Am I the only one who didn't ascend?

Chapter 585: Old Friends at the End

Looking at the embers on the page, Wang Luo felt confused, but he did not daydream for no reason, but patiently turned to the next page.

The next world in the book was completely different. It was a clear blue sky... and only the sky. The Kyushu continent, which should be the foundation of the world, no longer existed on the page. Everything in this world floated in the sky.

Similarly, the different living environment brought about different evolutionary directions. People in this world did not need to walk, so they did not have legs. Below the half body was a cloud-like translucent floating material, and these materials formed the basis of a person's life in the heavenly world.

Every newborn, from the moment of birth, will be divided into different classes according to the color of the floating material they carry. Those with clear gold are the noblest rulers. From the moment of birth, they will be taken to Tianyiyuan and rise to prominence. Their original families will also be given silver wings and enjoy the upper wealth.

Ordinary people are born with pure colors such as red, blue and yellow, and there is almost no difference between them. They constitute the backbone of this world. Whether it is collecting clouds in the sky, building various civilized facilities, or turning into unswerving soldiers to resist foreign enemies in the sky under the command of the golden man, pure-colored people are the main body of this world.

However, there are also a large number of people who are born with mottled and mixed colors in the lower body. This kind of floating material not only cannot help people walk smoothly in the sky, but it is even said that it can spread curses and diseases. Therefore, it has always been excluded by society... No decent profession will open the door to them. However, a complete social cycle will always need some people to handle the dirty work that others are unwilling to handle. These people of mixed colors carry the operation of the whole world with their rough shoulders.

Finally, there is the most ominous black. People who are born with a black half body are regarded as the sons of disaster who may bring destruction to the whole world. Once discovered, they will be immediately sentenced to "eternal fall" and exiled to the outside of the sky, that is, outside the world, along the landing well in front of the Nine Heavens Gate.

Compared to the gray world, this sky world is undoubtedly much more beautiful. Looking from outside the page, Wang Luo can see hundreds of millions of heavenly people at a glance, using various visible and invisible heavenly objects to build a huge and prosperous country. Judging from the various magical powers of the heavenly people, the level of civilization in this world is not inferior to that of the Immortal Alliance, and even surpasses it.

Then, at the top of this world, among the golden people who occupy the eternal position, there is a leader with an exceptionally slender and elegant figure, and a golden glow in the lower body.

That is Taixu Tianzun of this world... Although his eyebrows, body shape, and even his true essence and temperament are completely different from the sincerity in Wang Luo's impression, Wang Luo still recognized him at a glance.

As the master of this world, Tianzun has been free and easy in this page of the book for thousands of years. His magical powers far exceed the ordinary realm of immortals, and he almost has the style of the former immortal ancestors. And relying on such a powerful force, he and his country have become more and more stable over the past thousand years, as if they will never change.

Until the arrival of an outsider shook the eternity of the kingdom of heaven.

This was the second time Wang Luo saw Taichu Tianzun. Just like in the gray world, he still chose black as his color scheme, and his landing place was in the bottom of the well, which was almost infinitely far away, at the edge of the world.

It was the prison of the exiles who were sentenced to eternal damnation, brewing all the ugliness that was isolated from the brightness of the sky. Those who were exiled because they were born with an ominous color survived in this muddy land and multiplied to this day... However, compared with the kingdom of heaven protected by Tianzun, the kingdom in the muddy land was crude and weak. People did not even dare to look up at the clear sky, lest they be discovered by the high heavenly people and cause a catastrophe.

If there was no accidental landing, then this kingdom in the muddy land would sink forever. However, on this day, they welcomed the descender from outside the world, a descender with a dark body and dark wings. The moment he appeared, everyone in the muddy land felt that the future was divided into two ends before their eyes. One end is sinking and destruction, and the other end is also destruction, but it can be exchanged for the blood of the people in heaven.

So the people in the mud did not hesitate at all. They offered everything they had without reservation. The food and property accumulated in the mud, and even the flesh and blood life were all turned into sacrifices. And Taichu Tianzun took the sacrifices of these eternally fallen people in his hands without hesitation, and then raised his head and soared into the sky.

A dark torrent, from the edge of the world, pierced the high heavenly kingdom like a spear.

In the Tianyi Courtyard, Taixu Tianzun, who was sitting on the throne, immediately cast a golden gaze at the edge of the world. The next moment, the whole world trembled with his will, and the streamer floating around the kingdom surged and gathered like a tide. At the same time, in the kingdom, hundreds of millions of people in heaven began to kneel on the ground together, offering their piety in the direction of Tianyi Courtyard.

The next moment, the will of heaven and earth, the golden sea of ​​light and the black torrent collided directly, the whole page of the book trembled slightly, and the picture was distorted so much that Wang Luo felt a sharp pain in his eyes and soul, and had to close his eyes temporarily to rest. After a while, he opened his eyes again and witnessed the result of the collision with blurry eyes.

And the result only surprised him more.

The world in the pages of the book was as clear as ever, the sky was not stained with a trace of color, and the kingdom in the sky was still holy and glorious. At the highest point of Tianyiyuan, Taixu Tianzun sat on the throne and gently drank the drink offered by a golden messenger.

The drink offered to the rulers by Tianyiyuan is the dew picked from the freshest clouds by the golden people of noble birth, and it cannot be stained with the slightest dust. However, the drink offered to Tianzun by the waiter at this time is mixed with a hint of ink.

The nobles in Tianyiyuan were afraid and disgusted by the ink in the cup, but they were unprecedentedly awed by Tianzun who was holding the cup safely.

So Wang Luo suddenly realized that the black was the last trace of Taichu Tianzun left in this world... There was no suspense in the collision between heaven and earth. Although Taichu descended an extremely powerful clone in this world and provoked the resentment accumulated in the well for thousands of years, it still could not shake Taixu's rule in this world.

He fought back with all his strength, but not only failed to eliminate his mortal enemy, but was refined into a seasoning in the drink.

Finally, when the Heavenly Venerable had completely swallowed the drink in the cup, the whole Tianyi Court could not help but give a uniform praise, and this world also completely entered eternity at this moment.

After a long time, Wang Luo raised his eyes from the page.

"This page, Taixu won, and it seems that Taixu's rule in this world cannot be shaken at all."

As he spoke, Wang Luo looked at the third page.

Compared with the first two worlds, the world on the third page looked much more normal. It was a world where the outline of the earth was vaguely similar to that of Jiuzhou. However, the same Jiuzhou gave birth to completely different civilizations and orders. I saw that the market was bustling everywhere on the earth, and the concepts of cities and countries had long been popular. But outside the city, there were strange beasts, demons and ghosts howling in the forest.

In this world, humans did not become the only ruler, and the immortal way was not the only way. Whether in the city or in the wilderness, humans have to coexist with a group of creatures with different appearances and minds from themselves, and a person's practice can also be diverse...

What Wang Luo found most incredible was that Taixu Tianzun, the man who once laid the foundation of the immortal way, was actually a crude warrior in this world, and he kept refining his body all day long.

As an old immortal ancestor, his body refining talent was of course very good, but in this world, he chose a body refining path that was almost the most wasteful of his talent-he met an old witch with evil written on her face from somewhere, and practiced a witch doctor technique inherited from ancient times.

Afterwards, Tianzun continued to go deep into the wilderness, hunting those beasts and monsters with strong bodies, and roughly stitched the strengths of the other's bodies to his own body. Words like "tiger back and bear waist" are not rhetoric for him at all, he really has the body of a bear and tiger.

This rough method seems to be able to grow quickly, but it really limits his own potential. Tianzun actually noticed this, but when he first connected the tiger's claws to his wrist, there was no way back.

When Wang Luo saw him, he was already a monster with almost no human shape. Just to maintain his own existence, he had to exhaust all his energy and strength. In the end, he fell in a desolate wilderness and was killed by a group of greedy and ferocious beasts. His body was torn into countless pieces and fell into the stomachs of the beasts, completing a cycle of taking from the beasts and using them for the beasts.

"So, is this the end?"

Wang Luo's question was soon answered. After Tianzun died in this world, he was reincarnated in an ordinary family as a baby.

The birth of a figure like Tianzun was accompanied by auspicious signs even in the illusion. When his parents in this world were surprised by all the auspicious signs, a hunchbacked old woman in a beast robe knocked on their door.

That old woman was the witch who had taught Tianzun the art of witchcraft, and then, she was also Taichu Tianzun who came to this world.

At this moment, Wang Luo finally realized that this was the way the two Tianzuns in this world fought each other, and it seemed that Taixu had completely fallen into Taichu's control. No matter how he reincarnated, he would only be led astray again and again, and eventually die.

At the same time, Wang Luo finally had a bold idea.

He had been a spectator three times. This time, could he try to do it himself?

In the final analysis, the purpose of his trip was not to explore the decryption and witness the various strange daily lives of Taixu Tianzun in the origin illusion.

First, he had to break Taichu's counterattack of virtualization and reality, and rescue Lu Youyou and other people who were trapped in the gap between virtuality and reality... Although Lu Youyou himself might be able to wake up on his own and see through the boundary between virtuality and reality, the chances of others were obviously slim, so if there was a chance, it would be better for Wang Luo to cut off this chaos from the root.

Second, after witnessing several rounds of confrontation between the two Heavenly Lords, Wang Luo has gradually recognized and adapted to the rules of this book... In essence, this is very similar to the Taixu scroll. Each page of the book has unique rules. This set of rules is both the result of the reproduction of the world itself and the limitation of the framework. No one can be an exception within the rules. So Taichu obviously has a power advantage, but in the first two worlds, they died together once, lost once, and the third victory also looks ridiculous.

But a ridiculous victory is also a victory, and what Taichu can do may not be impossible for Wang Luo himself.

The long-term war has continued to this day. He has become the leading scroll battle expert in the Immortal Alliance. He has defeated Taichu many times within the scroll rules. So now it seems that as long as it is not a dead place like the heavenly world, where the rules have been completely monopolized by one party. Wang Luo should have a chance in other places.

And this third world seems to be just right for Wang Luo to go down and try his hand.

As for how to enter the page from outside the book... Wang Luo smiled, condensed his true essence into ink on his fingertips again, and then gently drew his portrait on the corner of the page.

The moment the true essence fell, Wang Luo once again had a strong sense of falling, as if he was exiled to the ground well by the heavenly people in the second world. The scenery in front of him was distorted and stretched, but he could vaguely see that under him, it was no longer the blank land where the book was safely placed, but a vibrant Kyushu.

He had entered the page world of the origin of the illusion.

However, just when he was about to complete his descent, he saw that the surrounding scenery was suddenly covered with a layer of piercing red, and a sharp and painful bell sounded in his ears, as if the person who was dreaming had suddenly sounded the alarm in his ears.

But Wang Luo did not wake up immediately, but found that he was completely solidified in the process of descent. He is now in the last link of descent. Although his consciousness has sunk into the third world, he has not yet officially obtained the recognition of this world, that is, he has not obtained a "flesh body", just like a ghost.

At the same time, the entire third world seemed to be frozen in front of him, motionless.

Then, a burst of hurried footsteps came from behind.

"Report to the dean, an intruder from outside the domain has been found and will be detained in accordance with relevant regulations... May I ask if it is necessary to eliminate it on the spot?"

The voice fell into Wang Luo's ears, and it was unusually familiar. He tried to turn his "head" and saw a face that matched the voice.

She was pretty and handsome, but also heroic. Her eyebrows seemed to be full of self-discipline and stubbornness... For a moment, Wang Luo seemed to have returned to the day when he first woke up in Lingshan several years ago, and he seemed to see the shaking little red hat again.

Unexpectedly, he would see Shi Yue here again.

Of course, Wang Luo soon realized that the person in front of him was definitely not Shi Yue herself. She was a little younger than Shi Yue, and it seemed that she had just reached adulthood, but her eyebrows and temperament seemed to be more mature than Shi Yue herself. In addition, her true essence was thin, and her blood and qi were not strong, but the unique magic weapon she held in both hands brought a very direct threat to Wang Luo.

This kind of threat would naturally cause Wang Luo, an expert in scroll warfare, to instinctively resist.

However, before Wang Luo took action, "Shi Yue" sensed the danger one step ahead, immediately raised his weapon, and shouted: "Don't move, or I'll shoot!"

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