Am I the only one who didn't ascend?

Chapter 574 Life will always go on

Greebang's speech at the Shanlei Fortress meeting soon spread far and wide through various channels, from the three western counties of Xinheng to the boundless sea in the eastern part of Ziwu. From the Molin Dragon Head Holy Mountain to the Huanre Rainforest of Zhouguo...

The word "long-term war" also became the top annual hot word in the Immortal Alliance. From the rulers of various countries to the peddlers... Whether it is the casual chat after dinner or the special work around the hot word, they are repeating this hot word again and again at a very fast speed, and then quickly spread the shadow of war all over the world.

War, total war, long-term total war. These words are familiar and unfamiliar to every Immortal Alliance member living in the Dinghuang era.

Most people in the Immortal Alliance grew up listening to war stories. The stories of Dinghuang heroes still shine in every general education textbook after a thousand years. And for those living on the border of the Immortal Wilderness, the invasion of wild beasts is even more commonplace. War has never left.

But on the other hand, war has never really penetrated into every household. Even people in border areas rarely have wild beasts invade their homes. As for people living in the hinterlands of various countries, they can only sigh at the few casualties in the Taixu Zhaotang or in the newspapers.

Therefore, people are always caught off guard by the sudden long-term war, and even fall into panic and confusion... So after the temporary meeting of the Shanlei Fortress, all kinds of monsters and demons are very aggressive. Heretical cults and ambitious politicians are coming one after another.

Until as time goes by, people gradually realize that the so-called long-term war seems to have always remained at the level of a hot word, and life should still be lived as it should be.

The so-called Devil of the Wilderness, the Great Demon Lord, has never appeared in front of people, and even in the Taixu Illusion, there is no trace of his existence. People can even take Lishensan as usual, drift on the Taiyin River, cheer for artists in Qinglu, search for fresh current affairs in Zhaotang... and then see some dry war reports in the front columns of some official media.

The results of each report are similar, except that in some scrolls, Taixu won a great victory and strangled the Demon Lord's clone. In some scrolls, Taixu temporarily turned back to lure the enemy deep in order to win a great victory. But no matter what kind of great victory it is, it seems that there is no actual impact. So soon people regarded these war reports as politicians' self-praise and making trouble out of nothing.

And just as people became numb, changes came quietly.

At first, people just found that the walking experience of Taixu Fantasy became a little "slow and stuck", such as drifting along the Taiyin River and reaching the prosperous waters seemed to take longer than before. And the many light boats and floating islands on the waters also seemed dim. Some particularly busy waterways even have occasional boat collisions - this has almost never happened since the Taixu Division of various countries fully implemented the new waterway coordinated management law two hundred years ago.

In this regard, the Taixu Division explained that it was because the relevant temporary staff who operated the formation did not strictly follow the operating specifications. The relevant departments have launched a strict self-inspection to ensure that similar accidents will not occur.

This kind of high-sounding nonsense is commonplace for every member of the Immortal Alliance, so people naturally did not take it seriously after a simple complaint. However, people soon discovered that as the relevant departments of the Taixu Division of various countries carried out strict self-inspections, similar accidents became more and more frequent.

The Taiyin River became extremely long and crowded. Many Taixu travelers from different cities were assigned to the same Taiyin River after leaving the gods. The various facilities on the fantasy waters also aged rapidly. Some Zhaotang Qinglu, which had been built only a few years ago, showed a mottled old state. After that, the number of accidental vicious accidents gradually increased.

Sometimes the entire water area is suddenly cut off from the surrounding area, and all the waterways suddenly dry up. Sometimes hundreds of Taixu practitioners are forced to eject from the illusion. What's more, very few practitioners who rashly approach the forbidden area of ​​the scroll will hear voices that do not belong to the real world in the illusion, and their souls will be polluted.

In today's Immortal Alliance, too many people's work and life are maintained on the Taixu Illusion. Small-scale fluctuations are fine, but once the amplitude of the fluctuation increases, it will naturally affect everyone.

So far, Taixu Division can no longer use temporary workers' operating errors to prevaricate, and before the official conclusions of various countries are clearly stated, rumors among the people have become rampant, all kinds of conspiracy theories, and all kinds of crazy people who are obsessed with conspiracy theories, fully demonstrated the diversity of species for a time.

Fortunately, just before the chaos gradually brewed and broke out, the Immortal Alliance once again held a conference in the Mountain Fortress of Lingshan, which included representatives from hundreds of countries. Lu Youyou, the chief of Xiankulin and the lord of Zhuwang, represented the Immortal Alliance and delivered a brief speech to all the people of the Immortal Alliance.

In his speech, Lu Youyou frankly admitted that the Immortal Alliance encountered considerable difficulties in the long-term war in the illusion. The offensive from the Taichu Demon Lord became more and more fierce, far exceeding the conventional expectations of the Immortal Alliance Taixu Mansion. To make matters worse, the Immortal Alliance expected a protracted war, which was to use strategic depth to play the production capacity advantage and weaken Taichu bit by bit. However, as the war progressed, the Taichu Demon Lord showed extraordinary destructive power.

Whenever he wins a certain painting, he will not only devour the painting itself, but also devour a part of the Taixu Illusion. This part is very small. Even if the Taixu Mansion has invested a very strict monitoring force from the beginning, it is often difficult to detect the subtle changes in the illusion. Until a little accumulates, the water drips through the stone.

When thousands of paintings fell into the hands of Taichu, the Taixu Mansion was shocked to realize that some losses were almost irreparable. Although the loss and weakening of the Taixu Illusion is not permanent, it is at least semi-permanent, and countries need to take out a huge amount of resources to make up for it... and the huge amount of resources itself is often equal to the impossible.

This is the reason for the frequent chaos in the Taixu Illusion. It is neither an accident nor a conspiracy, but the result of the "long-term war" advertised by the Taixu Mansion nearly a year ago.

War has always been accompanied by pain and sacrifice. The wars surrounding the Immortal Alliance in the past were just war stories, but now people have finally felt the pain.

However, the development of the war to this day is not all bad news. In the nearly one-year scroll war, the Immortal Alliance has lost more than a thousand scrolls, but it has also won nearly eight hundred victories and eliminated more than six hundred Demon Lord incarnations. Just as the Demon Lord swallowing the scroll will cause almost permanent damage, those incarnations that fell in the scroll also mean that the Demon Lord has lost part of his power forever.

Therefore, the only way now is that the Immortal Alliance needs to show unprecedented determination, unite and cooperate, and overcome difficulties. Only by crossing the natural barrier of the Demon Lord can the Immortal Alliance achieve a comprehensive victory in Dinghuang. Otherwise, the Immortal Alliance has no way out.

Lu Youyou's speech deliberately avoided high-sounding clichés and flashy rhetoric, so it is not really wonderful, and her frankness may not immediately resonate with tens of millions of people, but there is no doubt that the chief has expressed his will very firmly. After her public speech, the atmosphere within the Immortal Alliance soon changed dramatically.

Countries no longer hide what happened in the Taixu Illusion - or rather, the front-line war daily reports published in real time by the Taixu Mansion, as well as the disaster warnings in various places in the illusion, make it difficult for countries to cover up even if they want to. People can clearly see how much resources the Immortal Alliance has invested in this long-term war and how many results it has gained. And how close the war is to them.

Many times, the war seems to be ignited around them.

In essence, the Taixu Illusion is a magnificent fairyland that instantly connects hundreds of countries in the Immortal Alliance, making thousands of miles away close at hand. Along the Taiyin River, an ordinary practitioner can talk to people far away on Ziwu Island in real time in the three counties in the west of Xinheng in a few seconds. Therefore, conversely, no matter where the war in the illusion is ignited, it may spread to everyone in an instant.

Even if the Immortal Alliance has made strict and meticulous reinforcement and transformation on every Taixu painting that may be used as a battlefield, and has isolated the periphery of every possible battlefield... But as the illusion is gradually damaged, the Immortal Alliance still cannot guarantee everything.

Such a threat that is so close at hand will naturally breed panic. Even though the disasters in the illusion are often not directly fatal, and even though the actual deaths recorded in the Taixu Mansion in the past year are only a few hundred people... the panic caused is real. And because of Lu Youyou's previous statement, it is difficult for the courts of various countries to directly cover up the news, so the chaos among the people has once again occurred, making the leaders of various countries a little exhausted.

Fortunately, when the long-term war entered the second year and officially entered the next stage, these chaos gradually subsided.

It's not that the war in the illusion has made any important progress-after a year, the Immortal Alliance has barely maintained the expected 40-60 odds through various means, but it still loses hundreds of scrolls every day, which also means that the illusion is becoming more and more riddled every day. Many times, the function of the illusion connecting hundreds of countries has disappeared, and the Taiyin River, which is connected in all directions, has long been shattered. Countries are like isolated islands on the sea, and can only look at each other from a distance.

Therefore, the flames of war that are ignited everywhere also seem extremely far away. It is increasingly difficult for people to get first-hand information about the front-line wars and the disasters in the illusion from Taixu Zhaotang, and traditional media will naturally guide people to be indifferent to all disasters... Therefore, it is extremely ironic that the holes in the illusion have actually calmed people's panic.

However, the calming of panic does not mean that the situation has actually stabilized.

For the Immortal Alliance, the gradual decline and degradation of the illusion means a great regression in production efficiency, and many old production management systems have collapsed completely. The various political and economic problems brought about by this have made the countries of the Immortal Alliance scream and scratch. For the people of various countries, the situation is that more and more people find that life seems to be getting harder and harder, it is getting harder and harder to find a job, and it is getting harder and harder to increase income.

Although the long-term war with the Taichu Demon Lord took place in the distant Taixu Illusion, it is already closely related to everyone.

However, this is exactly what the countries of the Immortal Alliance had clearly foreseen when Glibang proposed a long-term war more than a year ago. Despite the pain, screams and scratches, the Immortal Alliance gradually regrouped and adapted itself to the wartime system, smoothly transitioning the war to the third year.

Starting from the third year, the situation gradually returned to normal.

Although the battle on the front line is still 40-60, and although the illusion is becoming increasingly decadent, almost going back to a few hundred years ago. But outside the illusion, the lives of the 10 billion immortal alliance people seem to have calmed down again, and the countries are even showing a rebound and thriving scene.

No matter how hard it is, life must go on and will always go on.

On this day, the sun rose as usual, and the warm sunlight passed over the rolling mountains on the horizon and shone on a lush forest.

This is Zhou Guo's Happy Rainforest. In the eastern part of the rainforest, in the giant forest supported by countless thousand-year-old trees, there is a flower field blooming in the air. That is the largest city in the eastern part of Zhou Guo, the famous tree flower city [Licheng]. Nearly nine buildings in the city are hollowed out from giant trees, or branches grown from trees. And the construction of each building needs to be strictly reviewed by the commissioner of the City Lord's Mansion to ensure that it is not only structurally safe and reliable, but also surrounded by beautiful and delicate flowers.

In this way, a huge city of flowers that accommodates millions of people can be naturally harmonious in the rain forest.

In the southern part of Licheng, there is a towering ancient tree. From the middle of the tree, a nearly 1,000-meter-long branch extends straightly, connecting to the waist of another ancient tree, forming a natural prosperous street. And this street called [Sanzhi] is full of various approachable Zhouguo delicacies. The most famous one is a snack shop that blooms on the branches like a flower bud.

The store is not big, but the name is extremely loud. [Li Sandao Snacks] dares to sell a bowl of vegetable paste for 88 spirit leaves on the civilian food street where the average price is only 30 or 40 spirit leaves. It is unanimously rated by local gourmets as a conscientious store that does not cheat the poor. And precisely because it does not cheat the poor, the popularity of the store has always been sparse, even during the fiercely competitive morning rush hour, it is often deserted.

And this morning, a middle-aged man in a long gown sat down in the best seat in the store, which was vacant.

When the shop owner saw him, he couldn't help but smile and said, "Professor Quan, long time no see."

The middle-aged man reluctantly curled his lips, and then whispered, "A flower cake, a bowl of vegetable paste, and a plate of mushroom paste."

The shop owner smiled again, "The old three things, it seems that Professor Quan has become rich again. Have you found a good job after losing your job?"

Professor Quan's face was more reluctant, but he still answered, "Yes, yes..."

"Awesome! I have always heard that many people who teach illusions can only drive clouds for people in places like Baichengtong after losing their jobs. You can still continue to be a professor, which is really amazing! Do you have any tricks?"

The middle-aged man finally got a little impatient: "Can you do it?"

The shop owner heard this and glanced at another customer in the store, a woman who was obviously uncomfortable after Professor Quan entered the store, and smiled meaningfully, "Of course I can do it. Please wait, I will serve you the dishes."

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