Am I the only one who didn't ascend?

Chapter 73 Is there such a good thing?

It is difficult for a person who treats pain as a daily routine and is as numb as a walking zombie to take the initiative to get rid of pain.

Therefore, Wang Luo was not eager to ask Qin Yu to answer his questions, and he also did not comment casually on the stories he told.

Wang Luo just focused on two key points. One is the timing of casting the curse.

"Now it seems that the problem should lie in that border wilderness tour group. It's just Nanxiang. What kind of wilderness is it, and you actually dare to break into it."

Qin Yu was stunned for a moment and said bitterly: "Xiao Ran has always wanted to go. He said that he saw many Qinglu laymen in Taixu going to explore the wilderness. For a while, it even became a holy place for check-in, and even the Dinghuang Army couldn't stop it. I At that time, I thought, she has never made any demands on me since she got married. It is rare for her to be willful, so why should I accommodate her? Besides, there are not necessarily any risks when so many people are going. In fact, we didn't do anything during those few days. I didn’t encounter any problems. As for what happened next, I also thought that maybe it was something I encountered in the wilderness that time, but both the master from Chengguang Temple and Hong Yi from Qingping Division said that I was just too sensitive. I don’t have any traces of contamination on my body…”

Wang Luo sighed: "The polluted fate has been turned upside down, and you actually believe their lies... Anyway, can you think of any clues now? What did you see in the wasteland?"

Qin Yu frowned and fell into deep thought. After a while, he took out a worn manual from the pocket of his work clothes, which was his diary.

Turning all the way to the first half of the diary, Qin Yu began to search for his own memories in the neat handwriting. It was just that during those days of travel, he was exhausted from playing every day, leaving very little time for the diary, so this important written record , most of them just write spam messages such as "I had a great time" and "I'm tired of playing".

But Wang Luo looked at it and said: "Okay, no need to look through it, the problem is already obvious. You don't remember such an important trip, so you have to look through the diary. There is no valid information in the diary. You can get into Xiaoyao Academy." Are social elites so stupid?"

Qin Yu sighed, put away the diary, and asked: "But in the next year, Xiao Ran became more... practical than before."

Wang Luo said: "How can you fall into a trap without any precautions if you don't do your duty? In short, we can stop this problem first, and then we will start discussing a more important issue."

After a pause, Wang Luo asked solemnly: "Have you ever thought about why only Shi Yue treats you so differently?"

Qin Yu said: "Of course I have thought about it. At the very beginning, I... thought she was a man."

Considering that Shi Yue is an adult girl with a pretty face and a slim figure, Qin Yu's misunderstanding is really painful.

"Later, I realized that it was just because she was too kind. Even though she was in embarrassment, she was still willing to help others..."

Wang Luo nodded and said: "Shi Yue's character is indeed rare, but with tens of millions of people in Rong City, it's impossible for Shi Yue to be the only good person, right?"

Qin Yu shook his head: "I really don't understand this."

"Actually, I didn't understand it at first, but if I think about it now, I think what's special about her is that she has a different identity."


"Here we need to first explain the basic principles of the spell. Most of the spells have three ways to break them. The simplest is to destroy the source of the spell, such as destroying the spell equipment and killing the caster; the other is to eat like. , if the effects are similar, high-level casting spells can cover low-level casting spells; the third category is to increase resistance. For example, my natural body is extremely immune to all types of casting spells. "

"But this is just a conventional theory, and it obviously cannot explain the exception of Shi Yue. In fact, a few tricky and weird curses do not operate according to common sense. Among them, the curses of the Due Valley series are typical, with weird effects and difficult to guard against. I have done this before Not much is known about this type of curse, and it is basically just a general theory, but after eating three curses from their authentic descendants today, I have a taste of it and have a guess. "

Hearing that Wang Luo had taken the curse three times, Qin Yu couldn't help but cast a worried look.

"Don't worry about me. Let's get back to the topic first and draw the conclusion directly: Some curses have identification functions, which have bonuses for certain groups but are ineffective for certain groups. For example, the curse in Du'e Valley , basically ineffective against higher-level monks - for example, the curse of the Shou Jie Girl cannot be applied to the Holy Maiden and the Valley Master, and the Heart Curse of the Huangling Sect cannot be applied to the royal blood descendants they serve, even if they are only mortals. . In short, this kind of identification corresponds to Shi Yue's specialness. She is the guardian of Lingshan, the only remaining member of the outer sect in the Feisheng Record. Although she is not included in the official establishment, she is still under the name of Lingshan. "

Qin Yu was stunned for a long time before whispering to himself: "Lingshan...hasn't it been banned?"

"The word "ban" is a bit painful, and it is more accurate to replace it with decline. But the declining spiritual mountain is also a spiritual mountain, and its associated identity still has a natural suppression force on many curses... I don't know the specific reason for this. After all, the master and senior sister used to be He didn't tell me any stories about casting spells, but I guess it was that the Lingshan people had subdued a certain spell casting master, so that his lineage had constraints that were not effective on the Lingshan people, and what happened to you happened to be. That’s why it was offset by Shi Yue.”

After a pause, Wang Luo said, "This explanation is somewhat far-fetched, but it is the only reasonable explanation at this stage. Based on this explanation, I have tailored a curse removal plan for you... I dare not say it is 100% sure, but at least it is much more reliable than the master of Chengguang Temple you have consulted before. The question now is, are you willing to accept this plan and change your fate?"

Qin Yu was at a loss again.

Wang Luo provided him with a more detailed analysis.

"It's good not to rush to answer, because the change of fate is not a matter of all benefits and no harm. Although your current life is miserable, it is also a sustainable ordinary life. After changing your fate, based on my understanding of the Qin family's bloodline, your life will become completely different from before."

"Completely different?"

Wang Luo said: "Yes, completely different. I know you may think that after the curse is broken, can you return to the way you were in the first thirty years of your life? Not rich and powerful, but everything goes smoothly... Unfortunately, it's impossible. Because the bloodline you inherited from the ancient Qin family has manifested, and once the bloodline is manifested, even if you die without a body, there is no way to go back. Now your fate has been forcibly reversed by the curse. Once the curse is lifted, your current life will be completely turned upside down. Note that it is completely turned upside down, and I don't know how to control this kind of bloodline manifestation. In essence, I am not a curse master."

Wang Luo's tone was solemn, and Qin Yu couldn't help but hesitate.

"To put it more clearly: in the past two and a half years, you have been innocently complained and reported 103 times because you naturally attract the disgust of women... Then, the other way around, you will encounter 103 public courtships, and they will all insist on marrying you, even if you are married."

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