Am I the only one who didn't ascend?

Chapter 578 The Final Battlefield

Wang Luo's "no need to worry" was, of course, just a rhetoric. If there was really no need to worry, why would he fly all the way back to Zhuwang from Zhouguo regardless of the risk? He had not said anything before, and had not given any warning before driving the shuttle of the Lord of Zhouguo across the border between the two countries. If he had not been careful, he would have been annihilated by the Star-Destroying Sword.

So, of course, the situation was very critical, but the more such a time, the more confident you should be.

Han Xingyan was definitely not a person who was careless and panicked when encountering things, but she was at a loss at this time, and her confusion was so strange that Wang Luo felt that it was strange. So you can imagine what kind of state the people inside and outside Rongcheng were in at this time.

Although it is not clear why the local person in charge of Rongcheng failed to take responsibility and boost morale, Wang Luo had no choice but to step forward and set an example to bring confidence to everyone.

His attitude did calm Han Xingyan down a bit. After taking a deep breath, the woman said in a trembling voice, "The workshop was attacked suddenly without any warning... At that time, the king was visiting the workshop with guests from several countries." Wang Luo felt a buzz in his head at that time. "Lu Youyou was also trapped... No wonder." Han Xingyan coughed and said, "Not only the king of Lu, but also Bu Tianjun and Qingyuanjun. In addition, Han Ying also..." While talking, Changshengjun's vehicle Mingxue finally completed the long raid and arrived above Rongcheng. At this time, the shuttle was at the end of its strength. The shining flames all over its body had drifted like embers, and the outer frame of the entire shuttle almost melted into a mottled silhouette under the high temperature. So, the final landing was like a bird with broken wings, crossing the trajectory of struggle all the way and falling from the sky. "Who is it!?"


"Enemy attack, enemy attack!"

When the shuttle landed at a height of 500 meters, a shout of shock and anger came from below, and then without waiting for Wang Luo to answer, hundreds of thunders, sword lights and true fires came at the same time.

For a moment, although this move was reckless and unwise, it showed extremely clever coordination and basic skills. Hundreds of elite soldiers guarding Rongcheng stepped on the city's spiritual veins and combined the six armies. With all their efforts, they seemed to be able to cut down the Mahayana True Lord. As for the broken and broken little shuttle falling from the sky, it was like a dead leaf before a torrent.

Wang Luo could only sigh in his heart.

Fortunately, after seeing Han Xingyan's panic, he foresaw that Rongcheng might have entered a state of stress, so he made preparations in advance.

Before the many thunders and sword lights came crashing down, Wang Luo had already opened the Ascension Record and released the golden light on the book to form an eggshell-like shield.

Buzz! Buzz!

The rain-like magic hit the golden shield, making a series of buzzing sounds, as if the whole world was trembling slightly. At the same time, the elite Dinghuang Army soldiers on the ground felt as if they were charging at full speed and crashing into the towering and motionless Dragon Head Holy Mountain... The soldiers' blood and qi suddenly went backwards, their true essence collapsed, and the formation of the six armies, which theoretically fought to the death, was actually disintegrated from the inside by the recoil force!

After several years, Wang Luo's strength has improved by leaps and bounds in the Taixu scroll after one battle after another... What's more, Rongcheng is within the territory of Lingshan, with Lingshan behind it, and the orthodox mountain master can exert his power to the limit.

At this time and place, even if the Star-Destroying Divine Sword really fell on his head, it would be difficult to shake Wang Luo in the slightest.

However, the elite of Rongcheng are absolutely worthy of the name of elite. Even if they suffered such an incredible defeat, they were not panicked or discouraged at all, but their morale was doubly stimulated. Those warriors who had not yet formed a battle array, all of a sudden, united as one, and roared in unison: "Form a battle array, stop the enemy!"

However, among the roars, there was an extremely brave roar, who suppressed thousands of people with the strength of one person.

"Stop it! Are you blind? You can't even recognize the golden light of Lingshan!?"

As the man's voice spread, the Dinghuang Army soldiers on the ground woke up from their dreams, realizing that they had killed the reinforcements under pressure!

At this time, Wang Luo had wrapped the shuttle with golden light and slowly landed on the ground.

The landing location was in front of the main entrance of the painting scroll workshop in Rongcheng.

From the sky, this newly built workshop was no different from the past, but after getting close, you can clearly smell the "distorted" smell in the air, as if the ground veins and even the way of heaven within the workshop have been tampered with.

Surrounding the workshop were more than 2,000 Rongcheng Dinghuang troops who had gathered urgently. However, judging from their performance just now, they were indeed leaderless.

So Wang Luo's eyes naturally fell on the leader who stopped the Dinghuang soldiers at the critical moment.

That face was unexpectedly familiar. A few years ago, he was just a middle-aged young man with no enthusiasm for work, but now he has returned to the place where he came from - Dinghuang Army, and has become a mainstay.

"Han Yu?"

On the contrary, Han Yu was obviously stunned after being named by Wang Luo. He was stunned for a while before nodding vigorously, and then stepped on a stream of light to come to Wang Luo, bowed and saluted: "The last general Han Yu meets Master Wang. The situation here is critical. I hope the master can take action in time to turn the tide!"

As he spoke, he seemed to have been prepared and took out two leaf-shaped jade stones.

"This is the record of the surrounding tree eyes. We haven't had time to organize people to do a comprehensive analysis, but..." Wang Luo nodded, took the jade leaf, scanned it with his spiritual sense, and immediately fell into deep thought.

According to the records in the tree eye, the attack on the workshop was not only without warning, but also unbelievable.

Because the current Zhuwang Jianmu tree eye has undergone multiple upgrades compared to the Rongcheng pioneering period, and its sensitivity is far from that of the old tree eye. And considering that the battlefields of the long-term war are basically the scrolls in the Taixu Fantasy, the tree eye focuses on strengthening the ability to monitor the Taixu.

Especially around the key workshops, the monitoring tree eyes are extremely sensitive... Because it is not the first time that Taichu Tianzun has raided the workshop. He may not be familiar with the world, but he is definitely proficient in war. Almost at the beginning of the war, he realized that it was impossible for him to fight a war of attrition with the Immortal Alliance, so instead of swallowing mass-produced scrolls one by one with a 40% chance of failure, it is better to cut the grass and uproot the bases of producing scrolls.

The production process of the Taixu scroll does have weaknesses... When designers carefully draw the scroll, they must immerse themselves in the Taixu, and as long as they are in the Taixu, they may become the prey of the Taichu Demon Lord.

Although the Demon Lord cannot freely travel through the Taixu and can only jump between scrolls, the scrolls drawn by major workshops, even if they are not yet completed, are still scrolls and may still become a springboard for the Demon Lord. This is determined by the basic nature of the Taixu Illusion and the scroll. No matter how much disguise and protection are added, it is impossible to eliminate the risk from the root.

Therefore, when this long-term war entered the third year, almost all countries established a similar early warning system, using tree eyes and other objects to keep a close eye on the workshop and the "Taixu Illusion" in the area where the workshop is located. Once the Demon Lord is detected to be coming, it will immediately warn the people in the workshop to withdraw as soon as possible.

As the war dragged on, this mechanism became more and more perfect. Although the Demon Lord's jumping speed in the Taixu scroll is theoretically as fast as lightning, the reaction speed of the tree eye is faster than lightning... Especially after the latest upgrade, the Jianmu tree eyes throughout Zhuwang have integrated the Demon Lord's arrival data over the past two years, forming a unique set of derivative calculations, which can accurately predict the arrival of the Demon Lord to a certain extent, and greatly widen the warning window.

Since the last upgrade, there have been almost no cases of workshops in Zhuwang being successfully attacked by the Demon Lord... But now it seems that this undefeated record is probably quite suspicious.

Because according to the tree eye data in the jade leaf, even when Taichu had already descended on Rongcheng and even dragged the entire workshop into the illusion, causing a strong distortion around it, everything was still normal in the tree eye's vision!

The jade leaf contains thousands of complex data, but none of them reflects the reality in front of us!

The only explanation is that the tree eye monitoring system that the Immortal Alliance has been preparing for many years, building for many years and is proud of has been completely broken by Taichu Tianzun.

"Master Immortal Ancestor, you are really amazing if you don't make a sound."

Wang Luo shook his head and put down the leaf, turning his eyes back to the scroll workshop.

Until this moment, he actually didn't see what was wrong with the workshop. Although he could intuitively feel the distortion of the area around the workshop, the form of the distortion was completely beyond Wang Luo's cognition. At this moment, he seemed to be a Qi-inducing boy who had just set foot on the immortal path, flipping through the practice notes of the Mahayana True Lord.

No wonder the tree eyes were unaware of this. Even Wang Lou, who had witnessed the true body of Taichu with his own eyes and had a chance connection with Taichu, could only see flowers in the fog. What could those tree eyes see?

And now that observation with the naked eye alone can no longer get any results, the only choice is...

Wang Luo turned his head and cast a tacit look at Han Yu, and then stepped forward, about to cross the restricted area line temporarily set by the Dinghuang Army soldiers.

"Wait! Master Wang, don't be impulsive!"

Before he finished his steps, he heard a panicked voice behind him, but the voice was quite unfamiliar. Wang Luo could only tell from his clothes that he was an old professor from Rongcheng Academy. He was surrounded by several elite Dinghuang soldiers at this time, and he seemed to have a high status.

During this period, Wang Luo often traveled around the world, shuttled through various scrolls as a firefighter. It has been a while since he left Zhuwang, and many key figures were not recognized.

The old professor did not waste time, and did not even introduce himself. He panted and advised: "Master Wang, before you, many masters who are proficient in scroll fighting have entered the illusion, but once they stepped over the restricted area line, they immediately disappeared without a trace, and even no news was sent back! The risks involved are far beyond our cognition. And now, we can't afford more losses!"

Wang Luo was stunned when he heard this.

And just during this moment of pause, the old professor had already issued another stern order: "Dinghuang Army, reinforce the restricted area."

The old professor's military order was based on a token. When the Dinghuang Army saw this token, they should obey the military order unconditionally. However, the soldiers surrounding the workshop obviously had different opinions. Some of them jumped up and down and shouted at him for his ill intentions. However, under the shock of the token, although people could speak, they could not make a sound.

At the same time, Wang Luo's eyes became sharp.

The old professor walked in front of Wang Luo and said without giving in: "Master Wang Shan, you can doubt everything about me, and even kill me on the spot. But I must point out that Zhu Wang has now lost one-third of the senior team of the Golden Deer Hall, including the king, and even the governor of Rongcheng has been lost. And according to the latest plan left by the king, if she encounters an accident, you are the successor with a very high rank!"

Wang Luo then fell silent.

The old man softened his tone when he saw that Wang Luo seemed to no longer insist, "Master Wang, I don't mean to abandon the king and others, but rushing into the restricted area now would be a waste of precious rescue forces. Ace cards like you must be kept for the critical moment. When we know almost nothing about the current situation... sharpening the knife does not delay the chopping of wood."

These words are both sincere and logical... Even the most radical group of soldiers in the Dinghuang Army who have a radical attitude towards rescue can only scratch their heads when they hear them, but they have no way to refute them.

Only Han Xingyan behind him wanted to say something but stopped.

Wang Luo certainly knew what she wanted to say. She just risked her life and stepped into the shuttle Mingxue in an instant. Was it to make Wang Luo calm down in front of the restricted area? She didn't even care about her life, just to let Wang Luo save as much time as possible and go to rescue as soon as possible.

And now, because of the obstruction of an old man, Wang Luo has been delayed for a "long" period of time.

But due to his position, Han Xingyan couldn't urge him, let alone debate with the old man about right and wrong.

Fortunately, Wang Luo didn't need to go through so much trouble.

He carefully examined the old man: "I didn't recognize you before... It can be seen that although I am the successor of the mountain master, I have been away from politics for too long, and I am afraid that I can't take over the job left by Lu Youyou. At this time and place, one calm and rational person is enough. I don't need to step in and grab your role. I have my role."

As he said, he called out the Ascension Record again, and under the golden light, everything around him surrendered. Even the old professor who was so stubborn that he didn't hesitate to die was pushed aside by the golden light and made way.

"Okay, don't be sad, see you later."

Wang Luo smiled and took a step, ready to step into the restricted area. At this moment, he saw a black shadow approaching like a ghost, and even the golden light of the Ascension Record couldn't stop it at all.

The shadow had no hostility, just as he seemed to have no weight at all... It was not until he reached out and patted Wang Luo's shoulder that Wang Luo finally realized his existence.

And the surprise at this moment even made Wang Luo slow down a little.

"Song Hui?"

The retired professor of the academy named Song Hui just said calmly: "Take me with you."

"Oh, okay."

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