American Comic Survival Guide

Chapter 274: soul stone

S.H.I.E.L.D. vehicles sped along the interstate, targeting the S.H.I.E.L.D. headquarters in Washington.

Loki also needs to go to Washington to sign a confession provided by an international organization before Thor can take him back to Asgard.

Although the cowards like S.H.I.E.L.D. and the International Security Council do not have the courage to punish Loki, the face project still has to be done - we can not punish you, or we can let you return to your hometown safe and sound, but you must sign a guilty plea The book proves that our earth still judges you.

When future generations ask questions, we can hold this confession and say proudly: "Look! Your ancestors also judged God!"

At this time, Loki was sitting leisurely in the car, chatting with his brother Thor from time to time.

"Did Dad think I'm dead? By the way, is Mom very sad? I'm her favorite child, she must be in pain, right?" Loki asked meanly.

"Shut up! You **** liar, you have no right to call them parents!" Thor roared with a black face, he was extremely angry, not only because Loki went to the earth to make trouble, but also because Loki pretended to be so good.

When he first saw him fall from the Rainbow Bridge, Thor was about to collapse. He thought his brother was just taking the lunch.

It's a pity that he has never heard a wise saying on the earth - good people don't live long, disasters last thousands of years.

Loki never died when he was doing damage everywhere, and when he finally wanted to be a good person at the beginning of "Avengers 3", he was immediately pinched to death by Thanos.

The wise saying is worthy of the wise saying! It all stands the test of script!

The current Loki is clearly a scourge, which means that he certainly won't die.

"Oh, brother, don't hold grudges like this, you must have missed me a lot during this time, right?" Loki said with a smile, "By the way, it seems that you have a good relationship with these lowly mortals. Is this your way of bribing people's hearts? Not bad, brother, you have learned how to buy people's hearts?"

"Shut up!" Thor scolded quickly, and Fury, Hawkeye, and Hill in the car all didn't look good.

Of course Loki didn't shut up, but continued to provoke.

He glanced at the agents sitting in front of him, and then his eyes stayed on Hawkeye.

"Huh? Isn't this my most admired subordinate? I'm sorry for tossing you so hard that night, it almost made you nervous..." Loki said with a smile.

Hawkeye is about to turn around and beat him, how dare you talk about it!

At that time, Loki and Goofy were attacking from both sides, one kept bewitching Hawkeye, the other kept awakening him, Hawkeye switched quickly between lost and awake states, and almost cut into a bad pen!

And what's even worse is what Loki said next.

"I have to admit that you are a good assistant. Do you remember those agents in the SHIELD base? You kill them all with one arrow and three or two..."

That night, 27 agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. were killed. These poor people not only died at the hands of Loki, but Loki used the original mind stone to transform Hawkeye. The lost Hawkeye also killed several agents by mistake.

At that time, Hawkeye just lost his mind, but his memory was not affected, which means that after Hawkeye regained his senses, he still remembered that he killed his comrades.

Hawkeye has been living in self-blame and repentance these past few days, and he still doesn't know how to face the friends or family members of those agents.

After listening to Loki's words, Hawkeye exploded on the spot.

"You damned beast, you should be executed!!"

Hawkeye turned sharply at Loki, his eyes turning red.

"Hey! Patton, calm down!" Fury reminded quickly.

Thor also quickly stopped Hawkeye and said solemnly: "Sorry, Hawkeye, please calm down..."

"Calm down? How can I calm down? This **** guy killed 27 of my comrades in arms, and I killed 6 of them myself! Some of these 6 people get along with me day and night, and some of them are brought into S.H.I.E.L.D. The... but I killed them! I killed them!!"

Hawkeye growled loudly,

"All of this is a good thing this guy has done! He is a devil! Now you want to send him away safe and sound, so that he can escape sentence and punishment? Why? Why?"

"Hey! Barton, you are too impulsive, have you forgotten what I said before?" Nick Fury quickly reminded.

Hawkeye glanced back at Fury, and he suddenly felt that the director of S.H.I.E.L.D. was so hypocritical and ruthless.

"Fuck off Fury, stop fooling me with your big-picture bullshit, I just want him to pay for his life! Let this alien invader pay for his life!"

Having said that, Hawkeye took out the dagger in his sleeve and stabbed it fiercely at Loki.

Thor quickly stretched out his hand to block Hawkeye's dagger, and said with a dark face: "Hawkeye, what's the matter with you? S.H.I.E.L.D. and I have already negotiated terms, Loki will sign the confession, and I will take him back to Ahmad. Sgard is punished."

"Asgard's punishment? Hehe..." Hawkeye sneered, "Don't lie to me, you Asgardians will punish Asgardians? Loki is your brother! He is the son of Odin! You guys Would you have the heart to punish him? Stop joking!"

Saying that, Hawkeye took out the gun from his waist, raised it and started shooting at Loki and Thor.

There was chaos in the car, and the driver was in a mess...

Thor saw that Hawkeye did what he said, and a mass of anger surged in his chest.

"Damn, don't force me to do it!"

"Oh, you're finally going to do it? Finally, you don't put on a hypocritical face that is friendly to the earth, right?" Hawkeye sneered, "Thor, the **** of thunder, I have long seen that you are self-proclaimed gods, and you never put on In the eyes of us earthlings, we earthlings have been killed by your brother 33 people! You still have the face to take care of us and want people? You are so shameless!"

"Presumptuous!" Thor roared, raising his hand and pinching towards Hawkeye's neck.

Fury hurriedly shouted: "Stop, Thor! Don't be so impulsive!"

At this time, even Hill, who had always been calm, couldn't help but burst out. He turned back and yelled at Fury: "Director! Did you see it? This is what you call Earth's allies, the Asgardians, who have already attacked us. If they are facing each other, do you still want to bow down to please them?"

Fury was stunned by Hill's scolding. He didn't expect that Hill, who had always obeyed him, would stand on the opposite side of him.

At the same time, Fury only felt that he was very angry, and there seemed to be a fire in his chest. This fire made him lose his mind and spurted Hill with red eyes.

"Shut up for me, Hill, you have no right to question my decision, you are only responsible for obeying, understand?"

When Hill heard this, his chest heaved with anger.

"Sorry, Chief, I will never blindly obey a stupid order!"

Having said that, Hill drew his gun at Loki.

"Officer Gao Fei is right, if someone kills my comrade-in-arms, then I don't care what kind of **** **** or devil he is, even if I risk my life, I will let him pay with blood and blood!!"

Before he finished speaking, Hill had already fired.

Bang bang bang!

Three shots sounded, but instead of killing Loki, they broke the car glass in the trunk.

The driver is not good, and the people in Nima's car are crazy! !

I don't know why, but the driver feels that he is not in a particularly good mood now.

"Nima love who and who! I dare not drive this car!"

The driver instantly turned into an irritable parked the car in the middle of the road, pulled the handbrake, opened the door, got out of the car and ran.

Fury is stupid - what the **** is going on here?

Why did the driver run away?

What can we do now?

What's worse is that the carriage is already in a mess, Thor and Hawkeye scuffled together, and Hill also rushed to help Hawkeye.

Fury roared loudly: "Stop! I order you to stop immediately!!"

Loki in the back seat had a wicked smile on his face.

And the original spiritual stone inlaid on the scepter in the trunk is exuding a faint brilliance...

Goofy once reminded Thor to be careful with this scepter, but Thor has long since thrown his advice out of the sky...

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