Am I the only one who didn't ascend?

Chapter 84 Safety check starts with me

Wang Luo's comfort is undoubtedly logical, but as for how much logic can occupy in Qin Yu's mind, it is not up to Wang Luo to decide.

And Wang Luo did not force the other party to accept it immediately. A middle-aged man who had been persecuted by the peach blossom evil for more than ten years and might be complained by people when walking on the street suddenly met a rich girl who was paying for him. It was like a monk who had been practicing Zen for a hundred years and turned to practicing happy Zen. He must go through a period of pain, and only after the short pain can he experience the long-lasting pleasure. What's more, this girl was playing the role of the villain not long ago?

But in any case, thanks to Qin Yu's move, Gu Shishi has actually been exchanged.

Although her external performance still highlights a rebelliousness, and she also deliberately argued for the limitations of Wang Luo, a lonely man, in Wang Luo's eyes, all kinds of postures were tantamount to wanting to refuse but also welcoming. It was as if she was saying to Wang Luo: Give me a reason to betray the family.

Gu Shishi was stabbed in the back by the family. It is absolutely impossible to say that she has no thoughts in her heart. There are many loyal people in the world, but they will never be a speculator who can gamble his future to become the head of the special project team in Shijie.

However, if there is no Qin Yu as a buffer, no matter how many ideas Gu Shishi has, she will not be able to get Wang Luo a bargain. She can secretly collect information, and when the evidence is solid, she can ask for a price from the family, or switch to another family. As for the work of the special project leader, she will naturally work hard until her death. In essence, she is a superior person in the Gu family. No matter how poor she is, she will not associate with people in Shijie.

But with Qin Yu, her weighing of pros and cons will be dragged down by emotions.

Qin Yu is now just a seed in her heart, but seeds can take root and sprout. At least according to Wang Luo, it is only a matter of time before Gu Shishi is completely defeated.

The Qin family domain is so terrifying!

In fact, the blood power inherited by Qin Yu is not complete. Compared with the terrifying charm of Senior Brother Qin Muzhou, Qin Yu can only be regarded as a second- or third-tier mirage artist. Not all women will be moved by him, let alone throw themselves into the fire without regard for their own interests. But on the other hand, some men and women are naturally attracted by a red line, and they will throw themselves into his arms regardless of everything!

Many speculators who are calculative and seem to live for the sake of profit just haven't met the person who makes her lose her mind.

This point can actually be seen when the curse has not been broken.

On the night of the food poisoning incident, Gu Shishi took a group of lackeys to the meat factory, and the first thing she did was to catch Qin Yu as a typical example to make use of the topic. This is obviously because she really disliked Qin Yu to a certain extent, so she would make trouble on such an important matter.

And how disliked Qin Yu was at the beginning, now that the fate has reversed, she naturally likes Qin Yu as much as she likes him. In fact, Wang Luo doubted that if he came later and let the brother and sister stay alone in the claustrophobic room for a while longer, would some popular scenes of frankness and healing with power therapy happen?


The aftereffects of Gu Shishi being exchanged by Qin Yu were already evident the next morning.

Gu Shishi, who left the post with trauma, returned to her job in high spirits early in the morning - her current temporary office is located on the top floor of Building 1 of Shijie Meat Factory. The office that once belonged to Zhang Fuhong is now occupied by her with a sense of righteousness.

When Gu Shishi arrived, two red-belted blue-clothed people from Shangcheng District were already waiting at the door with dark circles under their eyes. Seeing their superior coming in, they each showed a bright but decent smile.

"Team Leader Gu, good morning."

"Team Leader Gu, were you okay last night?"

However, this warm and caring attitude had just begun when it was forced to stop abruptly, because right behind Gu Shishi, there was a figure that was as eye-catching as it could be.

The man was of medium build, with an ordinary appearance, and seemed to be about 40 or 50 years old, with messy stubble, brown sauce on the corners of his lips, and oil stains all over his collar... It was the iconic figure of the local Qingping Division, Han Yu.

Han Yu was slurping fried liver in a white porcelain bowl in one hand and holding a set of steaming pancakes in the other. He was also holding a bag of flat-bellied buns stuffed with fresh meat and a scallion pancake with his true energy beside him, just like a walking breakfast shop!

Seeing this man, the two well-dressed red-belted green-clothed women were all stunned, because it was well known that Gu Shishi from the Gu family of Bolanzhuang hated people who were unruly and full of blind airs the most; secondly, she hated people who ignored the hierarchy in public and even openly rejected her face; thirdly, she hated people who ate on the street and dropped the crumbs. Now Han Yu was almost full of five poisons. The night before, he openly beat up the red-belted green-clothed woman and was ordered to suspend his work for reflection. Now he was actually walking behind Gu Shishi openly, just like a trusted subordinate!

This immediately made the two red-belted green-clothed women who aspired to be trusted subordinates feel like they were in a dream - or a nightmare.

"Team Leader Gu, this is..."

Gu Shishi waved her hand: "Han Yu will be the temporary guard from today. You must cooperate with him in related work in the future."

The red-belted blue-clothed man was dumbfounded.

The red-belted blue-clothed man from the upper city cooperates with the ordinary blue-clothed man from Shijie? !

But Gu Shishi's eyes turned cold: "Any objections?"

The two shook their heads hurriedly.

Han Yu ate a pancake while glancing at the two people, and then said incoherently: "These two people are superficial, typical smuggled waste from Jinshui District. You used such people as guards before, no wonder you were cursed to death by a remote curse."

Gu Shishi said coldly: "Watch your mouth and do your job well, otherwise you will go back to the prison to reflect for another three months."

Han Yu didn't take it seriously: "You will be gone in three months."

Gu Shishi's face flushed, and her anger seemed to be on the verge of exploding.

Han Yu was not interested in deliberately teasing the other party. At this time, he had just finished eating pancakes and drinking fried liver. He walked into the house with Gu Shishi, looked around, and said: "To build a safe house, many things here need to be replaced."

Gu Shishi suppressed her anger and said: "Then change everything. You are fully responsible for the design and construction. You can also entrust others. In short, I just want the results! During the special operation investigation, no external interference is allowed to happen!"

Han Yu smiled, bit open a flat-bellied bun, and said vaguely: "In fact, it is much easier for you to go back to the small white building to work than tossing around here..."

Gu Shishi said angrily: "I don't need you to teach me how to do things!"

At this time, the two red-belted green-clothed people finally came to their senses.

"Team Leader Gu, are you going to transform this place into a safe house?"

Gu Shishi nodded: "Yes, we can't let the accident last night happen again, or even affect other people. We are here with important responsibilities this time. We are not only facing the complicated situation of Shijie, but also the open and hidden arrows from all sides. Protecting ourselves is the most basic condition for us to fulfill our duties. Before the safety transformation here is completed, all important actions must be delayed."

Red Belt Qingyi couldn't help but nod when he heard it at first, and was even moved that Gu Shishi was actually worried about their safety.

But in the end, it felt a little wrong.

Because when they asked their men to issue tickets to the shops on Shijie before, they seemed to have said something similar...

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