Am I the only one who didn't ascend?

Chapter 7 What was once elusive is now within reach

Shi Yue's warm reminder reminded Wang Luo of the common settings in his senior sister's time travel books.

For time-travelers, the biggest problem they face after time-traveling is actually the problem of black households. A person who appears out of thin air must be incompatible with everything around him.

This problem is not a big problem in a world with a low level of civilized organization. For example, in the Kyushu Continent in the classical era, no one would care if there was an extra person or a missing person anywhere.

But if it is a world with a high degree of civilized organization, it will be different. Everyone has been given rights and obligations by society from the moment they are born. To put it bluntly, they all come with tasks. One carrot and one pit, one more person and one less person. It is inevitable for a person to have his whole body affected.

From Wang Luo's limited knowledge after waking up and Shi Yue's words, it is not difficult to judge that the new world a thousand years later is a highly organized world that is not very tolerant of travelers.

Therefore, if it is inconvenient for the true identity to be exposed...then the only option is to find a way to forge an identity.

However, before Wang Luo could think any further, he heard a gurgling sound of organs squirming in the Qiling Hall.

Wang Luo looked at Shi Yue, and the girl tilted her head in embarrassment: "I haven't eaten since morning..."

"Oh, I haven't eaten it since a thousand years ago."

"..." Shi Yue was speechless and could only cup his hands, "I lost."

But regardless of winning or losing, the feeling of hunger in the belly exists objectively and seriously interferes with the progress of the conversation, so Shi Yue hesitated for a moment and asked: "If the mountain master doesn't mind it, why not come to my house for a casual meal? We will leave the rest of the questions to you. Talking while walking?”

Wang Luo happily accepted: "Okay, the Shi family banquet was famous in all of Jiuzhou back then, but I never had the chance to try it."

Shi Yue was silent for a while and said: "Back then, the Lord of Lingshan Mountain could move mountains and rivers with his spiritual thoughts, and even pull meteorites to fall to the ground. I never had the opportunity to see it."

Wang Luo said: "Do you want to see it? Wait a moment..."

"...!?" Shi Yue was shocked when he saw that Wang Luo actually took it seriously, "I just said it, so you don't have to let me see it!"

Wang Luo then stopped flipping through Feisheng Lu and asked curiously: "Don't you want to read it? Feisheng Lu happened to have a video record of your ancestor Shi Suying's mountain and the end of the mountain. I thought you were interested, so forget it. Bar."

Shi Yue was stunned: "Are you just looking at the information?"

Wang Luo was even more surprised: "Or are you expecting a foundation-building casualty to demonstrate your god-level magical powers on the spot?"

"...I lost."


As Shi Yue admitted defeat, Wang Luo led the way again, and he and Shi Yue left the mist-shrouded Lingshan Mountain.

When we returned to the Immortal Platform again, the night was already dark, and the Lingshan Mountain behind us was hidden in the night mist, like a dead place. But directly ahead, on the plain below the mountain, there was a dazzling light.

It was the fire of civilization in a prosperous city. Countless stars scattered throughout the city not only lit up the plains, but the afterglow even spread all the way to the sky. With that city as the core, countless slender lines of light extend in all directions, like dexterous guide demons, threading needles and threads to connect the prosperity of this city to other places.

According to Wang Luo's memory, the location of that city was exactly where the outer gate of Lingshan Mountain once stood. Represented by the Shi family of the Hushan family, a group of cultivators who served Lingshan established a small town called Lingxi. Later, more and more people gathered here, and the town almost became a small town.

Thousands of years have passed, and the small town has been completely transformed. Its prosperous appearance forms an extremely ironic contrast with the withered Lingshan Mountain.

Times have changed.

"It is now called Rongcheng." Shi Yue said, "It is the largest city in our [Zhuwang] country, and it was also the first city built on the ruins by the pioneers who settled the wasteland. It was the capital of the country until five hundred years ago. But later, as the Lord retired into seclusion, the capital was moved to the more convenient Youcheng, and the old capital was forced to "cleanse"... That being said, it's not like the housing prices have dropped, and so have I. Thanks to the influence of my ancestors, I am able to own a house in Rongcheng, although I am still insolvent. "

While talking, Shi Yue took the lead and walked lightly on a dilapidated blue brick road.

Wang Luo was no longer familiar with the road behind the Immortal Platform, so he let this indebted girl who worked part-time as a tour guide lead the way. Although Shi Yue was hungry, she could tell from her steps that she was in high spirits.

"By the way, Rongcheng, as the old capital, has preserved a lot of heritage from the classical era. For example, the Rongcheng History Museum has a chime bell that is said to have a history of five thousand years. In addition, the museum often displays cultural relics from other countries. Mountain Master Sir, if you are interested, you might as well find time to take a look, maybe you can get some useful clues."

"Oh, but you need to use Jianmu Seed to authenticate your identity when entering the museum. We still need to find a way to do this..."

"Ah, I almost forgot, Lord Mountain Master, in order to support my family, I rented out a few spare rooms in my house, so there are several tenants living with me at home. When we meet, I have to think of a reason to explain your identity... …Why don’t you just say you are a new tenant and come to Nanxiang?”

Amidst Shi Yue's chirping, the two quickly walked through the dilapidated mountain road and arrived at the foot of the mountain.

In front of them, a spacious and clean road stretched out like black satin, winding all the way to the brightly lit Rong City in the distance.

Shi Yue laughed self-deprecatingly and said: "It's very different from Lingshan Mountain Road. This is the difference between having a public maintenance budget and not..."

Then, she took out a pale bone whistle from her red waistcoat, put it into her mouth, and made a sharp tingling sound as she breathed.

This bone whistle has a unique design, and the sharpness of the whistle is far beyond the hearing range of ordinary people. Shi Yue can blow it vigorously without feeling any strangeness at all.

But when Wang Luo heard it, he suddenly felt a slight pain in his ears, as if a cold and cold breath was pierced into his head along the ear canal...

The next moment, a few pale will-o'-the-wisps suddenly lit up in front of my eyes, and surrounded by the firelight, a skeleton car loaded with the coldness from the deep earth rushed toward my face!

Netherworld Road!

Wang Luo recognized the origin of this skeleton car at a glance. Although the shape was very different from what he had in mind, the aura symbolizing death and decay flowing between the bones was the same as in his memory. The Netherworld Road is almost the same.

And the three sects of Lingshan and Demonic Dao have always been as powerful as fire and water!

It took him a while to suppress the urge to dismantle the skeleton car into pieces on the spot.

After all, times have changed, and even Lu Zhiyao has become a dignified and prudent person, so maybe Lingshan and the three demon sects have long been as close as one family... And the whistle was blown by Shi Yue, who dismantled the skeleton car here. , the little girl’s loyalty is over.

After restraining the murderous intention in his heart, Wang Luo looked at the skeleton car of Netherworld Road again and made a new discovery.

It is about ten meters long, with a width and height of about three meters. It is made of thousands of heterogeneous white bones to create a boxy car frame. It has translucent windows with ghost fog on both sides. There are four windows underneath the car. The squirming ball of flesh and blood rolled slowly.

When it comes to the weird and terrifying shape, it can be said to be in the same vein as the Netherworld Dao in Wang Luo's memory. But other than that, there is nothing ghostly about it. There is no damp and poisonous gas that corrodes the living beings, nor are there any ghosts that carry misery and torture... Even the bones that make up the frame faintly show the beauty of uniformity.

Seeing Wang Luo's surprise, Shi Yue couldn't help but laugh and said: "Haha, you're shocked, Lord Mountain Lord, times have changed, Netherworld Dao is now a legal social organization, and its industries are spread all over the sky. The Five States and Hundreds of Countries...although it’s not very popular. Okay, let’s get on the bus first. There will be extra charges if you stay for a long time.”

With that said, the little tour guide took Wang Luo's hand and hurriedly stepped onto the car pedal.

In the carriage, a snow-white skeleton sat in the driver's seat, wearing a blue-black cap and purple overalls. His right hand was holding a muscle-shaped machine rope, and his left hand was inserted into a moist gray flesh bag. , there are many peristaltic blood vessels at the bottom of the fleshy sac extending all the way to all parts of the car, which are obviously control devices.

Even though he was neatly dressed, the driver's appearance still looked extremely scary. But after Shi Yue and Wang Luo got in the car, the driver took the initiative to get up and leave the seat, opened his mouth towards the two of them, and made a rhythmic noise from his jaw joint. There was a clicking sound, as if he was making a business smile.

Shi Yue was so excited on the spot that he almost jumped out of the car, and the stone fire in his dantian also shook.

"...No wonder the industry in Netherworld has set prices that are half of those of its peers, but business is still bleak. This is too shocking!"

Wang Luo immediately disagreed: "People are enthusiastic about business, but you spread the concept of discrimination based on appearance and orthodoxy. It is really shameful."

"I...I was wrong."

Shi Yue lowered his head helplessly, feeling guilty for a moment for his discrimination against the Netherworld pilot.

But regardless of whether it is shameful or not, the reality is before our eyes: except for the driver and the two of them, there is no one in the carriage at all, only 12 rows of 24 seats neatly arranged.

Moreover, the seat design is quite exquisite, based on bones and covered with flesh membrane. The shape maintains the horror that the Netherworld Road should have, but each seat has a seat belt made of gray and white fascia, and is placed on the back of the front seat. There are magazines in the flesh pocket, and even a waist support structure is specially designed in its skeletal frame, showing a touch of human warmth in the dark and cold...

"So why must Netherworld maintain its proper level of horror!?"

Wang Luo couldn't help but sigh, times have indeed changed. The Netherworld Path, which was particularly vicious and cruel among the evil heretics, has now integrated into the mainstream with full humanity. The "due horror" is more like the swan song of the old and the young to remember the tradition.

What has happened to Netherworld Dao in the past thousand years?

After sitting down, Shi Yue continued to perform his duties as a tour guide and explained: "When the natural disaster came, the entire Kyushu continent was in danger. At the time of life and death, the distinction between good and evil was no longer relevant. And with the fall of heaven and the destruction of the fairy world, the heaven of Kyushu Severe distortions occurred, and many cultivators turned into monsters under the distortion. This phenomenon is scientifically called desolation. The desolate demons after the desolation are more terrifying and dangerous than any demon cultivators. When Mozhou fell, the three demon sects were. Almost the whole army was wiped out, and the Taoism was preserved with the help of the Righteous Dao. Later, there were many giants of the Demonic Dao among the founders of Dinghuang. Later, the founders came to Tianxin and formulated the Great Law, and the immortal and demonic paths were completely merged into one. Even those who specialize in the Demonic Way can still walk openly in the sun - but the Netherworld is generally accustomed to staying in the day and night, and the fairy laws during the day are not good for them. "

When Wang Luo heard this, he hissed and opened the general education textbook for young children given to him by Shi Yue.

While the skeleton car was driving, it was time to complete the remaining important parts.

This is the [Great Law] that Shi Yue just mentioned.

In fact, this [Great Law] is the core criterion for distinguishing classical and modern, and the old and new celestial calendars.

As Shi Yue said, the greatest harm of the heavenly tribulation is that after the destruction of the immortal world, the way of heaven was almost destroyed as well. The way of heaven, which was distorted by the drastic change, also distorted countless practitioners who relied on the way of heaven for cultivation. At that time, the survivors wanted to rebuild civilization, and the first thing they had to do was to reorganize the way of heaven and cut out the part of the wasteland.

In theory, the way of heaven is ethereal and beyond human reach. Even the ancestor of the immortal world, Chicheng, always regarded himself as a seeker of the way. It seems that the higher the achievement of human beings, the farther they are from the way of heaven.

But when the way of heaven turned into wasteland and was on the verge of collapse, it left a shortcut for the human world.

Then the heroes of Dinghuang, led by Lu Zhiyao, followed that shortcut and successfully touched the way of heaven, leaving traces of human beings.

That trace is called [Great Law].

Weaving the way of heaven with human hearts, and then achieving unity between heaven and man, mutual benefit and symbiosis. From then on, the way of heaven is no longer ethereal, and will not treat all things as straw dogs. The way of heaven is on the side of human beings, and of course, human beings will also stand on the side of the way of heaven. This symbiotic relationship is the Great Law that distinguishes the pre-heavenly catastrophe era from the post-heavenly catastrophe era.

Regarding the Great Law, the introduction text of the general education textbook is very general. Although there are several cases used to illustrate it, it is still a bit confusing.

For example, the book records that in the classical era, the way of heaven was impermanent. Countless dynasties on earth were destroyed by natural disasters, and countless talented practitioners died in natural disasters. The progress of civilization was frustrated by heaven more than once, which made our ancestors sigh that heaven and earth were unkind. However, in the era of the Great Law, natural disasters in the traditional sense were almost extinct. Instead, humans relied on the power of heaven and earth to create many man-made wonders, which greatly accelerated the progress of civilization.

For example, in the classical era, there were endless cases of good and evil in heaven, good people did not live long, and disasters were left for thousands of years, because the way of heaven did not care about the good or bad of human beings. But in the era of the Great Law, the retribution of good and evil is written into the way of heaven. Those who accumulate virtue and do good deeds, let alone practice immortality, even if they set up stalls, have more prosperous business than ordinary people. On the contrary, people who do bad things will really be struck by lightning.

Seeing this, and thinking about the changes in the Netherworld, Wang Luo finally had an intuitive understanding of this great law, and at the same time vaguely understood why Senior Sister Lu Zhiyao was dignified and serious in the official history.

It turns out that she was also afraid of being struck by lightning.

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