Seeing Shi Yue pointing the weapon at him aggressively, Wang Luo felt as if time was going back. A few years ago, he had the same pretty but fierce face, but...

"Put your hands up and put them where I can see them clearly. Don't act rashly. The weapons in my hands can easily kill you. No matter which world you come from or what magical powers you have, they are useless in the gap between the World Book. !”

However, with these fierce words, Wang Luo felt a definite threat.

The weapon in Shi Yue's hand is not the toy-like Xie Suo Suo when they first met, but a weird-looking weapon that contains terrifying power.

Although Shi Yue, who was holding the gun, looked very weak compared to this sharp weapon, the weak girl used steady and determined movements, as if she had become one with the weapon, without revealing any flaws.

Wang Luo had no doubt that if she really acted rashly, she would be able to activate the weapon as quickly as possible, posing a fatal threat to herself.

However, this strong threat and the certainty of the threat also instantly inspired Wang Luo's fighting instincts accumulated over the years as an expert in scroll warfare. Before Shi Yue's words were finalized, he did not hesitate to choose To act rashly.

The Ascension Record appeared with the silent call, and the moment the golden light bloomed in the still world, Shi Yue immediately activated the weapon. But the weapon that should have been invincible betrayed his master at this moment. Not only did he fail to use the gun A deadly ray was sprayed from the mouth, but high heat was emitted from the gun handle and shoulder stock.

Shi Yue's face suddenly twitched in pain, and her hand even made a sizzling sound, but she did not throw away her weapon... and she did not try in vain to continue to pull the trigger, but quickly threw it in front of her with her left hand. A mirror-like metal creation appeared, but the invisible shield that was supposed to be supported by the mirror also shrank and hid under the golden light of Ascension Record.

Shi Yue was surprised but not panicked. After dropping the mirror with his left hand, he pressed a mechanism on his waist and at the same time made a strong and steady voice despite the burning pain.

"Report to the dean that a level one emergency has been discovered. The intruder has broken through the weapon certification system. Please request the senior executioner to come for support. Repeat, request...what!? Dean, this?!"

The little girl who seemed to be resigned to death changed her face at this moment and even insisted on being grilled and refused to let go of the gun. She also threw the gun to the ground.

After that, Shi Yue looked Wang Luo up and down with an incredible look, bit his lip, and reluctantly nodded as if he was a betrayed slave.

"I understand, the mission has changed, and I will bring him back to this hospital. But if he... okay, I understand."

After saying that, she pressed the mechanism on her waist again, and then said to Wang Luo: "Our dean invites you to talk to her, and also long as I tell you this, you will follow me obediently."

After a pause, Shi Yue cleared his throat, as if taking the next words as a motto or a mantra.

"Junior brother, it's me."

Hearing these words, Wang Luo couldn't help but close his eyes, and the Ascension Record floating around him also extinguished its light and fell back into his hand.

Should I say it's no surprise... Although this is simply ridiculous and unbelievable, Wang Luo does feel that this is the development that should happen.

"Okay, lead the way."

"Hmph..." Shi Yue made a reluctant nasal sound, but quickly calmed down his emotions. While picking up the cooled weapon, he looked at it with a rather complaining look, put it on his back, and said to Wang Luo said.

"After that, you have to travel with me through the 'Book Spine', from World No. 3 to Main World No. 18. The process may be very uncomfortable. If the situation is serious, it may even cause internal injuries, so I recommend that you use the safety cabin... …”

Saying that, after putting away the weapon, Shi Yue took out another delicate metal box and threw it to the ground. This time, without the golden light suppressing it, the small box quickly unfolded into a translucent coffin, and there was also written on the cover. A big word prison.

Shi Yue explained: "This is indeed not a safety cabin for receiving distinguished guests, but the functions are actually about the same. It is better to say that this Luogui-type safety cabin has more complete functions. It can not only ensure that passengers can safely pass through the spine, but also protect the outside. Invasion, internal suppression... Well, in short, I have obtained the order from the dean to confirm that you are a temporary visiting guest. Even if you are traveling in the prison cabin, your status as a guest will not be affected. "

Wang Luo smiled, feeling that the embarrassment of the little girl in front of him was in stark contrast to her resolute and decisive attitude just now.

I wonder what kind of environment this Shi Yue, who lives in the origin of fantasy, grew up in? In other words, what does the main world No. 18 look like?

With a trace of curiosity, Wang Luo shook his head and declined Shi Yue's kindness.

"No need, just take me along the normal path to your world."

Shi Yue was surprised: "Ah? Don't show off your strength carelessly. Traveling through the spine of the book means that the laws of the heavens are disordered. No matter how powerful you are, even if you become the supreme in one world, you may vomit like slime due to simple dizziness. Oh. I once took in an intruder from World No. 7. He was originally a master who could shatter the world at will, but when I saw him, he had already vomited half of his internal organs on the spine of the book."

Wang Luo smiled: "I didn't jump out of the world in the book, you can rest assured."

"?" Shi Yue first put on an obvious question mark face, then her expression gradually cooled and condensed, and her eyes grew wider and wider. After a moment, she shook her head and patted her cheeks, as if to confirm that everything was not an illusion.

"You, you mean... No, there is no need to say more. I am rude and have already wasted a lot of time. Please follow me to the spine of the book now!"

With a tone that was half businesslike and half emotional, Shi Yue bowed to Wang Luo, then packed up the broken pieces on the ground and turned around to start a hazy road.

That road was obviously alienated from the frozen world around it, as if it was a rough addition to the completed picture. But it would be better to say that when the world fell into solidification, Wang Luo was already outside the picture. .

When Shi Yue stepped to his side, there was clearly nothingness under his feet, but there was a sound.

"Please follow me closely... Although you may not care about the chaos of the laws of the heavens, once you get lost on the spine of the book, you are likely to fall into any world. And we have not yet been able to place monitoring points in all the book page worlds, so It’s very possible that we won’t be able to find you and there will be no time to rescue you. Well, there are some worlds that are very dangerous and are on the verge of destruction. Once you fall into them, you will really escape death.”

"Yeah, I understand."

Like the third world, it was a prosperous world that was highly similar to Kyushu. Like the first world, the whole world turned into gray... Wang Luo was indeed not confident that he could survive the wind. After all, even Taichu Tianzun used a wonderful method to turn himself into a black whale, so that he could have the power to fight.

After that, Wang Luo followed Shi Yue on the road of dim light, and the moment his footsteps fell, the surrounding scenery suddenly disappeared, replaced by a deep black that seemed to swallow people up. There is a road with a little light under your feet, which can be used as a guide.

"Please be careful not to go outside this spine line." Shi Yue warned seriously, "The opening of this line cost a huge amount of resources. Even the dean spent a lot of effort to convince the council to approve the budget, but it still Only the budget has been approved, so the line is still very narrow.”

Wang Luo then asked: "What kind of person is the dean?"

"She..." Shi Yue started, but there was no follow-up, "Dean, it is really not my place to comment. Please make your own judgment after meeting her in person. Ah, here we are. "

This spine line was unexpectedly short. Wang Luo felt that he had only taken a few steps and he had reached the end.

After Shi Yue stopped, he pressed the mechanism on his waist again: "We have reached the jump position, please be guided."

The next moment, a dazzling light spot bloomed at Shi Yue's feet. The light spot expanded rapidly and soon became a circle with a diameter of about three meters, just enough to wrap Shi Yue and Wang Luo in it.

After that, there was another strong feeling of falling, and the dark world was replaced by a silvery white... After a trance, Wang Luo found himself in a room made of silver-colored metal. At his feet was a complex structure. Behind the circular high platform, there are a number of metal machines with more complex structures piled up, and in front of you...

In front of him, nine girls with almost the same figure and appearance looked at Wang Luo with nervous, vigilant, yet polite gestures.

After a while, someone turned their attention to Shi Yue, who was leading the way, and showed a slight smile: "No. 8, welcome back, the dean is waiting for you."

Shi Yue nodded in response: "I will take the guests there right away, but the relevant documents for this operation..."

"Don't worry, No. 9 will help you make up for it."

A girl at the end of the queue suddenly wailed in a low voice: "Why me?"

"Because No. 8 helped you like this last time."

Shi Yue smiled and said, "Thank you, No. 1."

"You're welcome."

After a simple conversation, the ten Shi Yues in this group looked at Wang Luo curiously with similar eyes but different details, but no one asked rashly.

It wasn't until Shi Yue, numbered eight, took Wang Luo out of Yinliang's room and came to a segmented straight corridor that Wang Luo asked: "Are those your sisters just now?"

Shi Yue said: "That's right, they are all from the same batch. The dean has always wanted us to treat each other as sisters. However, others in the base are generally opposed. They believe that giving replicants too much emotion will lead to unnecessary risks. So. Except in private, we still call each other numbers.”


Wang Luo repeated it in a low voice, and at this moment a cold voice sounded from both sides of the corridor.

"The security check has been passed. Welcome to [Luoshu Base]."

After that, a heavy metal door at the front of the corridor slowly opened, and noisy voices came from behind the door.

Shi Yue turned around and told Wang Luo: "Please keep a low profile. Although you are a distinguished guest of the dean, there are many talkative people in the base... Ah, your clothes may be too conspicuous, do you want..."

Before he finished speaking, Wang Luo had already mobilized the true energy in his body and changed the style of Yun Shang's plain clothes that were transformed into the same true energy.

Indeed, the Shi Yue in front of him was dressed very differently from himself. His design style was simple and concise. It generally showed the cultural characteristics of the New Immortal Calendar era, but there were many differences in details. Wang Luo then reshaped the fairy clothes with reference to her clothing characteristics.

The process of casting the spell also made Wang Luo realize that the rules of this No. 18 main world are actually very awkward... Obviously, this is not a place that advocates immortality. Whether it is the weapons and props held by Shi Yue or the construction method of this base, they all have extremely strong "exotic style". It is better to say that it is very similar to the world in those absurd stories that the senior sister told him back then.

In that world, there is no immortal way or ghost way, or in other words, most of the magical powers do not exist. However, even without relying on magical powers, people still built an extremely prosperous civilization. And the senior sister was born in such a world, grew up happily, and then suddenly crossed to the Kyushu continent.

When in Lingshan, Wang Luo often listened to the senior sister telling her past stories, and thanks to those stories, Wang Luo had a little adaptability to the world in front of him. However, unlike the story, this world is not isolated from the immortal way and magical powers. Although the spiritual energy between heaven and earth is still relatively thin, it can be clearly felt that it is thriving, as if the spiritual energy will become richer with each passing day.

That is why Wang Luo was able to change his clothes to be similar to Shi Yue's.

"Wow, you can actually use magic in the main world? No wonder the dean treats you as a distinguished guest, and the style of the clothes is also right, you... Forget it, this is not my concern, please follow me closely from now on. Just treat it as a normal base staff and go to the dean's reception room."

Afterwards, she left the straight corridor with some excitement and stepped into a wider space.

The space called Luoshu Base.

Wang Luo followed behind Shi Yue and disguised himself as those hurried passers-by in the base, which did avoid many unnecessary troubles... But he also clearly felt that just following behind Shi Yue would attract a lot of attention.

"It's that batch of clones again. I feel uncomfortable every time I see them."

"The dean's favorite, I have to endure the discomfort... Who is the person behind her?"

"I don't know, most likely a temporary conscript. Seeing his indifferent face, I'm afraid he doesn't know what will happen to him."

"How can someone who doesn't know this walk around the base?"

"There are always stupid people, who cares."

The discussions came one after another, Shi Yue just turned a deaf ear to them, slightly quickened her pace, turned left and right, and finally came to a meeting room that looked unremarkable. Before she reached out to knock on the door, the door naturally opened to both sides.

Behind the door was a familiar face that made Wang Luo dazed.

"Hi, little Wang Luo, I finally see you here."

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