Am I the only one who didn't ascend?

Chapter 80 No one can refuse my friendship

"So you want to say that it was the letter you sent to Taixu Dark Hall that was manipulated by someone, which turned the originally legal investigation mission into an assassination mission. And because of this, you were cursed by the Shoujie Girl. He was almost killed on the spot... Team leader Gu, you really killed yourself and became almost a perfect victim. If this continues, you will have to go back to Xiaobailou to order all the troops tomorrow morning. , put me in jail for excessive defense.”

"Oh, it's my job to explain. I've already explained it. It's up to you whether you believe it or not, I don't care!"

"Are you treating your savior with this attitude? If it weren't for my blood to break the curse, you would have turned into pus by now."

"Don't take credit for yourself. The person who saved me was Qin Yu. What does it have to do with you? Although I know how to repay my kindness, I can't repay it to you!"

In the guard box, Gu Shishi and Wang Luo were in a tit-for-tat confrontation. Even though her injuries had not healed and her body was still weak, she was not willing to give in at all in terms of momentum when faced with a Lingshan Mountain Master who could easily manipulate her hundreds of times. .

Until the third person in the guard box said while cowering: "Don't quarrel. If you have something to say, you should talk it over."

So Gu Shishi sighed, lowered her head and said, "Sorry, I was impulsive, but that's all I know. I'm still investigating the real culprit behind the scenes."

Wang Luo said: "So, are you sure there is a real culprit behind the scenes?"

Gu Shishi immediately lost her temper: "Otherwise, could it be that the letter was contracted by myself? Moreover, when I, the employer, was still unprepared, the secret guards had already brought the edict to arrest the person. Isn't this an inside job? , do I deserve to be punished by God?"

Wang Luo nodded: "With what you did in Stone Street, it would not be unjust to be punished by God."

"So you Shijie people really deserve to be punished for three hundred years!"

"No, don't quarrel..."

"Sorry, I was impulsive."

Wang Luo was also a little amazed when he saw Gu Shishi's posture of bending and stretching, sending and receiving freely.

"Anyway, since you are sure that there is a traitor behind the scenes, let's join forces."

Gu Shishi was stunned when she heard this, and her eyes widened: "Join forces? Why?"

Wang Luo was filled with admiration when asked why. Although Gu Shishi is not Gu Cangsheng's biological daughter, her aristocratic aura has been fully demonstrated.

As the Lord of Lingshan Mountain, he wanted to cooperate with her regardless of previous suspicions, but he was asked why.

"It's very simple. In terms of stakes, your primary opponent now is not me, but the person hiding behind the scenes to stab you."

Gu Shishi shook her head: "No, my opponent is always you, just as my task is always to clean up Stone Street. The internal conflicts between Bolanzhuang and the Gu family will indeed hinder me from performing my duties, but the relationship between primary and secondary I can still tell the difference clearly.”

Wang Luo couldn't help but praise: "You are so loyal to the family. I think the family will use even more force when stabbing you in the back next time."

"I won't bother you even if I get stabbed to death! I admit that you are a capable person, but to single-handedly try to change the strategic trend of Rong City... is really fanciful!"

Wang Luo said: "How can he be alone? Isn't Qin Yu a human being?"

Gu Shishi laughed angrily: "You want to use Senior Brother Qin Yu to manipulate me? Ha, he did save my life, and of course I will repay him, but what does this have to do with you and Shijie? I can arrange a residence and a decent job for him in Jianmu District tomorrow, and he will be far away from this ignorant place where you complained about him 103 times in two years!"

Wang Luo nodded and said: "The premise is that Qin Yu is willing to go with you."

Gu Shishi immediately turned to look at Qin Yu: "Brother, what do you say?"

Qin Yu was stared at by the silver-haired woman and couldn't help but panic for a moment, but even though he was panicking in every possible way, he still shook his head firmly: "I'm sorry, junior sister, I can't leave."

Gu Shishi asked: "Why? Because there are people here who are kind to you? Well, you name them, and then when everything is settled, I will also give those people excessive compensation. Even Shi Yue, I will It can protect her wealth."

Qin Yu sighed and said, "Wang Luo has been very kind to me. I can't betray him at this time."

"A great favor?" Gu Shishi was a little confused, "He has only been in Rongcheng for a few days, so what great favor can he do to you? Just because he helped you prevent disaster outside Boyuzhuang? But without him, you alone The concierge of the meat factory will not be killed!"

Qin Yu was suddenly in a dilemma and joined the Outer Mountain Sect, thereby breaking the curse and reversing his fate... He himself was actually still a little confused, but in any case, it was definitely not something that could be announced to outsiders casually. But if you don't explain, how can you win Gu Shishi's trust?

But Wang Luo laughed.

"Want to know the truth? Join me and I will tell you."

Gu Shishi was extremely angry: "You're dreaming! Senior brother, don't be deceived by this scum. No matter what excuse he uses to threaten you, I can protect you!"

Wang Luo's smile never diminished: "Haha, a person who can't even protect himself says something like this, it's so believable. Let me ask you, do you now know who the traitor is who stabbed you in the back? No, of course you don't know, and as expected, Bolan Village probably doesn't intend to let you know. The man's conspiracy failed, and you were lucky enough to survive, so that's the end of the matter, and there may be some personal consequences for you next. Compensation, some punishment to the person behind the scenes, but this will not make the other party completely stop. This time it is tampering with the letter, next time it may be to directly pay for the murder... What you don't dare to do, the other party may not dare to do. ”

Of course, Gu Shishi refused to admit defeat. Just when she was about to refute, she heard Wang Luo add a sentence.

"The other party may not necessarily target you, but they can target Qin Yu. After all, he is your savior, so then he becomes that person's enemy, right?"

Gu Shishi was immediately speechless.

Wang Luo added: "No matter how you think you are superb and rich in resources, at least you have no strengths in the field of off-board recruitment. If you want to secretly investigate my background, you can only go to Taixu Dark Hall to find out." Reward letter. You are suddenly seriously injured, but there is no reliable person to protect you. You can only lie alone in a secluded place and wait for death. How can a loser like you have the courage to protect others? "

Gu Shishi was so angry that her silver hair curled up and her face turned red. But until the end, she couldn't say a word to refute.

"But I'm different." Wang Luo said, "When it comes to external tactics, it's not who I'm targeting. As far as I've seen, everyone in this world is rubbish. So, if you really want to repay the kindness of saving your life, If you really want to protect your senior brother, the best way is to join forces with me."

After speaking, Wang Luo raised a question as an ally without even waiting for Gu Shishi's consent.

"Do you know Mr. Bo?"

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