Am I the only one who didn't ascend?

Chapter 79: A good warrior has no great achievements

Wang Luo found that he and Mr. Bo were really destined to be together.

He came to Meiyuan to work, not deliberately, but just happened to deal with Qin Yu's fate problem. He had nothing to do at night, so he wanted to find a place to work and save money so that he could return to Lingshan as soon as possible to exchange for two books to read.

At that time, the best treatment in the surrounding area was the night snack shop Meiyuan. In order to receive distinguished guests, the boss temporarily recruited helpers, and his old friend Lao Hong recommended him a god chef...

Then, Wang Luo once again stood next to the destined person and listened to a good show.

The amount of information was quite large, and many problems that were originally unclear were reasonably explained. By the way, it also allowed Wang Luo to confirm his guess: Gu Shishi was not the real murderer, and the murder was hired by someone behind the scenes.

But objectively speaking, the amount of information was not large enough, and many key information was still hidden in the fog, such as where did the turning point that was about to change the fate of Shijie come from? How much resources was Bolanzhuang willing to pay to seize the opportunity?

Then, who is this Mr. Bo?

If possible, Wang Luo really wanted to hear Mr. Bo continue to talk. Unfortunately, he came to work, not to listen to the opera, so as a dedicated worker, he must always maintain the order of the store.

If you say you are not allowed to bring alcohol, then you must not bring alcohol!

So this night snack that was expected to last for a long time had to come to an abrupt end.

The boss of Meiyuan was not angry because he could not display his skills. Instead, he was greatly impressed by Wang Luo's professional attitude and agreed that if he had the opportunity in the future, he must come to work often, and the wages would refer to the standards of Lao Hong's store. Wang Luo happily agreed, and then after receiving the wages and saying goodbye to the boss, he walked slowly along the road leading to the upper city.

On this road, the smell of Mr. Bo still remained. The aromatherapy he used was very special. Its smell was extremely light, but it could suppress all other miscellaneous smells. This kind of aromatherapy is usually used to conceal the true identity. Wang Luo has a natural Taoist body, and his five senses are much more sensitive than ordinary people, but he can't smell the bottom smell under the aromatherapy.

Then I had to follow him and see for myself... Just as Master Bo and Zhang Yu confirmed, the key figure in Shijie was not Shi Yue but Wang Luo. Wang Luo also confirmed that his opponent at this stage was not Gu Shishi, but Master Bo!

The road to the upper city basically passed under the Wanxin Bridge, but when he walked under the bridge this time, Wang Luo couldn't help but stop.

The smell was cut off here, as if it disappeared out of thin air, leaving no trace... But this is unreasonable, even if it is the kind of teleportation technique that can fly in the clouds or shrink the earth into an inch, it is impossible for the residual smell to disappear so abruptly.

The only explanation is that there is a master with a high level of skill to help him cover his tracks here.

Wang Luo himself is not good at tracking, but he has learned a lot of anti-tracking skills from his senior sister. Now he is tracking Master Bo, relying purely on his keen five senses to catch up here, and once he encounters an opponent with advanced skills, he can only stop here.

But Wang Luo was not discouraged. The failure of tracking was also a kind of gain. At least it was confirmed that Mr. Bo's identity was definitely fake, but he had a deep relationship with Jinlanwu and even Bolanzhuang, and his status was even higher than Gu Shishi. There should not be many such people in the whole Rongcheng. Find time to go to Zhaotang to ask for a public information and check it slowly. You can always find it.

As for now, Wang Luo turned around and walked towards the East District of Rongcheng.

Because he just found out that the communication talisman he brought with him actually recorded multiple messages from Qin Yu-when he worked at Meiyuan before, he worked wholeheartedly and didn't even listen to the good show. Naturally, he would not put down his work to talk to Qin Yu. Don't slack off at work, this is Wang Luo's basic principle.

And at this time, he couldn't help but feel funny when he lifted the talisman.

It is worthy of being the domain of the Qin family. The effect is better than expected. So now that there is nothing to do, it is time to test the glorious results after Qin Yu's fate was reversed.


In fact, long before finding a way to break the curse, Wang Luo had already considered using Qin Yu as a chess piece to exchange for Gu Shishi.

Because Gu Shishi is really tricky. She is from the Gu family of Bolan Manor, with a distinguished family background and great power, but she does not belong to the official system of the Golden Deer Hall. She has not even condensed her Tao heart. She is a standard hexagonal warrior with power but no obligations, which can be said to be flawless.

Under the premise of legality, Wang Luo actually has no way to deal with such an opponent, unless Gu Shishi can also have a fat son who has been sleeping on straw and eating bitter food for more than ten years...

Unless, Wang Luo has an old friend who fully inherited the Qin bloodline.

Of course, Wang Luo did not really regard Qin Yu as a trump card against Gu Shishi. After all, not to mention that Qin Yu himself may not be willing to feed the tiger with his body to please Gu Shishi... The Qin bloodline is not omnipotent. Its essence is just to increase goodwill, plus it is easier to get along with the opposite sex. If converted equivalently, it is roughly equivalent to a second- or third-tier mirage artist.

And from Gu Shishi's perspective, I am afraid that first-tier artists may not be in her eyes. Qin Yu, a middle-aged peach blossom man who is just starting out, naturally has a more limited influence on Gu Shishi.

So Wang Luo just regarded Qin Yu as an ordinary move in the chess game. It was good to be able to change the situation a little, but he didn't really expect him to turn the tide.

Unexpectedly, Qin Yu's performance was far beyond expectations.

When he arrived at the meat factory, it was already past the middle of the Yin hour. The night was deep like an endless dark soil. The faint snoring of people could be heard everywhere on the stone street, which was in harmony with the light chirping of insects, making the surroundings even more empty.

Only in the guardhouse at the main entrance of the meat factory, there were two people, a man and a woman, talking happily.

"So, you just accepted the verdict and left the house? Don't you think it's unfair?"

"What can I do if it's unfair? She's determined to leave, and she's taking her daughter with her. If I continue to tangle with her, it will only drag my daughter into an unhappy life. Why bother?"

"With your submissive nature, it's no wonder you've been complained about more than a hundred times in more than two years... This won't work. You must fight for the benefits you deserve!"

Hearing this, Wang Luo couldn't help but sneer, and at the same time stretched out his hand to open the door of the sentry box.

At the same time, a sharp sword energy rushed straight to the vital point of the forehead. Wang Luo did not avoid or give way, and greeted it with his flesh and blood. There was a dull sound of a sharp weapon cutting flesh and blood, and Wang Luo's head tilted back slightly, and there was an insignificant white spot on his forehead.

Wang Luo touched the wound on his head and commented: "It's powerful, worthy of being a military-grade flying sword. If it were an ordinary person, his brain would have been splattered by now. Team leader Gu is so ruthless, aren't you afraid that people will think you hired a killer to kill someone?"

But Gu Shishi sneered: "Three level 2 wilderness hunters couldn't kill you, what can a mere flying sword do to you? As for hiring a killer to kill someone, since you came to me instead of the Bolan Manor secret guards, the matter has obviously been concluded, and I am just a victim."

When facing people other than Qin Yu, Gu Shishi immediately returned to her usual attitude, and even her silver hair regained its luster while she spoke.

Wang Luo only said one sentence lightly.

"The real victim of this matter is only one person, right next to you. If I hadn't killed three people instantly at that time, Qin Yu would have been killed by them."

When mentioning Qin Yu, Gu Shishi's silver hair, which was almost moving without wind, immediately drooped down, and the sharpness in her eyes turned soft.

"Sorry, I really didn't mean to do that..."

Wang Luo could only sigh in his heart.

The Qin family's domain is so terrifying!

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