Am I the only one who didn't ascend?

Chapter 569 Death is just the beginning

The display of the blood bar of the Heavenly Venerable was the most important node since Wang Luo returned from Jingzhou and mobilized the entire Immortal Alliance to organize the Taixu battlefield.

In Xinheng, the Taixu painting scroll was promoted vigorously, several Lingkong Pavilions were built, and the lives of the elite of the Taixu Division were constantly used to fill the nearly bottomless pit... It was for this moment, so that the invisible and unknowable Taichu Heavenly Venerable could condescend to become visible and knowable, and then, he could be touched, hurt, and killed.

The appearance of the blood bar meant that this grand ceremony had finally come to the final stage.

However, Wang Luo's face did not show any joy.

"The progress is too fast... And why is it that only you, Lord Ge, are here? Where is Lu Youyou? Could it be..."

Gelibang bowed again and replied: "Just as you guessed, Lord Lu and others are now dealing with emergencies in other scrolls and have no time to care about other things. This time, there are more than one Tianzun in the scroll."

As he spoke, the old man casually spread out an ancient scroll with stars shining continuously, and the stars on the far left of the scroll suddenly burst out with an ominous blood-red light.

This scroll is a general map drawn by the Immortal Alliance after it prepared for the battlefield, after collecting scrolls from all over the world. There are six copies in total, and the rulers of the five major powers in Xiankulin each hold one copy, and then the Lord of Taixu Mansion, Gelibang, holds one copy. Judging from this picture, there are as many as ten scrolls that have erupted in the crisis at the first time!

"So that's how it is." Wang Luo nodded, but he didn't feel relieved at all, because in the moment when he and Ge Libang were talking, several stars on the scroll had been swallowed by the red light and eventually turned into dim gray dots.

The reason why it was so smooth was that Tianzun split himself into several clones, as if he was actively responding to the call from each Taixu scroll, and accelerated the process of condescending.

Then the strength of Tianzun scattered in each scroll would naturally be weakened, and therefore it would become easier to perceive and touch.

However, even with such a difficult drop, not every Taixu scroll can successfully attract a Taichu Tianzun who can be seen, known, touched, and hurt. If the steps are a little messy, Tianzun may not show a blood bar, but a fang.

The dim gray dots on the map not only mean that the observation point built inside the scroll has been destroyed, but also mean that the scroll may have collapsed as a whole and was destroyed by Tianzun in an instant.

After a moment of silence, Wang Luo said, "The situation is at least better than the worst expectation. Next..."

Grebang said, "According to my personal judgment, there are still four battlefields worth investing in, including the Demon Slayer. I have mobilized the first batch of rotating team members to enter..."

Before he finished speaking, several figures in the sky passed by like meteors. The leader was a master who had made a great reputation in the early days of the Demon Slayer, but retired due to the shift in operations. Seeing him again at this time, he was shining with the top-level divine weapon light in the current scroll, and the spiritual energy filled with his body reached the limit that a walker could reach.

And among the people following him, there were clearly professional masters who won good results in the Nine Venerables Competition, with the same full set of top-level values. Such a group of people, under the rules of the Demon Slayer, any one of them even has the ability to kill Wang Luo in seconds. Several people united and formed a formation. For a while, their power could even compete with Taichu Tianzun.

However, Wang Luo frowned when he saw it: "These people..."

Most of these people rely on the workshop to temporarily modify the data to achieve the version graduation instantly, rather than following the conventional path to hoe the land and level up every day. According to the previous situation, this kind of "watered" account will be particularly targeted by Tianzun, and the data will be instantly messed up and the account will be killed.

Although it has only been a few minutes since Tianzun's arrival, Ge Libang should have seen the whole picture of this world when he entered, and then knew this rule of Tianzun.

But at this time, he did not stop the team of players on duty from rushing to the ruins of the Three Realms.

The old man just raised his head, frowned, and stared at the backs of the team members going away with burning eyes, with implicit expectation.

At the same time, in the center of the ruins of the Three Realms, Taichu Tianzun slightly turned his head, with a hint of surprise, noticed the team of elites who suddenly appeared, and then put on a curious smile.

The moment the smile bloomed, the hundreds of moths that surrounded the ruins of the Three Realms withered in response, and the white light was like a pure and flawless lotus.

Then Tianzun raised his hand.

Since he came to this world, he has killed more than a thousand travelers in seconds, but that was just the invisible pressure that was radiating all the time... At this time, Tianzun had a clear intention and action to take action. As Tianzun started to move, billions of halos overlapped and spread out, each of which had the power to destroy everything, and the overlapping resonance of billions of halos made the entire Demon Slayer Legend tremble. Even Duchen Xiaozhu, which was several small maps away, could clearly feel the ground shaking and the air wailing.

Qiu Heng's face changed instantly: "Global shock?! Not good! The data overflowed, Master Wang, please leave the scroll immediately, so as not to..."

The two bald staff members beside her moved faster and left without hesitation.

Loyalty to the boss is valuable, but if they are really swept by the residual power of Tianzun's incredible global shock, causing them to be seriously injured and unable to enter Taixu again... they dare not bet on whether the compensation of the workshop is so conscientious!

However, neither Wang Luo nor Ge Libang left the scene, but instead paid more attention to the changes on the front line.

Seeing this, Qiu Heng made a prompt decision, gritted her teeth, and uttered a mantra that was not like a human voice. Then, in an instant, the power in her body was madly squeezed out and filled into the surrounding void world, turning into the silk thread that glued the Demon-Slaying Biography... At this moment, she was the owner of the workshop, forcibly maintaining the scroll from collapsing under the halo of the Heavenly Venerable. And in an instant, Qiu Heng's hair and eyebrows turned snow-white, and the whole person seemed to have aged ten years!

At the same time, the shaking of the earth gradually subsided, and the billions of halos swept across the sky like a thousand-foot wave.

The elite team in the sky was not in a hurry. When the halo approached, they all disappeared in place. After the halo swept by, those people reappeared in the air and flew to the ruins of the Three Realms along the original trajectory!

Wang Luo was stunned for a moment, and a strange light flashed in his eyes.


He had already seen the name, that elite team was actually skilled in using off-board moves. They were forced to leave the scroll before the killing move of the Heavenly Venerable to avoid damage!

Generally speaking, in the Taixu scroll, once the walker enters the combat state, he cannot leave the scene freely. When forced to pop up, the account avatar will be left in place to die. However, the elite team just now obviously used special means to circumvent this constraint, leaving the scroll before the damage of the Heavenly Venerable landed, and returning at the right time...

And in this regard, the Heavenly Venerable did not seem to have a good way to deal with it. A hint of surprise flashed in his eyes, and then he raised his left hand and raised thousands of halos again, pushing them forward.

The power of the halo remained the same, even better than the previous time, but the repeated use of the same technique made people feel that the threat was greatly reduced.

The elite team in the sky once again dodged and left the scene in time to avoid damage. When they returned to the scene for the second time, they were only one step away from the ruins of the Three Realms!

At the same time, the captain flying in the front was flashing with dark lightning.

"Ah, isn't that the plot prop [Tun Tian Zhuo Guang]?! How could they have plot props?"

The exclamation that suddenly sounded behind him came from the bald workshop employee who had fled without fighting. The two men probably realized that the crisis had passed, and they returned to the pavilion without knowing when. They didn't dare to look at Qiu Heng with silver hair, but just stared at the sky and stiffly expressed their so-called professional opinions.

The next moment, two dark thunderbolts in the captain's hands fell like a dragon, biting hard on the platinum-colored Taichu Tianzun.

The black thunder was not particularly swift, and the whole process seemed slow and sluggish on this lightning battlefield. However, whether it was Tianzun who was targeted by the black thunder or the people who took action, they all maintained their original postures and did not move.

Obviously, the most important thing about the so-called plot props is not the intuitive effect of the props, but the plot of the scroll it carries!

When the plot is played, time stops. This is a rule engraved on the underlying structure of the Demon Slayer. When Taichu Tianzun came before, he used similar rules to directly solidify the entire scroll. But now it was his turn to be solidified.


The black thunder landed, and the earth shook again. The diary in Qiu Heng's hand burst into a burst of high heat, almost burning her unable to hold it. Fortunately, the two bald employees caught up in time, stretched out their hands and endured the high temperature and burning pain to hold the diary tightly, to show their loyalty to atone for their sins.

At the same time, Wang Luo clearly saw a line of shocking bloody handwriting on the diary!

"The walker [Golden Eagle King] used the prop [Swallowing Heaven's Dead Light] to cause 65,536 points of damage to Taichu Tianzun!"

"The walker [Golden Eagle King] used the prop [Swallowing Heaven's Dead Light] to cause 65,535 points of damage to Taichu Tianzun!"

On the other side, Ge Libang opened another observation window, directly showing the picture of the ruins of the three realms. In the picture, there was a long life bar on the head of Taichu Tianzun, which was reduced by two grids from right to left!


For a moment, the people in Duchen Xiaozhu almost suffocated, suffocated by shock.

This result...even for people like Ge Libang who personally organized the elite team on duty, it was a bit unexpected.

Although the team members had practiced the attack and defense in the blink of an eye many times and spent a lot of effort in private. However, the opponent was Taichu Tianzun after all, a Tianzun who could not be guessed by common sense! Even if he split himself into multiple incarnations, he still had an overwhelming sense of presence after entering the scroll, and almost even the basic rules of the scroll were distorted for him.

However, just now, Tianzun not only failed to attack twice, but was even hit hard by the team members. The two life bars accounted for almost one-tenth of the total!

In other words, if the steps just now were repeated ten more times, then the white and gold Tianzun who appeared in the legend of demon extermination would die on the spot!

So, why?

Why can this group of scroll walkers who are obviously relying on "external forces" avoid the invisible pressure of Tianzun that directly destroys the account? And they are just using plot props, but they can cause such effective damage to Tianzun. Does it mean that as long as the workshop copies the corresponding props immediately, Tianzun can be killed in seconds?

Thinking of this, a bald employee's eyes gradually turned red, and his breathing became heavy. He trembled and took out his own manual, picked up a cinnabar pen, and was about to write to modify the data.

Qiu Heng was distracted for a moment and did not notice it in time. When he saw it from the corner of his eye, he hurriedly stopped him: "Don't seek death!"

After all, it was a step too late. Just when the bald employee tried to use his workshop authority to generate black thunder out of thin air to directly kill Tianzun, his whole body suddenly turned into a ball of disintegrating white light and disappeared without a trace. Another colleague's expression changed drastically and he exclaimed: "He, he is dead!?"

This death obviously does not only refer to the death in the picture scroll...

At this time, Gribang also realized the problem: "Do not abuse the 'privilege', is it an absolute taboo for Tianzun?"

Qiu Heng nodded and said: "It seems to be the case at the moment. In the past, just using paid props would destroy the account's incarnation. Directly using the workshop log to forcibly erase it, the backlash would be ten times stronger... But I didn't expect that it would be so serious. life-threatening situation.”

After saying that, the white-haired woman looked puzzled at the [Golden Eagle King] and other people outside the ruins of the Three Realms, who were preparing for the second round of lightning strikes... Her employee died unexpectedly as soon as he started writing. Don’t the magical weapons of the Eagle King and the plot props that should never appear in the hands of a traveler come from privileges?

At this time, it was Wang Luo who answered her doubts.

"They took advantage of the loopholes in the picture scroll as travelers."

Ge Libang said: "Mountain Master Mingjian, this Jin Zhengyang traveler, is actually a genius who is extremely good at discovering loopholes in picture scrolls and exploiting them. Most of his previous impressive achievements in the Legend of Demons came from several important discoveries he made. Loopholes, in which the picture scrolls are unconditionally popped up to avoid damage, are one of the core techniques for challenging the devil at a higher level. Through these loopholes, he can even overcome the restrictions of conventional channels, obtain various paid magic weapons, and even affect the picture scrolls. The main plot props of the pattern. Previously, he led the team to secretly train in the scroll, and also used loopholes on a large scale to strengthen himself. "

After a pause, Griham added: "Although it does not follow the 'common sense' of the picture scroll, it is obvious that for Tianzun, this ability to exploit loopholes does not violate the principle of fairness. So whether it is to force the picture scroll to pop up To avoid damage, or the [Swallowing Heaven and Death Light], both worked on Tianzun!"

Qiu Heng couldn't help but ask: "Then just repeat the steps just now, right?"

Before Qiu Heng finished speaking, he saw another round of black thunder falling from the window of the ruins of the Three Realms. This time, it was Jin Zhengyang who inspired the firepower without hesitation, and with the determination to destroy the entire scroll, he destroyed this section. All the [Swallowing Heaven and Death Light] that were stuck out of the loophole through hard work are activated!

This kind of pitch-black thunder is theoretically the magical power used by the final demon Devouring Sky to destroy the world in the final battle of the current version of the main line. Its power is endless, but according to the plot, it requires the Walkers to assist an important character to steal it in advance. Black thunder, and after the plot battle, it was inspired and blasted on the sky-swallowing trick. And when that black thunder falls, it is enough to completely wipe out the theoretically immortal trick, and it is also enough to wipe out all living and non-living things in any picture scroll!

Now, Jin Zhengyang is shockingly using the [Swallowing Heaven and Death Light] that is ten times as powerful as the one in the final chapter of the plot, to gather Fire Heavenly Lord alone!

In an instant, Tianzun's health bar bottomed out! The white-gold figure was swallowed up by the pitch-black color, leaving no trace of residue.

However, just when people were stunned for a while and tried to turn into ecstasy, Kim Zhengyang's expression changed drastically.

"No, the blood bar just bottomed out and didn't disappear!"

Almost at the same time, the white-gold light lit up again in the void, and the already dark and empty health bar suddenly filled up!

"Taichu Tianzun has entered the second stage!"

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