American Comic Survival Guide

Chapter 265: call for help

The alien invasion of New York was a big deal, so Goofy called basically everyone who could.

The Fantastic Four did not need to notify Gao Fei alone. Reed was in charge of the contact, and the Super Patrol had already received the task. After all, both the SHIELD and NASA's base camps were flattened.

The remaining comrades-in-arms were nothing more than Tony Stark and Little Green Goblin, and Goofy called the two of them successively.

"Hey, Stark, do you want to meet the world? I'm not bragging, you've never seen it before, I lied to you as a puppy... You still don't believe it? Have you ever seen an alien? Can pant, speak, and beat Aegis The aliens from the bureau... come quickly if you haven't seen it before, and I'll send you the address."

"Hey, Harry? Are you going to bed? Are there exams tomorrow? Go out and play without exams. The aliens have come to New York, not the ebony throat, the ebony throat has been caught by me, this time it's another An alien, yes, come and see, I'll give you the address..."

Reed stared at Goofy in stunned eyes, how did he feel that this guy was calling people to visit the zoo?

Listening to Gao Fei's tone, the alien who stole the Rubik's Cube of the universe is not only not a threat at all, but also looks like a mascot.

"Cough cough..." Out of concern for his friends, Reed said quickly, "Goofy, don't forget, that alien group destroyed a SHIELD base, and it seems that he has another one that can rival the universe. The energy source of the Rubik's Cube... you can't underestimate the enemy!"

"Don't worry Reed!" Gao Fei said calmly, "I know what I know."

Ten minutes later, the Fantastic Four and the super patrol team moved together to track the Cosmic Rubik's Cube. Under the monitoring of the "compound eye", as long as Loki hadn't left New York, he could not escape Goofy's palm.

Soon, everyone came to Queens according to the "compound eye". The "compound eye" showed that Loki and the universe cube had approached the jfk international airport, and he was likely to leave the United States soon.

During the chase on the highway, Johnny was very keen to see a suspicious car ahead of the highway.

"Look, NASA's car!"

Everyone followed Johnny's guidance and saw that there was indeed a dark black off-road vehicle with a NASA logo not far away. There is no doubt that this vehicle must have been robbed by Loki from the SHIELD-NASA base. , and the position of the car is completely in line with the positioning of the "compound eye".


Goofy gave an order, and the sirens of the two cars sounded.

Steve Rogers grabbed the microphone and loudly announced "nypd - Super Patrol, please don't panic! nypd - Super Patrol, please don't panic!"

Before he finished speaking, Johnny had already opened the car door and got out. Human Torch's body instantly turned into a raging flame, and it rose into the air and chased NASA's vehicle.

The stone man Ben Grimm turned into a human barricade, standing in the center of the road to evacuate the crowd and avoid traffic accidents.

Gao Fei drove the police car of the Super Patrol to overtake the car from the inside, and the three-legged accelerator slammed down to catch up with the NASA off-road vehicle on the outside. After a glance, Gao Fei saw Loki sitting in the carriage.

Loki was holding his scepter and looking at the Super Patrol. The sudden pursuit and interception made him very excited. The corner of his mouth raised a smile, as if he didn't pay attention to the Super Patrol at all.

Sitting beside Loki were two other people-S.H.I.E.L.D. agent Hawkeye and astronomer Professor Eric Selvig. They were bewitched by Loki's use of the original mind stone on his scepter. Ki's puppet.

In an instant, Johnny "Human Torch" had circled in front of the NASA off-road vehicle, and he projected a mass of flames to burn the tires, attempting to melt the tires and force the vehicle to stop.

But at this moment, Loki laughed evilly, and pointed his scepter out of the car window at Johnny.

Goofy saw Loki's action long ago, and slammed the steering wheel away from NASA's car.

A bright blue light shot from the top of the scepter, missing Johnny's streak into the night sky, and NASA's car crashed into the guardrail with a thudding thud.


Johnny in mid-air took a deep breath.

"Holyfuxk, the people in the car also fire lasers?!"

Steve's loudspeaker announcement, the cool Johnny Burning Man, the collision of the car, the laser from Loki's scepter—all these factors immediately caused the onlookers of pedestrians on the highway, while the stone man's artificial barricade also caused traffic blocked.

Everyone opened the car door and got out of the car to watch the play, not at all afraid that the battle would affect them.

"Are there superpowers committing crimes?"

"Or have aliens come to Earth?"

"Look, look! It's a super patrol!"

"Officer Goofy! Officer Steve! Officer Johnny!"

"And the Fantastic Four!"

"Oh, Susan is here too, my favorite Invisible Woman!"

In the voice of the crowd, Loki kicked the car door with a scepter and walked out-although he was surrounded, he did not take these superpowers on earth in the slightest.

"Stupid mortals, mediocre ants... You dare to block the car of the gods, you are so courageous!!"

Loki squinted and shouted in a deep voice. He looked at the busy traffic on the road in front of him, looked at these stunned crowds, and the expression on his face was a little impatient.

However, passersby were not very happy when they saw Loki, and everyone expressed their disappointment.

As New Yorkers, they have long been accustomed to seeing mutants.

What Green Goblin, Lizardman, Hulk, Abomination... Recently, an ebony throat without a nose appeared.

If you see too many strange-shaped monsters, you will get tired of aesthetics. If you encounter a monster with no tricks, I'm sorry, we are really not interested.

Just now, everyone saw the super patrol team chasing and intercepting the entire army, and they thought what kind of monster was sitting in NASA's car, but after Loki came out, everyone saw that Jie was an earthman!

The same figure, the same facial features, the same structure, there is no bright spot at all!

There are neither three heads nor six arms, nor excessive variation.

Just such a guy, is it worth the super patrol team?

Citizens shook their heads.

"It's scattered, there's nothing to see."

"It's just a normal person, which is disappointing."

"It's doesn't have any features at all!"

"Just this guy? Worth the Super Patrol and the Fantastic Four?"

"It's boring, go home and go to sleep..."

Loki was holding a scepter and wanted to pretend to be a force, but before he could kill the Quartet, he was inexplicably sprayed with blood.

"What the hell?"

"Say I don't see anything?"

"You mean I'm just an ordinary person?"

"Say I'm a disappointment?"

"Say I don't have any features at all!"

Loki's eyes were about to turn red, and veins burst out on the palm of his gripped scepter.

"Stupid mortals, how do you match the gods?!"

"Go to death!"

Loki waved his scepter, and the power of the original mind stone suddenly turned into a laser projection. The crowd who looked down on Loki was suddenly startled by the laser, and only then did they realize that this unremarkable alien friend was still a bit capable. .

And seeing the scepter light up, Steve Rogers took a deep breath.

"Oops! Everyone is in danger!"

Shen Gunde commanded loudly, "Get down! Get down!"

Loki sneered at the corner of his mouth, killing intent filled his heart.

"Stupid mortals, how can you resist the weapons of the gods?"

However, at this moment, a figure rushed from the direction of the police car.

It was a figure with its own halo and its own hair dryer.

He jumped up in the air and sacrificed himself to block the laser shot from the Mind Gem.

The laser beam hit him and pierced his chest instantly, but the laser beam that penetrated his body attenuated and could no longer hurt others.

Citizens exclaimed involuntarily, and their gratitude came spontaneously!

The Super Patrol and the Fantastic Four are even more awe-inspiring. It seems that sacrificing oneself to save others has become this person's instinctive reaction! !

Only Loki, who committed murder with a scepter, smiled disdainfully and completely ignored this Stupid, mortal who will only kill and do nothing... You think your sacrifice will save others ? Hehe, I'll show you that there's no point in what you're doing! "

However, at this moment, the "mortal" who was penetrated by the laser beam suddenly did a backflip in the air and landed on the ground.

At the same time, the onlookers shouted his name excitedly, as if this guy was not a policeman, but a national idol.



"Flying high!!"

"Flying high!!"

Goofy, who had just been pierced by the laser but fell to the ground unharmed in an instant, turned his head and smiled at everyone, then turned to look at the stunned Loki.

"My astonished alien friend, I officially announce that you have been arrested on multiple charges, and you have the right to remain silent, but everything you say will become evidence in court."

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