American Comic Survival Guide

Chapter 264: visitor from heaven

Forty minutes later, Christine arrived just in time, while Maria Hill had been showing her wounds on the sofa while Goofy and Carrie watched.

Goofy didn't miss this opportunity to educate Carrie, pointed at the bruised Maria Hill and said earnestly: "See, Carrie, this is the price of fighting with others! In the future, you must control your temper, don't Don't do it when you have to..."

Carrie nodded seriously. "I see."

Maria Hill rolled her eyes in anger. If it wasn't for the fact that she wasn't in a good state and couldn't beat Goofy at all, she would have to get up and teach Goofy a lesson.

Christine arrived with quick hands and feet, and helped Agent Hill to bandage the wound. Except for the fractured rib, which required special treatment at the hospital, other injuries were treated clearly.

As soon as Hill's condition stabilized, Gao Fei received a call from Reed. The "compound eye" must have detected the changes in the universe cube.

"Hello, Reed." Goofy answered the phone.

"Goofy, is there another trouble with S.H.I.E.L.D.?" Reed asked straight to the point.

Since the last high-flying search found the S.H.I.E.L.D. base, S.H.I.E.L.D. has learned to be smart. In order to prevent the NYPD from monitoring them, S.H.I.E.L.D. has specially cooperated with NASA to establish a new research base in the suburbs of New York.

The plan to develop the Cosmic Rubik's Cube was also hidden by Nick Fury, who claimed to be researching "clean new energy".

As an international organization, S.H.I.E.L.D. has very limited powers in the United States. Although it sounds like the special departmental organization directly appointed by the International Security Council is very high-level, it is just like the so-called strong dragon does not overwhelm the local snake. In the United States, S.H.I.E.L.D. Dare to act illegally.

It's better for the magistrate to manage now. No matter how big your SHIELD background is, as long as you dare to commit crimes on New York's territory, the Super Patrol will dare to label you an illegal organization.

For this reason, S.H.I.E.L.D. has embraced the thigh of NASA ("Avengers 1"). Only by relying on institutions in the United States, S.H.I.E.L.D. can avoid being harassed by NYPD.

After all, the supervision of Gao Fei and the Super Patrol has made S.H.I.E.L.D. miserable, and NYPD is acting according to the law. There is nothing wrong with people being rational, and S.H.I.E.L.D. cannot forcibly impeach Gao Fei for deliberately making things difficult.

The only way is to move out of NASA as a talisman and use NASA's confidential procedures to avoid the supervision of the NYPD.

For this reason, Gao Fei and the Super Patrol could no longer supervise S.H.I.E.L.D.'s operations. NASA also specially applied to block the monitoring of the Cosmic Rubik's Cube by the "Compound Eyes" of the Gods - but it took less than a week to stop monitoring, Something happened to the SHIELD base.

The slap came too fast.

Hanging up the phone, Goofy went straight to the Baxter Building late at night. The situation in New York is very serious now, and a war is coming.

Reed pointed to a red dot on the compound eye, and the constantly changing energy source next to the red dot, and frowned: "What happened to SHIELD? What happened in their base?"

"The Cosmic Rubik's Cube opened a wormhole, attracting an alien, and that's how it should be." Gao Fei shrugged, "I warned Nick Fury earlier that activating the Cosmic Rubik's Cube was not a good idea, but this old guy It’s just going to do it alone.”

God stick Germany is also quite critical of S.H.I.E.L.D.

"These arrogant guys always like to do things that they can't handle at all. In order to get rid of our supervision, they also pressured NASA from the international side to let NASA cooperate with them to carry out a classified project..."

"Damn, if they don't be so arrogant and keep the Cosmic Rubik's Cube under the surveillance of the 'compound eye', then the 'compound eye' will find out a few hours before the wormhole opens, and S.H.I.E.L.D. can avoid this disaster... "

Gao Fei pouted: "If you follow my suggestion and directly destroy the universe cube, or don't activate this thing at all, the wormhole will not open at all."

One of Goofy and Reed is a traveler, and the other is recognized as the first IQ in the Marvel universe. It's a pity that S.H.I.E.L.D. didn't listen to anyone's advice, and they had to go their own way to the black.

"What's going on at the S.H.I.E.L.D. base now?" Reed asked.

"Most of the agents died on the spot, and the base was in a mess. By the way, Agent Hill of S.H.I.E.L.D. ran to my house for help. According to her, the universe cube should have been robbed by the alien who emerged from the wormhole. Go." Gao Fei said helplessly.

"So tragic?" Reed shook his head. "Look at what SHIELD did... Nick Fury?"

"The early run is gone, this guy runs faster than anyone else every time there is an accident, and only comes out when the situation is safe." Gao Fei said.

"Damn, it looks like we still have to clean up this mess?" Reed frowned, "This time the Cosmic Rubik's Cube opened only a small-scale wormhole, and only an alien came over, but who knows the next time the Cosmic Rubik's Cube opens the worm How big is the hole, what if an alien army comes?"

Goofy was shocked by Reed's prediction, this guy is really smart.

"You're right, so you must quickly find the universe cube!" Gao Fei said seriously, "By the way, where is that alien now? Still in New York?"

"It's still there." Reed pointed to the "compound eye" and said, "Thanks to the "Superpower Registration Act", all superpowers in New York can't escape our control, and the new aliens bring the universe Rubik's cube Lurking in the suburbs of Queens, it looks like he's looking for an opportunity to escape New York."

"Nice job." Goofy praised.

Only in this crisis of survival can the benefits of correct planning be reflected. Shengunde's "compound eyes" played a crucial role this time. Without "compound eyes", searching for the universe Rubik's cube would simply become a needle in a haystack.

By the time the Cosmic Rubik's Cube is positioned, the Qitarui Legion may have already entered the atmosphere.

But at this time, Reed pointed to the "compound eye" and said worriedly: "Goofy, there is something very strange - this alien not only has a cosmic Rubik's cube as an energy source, but actually has another strange energy. The source is surging, and the strength of this energy source is no weaker than the cosmic cube... This is so strange!"

Goofy said: It's not surprising, it's not surprising, that's Loki and the original stone of his mind.

After the Cosmic Rubik's Cube was swallowed by Carrie, the remaining energy was only 60% of the original, but the original mind stone was brand new, so relatively speaking, the energy flow of the original mind stone was stronger than that of the Cosmic Rubik's Cube.

Look at the "compound eye" on Loki's Goofy prepares for action.

Without further ado, Loki will flee to Germany in a little while.

"Okay, I think it's time for me to arrest this alien friend." Goofy said.

Reed was worried: "Goofy, this guy may have a very powerful weapon in his hand, and his own ability is not weak... Should we be more cautious?"

"Well... that's true, then I'll call for some support first."

Gao Fei was very kind, and then quickly took out his mobile phone.

It's time for Loki to see the power of Earthlings.

Although Gao Fei felt that there was no need to use a bull's knife to kill chickens, sometimes life still needs a sense of ritual.


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