Am I the only one who didn't ascend?

Chapter 72 An unfortunate story

Wang Luo's question shocked Qin Yu greatly.

It was even more shocking than when he witnessed three living practitioners turning into pus.

Do you want to change your fate?

If someone else asked this, Qin Yu would only try to raise the corners of his mouth, make a polite smile, and then put it behind his mind... Because in the past few years, his bizarre experience has indeed attracted many strange people in the world, and there are many who have made bold statements to change his fate. And Qin Yu has also tried many methods to cure his illness, and bought a lot of blessing instruments and cultural relics, and the ending can be imagined.

But Wang Luo is obviously different.

So Qin Yu was silent for a long time without replying.

Wang Luo was not in a hurry to urge, but changed the topic first: "Let's talk about your story first, if you don't mind."

Qin Yu obviously minded. Although he has made a great reputation in the past few years living in Shijie, he is almost a household name, but he has never mentioned his past to anyone in full - if he must say it, except when he was taken away by Qingyi for questioning.

The reason for not saying it is of course that he doesn't want to say it. Although his life in Shijie is bitter, it is not worth mentioning compared with his past experiences. So he would rather be a joke for everyone after dinner than explain a word. On the contrary, he thinks that this kind of life of being wronged all day long is actually not bad.

But at this time Wang Luo asked, Qin Yu suddenly had the urge to confide from the bottom of his heart.

Maybe it was the Yanrong rice wine that started to get in his head, or maybe it was the thrilling fight he saw outside Boyu Manor that made him want to vent, and slowly, he spoke.

"I... where should I start?"

Wang Luo smiled and said, "It doesn't matter if you can't sort out your thoughts for a while, I'll ask you and you can answer. The first question is, you shouldn't be born to be hated by women, right?"

Qin Yu was silent for a long time before shaking his head: "Before, everything was normal."

"When did it become abnormal?"

Qin Yu thought for a while and said, "I can't tell exactly when, but it should be about fifteen years ago, after all..."

Speaking of this, Qin Yu showed extremely complex emotions such as nostalgia, grief, regret, guilt... etc.

It was the first time that Wang Luo discovered that a person could express such rich emotions on a bitter face at the same time, so he put down the wine barrel and pinched a simple and plain Qingxin Jue, which was much more effective than the high-end Qingxin Talisman on the market, and quickly calmed Qin Yu down.

Then, Qin Yu was able to say what he had been brewing for a long time.

"Fifteen years ago, I still had a wife and a daughter."

With this sentence, Qin Yu's story can finally be told. Without Wang Luo's Q\u0026A guidance, this man who had suffered for half his life was finally able to tell his story in full.

Qin Yu was not as old as he looked. He just celebrated his 48th birthday last month. In the first thirty years of his life, although he could not be called a winner, he was also smooth sailing. He was born in a middle-class family in Rongcheng. He was talented and diligent in practicing. He was successful from induction to foundation building. Then he was admitted to the Xiaoyao Academy, which was quite famous on Shuyuan Street and was better than the Rongcheng Academy in Taixu Law. He successfully condensed a medium-grade golden elixir!

After that, he entered a Taixu workshop with a fairly good scale. Although the work was hard, the income was quite good. Qin Yu worked hard and saved the down payment in a few years. He bought a small courtyard in the sky of Shuyuan Street. Through the introduction of relatives and friends, he met a pretty beautiful woman. Although his married life was bumpy, it was still moving forward steadily.

Later, they had a daughter. However, Qin Yu lost his job unexpectedly just when his wife was pregnant. This was a bolt from the blue for the young couple who were burdened with mortgages. In a short period of time, the pressure of work and life triggered the conflicts accumulated in the past few years, and the relationship between the couple was shaky.

"Then, under the persuasion of my friends, I spent some money and signed up for a customized tour group for the border wilderness. Xiao Ran had always said that he wanted to explore the wilderness in Nanxiang, but we never had time. On the contrary, after I lost my job, this matter became clear. I thought at the time that if we could reconcile after the trip, it would be the best. If not, it would be considered as fulfilling her dream. After that, we should part ways amicably while the child was not born..."

"Later, we went to Nanxiang and played there and in the wilderness for a few days. It wasn't long, but I had a lot of fun. But now I think about it, I don't remember the details. content. Anyway, after coming back, Xiao Ran became more stable, stopped arguing with me, and promised me to sell the wedding house and rent a house in Shuyuan Street first. I also worked hard to find another job. The income was not as good as before, but life was still manageable..."

"After my daughter was born, I thought everything would be fine, but, for some reason, all of a sudden, everything was messed up and took a sharp turn for the worse. Xiao Ran said he wanted to divorce me on the day of my daughter's first birthday, and he didn't give me a chance to react at all, and directly threw the divorce certificate from the Civil Affairs Department in my face. "

The story after that was logical.

Xiao Ran's falling out was premeditated. When negotiating the divorce in the Civil Affairs Department, Xiao Ran presented a lot of evidence to fully prove how irresponsible Qin Yu was to the marriage. The officials of the Civil Affairs Department who handled the matter accepted Xiao Ran's words one-sidedly, turned a deaf ear to Qin Yu's rebuttal, and finally made a sentence that was almost equivalent to the death penalty.

Qin Yu lost everything. He was burdened with the debts that Xiao Ran owed in the name of the couple, as well as the responsibility of raising children that he could not afford. He lost all his money, even the golden elixir in his stomach was destroyed, and even his parents died early. After he went bankrupt, he lived on the streets, but suffered similar treatment as Shijie. Almost every woman hated him. And if a person is hated by half of the world, it is tantamount to being in the dark.

What supported him to live was his daughter, the daughter who was born not long ago but received all his love.

Qin Yu actually never saw his daughter again. After the divorce, Xiao Ran took his daughter to marry an honest worker, and his daughter lived happily... These were all told to Qin Yu by his few friends occasionally. He himself did not have the courage to go and verify it.

Because, if he really met, he could not guarantee that the innocent girl who always had a smile on her face would not suddenly change color like other women.

Finally, Qin Yu, who lived like a walking corpse, came to Shijie. He originally planned to slowly bury himself in the bottom world of this Rongcheng, but he unexpectedly got help from a young girl, a girl named Shi who also had a hard life, but always maintained optimism and kept moving forward.

For more than ten years, she was the only woman who had good intentions towards him.

To this day, Qin Yu has long been numb to his own pain. Whether he was complained or humiliated in public by Gu Shishi, compared with everything he had suffered in the past, it was like a spring breeze.

And now, someone asked him if he wanted to change his fate.

Qin Yu didn't know how to answer.

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