thinking before, when the Heavenly Lord comes to this world, in what capacity will he come? An ordinary Taixu Walker, or an ownerless creature in the scroll? ? If it is the latter, then it is natural to obey the basic rules of the picture scroll, and it is worthy of being used by the practitioners to use paid privileges to defeat the strong. But if it is the former... what will Tianzun do when faced with the unfair design of 'paid props'. How to deal with it?”

Qiu Heng nodded, showing a thoughtful expression, but the next moment he was interrupted by another bald staff member's exclamation.

"That's not good! If Tianzun appears as a traveler, then he will definitely not be squatting in the courtyard like an ownerless creature waiting for others to push him. He will not even be limited to the ruins of the Three Realms!"

As soon as these words came out, even the officials of Taixu Division were all excited and looked around involuntarily, as if they were afraid that Tianzun would suddenly come here and wipe out everyone... Although he would not be killed in the Taixu Picture Scroll, Real death, but severe cases will be permanently driven out of the illusory realm. For a Taixu Division official, this is basically equivalent to losing his job.

However, the next moment, another bald man said: "Hey, it seems, there is no need to worry, he has not moved, he is still staying in the ruins of the Three Realms! Damn it! Are those people crazy!?"

The last roar immediately attracted everyone's attention. Even Wang Luo took steps to come to the bald man and looked at the operation and maintenance log in front of him. I saw that the page of the diary vividly displayed the ruins of the Three Realms. On the screen, hundreds of scroll walkers gathered from all directions, and then they shouted crazy slogans in unison and rushed towards Taichu Tianzun!

"Brothers, come on! The devil's health bar is on!"

"Avenge Xiaoshenguan's brothers!"

"The Immortal Alliance has decreed that every point of blood will be exchanged for one spiritual leaf, and you can become rich today!"

Accompanied by such whimsical and fearless charge slogans, those travelers who were watching the excitement stepped into the ruins of the Three Realms without hesitation and faced the beginning!

The result is also obvious. Everyone who comes close will turn into white light of death the moment they cross the limit. Those who use paid props or wear paid equipment will explode with white light on the spot and cease to exist.

As for Taichu Tianzun himself, he just stood quietly next to the hollow, scanning the whole place with a calm gaze. There was no movement behind his hands, but he continuously killed every walker who crossed the line.

Among those travelers, some are just newly registered and logged-in after hearing the news about this place in the past two months. Their account strength is mediocre, but there are also powerful people who can turn the world upside down in the picture scroll. However, in front of Tianzun, they all turned into white light without discrimination. The scene is heroic and strange.

"Nonsense, nonsense!" the official from the Taixu Division was the first to speak. He was trembling slightly, not knowing whether he was afraid or angry. "These people really don't know how to live and die! How dare you get involved in such a thing!? You are going to die yourself. That’s it, you’re blatantly spreading rumors about changing your blood volume for spiritual leaves. I must..."

However, before he could finish speaking, Wang Luo glanced at him from the corner of his eye and said, "Shut up."

The official was immediately speechless, and when he finally thought of words to defend himself, he heard an old but majestic voice coming from behind him.

"You can step back. You are no longer needed here."

The official's hair stood on end, and he was so frightened that he almost fell in the air... because the voice behind him was very familiar to him, and it was familiar to everyone in the New Hengtaixu Division.

The head of the Taixu Mansion of the Gelibang Immortal Alliance is also the immediate boss of the Taixu Department officials from various countries.

When Wang Luo saw the old man, he nodded and said, "Master Ge, now that the deity has arrived, you have seen the situation. I think..."

Ge Libang cupped his hands and said: "I thought that I might as well go with the flow, so I exchanged a little blood for a reward of a spiritual leaf, and invited people from all over the world to come and try it. When I was young, I was also obsessed with picture scrolls, and Taixu picture scrolls have always been popular. In a word, as long as the devil dares to reveal his health bar, he will definitely die! And now, the devil has indeed revealed his health bar. "

With that said, Ge Libang suddenly walked up to Xiaoya, took the traveler's diary about Wang Luo from her hand, and used his unique magical power to force the diary to the previous page.

"You encountered [Taichu Tianzun]!"

"Taichu Tianzun, level???, blood volume???"

Seeing these two lines of words, everyone was speechless, and then let out a small exclamation.

No wonder the scene was so crazy, it turns out...

Tianzun, your health bar is really bright!

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