Am I the only one who didn't ascend?

Chapter 85 Everyone is mortal.

Chapter 85 Everyone has to die...

The sincerity that Gu Shishi showed to Wang Luo in joining forces can be summed up in one word: show off.

As the leader of the special team nominated by Bolan Manor and appointed by the Governor's Office, Gu Shishi bears too much attention. Of course, she can't openly betray her position-the Governor's Office can appoint her as the leader, and can appoint others at any time.

At the same time, Gu Shishi was unwilling to continue to charge for Bolan Manor-she rushed so hard before, but what did she get in return? A knife in the back from her own family was almost fatal! And the little compensation given to her was just "not to hold her responsible for issuing the appointment in the dark hall at will"!

At this point, if she didn't express anything and let it go, her future in Bolan Manor would basically be cut off, because everyone could see that she was loyal to the family and Bolan Manor, and she was submissive... Then everyone would consciously let her be submissive next!

Appropriately expressing one's dissatisfaction is the way to long-term development. And the way Gu Shishi expressed her dissatisfaction was to change the focus of work and focus on internal construction.

In theory, this is beyond reproach. A person who almost died the night before and was almost framed by the secret guards of Bolanzhuang returned to work the next day. What else do you want from her? Isn't it natural to change the focus of work when encountering serious emergencies at work?

But in reality, Gu Shishi's internal construction and the business work of the special group were basically paralyzed.

For example, near noon, a red-belt green-clothed man brought a big reporter with great enthusiasm, preparing to write an in-depth article to prove that the folk customs of Shi Street were rough and the meat factory was poorly managed, which had long been a safety hazard.

As a result, as soon as the person arrived, he was directly captured by Han Yu, and he played the role of a carpenter as a red-belt green-clothed man, processing spiritual wood on the spot to reconstruct the safe house. As for the famous reporter, he was entertained by Gu Shishi alone and provided a lot of valuable first-hand information, mainly including how brilliant and outstanding work results the special task force had achieved in the early stage under her leadership, how the local people of Shijie won the support, and how this reflected the foresight of the Governor's Office and the professionalism and efficiency of Bolan Manor...

The reporter was almost fuming, and kept urging Gu Shishi to give some dry goods.

So Gu Shishi provided dry goods with great sincerity: including how her letter was swapped, which led to the vicious case of hiring a killer in the sunny and sunny place of Rongcheng; including that she, the head of the special task force, was seriously injured by the curse and almost died; and that the secret guards of Bolan Manor took advantage of the situation and wanted to put the blame on her...

The amount of news was far beyond the expectations of the reporter, so that his hand holding the pen shook like a sieve, and the high-priced Lianshan Pavilion ink, which symbolized his status, kept dripping on the floor. Gu Shishi told the story for a long time, but he didn't dare to remember a word! Before Gu Shishi treated him to a working lunch, he hurriedly left with cold sweat on his forehead. This is also the basic skill for him to become a famous reporter instead of a bait in Taixi Lake.

At lunch, Gu Shishi personally presided over the working lunch meeting, requiring each member of the team to conduct in-depth research and self-examination on their own problems in recent work, strengthen organizational construction and ideological construction... Specifically, everyone must submit a report of no less than 2,000 words when they go to work tomorrow, and read it one by one at the meeting.

In short, Gu Shishi used the means used to rectify Shijie to rectify his own people.

If other front-line generals did this, they would have been recalled by Bolanzhuang with twelve gold medals and suffered false charges. But for a general like Gu Shishi who had just experienced a fatal disaster on the front line, it is understandable that he should pay attention to internal rectification.


While Gu Shishi paralyzed the special team, Wang Luo returned to Shifu with the news of victory.

As soon as he entered the door, he heard the surprised voice of a girl under the tree in the inner courtyard.

"Master, you're back!? How's the situation? Are you okay?"

Then a dusty figure suddenly rushed out. Shi Yue was still wearing a small jacket from Baichengtong, with a little dust on her face and a look of fatigue that was hard to hide, obviously she hadn't slept all night.

With her perfect foundation, she wouldn't be so exhausted even if she worked all night. The reason for her current fatigue was the sudden changes since last night, which made her mind shaken and worried too much.

Behind Shi Yue, followed Kong Zhang, the former jade master. Although this old man at the chess stall lost the jade talisman in his hand, his actual influence in Shi Street has not decreased but increased, because he has gained the trust of the current orthodox master of Shi Street.

And his thoughts are deeper than Shi Yue, who is confused by his concern.

After seeing Wang Luo, Kong Zhang smiled slightly and said, "Congratulations, Master Mountain, for successfully taking down the vanguard general of Bolan Manor."

Wang Luo was slightly surprised: "You are well-informed."

Kong Zhang said: "After the meeting yesterday, those old guys in red who hadn't come to play chess for a long time came to me one after another to drink tea, so the news was naturally smoother than before. I heard that Gu Shishi specially asked Han Yu to preside over the work this morning, and I knew that she must have been properly dealt with by the master of the mountain. But why her attitude has changed so much is also puzzling, just because she was stabbed in the back by the family?"

When Wang Luo heard this, he realized that Qin Yu's affairs were still unknown to others, including who saved Gu Shishi when she was in danger, and where she was healed later... These news were all solemnly hidden by her.

Then, he didn't have to reveal the truth early at this time. Leave a surprise for everyone in the future, and also embellish the boring daily life.

So Wang Luo only explained: "Gu Shishi carried out in-depth work in Shijie and was influenced by the simplicity of the locals, so her position was biased, which is also normal."

Kong Zhang immediately understood: "I see, then I won't ask any more questions."

Shi Yue's focus of concern was not here: "Master, outside Boyu Manor yesterday, the other side was able to use the means of hiring a killer to kill people. Will it be..."

"In theory, of course." Wang Luo asserted, "Although violent means will bring serious side effects in the new era, it is still the simplest and most effective way to solve problems. So even if they fail this time, once the situation becomes more unfavorable, they may use the same trick again...but it may not be against you and me."

Wang Luo needless to say, although his record outside Boyu Manor was deliberately treated coldly by Qingping Division and did not spread, well-informed people can naturally see the whole picture. Three level 2 hunters from the wasteland were wiped out in less than 20 seconds, and Wang Luo didn't even have obvious injuries. What kind of powerful person should be invited to have a chance to deal with such a target? I'm afraid only the top few in Taixu Dark Hall can be sure!

As for Shi Yue... If physical elimination is really useful, Wang Luo believes that she will not live to this day. She should have followed the ancestors in Lingshan Temple long before she met Wang Luo. After all, even if Zhang Yu has a bottom line, Bolan Manor obviously does not.

And if it is not aimed at Wang Luo and Shi Yue, who else can it be targeted?

Kong Zhang felt uncomfortable all over when he heard this.

Wang Luo comforted: "Haha, you don't have to worry so much, violent means will not come so quickly. There will always be a next time after the impact of the previous time has been truly digested. You can rest assured for some time in the future."

Kong Zhang sighed: "What about after some time in the future?"

Wang Luo said: "If everything goes well, it shouldn't take that long."

Another chapter for the public, the next chapter will start to enter the VIP chapter

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