Am I the only one who didn't ascend?

Chapter 8: For the salvation of society

The existence of the Great Law changed the entire world.

It is a pity that Shi Yue's teaching materials are only for the enlightenment of young children. They do not explain the great laws in depth. They only use some simple examples to teach children to abide by the laws... Of course, even so, this limited text description Wang Luo was still amazed.

Unexpectedly, the way of heaven seems to be a serious duty and is unattainable. After encountering the crisis of turning into a famine, he still inevitably fell into obedience at the hands of his senior sister.

The way of heaven that can be used by humans is unimaginable to a practitioner who lived in the old immortal calendar era.

Of course, the new world we saw before us was beyond imagination.

For example, Netherworld Road, which operates enthusiastically...

Through the ghost fog window, a broader and magnificent scene gradually appeared before Wang Luo's eyes.

"There are a lot of cars on this road."

While he was talking, a shuttle-shaped flying car with its whole body shining with platinum luster passed by the bone car, leaving a gorgeous trajectory like lightning.

Shi Yue only glanced at it and let out a sigh of poverty. Then while flipping through a small red notebook in his hand, irritated by the increasing financial deficit, he casually explained: "The black silk road belongs to Rongcheng. One of the seventeen main roads, although the part near Lingshan is a bit desolate, when you get to the city, the traffic is still very dense, and occasionally there will be a big jam if you are unlucky. "

Wang Luo nodded when he heard this, looked at the traffic passing by outside the window, and sighed: "These cars are of high quality."

"By the standards of the classical era, modern vehicles are basically considered genuine magic weapons. The quality of the individual products may not be enough for you, a classical elite, but the quantity..."

"Well, the number is really amazing." In the moment he spoke, Wang Luo had already counted more than a thousand magic weapon-level vehicles in his field of vision.

The quality of a single product is indeed not high, but when thousands of low-quality products are added together, the power is very impressive. And the focus is not on the power of these magic weapons, but on the resources and production capacity represented by these thousands of transportation magic weapons.

In the classical era, even if you were as wealthy as a spiritual mountain, you would not be able to just come up with so many magic weapons for transportation. Being able to create a magic weapon for immortality does not mean that you can create 10,000 magic weapons for common people.

What's more, magic weapons need an owner. Even if thousands of magic weapons can be made, how can one easily find thousands of practitioners who know how to use magic weapons?

But these problems seem to be no longer a problem in the new era.

As far as Wang Luo could see, almost every car contained a "cultivator" who could drive skillfully!

The cultivation levels may not be high, but their realms are stable and their foundations are solid. Their foundations are also at the foundation-building level, and many of them are at the Golden Core realm!

There are thousands of foundation-building elixirs. In the classical era, only the top large-scale sects could piece together this... This was just the result of Wang Luo's casual glance on the main road on the outskirts of Rong City.

And these thousands of foundation-building pills are all extremely young!

Shi Yue explained: "Under the protection of the Great Law, practitioners in the new era practice much faster than in the old days. In fact, it is not uncommon to see 20-year-old golden elixirs..."

Wang Luo couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.

At that time, when he was in his early twenties, he challenged the Wanmiao Golden Pill, which was an achievement that could be said to shock the past and the present. The average practitioner can condense elixir within fifty or sixty years, even if it is just a low-grade scattered elixir, it is considered a gift. Most practitioners finally obtain the elixir when they are nearly a hundred years old, and then they have to strive to make further progress in the next few decades, otherwise they will run out of life.

Unexpectedly, in the new era, the immortal way has developed to such a state! ?

"However, it's a bit strange." Wang Luo observed it carefully, frowned and asked, "With so many foundation-building elixirs, how come there is not even one for Nascent Soul, let alone one that can transform gods into one."

Shi Yue said: "Oh, this part of the content is not written in the general textbook. Maybe it is because I feel that it should not break the enthusiasm of children to strive for progress. According to the Great Law, the upper limit of cultivation in the new era is only up to Nascent Soul. ”

Wang Luo showed unprecedented surprise: "The limit is up to Nascent Soul!?"

Shi Yue said: "In fact, Yuan Ying is only a privilege for a very small number of people. The vast majority of people reach the golden elixir. From the time when they condense the elixir in their twenties to the time when they die before they are more than a hundred years old, they can only slowly move forward in the past hundred years. Polishing the golden elixir, and then watching it gradually decline, and eventually the elixir is scattered and the person dies. If you want to advance to the Nascent Soul and extend your life for another hundred years, you must get the approval of the state."

Wang Luo was puzzled: "Why?"

"Because excessive pursuit of individual power will repeat the mistakes of the old immortal calendar." Shi Yue said, "This world no longer needs immortals, and we really don't want to be hit by the immortal world again."

"Even so, it would be overkill to limit individual power to the Nascent Soul."

Shi Yue said: "Isn't the Nascent Soul enough? Compared with ordinary people who have no cultivation, or beginners who have just introduced Qi into the body, the Nascent Soul is already comparable to a natural disaster. In a stable and highly organized society, , It doesn’t require such a strong individual, but the collective power will be stronger than the immortals in the past.”

Shi Yue's tone of voice seemed calm, but the confidence of the times revealed in his words made people moved.

Will the collective power be more powerful than the immortals?

It's really hard for Wang Luo to agree with this kind of whimsy. Thousands of foundation-building elixirs are certainly spectacular, but they are definitely not enough to make up for the gap with true immortals.

Not to mention the genuine Heavenly Immortal Lord, even the peak Mahayana immortals on land have had cases of single-handedly exterminating entire immortal families. Hundreds of golden elixirs and dozens of Nascent Souls, driven by the great power of the fusion stage, formed an unprecedented family formation, but still could not withstand the full force of the Mahayana level.

Others may not understand this truth, but how could Senior Sister Lu Zhiyao not understand it?

But soon, Wang Luo's doubts gradually dissipated.

Because as the skeleton car officially drove into the urban area of ​​Rongcheng, the most prosperous and gorgeous side of this new world finally appeared in front of him at close range.

What came to his face was the incredibly rich spiritual energy of heaven and earth, which was no less than any of the caves and blessed lands of famous sects in the past. In such an environment, even mediocre mortals could cultivate simple immortal magical powers after decades of cultivation.

And in the rich spiritual energy of heaven and earth, tall and shining buildings stood shoulder to shoulder on the ground, supporting a brilliant fairy light.

These buildings are made of unknown materials, and the surface is flowing with crystal and silky light. Against the backdrop of the night, they look like pure jade. Surrounded by jade, there is a towering ancient tree, whose huge branches are literally "towering into the clouds", as if connected to the sky.

Wang Luo has never seen such a magnificent scene, even in the scrolls recording the appearance of the fairyland, even in the heavenly court created by the immortal ancestor Chi Cheng...

At the same time, Shi Yue has closed her notebook and explained softly: "That is Jianmu, which carries the highest authority of the city. Every city in [Zhuwang] is gradually expanded with Jianmu as the center. The Jianmu of Rongcheng is the oldest Jianmu in Zhuwang, and it is the first stop for the reconstruction of Lingzhou after the heavenly catastrophe. At that time, Lord Zhiyao named the city Rongcheng, which means a young deer with horns and full of vitality."

Wang Luo nodded slowly. This naming style does have a bit of the flavor of Lu Zhiyao.

Although the scene in front of him is no longer a young deer with horns. The Rong City, which has gone through thousands of years, is like a sharp horn, and the jade-like buildings are like a beautiful sword forest. But vaguely, Wang Luo seemed to see that thousands of years ago, on a piece of wasteland, a proud woman planted a young sapling and declared that it would be the starting point of a new world.

The next moment, the light outside the window suddenly dimmed. It turned out that the skeleton car had left the black silk-like main road and turned into a dark path winding down.

In an instant, the magnificent city seemed to be isolated from another world.

Shi Yue said: "Ah, we are almost there."

The skeleton car stopped with a greasy sound of flesh and blood rubbing against the ground. The cold wind blew in the car, and a shrill female voice sounded slowly.

"The terminal Wanxin Bridge has arrived. Please take your organs with you. We will meet again in the netherworld..."

Shi Yue's mouth twitched for a while, and she resisted saying words suspected of discrimination against the Taoist tradition, and took Wang Luo out of the car.

After the two got off the car, the ghost fire around the skeleton car swayed for a while, as if pulling open an invisible door, and then the whole car gradually disappeared.

Before it completely disappeared, Wang Luo saw the skeleton driver saluting him respectfully...

"So polite." Wang Luo praised.

"Indeed, I have never heard of the Netherworld Road being polite before. Maybe it has suffered too much loss recently." Shi Yue sighed, "I hope it doesn't really go bankrupt. Apart from this, it is difficult to find such a cheap and affordable bus."

Wang Luo was a little curious: "It's not too far from Lingshan to here. With your speed in the foundation-building period, you can walk back and forth."

Shi Yue sighed again: "It's possible, but it will consume more true essence, and the extra food expenses are much more expensive than the transportation fee..."

Wang Luo couldn't help but become more curious. The spiritual energy of the heaven and earth in this Rongcheng is almost concentrated into substance. Is there any loss that can't be made up? In fact, the spiritual energy he absorbed casually along the way has replenished the depleted Dantian Jade Palace by one or two percent...

It's not that the spiritual energy of the new world is charged? What kind of evil exploitative society is this! ?

On the other side, Shi Yue has already taken the lead and pointed to the end of the winding road in front of her: "My home is not far from this Wanxin Bridge. As you can see, it's not a glamorous place."

Wang Luo looked around and saw that the muddy dirt road under his feet was located directly under a huge bridge. Looking up, the bridge was like a terrifying spider, connecting countless buildings on the ground. The bridge was busy with cars and pedestrians, which was in contrast to the prosperous scene of Rongcheng... But in the prosperity, almost no pedestrians would look under the bridge. It was as if they were in completely different worlds.

The world under the bridge is full of low and messy houses, with a few broken walls standing here and there, covered with graffiti, and weeds growing between the bricks... It is indeed not glamorous.

After Wang Luo looked at it, he pondered for a moment and commented: "It's a good thing. If a person who is in debt of tens of millions can still live in a glamorous place, this society is hopeless."

Shi Yue said: "...It makes sense. I was wrong."

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