Wang Luo had already expected that Lord Changsheng would "come with bad intentions".

This old man does not have any ill intentions towards him, or in other words, among the heads of the hundred kingdoms of the Immortal Alliance, he is actually the one who has the most friendly attitude toward him, even more so than Yulongjun.

But precisely because of this, he was the most difficult to deal with. When seeing him, Wang Luo always had to remain somewhat vigilant.

Because he is too sharp, so sharp that he doesn't look like a Zhou Guo person at all. Those seemingly cloudy eyes seemed to be able to see through everything. The old man is better at wrapping this sensitivity in a friendly gesture that makes people irresistible.

Considering that during the long war in the past few years, Lord Changsheng took great care of Zhu Wang, especially himself... Wang Luo pondered for a long time about this crucial question before he was ready to speak.

But Lord Changsheng smiled at this moment, turned his back and walked aside, bringing another exquisite tea cup from the coffee table, with a drink as light as water in the cup.

"In recent years, people only know that flowers have glass flower tea, but they don't know that the truly rare local special drink is actually the flower dew of glass flowers. Unfortunately, this thing is also really rare. When glass flowers bloom, there is no dust on the petals and no water dripping on them. Stay. Only the true spirit of water that coexists with the glass flower in the spiritual spring can condense a drop of true dew in the flower’s stamen. This cup is my true gratitude to Master Wang on behalf of the people of Huadu.”

Wang Luo was stunned for a moment. It wasn't until Lord Changsheng handed the tea cup to him without any explanation that Wang Luo realized that the other party no longer needed to answer any questions.

The moment of silence and change of expression were enough to satisfy the keen old man's curiosity.

"Wang Shanzhu, according to the usual practice, the city lord of Huadu will hold a celebration banquet for you on the tree canopy. But I know that you are always tired of this kind of communication, so I have stopped it for you. From the city lord down, Please hurry up and write a review. Don't try to take advantage of you and escape the blame for the lax preparations at the beginning of the war. In the future, if you are interested, you can take a stroll in the city of Zhou Guo. There are many, but the one that best embodies the country’s style has to be Huadu Licheng. When I abdicate, I will prepare to live here for the rest of my life.”

The old man was chattering, with his back on his back, and was busy at the tea table again. Wang Luo only glanced at it, and couldn't help but smile. After drinking the dew in one gulp, he said goodbye to the rickety figure, took a step forward, and stood at the tea table. Amidst the crisp sound of clicking, I came outside unknowingly.

The outdoor sunshine is dyed particularly fresh and pleasant by the canopy of thousands of giant trees in Huadu, and the city under the sun is far more prosperous and beautiful than the Licheng in the picture scroll.

Generally speaking, the picture scroll world built with reality as a template is always more gorgeous than reality. The original painters in the workshop will always add some unrealistic but beautiful enough designs.

But the many picture scrolls now distributed in Taixu are all degraded versions. They are based on reality, but even the basic scenery restoration is so-so. Especially the lush tree cover above the flower capital, not to mention the detailed restoration of every leaf, is even a static image, and then some swaying light effect spells are added.

Fortunately, the main stage of the snack story in the script is on that thousand-meter-long street, which is still far away from the canopy of trees overhead. Otherwise, if you raise your head a few times, you will be awakened by the naked sense of dissonance.

There is of course only one reason why the scrolls are made so crudely: because they are cheap.

In the context of a long-term war, the Taixu picture scroll, as a consumable item that is eaten by Taichu Tianzun in hundreds every day, cannot afford to be carefully crafted. The main content design of the picture scroll is also hugely different from the beginning of the war.

In the beginning, the Immortal Alliance generally liked to design and create scrolls similar to the Legend of Demons, which had a complicated battle system and encouraged practitioners to compete directly. Especially those ace designers who come from top workshops and have brilliant resumes. When they hold leadership positions on the logistics front, they like to put all their effort into designing a sophisticated and mysterious numerical system, and then use this home field advantage. , playing tricks on the opponent in the picture scroll battlefield.

Of course, this is also effective. In the early years of the war, a few talented designers relied on their exquisite system design to actually hide it from Taichu Tianzun, causing him to fall into a trap in the picture scroll and ended in miserably. . But the memory of each clone of Taichu Tianzun is shared with the original body simultaneously, so any subtle trap can only work on him once. During Tianzun's war-mad stage, he had more than 400 clones in one day at most.

No talented designer can withstand such mental exertion. After many great designers who have won lifetime achievement awards died suddenly at work, the Xianmeng completely changed its tactical thinking.

In this world, is there any Taixu picture scroll that does not require too much effort to construct out of thin air, but can still give the people of the Immortal Alliance a home field advantage?

The answer is simple: realistic-themed picture scrolls.

Reflecting the reality of the Immortal League into the picture scroll is undoubtedly the biggest home advantage for the locals of the Immortal League. No matter how good Taichu Tianzun is at observing and learning, he cannot suddenly understand the immortals better than the locals of the Immortal League. alliance.

Considering that the Immortal League itself is a civilization that has been basically peaceful and peaceful for thousands of years, a direct and fierce confrontation seems inappropriate, so instead, there are "single picture scrolls" like snack stories. The picture scroll itself can only accommodate two people. , and then both parties are placed in a parallel world and experience the same script story. These stories are often based on reality, and the perspective is very "nuanced". There is no grand narrative, just the shortcomings of ordinary people in the market.

This is undoubtedly the most advantageous battlefield that the Immortal Alliance can find relative to Taichu Tianzun.

In fact, the real turning point of the long-term war came from the emergence of a large number of "snack stories". People were surprised to find that Taichu Tianzun had never suffered twice in other scrolls, but in these common stories, he might make the same mistake ten or a hundred times.

It seemed that there was some mysterious power preventing him from taking the right path.

Because according to the initial prediction of Taixu Mansion, even if the Immortal Alliance had an advantage in this kind of realistic battlefield, the advantage would surely weaken rapidly over time. No matter how "unworldly" Taichu Tianzun was, he was still a genius who was born from a mortal and traveled through the nine states before finally achieving enlightenment. He was able to open up the immortal path without a teacher. Could it be that he really couldn't learn the common air of mortals?

But the conclusion of the long-term war was exactly: he really couldn't learn it.

In this regard, people naturally had different opinions, and countless experts and scholars actively reviewed the situation, but for those who knew the truth about Tianzun, the conclusion was actually very simple. The Tao that Taichu insisted on was already an inhuman Tao. Immortality after metaphysicalizing one's own concepts just means that one will be forever isolated from the mundane world. If Taichu really learned the mundane spirit of mortals, his Tao heart would be broken on the spot.

In fact, this principle is also partially applicable to Taixu Tianzun... The reason why Tianzun is ruthless and heartless is that in addition to the fact that the main part of him comes from the remains of the nether soil and is incomplete, an important reason is that the concept of Tianzun itself exists outside the mundane world. Once it is contaminated by the mortal heart, it will slowly fall.

Therefore, the mass-produced scrolls like the snack story are actually the killing game designed by the mortals of the Immortal Alliance for the two Tianzun at the same time.

Therefore, as these scrolls are thrown into the illusion by the thousands, not only is Taichu Tianzun from Jingzhou repeatedly weakened, but sometimes he can't even beat the mortals. Even Taixu Tianzun, the guardian of the Immortal Alliance, gradually disappears.

Perhaps, he has completely seen who the real enemy is.

But these are no longer important. Now that the long-term war has come to the third year, the war situation is approaching the critical point. Once it is crossed, even if the two Tianzuns struggle at the same time, it will be difficult to escape the end of defeat.

So, when Changshengjun asked him how Taixu Tianzun was doing now, Wang Luo's answer was that he didn't know. Because he didn't think he needed to know at all... Maybe someone like Lu Youyou who does things in a methodical manner will read the reports submitted by various places in the Immortal Alliance from beginning to end every day, but Wang Luo has long stopped paying attention to these details.

He has been fighting on the front line of illusion for many years. He can defeat Taichu Incarnation alone without Taixu Tianzun's action, so why should he care about how weak Taixu is?

But the question after Changshengjun is really a thorn in his heart.

Lu Zhiyao hasn't appeared for a long time.

When the war just broke out, she actually showed her sainthood many times in front of people, relying on the unparalleled appeal of the Lord, and further gathered the hearts of the people in the Immortal Alliance, but as the war became more intense, her frequency of appearance became less and less. When the batch of scrolls appeared and the war took a turn, she simply disappeared and ignored everyone.

Considering that Lu Zhiyao had been a hands-off boss for hundreds of years, and her successor Lu Youyou was also diligent, the world had long been accustomed to the absence of the master. Now that she immediately retired after the war turned, it seemed that she was not greedy for fame and had a noble character.

But only those who were close to her could vaguely sense that she was not retiring out of her own will. Because compared to being noble and open-minded, Lu Zhiyao was definitely more inclined to be ambitious, or at least she loved to join in the fun. In the past few hundred years, if she had not been "replaced" by the Lord of the Heavenly Court of Tianzhizuo and the pressure from Tianzun, she would probably not have considered abdicating and must stay in the position of the number one person in the world until the end of her life.

But now, Tianzhizuo is about to collapse as a whole, and Taixu Tianzun is obviously not a concern. Why does she still need to avoid everyone?

Wang Luo didn't know why Changshengjun thought of this question. Perhaps he had been bathed in the majesty of the Lord since he was a child and admired Lu Zhiyao deeply. Or perhaps he, as the ruler of a country, had to prepare for a rainy day. When considering the distribution of interests after the war, whether he wished to have Lu Zhiyao's support would make the situation very different... Or perhaps he just asked casually out of curiosity as an old man.

Just as Wang Luo couldn't help but fall into deep thought, the talisman on his waist suddenly lit up and released a burst of heat.

Without Wang Luo's distraction, the talisman suddenly turned into a stream of light and rushed into Wang Luo's forehead, leaving a brief but important message in his consciousness.

"Rongcheng Workshop was attacked and urgently needs support!"

Wang Luo was startled, and then immediately turned around and returned to the tree house where he had been sitting in Lishen not long ago, and found Changshengjun who was still drinking tea in his busy schedule.

When the two met again, Changshengjun's face was full of surprise: "Master Wang Shan has returned, but..."

Wang Luo repeated the information in the talisman briefly, and immediately froze Changshengjun's surprised expression on his face.

This means that the old man was really surprised.

"Rongcheng Workshop, could it be... the workshop that is closely related to you, Master Wang Shan?"

Wang Luo was silent for a while: "Most likely, although there are many scroll workshops in and outside Rongcheng now, the one that is worth using this talisman to send a warning to me should be the newly built workshop next to the Shijie Meat Factory. There are not only important scroll production lines in it, but also many of my old friends. But my contact with Zhu Wang is currently interrupted, so I can't verify it for the time being."

"Contact interrupted..." Changsheng Jun even took a breath.

When the Taixu Illusion was first shattered, the various long-distance communication techniques of the Immortal Alliance were severely affected and failed repeatedly. Even the communication formations built without relying on Taixu are often inexplicably silent and ineffective. However, the war has been relatively stable in the past year. The Immortal Alliance has led various countries to urgently complete the implementation of various backup formations, which has allowed the voices of various countries to connect again... Although communication and dialogue are not as convenient as Taiyuan Realm, it is by no means "Contact lost".

The situation was complicated and bizarre. For a while, Lord Changsheng did not make much speculation and only said: "There are three teleportation formations in Licheng that go directly to Zhuwang, as well as my flying shuttle [Mingxue], Master Wangshan... "

Wang Luo made a quick decision: "Please lend me the shuttle."

"Okay, since the contact can be interrupted, the cross-border formation that travels thousands of miles in an instant is not safe. The flying shuttle is the safest..." Lord Changsheng said, taking off a ring from his right thumb and handing it to Wang Luo, "With this, This token commands the shuttle to use its full strength to reach Rongcheng from Licheng within half an hour. However, the force is so strong that I will ask my subordinates to contact Zhuwang Border in advance to avoid unnecessary misunderstandings."

After saying that, the old man disappeared without even waiting for Wang Luo to thank him, and hurriedly left the tree house.


Not long after, Wang Luo drove Ming Xue across the Zhuwang border like a ignited meteor, causing a period of panic on the border.

But Wang Luo couldn't care too much.

The situation in Rong City must be extremely urgent and at the same time extremely strange. Otherwise, according to common sense, even if the workshop encounters a horrific attack, with the manpower and material resources of Rongcheng at this time, there is absolutely no reason to seek help from Wang Luo, who is thousands of kilometers away. If there were any problems that the hundreds of thousands of permanent Dinghuang troops around Rong City couldn't solve, then Wang Luo would be equally helpless.


Just when Wang Luo had vaguely guessed the answer, there was a sudden click next to him, followed by the sound of staggering footsteps that were unstable.

Wang Luo turned around and saw Han Xingyan kneeling on the ground in a state of embarrassment. The back of his head hit the wall of the shuttle cockpit due to inertia, and blood oozed slightly from his seven orifices.

Using the technique of instantaneous movement, Han Xingyan was clearly trying his best to move onto a speeding shuttle.

The result of the desperate effort was just to allow Wang Luo to obtain detailed information on the front line as soon as possible.

"The Taichu Demon Lord has been dormant for a long time, and has developed a magical power that turns virtual reality into reality. He suddenly attacked and eroded the Rongcheng workshop. Now the workshop has been pulled into an illusion, and many people are trapped in it."

The information contained in these words was so dense that it seemed somewhat unclear, but Wang Luo nodded calmly.

"I's just a dying struggle, no need to worry."

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