Am I the only one who didn't ascend?

Chapter 74: One organization, two destinies

The future described by Wang Luo made Qin Yu silent for a long time.

Obviously, this middle-aged man who was admitted to Xiaoyao Academy and whose mind is supposed to be more active than ordinary people has completely lost his imagination about love affairs.

After a long time, he frowned again: "Is that kind of life really possible? I have never heard of such a person."

Wang Luo smiled: "You never watch mirage performances, right? Almost all of those young and handsome leading actors are treated like this. Not to mention the two and a half years of practice, you can get 103 in two and a half hours A fanatical girl who is willing to give birth to their children. Of course, this is just a joke. In fact, examples of bloodline manifestations like yours are very rare in this world. Before the catastrophe, people with extraordinary talents and innate magical powers often appeared. Born in this world, and then being competed for by various sects as a Taoist person like me is a very typical example. In comparison, Taohua Luck is not a particularly outrageous bloodline."

Qin Yu said: "So, is it true?"

Wang Luo asked: "Why don't you think about it from another angle? Have you ever seen an unlucky person who has been complained 103 times for no reason in two years? Unlucky is real, why can't luck be real? What's more, the world is so big, similar things Strange people and strange things are actually not uncommon. Isn’t the person in front of you a good example? "

Qin Yu was finally convinced and began to think seriously about his life after his fate was reversed. However, the more he thought about it, the more uneasy he became.

More than ten years of misery have made him instinctively afraid of all "changes", especially the extreme future ahead of the changes. He has spent more than ten years adapting to the current extreme, and he really has no energy left to adapt to the other extreme!

And just when he finally made up his mind, Wang Luo added another sentence.

"But after the fate is reversed, at least one benefit is clear: you can go see your daughter calmly."

This sentence directly killed the game, and all the hesitation and panic in Qin Yu's heart were swept away.

"how should I do?"

Wang Luo said: "It's very simple, join Lingshan Outer Mountain Gate."

"Uh, what do I do?"

"You don't need to do anything. As long as you agree, I can now register you in the Ascension Record, and then you will be an official member of the Waishan Sect. Although in the past, Lingshan, even the Waishan Sect had a set of rather strict assessments. There are admission procedures, but no procedure can match the Mountain Master’s nod.”

Qin Yu asked again: "Then what do I need to do after joining the Waishanmen?"

Wang Luo was opening the Ascension Record at this time and came to the last page, ready to add Qin Yu under Shi Yue's name. Hearing this question, he couldn't help but think about it.

"The general content is probably to understand the history of Lingshan, establish the correct values ​​​​of the Outer Mountain Sect, and consciously protect the interests of Lingshan... However, these contents do not need to be elaborated too much, so I only make one request to you, and I hope you can keep it in mind."

Qin Yu nodded nervously: "I will!"

"Okay, I ask you to be a good person in the future and treat every woman kindly. This is a principle that senior brother Qin Muzhou and every descendant of the Qin family who have manifested their blood will abide by. I am not a Qin family member, but I am Qin Muzhou's junior brother. I will represent him on his behalf." It is only natural to educate future generations.”

Qin Yu was silent for a while and said seriously: "I remember."

"Then, you are welcome to join Lingshan Outer Mountain Gate."

The next moment, Wang Luo wrote Qin Yu's name on the Ascension Record.

The process was uneventful, with no visions coming from the sky or the sound of invisible shackles being broken. Apart from Wang Luo's congratulatory message, there wasn't even a single piece of identification.

But at this moment, Qin Yu has indeed been accepted as a member of the Outer Mountain Sect, and all his information has been displayed on the Ascension Record.

As long as the parties involved sincerely agree, then as long as the mountain master nods, the establishment of an outer mountain sect is so easy and simple. After all, today is different from the past, and the establishment of the Outer Mountain Sect has long been less valuable...

As for the Ascension Record, Qin Yu's data was appalling, and compared to Shi Yue's various values, they looked useless. He is old and has long passed the golden period of his cultivation. The middle-grade golden elixir that he had worked so hard to condense has also been destroyed for many years. All the foundations of his cultivation have returned to the foundation-building era, and there is no possibility of recovery at all.

In fact, even Qin Yu at his peak was not a talented practitioner. Wang Luo accepted him into the Outer Mountain Gate, which had nothing to do with his cultivation.

From a character point of view, he seems to be even more ordinary, hard-working, and pure in nature...that's all, and not enough to make people look at him differently.

But in Wang Luo's view, Qin Yu's character is actually better than Shi Yue's. He has suffered from women for more than ten years, and his family has been destroyed, and he has become a walking corpse... But he is not cynical about this, nor does he take revenge on society. He just endured everything silently, and then treated every woman who might murder him with a shrinking but calm attitude.

For more than ten years, Shi Yue was the only woman who had goodwill towards him, and Qin Yu just happened to seize this only goodwill and thus had the opportunity to get to know Wang Luo. Isn't this a victory of character, but a victory of luck? ?

And this kind of character, after being an old friend, is certainly worthy of an outside mountain sect's establishment. What's more, Wang Luo happens to have something at the moment that needs to make use of his character.

While thinking about it, Wang Luo closed his hands and took off, then stretched out a finger. The skin on the fingertips naturally opened, and three drops of blood flowed out, suspended in mid-air.

"In the battle just now, the red-haired robbery girl's curses were all released in a wide area, especially the last curse was spread over a wide area. Although I didn't deliberately target you, and you don't have any symptoms at the moment, considering that you were The curse is still there, and the robbery girl is a woman after all... To be on the safe side, I'll give you three drops of blood. This is the antibody that my body naturally produces after I endure the curse. It can be increased in a short time by swallowing it directly. The resistance to the curse is a precautionary measure. Do you have a jade bottle to keep it fresh?"

Qin Yu quickly thanked and nodded, and then took out several jade medicine bottles of different shapes from his carry-on bag. Most of them contained various chronic disease medicines that were necessary for middle-aged bitter people. At this time, he was He poured them out one by one and put them into new jade bottles. After a lot of work, he only left three empty bottles.

Just as he finished his work, he suddenly heard a greeting from the street. A woman wearing a meat factory uniform hurried over with sweat all over her face and said straight to the point: "Qin Yu, why don't you bring a messenger with you!? Deacons, early on. It’s time for everyone to assemble! The meat factory will partially resume work tonight, and everyone on duty must come to work!”

Qin Yu was extremely surprised.

"Resumption of work? Now?!"

The female worker nodded: "Yes, it's what I asked above. Anyway, I've informed you, don't be late. Okay, I'll go call the others, you..."

Just as she was about to leave, the female worker suddenly frowned and whispered, "You don't look good. Do you want me to ask for leave for you?"

Qin Yu was stunned for a moment, then quickly shook his head: "No, no, I will go to the factory to report later, your work first."

When the female worker left with some reluctance, Qin Yu showed an unprecedented look of horror.

"She, she just..."

Wang Luo smiled and nodded: "Congratulations, you have successfully entered the Qin family's territory."

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