Am I the only one who didn't ascend?

Chapter 573: Long-term war

Griham's bad news was far from calm for most participants.

The results of three wins and one hundred and five defeats were announced, which caused an uproar in the venue on the spot... Although there was a silence array put down by Lu Youyou as the host, all the noise could not be heard, but people could dance and dance , with ferocious faces and other methods, vividly exaggerating the uproar atmosphere.

Gribang had already expected this. He turned his eyes to Lu Youyou. After getting the latter's silent approval, he gritted his teeth and decided to withstand the pressure of the scene and continued his long speech: "As for the current results, although It is undoubtedly beyond the original plan expectations, but it is not unexplainable. I think the following aspects need to be adjusted in the future..."

"Wait a moment, let me interrupt."

The silence under the stage was suddenly forcibly broken. A dark-skinned middle-aged man sitting in the middle of the front row raised his hand and spoke softly.

And his words instantly attracted the attention of everyone in the venue, so that the silent and ferocious people in the back row also softened their eyebrows and listened quietly.

As for Griham, who was on the host stage, he showed some helplessness and uneasiness after being stunned.

Mr. is indeed you.

In the entire venue, there were only a handful of people who had the qualifications and ability to break Lu Youyou's "taboo", and the leaders of several powerful countries sitting in the front row were naturally among them. When Mr. Qingyuan spoke, even Lu Youyou did not say anything to hinder him. Instead, he turned his head and assumed a posture of listening attentively.

Qingyuan Jun smiled and greeted Lu Youyou with gratitude, and then said: "About the results of the second round of Taichu. If I remember correctly, Taixu Mansion's original prediction mentioned that when the Tianzun collides, there will be Taking into account the blessing of the frontline mark, Taixu's winning rate should be between 30% and 40%. This winning rate was carefully calculated by Taixu Mansion. It was also based on this calculation that the Immortal Alliance planned the Nine Lords Competition to appropriately weaken Tianzun. , making the battle situation controllable. But what about the actual results? The winning rate is less than 3%, which is a full 70% less than the most pessimistic expectation in the Taixu Mansion plan. I think this is a disastrous defeat that breaks the bottom line. , we should not ignore it lightly and then go directly to the follow-up adjustment plan. Before considering how to adjust, we should first clarify the ownership of the responsibility... I wonder what the Lord Ge and the other kings think? "

Gribang was questioned directly by Qingyuan Jun, and was embarrassed and embarrassed for a while. Fortunately, someone immediately stood up and came to his rescue.

"Qingyuan Lord, it is of course important to clarify the ownership of responsibilities, but the top priority is to avoid internal fighting and work together to restore the decline..."

This time, the speaker was an old man with a stooped stature and gray beard sitting at the end of the first row. He was Liang Yin, the King of De, Yuliang of the Song Dynasty. Although he did not hold much real power, he was highly qualified and had With extremely high prestige and influence, even the leaders of the five powerful countries often have to treat him with courtesy.

So Mr. Qingyuan looked at the old man very politely and said warmly: "Mr. Liang is right, and it is precisely in order to avoid unwarranted infighting that I suggested that the Xianmen League do things in accordance with normal procedures and rules. Clarifying the responsibility is not to find someone. People take the blame, or they are fighting for power. This is a necessary mechanism for an organization to maintain normal operation. On the one hand, the disastrous results of this round of battles just show that the previous decisions and decision-makers cannot adapt to the actual environment. We have hit the south. On the other hand, if you do not need to take responsibility for doing something wrong, especially if you enjoy privileges on such an important issue, then you will undoubtedly bear responsibility for other people in the organization who are working hard. The core reason why the Immortal Alliance has gradually surpassed the Wasteland in more than a thousand years of development is that we are organized, disciplined, and able to mobilize and manage tens of billions of people. So now we are fighting against the Lord of the Wasteland. In a frontal war, we cannot neglect our own strengths. I wonder if Mr. Liang can accept my explanation?"

Liang Yin originally prepared some words, but after what the gentle and elegant Qingyuan Lord said, he was speechless. He could only sigh, shake his head, and said with a cupped hand: "Liang has learned a lesson."

After Liang Yin backed down, no one in the front row spoke. Obviously, people have not found a good enough rebuttal to what Lord Qingyuan said... In other words, many people are happy to see Lord Qingyuan's attack. become.

Even when Taichu came, it was obviously just an extravagant hope to expect that the Immortal Alliance could be completely united.

However, Wang Luo did not expect that the first person to break the unity was Qingyuan Jun. This low-key and modest middle-aged man actually left a good impression on him. He has always followed Zhu Wang's footsteps in the past few years. In many cases, they are even closer than Mo Lin, but now they are the first to attack Gribang.

"He wasn't targeting anyone."

Lu Youyou's voice quietly reached his ears, explaining the reason to Wang Luo.

"Qingyuan Jun is just discussing the matter. He has had different opinions on our overall plan from the beginning, including the picture scroll showdown, the nine statues competition, etc. He has his own plan and is stubborn. Before he became the leader of the country, he was the son of a prince. I am even the most famous scholar in the Immortal Alliance. The Taixu Illusion Realm is the field he once deeply cultivated, so it was difficult for us to persuade him to change his mind. Until the end, he voted against all the votes. Now he takes the opportunity to attack. For him Say, maybe it’s justice that brings order to the chaos.”

Wang Luo couldn't help but frown when he heard this: "Then it will be even more difficult to deal with."

If Mr. Qingyuan is seeking profit out of selfish motives, then under the current situation, there are as many ways to deal with him as possible. However, if he only raises objections out of public interest, then it will be difficult to persuade him to shut up when the front line is defeated.

Lu Youyou sighed softly: "So, we can only use some rough methods."

After that, she raised her head slightly. This subtle movement, although silent, instantly attracted the attention of everyone present.

Lu Youyou said seriously: "Qingyuan Jun's words are indeed reasonable. It is difficult for me to refute them logically, so let me, as the chief of Xianku Forest, make an arbitrary decision here. Please Qingyuan Jun, please be patient for a moment and continue. I support Taixu Mansion’s established strategy. Likewise, I also ask everyone here to respond to my call, temporarily suppress their confusion, and give us unconditional trust.”

As soon as this was said, the venue fell completely silent.

There was no need for a silent array, and people spontaneously stopped making noise. Lu Youyou's speech was unexpected, but it felt so natural.

Qingyuan Jun showed a helpless look, shook his head and said: "The chief is arbitrary, so I really have nothing to say. Since the Battle of Dinghuang, the victory of the Immortal Alliance often does not come from the reasonable judgment of the collective wisdom, but from the leader Unreasonable arbitrariness. Therefore, even after the Lord retires, Chief Xiankulin still retains the authority to act arbitrarily. Even if others do not understand and no matter how much they object, once the Chief is arbitrary, everyone must put aside all independent ideas and support the Chief. ...However, Lord Deer, let me remind you that this arbitrary power cannot be used unlimited times. You only have one chance to do something."

Lu Youyou said: "So if Taixu Mansion suffers another defeat, I will take responsibility."

"Okay, then I have no objections. Please forgive me for wasting precious time earlier. After that, I will ask Palace Master Ge to continue introducing Taixu Palace's strategy."

After Qingyuanjun finished speaking, he leaned back slightly, as if to avoid people's attention and no longer show his presence.

On the other side, on the host stage, Gribang had clenched his fists and was struggling to breathe under the heavy pressure.

Once upon a time, he was still seriously planning his retirement life, traveling around the country with his wife, taking care of the children of his son and daughter-in-law who were busy with their careers, and teaching part-time in a certain college... However, it seemed that in the blink of an eye, he had become a member of the Taixu Mansion of the Immortal Alliance. The palace lord, and not the palace lord who only had a false title a few years ago, but the Taixu palace lord who now has real power that is almost equal to that of the head of a country! Not only does he shoulder the heavy responsibility of guarding the entire Taixu Illusion, he even has to be deeply involved in the duel between the Tianzun.

What did Lu Youyou like about him? Even Gribang himself couldn't figure it out. Fortunately, his greatest strength in this life was that he remained calm. Even when he was appointed to become the Lord of Taixu Palace in a critical situation, he still took care of all the affairs conscientiously. Then, in the eyes of many people with surprise and admiration, he pushed the situation forward little by little. Until this time, the war between the Tianzuns had begun. The key to determining the fate of the Immortal Alliance and even Kyushu was partly in his hands. .

Then, he failed to grasp the key. He made mistakes and omissions in crucial battlefield planning. Then, Lu Youyou did not hesitate to put his accumulated prestige over hundreds of years into use, using his chief privileges to maintain all trust in him.

This trust was so heavy that it was really hard for him to bear.

But after just one or two deep breaths, Ge Li Bang suppressed all the panic in his heart. He didn't have any particularly persistent beliefs, and he was never grateful for Lu Youyou's trust. He just forced himself to enter the most normal working state. , no matter how the outside world turns upside down, I just stick to it.

"First of all, I would like to explain why Taichu Tianzun's second coming will cause the outcome of the battle to deviate from expectations. Although the first-line data has just been compiled, detailed analysis will take some time, but according to my personal judgment, and the National Master Zhang Jincheng who is far away in Fancheng Using the Qianxing Platform as a deduction, I think the main reason is due to two aspects. First, Taichu Tianzun's combat strategy in the early stages of his arrival was far more radical than expected, and he dropped 108 incarnations at the same time, and most of them had the ability to be destroyed instantly. The ability of the picture scroll. Even for Taichu Tianzun, it can be said that he has used all his strength at this stage. It is actually unreasonable to go all out at the beginning, because although we were indeed caught off guard, we were caught off guard in every game. In the defeat, we collected quite significant data. In order to pursue victory, Taichu Tianzun showed too many things. On the other hand, even if we lost one hundred and five scrolls, we still had an extremely broad strategic depth. At present, there are more than one million picture scrolls of above specifications officially put into operation in Taixu Illusion, of which more than 6,000 have undergone initial battlefield transformation. At the same time, taking into account the overall picture scroll industry and the work efficiency of Taixu Mansion, we can do the most. We put 500 picture scrolls into Taixu every day, so we tried to win by quantity at the beginning, but it actually played into our heart, because what we were least afraid of was this kind of long-term battle with quantity.”

After a pause, Gribang added: "On the other hand, Taixu Tianzun's fighting spirit was obviously lower than expected in the second round of the battle. Many of the duels in the scrolls are suspected of being defeated without a fight."

Before he finished speaking, the uproar in the audience almost broke through Lu Youyou's silence. Even the leaders in the front row obviously had something to say.

Gribang continued firmly: "I stick to my own judgment, and at the same time I think we don't need to panic. It's not that Taixu Tianzun doesn't want to fight, on the contrary, he saw the opponent's weakness and chose In this duel between Tianzun, Taichu is slightly stronger overall, so if Taixu can use the scroll to kill the opponent's magical power, it will undoubtedly be beneficial to the subsequent battle. The loss of the earth is not worth the loss. According to the feedback from the front line, among the two Tianzun, Taichu is obviously more paranoid, no matter what kind of incarnation he is, he will not stop fighting. This madness can be exploited to make him pay an extra price for every victory, and eventually lead to an uncontrollable defeat after winning every battle. From this perspective, the result of the second round of battle is. Although it is not as good as expected, the situation is far from out of control, and Taixu Mansion's strategic plan is still applicable. However, we cannot end this war in a short time as we optimistically expected, given the choice of Taixu Tianzun himself. , all of us must be prepared for a long-term battle.”

Speaking of this, Griham looked at the audience seriously, looking at every pair of eyes that looked over, as if he wanted to convey the firm confidence in his heart through eye contact.

"So, back to the original topic, the defeat is not unexplainable, and what we have to do next is to make several detailed adjustments to the existing plan. The main thing is to make mobilization preparations for a long-term war as soon as possible, and to have existing personnel and materials The preparations are also for the guidance of public opinion and public opinion, and... the guidance and management of Taixu Tianzun can be retained to a certain extent, but he is still the main force in this battle, even if he knows it. Under all circumstances, he must be the main force in this battle. Finally, regarding the details of these adjustments, Taixu Mansion will coordinate with various special teams and report to Xiankulin."

After saying that, Gribang let out a breath, stretched out his hand to caress his chest where his heartbeat was getting faster, then bowed to everyone in the audience and slowly walked off the stage.

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