Jin Zhengyang's almost wailing voice resounded over the ruins of the Three Realms in an instant.

And his teammates behind him also showed expressions of surprise and even fear.

The appearance of the second stage was really beyond expectations!

At the same time, for those who are familiar with and proficient in the scroll, the concept of the second stage is too easy to cause some wrong instinctive reactions: Generally speaking, when the demon enters the second stage of high difficulty, the new skill module must have the effect of "first sight kill". Therefore, when most people pass the first stage and see the unfamiliar second stage, they don't think about how to win the battle, but how to linger on, so as to observe longer and see more skills.

But this mentality is too deadly on the real battlefield.

"Oh no..."

In Duchen Xiaozhu, Ge Libang saw that Jin Zhengyang and others were a little panicked, and he couldn't help but frowned more, and at the same time reached into his arms, and his fingertips touched a smooth jade plate.

A red light on the plate flickered like a swimming fish. At the same time, in the ruins of the Three Realms, the morale of the rotating team members was shaken, as if they were locked by someone's consciousness. The panic and surprise on their faces were swept away in an instant, replaced by calmness and perseverance.

This is a privilege that only a few people like Taixu Mansion Master have, and they can "direct" every member of the rotating team. At this time, Ge Libang's way of directing is to boost morale and enable them to make correct judgments in critical moments!

"The team disperses, each survives, and tries to draw out more tricks from the devil!"

In an instant, Jin Zhengyang made the most rational judgment.

At the moment when Taichu Tianzun's blood bar was full and entered the second stage, the mission of their rotating team was over. After that, there was no room for struggle.

On the one hand, the horror and despair just now finally affected the morale... Even with the blessing of Ge Libang's treasure, they regained their composure. But the key to the combat of this rotating team lies in passion. The players in a calm state cannot exert their full strength.

On the other hand, they are really at their wit's end. No matter how high their morale is, they can't create more black thunder.

In fact, using the black thunder obtained by card loopholes to knock down the first blood of Tianzun is already an over-fulfillment of the task. It can only be said that Tianzun is worthy of being Tianzun. The emergence of the second stage means that everything has re-entered the unknown field.

And exploring the unknown requires a price.

Before entering the field, this team carefully observed all the details of Tianzun's instant killing of all living beings, and thus determined the tactic of using "rebounding from the scroll" to avoid damage; and then using [Swallowing the Dead Light] to cause substantial damage. In other words, being able to kill Tianzun in the first stage is based on the sacrifice of hundreds of moths flying into the fire.

Now that the moths are gone, Tianzun has opened a new second stage, so... they have no choice but to transform themselves into moths.

At the moment when Jin Zhengyang's order was passed down, the figure of Tianzun suddenly disappeared in the hollow in the middle of the Three Realms Ruins, and at the same time appeared behind Jin Zhengyang.

Jin Zhengyang had tried his best to react and evade. With his reaction ability and ability to predict crises, he might have had a glimmer of hope to escape. However, perhaps he neglected his own safety because of his distracted command. Or perhaps it was because Ge Libang forcibly awakened the morale with the jade plate, and the side effect was that the reaction of the team members became slow... When Jin Zhengyang realized that Tianzun had taken action, it was already too late.

His whole body turned into a white light, and then scattered and disintegrated, no longer existing.


The shrill screams resounded through the sky again. In an instant, the elite team members around Jin Zhengyang showed expressions of extreme pain before they could disperse. Some of them even twitched and curled up in the air, unable to resist.

In order to maintain a little resistance in front of Tianzun and not die in a single encounter, this elite team has a formation to share life. Although Jin Zhengyang ordered to disperse, he had not had time to unlock the formation. So Taichu Tianzun's killing technique happened to fall on everyone's head.

This team of people in the air, let alone escaping in all directions and fighting guerrilla warfare with Tianzun, could not even maintain the dignity that elite team members should have. The screams came one after another, and it was unimaginable how much pain they were enduring... And Tianzun could actually make people endure real pain in the scroll, this magical power was even more horrifying!

For a while, people far away in Duchen Xiaozhu also felt a chill in their hearts. The two bald employees were frantically flipping through the logs, trying to find the loopholes in this problem.

And at this moment, in the sky, Taichu Tianzun slowly turned his head and looked towards the distant east.

In an instant, Wang Luo felt as if he was struck by lightning, and his whole body was shaken violently.

He was locked by Taichu Tianzun even though he was several maps away! At this time, all the scroll walkers around the Three Realms Ruins had been killed repeatedly by Tianzun and were trapped in the resurrection cooldown period, so there was no time to contain them.

Before Tianzun set off, the people in the small building had different reactions.

Qiu Heng weighed the pros and cons, gritted her teeth and stayed where she was without moving, but vomited another mouthful of blood, which spilled on the workshop log at hand. As the founder of the workshop, she was not obliged to accompany Wang Luo to the last moment... It is better to say that she is now on the front line and has already exceeded the task. However, no matter how much she exceeds the task, she must fully assess the risks. Her decision is not only about her, but also about her relatives and friends, as well as the food, clothing, housing and transportation of thousands of people in the workshop... Therefore, after the key event, Qiu Heng can only do her best to bless the scroll itself as the owner of the workshop.

At the same time, Ge Libang stood up without hesitation and stood in front of Wang Luo. As the Lord of Taixu Mansion, he knew his real responsibilities very well, and as an old man who had retired once, he didn't mind sacrificing his old self for the young.

But before Ge Libang moved, he saw a slight blur in front of his eyes, and someone moved faster than him!

That was Wen Ya, Wang Luo's personal assistant. She didn't have any actual influence in the scroll, but now she stood in front of Wang Luo with a face full of fear.

This woman, who had once fallen to the point of wearing naked skin to solicit customers on a light boat, understood the principle of seeking wealth and honor in danger. The miserable situation of the rotating team shocked her, but compared with not being able to repay the small loan, not being able to buy cosmetics, and not being able to keep up with the pace of life of the sisters, what was the point of death?

Of course, whether the people around him watched coldly or stepped forward to help... there was no difference in essence. Tianzun locked on Wang Luo, so he didn't care about anyone except Wang Luo. Anyone else couldn't enter Tianzun's eyes.

At the same time, while Wang Luo's body was trembling, the spiritual light finally lit up in his mind.

"I understand..."

Hearing this, everyone around was stunned.

Wang Luo sighed and floated straight into the air.

He had been thinking since the moment Tianzun descended. Think about how to defeat the opponent, and why this opponent seems so invincible?

When the Heavenly Venerable condescended to come to the scroll, he naturally had to obey the rules of the Taixu scroll, and this was also the premise of all strategies.

If the Heavenly Venerable could do whatever he wanted in the Taixu world and had privileges beyond anyone, there would be no need to introduce him into the illusion, and everyone would see life and death in reality... It was precisely because the Heavenly Venerable of Taichu had to obey the rules of the illusion that many plans were made later.

However, the Heavenly Venerable in the Demon Slayer Legend obviously broke this common sense. From the moment he descended, he was wantonly trampling on all the rules in the scroll.

Unreasonable blood volume, unreasonable attack power... He can crack the management authority of paid props, has so many unequal privileges, but is obsessed with the so-called "fairness". He did not use the privileges to send Jin Zhengyang and others away directly, but was beaten down for a stage of full blood.

Among them, there must be an explanation that can connect everything.

And Wang Luo's task is to find this explanation. Then he stepped into the battlefield again and personally faced Tianzun. Taichu Tianzun was attracted by him, not those rotating team members who were hiding in the dark to practice and find loopholes. So, naturally, he should go to fight Tianzun.

Now, thanks to the sacrifice of Jin Zhengyang and others, Wang Luo has found the explanation.

"Tianzun, you hold the 'future version' of the Demon Slayer, right?"

The whispers from Duchen Xiaozhu should have been confined to the courtyard, but Taichu Tianzun, who was far away in the ruins of the Three Realms, couldn't help but raise his eyebrows and smile with relief.

"Not bad."

This was the first time Tianzun spoke, his voice was gentle and amiable, like a kind elder... However, the moment he opened his mouth, the several team members who were curled up and rolling around him suddenly turned into withered white light. And Ge Libang's face was even gloomy because of this. Obviously, the price those team members had to pay in reality was not just the death of the scroll incarnation.

Wang Luo turned a blind eye to this and just smiled indifferently.

Regardless of whether Tianzun admits it or not, Wang Luo is sure that his judgment is correct.

Tianzun does have to abide by the rules of the scroll, but the Tianzun in front of him has very cleverly chosen the "overdraft" rule. He is not obeying the current scroll rules, but a rule in the distant future that may be implemented but is still only on paper.

In the Legend of Demon Slayer several years later, the value will definitely expand to an incredible level that even the final chapter demon head like the Heaven-Swallowing Strange Dao cannot withstand the three punches and two kicks of ordinary walkers.

Similarly, in that version that has not yet been implemented, paid props do not exist, so using "paid props" is essentially cheating, and will naturally be excluded by the scroll itself.

Taichu Tianzun, it is because he has packaged himself under such a set of rules that he has an incredible strength. But since it is a rule, there are naturally limitations. For those opponents who do not directly violate the rules, Tianzun can only use the tricks and skills within the framework.

And he is obviously not proficient in the tricks and skills in the Legend of Demon Slayer!

When facing Jin Zhengyang, the billions of light wheels he used at the beginning were visually stunning, but in essence they were a rather clumsy choice. When the value exceeded the standard, even a single light wheel could have fatal lethality, and overlapping it tens of millions of times would not increase the effectiveness of the lethality. On the contrary, when Jin Zhengyang and others used loopholes to avoid damage and used plot props to cause cross-version damage, Taichu Tianzun did not show any effective response ability.

In the final analysis, Taichu Tianzun is not an experienced scroll practitioner, he is just a beginner... Even if he is the Immortal Ancestor Chicheng, he cannot gain more proficiency out of thin air!

And this is the core reason why the Immortal Alliance set up the battlefield in the Taixu Scroll!

After seeing through the trump card in Tianzun's hand, Wang Luo already had enough chances of winning.

The next moment, his figure disappeared from mid-air and suddenly appeared in front of Taichu Tianzun above the ruins of the Three Realms.

The relief in Taichu Tianzun's eyes was sharp, and a light that could destroy Wang Luo thousands of times was ready to go.

However, Wang Luo took out a small flag out of thin air before him.

At the moment when the flag appeared, the power in Tianzun's eyes naturally dissipated, as if he was relieved, as if he was surprised. In short, he stood by and watched, allowing Wang Luo to insert the flag out of thin air.

The next moment, a ring spread out from the bottom of the flag, spreading and expanding rapidly, forming a spherical field with a diameter of one kilometer in the air.

In the field, the sense of pressure on Taichu Tianzun shrank at an astonishing speed, and then shrank again... In a few breaths, he looked as strong as Wang Luo! Even in the workshop log, his data can be correctly displayed.

"Taichu Tianzun, level 100/?? (fair duel mode), health 3000/3000."

And the words "fair duel" made Qiu Heng and the two bald employees cheer at the same time.


Ge Libang's eyes lit up, and admiration arose spontaneously in his heart.

The Legend of Demon Slayer is a scroll that has been transformed in a hurry. It took only a short time to change from a relatively fair large-scale social scroll to the current payment-based, highly inflated and iterative appearance. Therefore, there must be many places in the scroll where the transformation is stiff and imperfect. At the same time, due to the need to retain walkers, some old versions of the framework design will also be retained.

This fair duel is the legacy of the past.

In this duel mode, the values ​​of the two sides will be compressed to be roughly equal, and the effects of immortal methods, magic weapons and elixirs will also be adjusted proportionally.

This mode was carefully and meticulously polished before the official operation of the painting scroll. In the early stage of the operation of the Demon Slayer, it also won the praise of many walkers with this mode. However, after the rapid transformation, the so-called fair duel basically has no soil for survival. The most dazzling in the painting scroll is always and must be those big customers who spend money like water.

However, even so, the fair mode still exists. Those big customers will occasionally compete with ordinary walkers in the fair mode to prove that they have good skills in addition to their ability to pay.

And now, when Wang Luo put down the flag of fair duel, Taichu Tianzun lost all the privileges of transcending versions.

"Actually, you can refuse."

When he raised his head, Wang Luo said to Tianzun.

Taichu Tianzun just smiled and shook his head: "If I wanted to refuse, I wouldn't have come in the first place. Besides, I don't need to refuse at all. Even according to this set of rules, I can still win."

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