American Comic Survival Guide

Chapter 275: The Avengers

Boooom! !

With a muffled sound, Thor smashed the entire car with a hammer, Hawkeye and Fury rolled violently in the car, and the thin Agent Hill was thrown out of the car.

Loki screamed and fell to the ground, but it was just his illusion. The real Loki had already escaped from the sky with the original scepter of the mind in the trunk, but unfortunately neither S.H.I.E.L.D. nor Thor found it.

In the case of losing the monitoring of the gods, Loki's little trick comes in handy again, and it has been tried and tested against his brash brother, at least so far.

Agent Hill, who was thrown away, only felt a sharp pain in her chest. It was a recurrence of the old bone fracture a few days ago. She struggled to get up, but suddenly saw a familiar figure.


Loki with a scepter.

He looked at Hill with a wicked smile, and said in a low voice, "Oh, you are a special person. Be my servant. Only in this way can your low life be of maximum value..."

Having said that, Loki's scepter was lightly picked and accurately poked into Hill's chest.

Hill's pupils gradually changed, becoming Loki's puppet.

But at this moment, a deep voice sounded not far away.

"Put down your weapons, let go of Agent Hill!"

Loki followed the reputation and saw a petite and thin-haired agent holding a gun at him.

"It's you..." Loki sneered, he remembered that the guy seemed to be called Coulson.

"Put down the weapon, let Agent Hill go, and I won't say it a third time." Coulson straightened the firearm in his hand - this is a big guy created by S.H.I.E.L.D.

Looking at Coulson, Loki shook his head slightly.

"Sorry, you're just a mediocre agent, you're useless to me..."

Agent Coulson immediately caught the implication of the sentence, and he pulled the trigger almost instantly.

It's a pity that the Loki in front of him is already an illusion, and the real Loki has long been behind him.

"Stupid mortal, go to hell..."

The scepter pierced Coulson's back and stabbed straight into his heart.


Coulson spat out a mouthful of blood and fell heavily to the ground.

And Loki, while Thor and Hawkeye were still fighting, told Hill, "We should leave here, let's go."

Thor, Hawkeye, and Fury's emotions gradually calmed down until the original soul stone left the scene.

Only then did they realize that Loki in the carriage was just an illusion, and that Agent Hill was gone.

Not far away, Agent Coulson fell into a pool of blood with the latest weapon developed by S.H.I.E.L.L. Hill.

"Damn it!" Thor said angrily, clenching his fists, "to let him run away!"

"Mazefak!" Nick Fury pinched his dark and bright forehead depressedly, and his situation was even more embarrassing.

Not only did Loki take away his most powerful assistant, Hill, and kill his most loyal subordinate, Coulson, but also made him unable to explain to the International Security Council...

Of course these are not the worst, the worst is the responsibility letter he signed with Goofy.

Once Loki escapes, Fury becomes the sinner who betrayed the earth - the Super Patrol has every reason to suspect that Fury colluded with the Asgardians to avoid punishment and smuggled interstellar felons.

"Listen, Thor, we have to get Loki back, right now!" Nick Fury turned to Thor.

Thor said in his heart, you are not talking nonsense!

I also knew that I had to get Loki back, but how could it be that simple!

Loki is good at avatars, illusions, invisibility... This guy's skills are all used to escape.

But what about me?

I only have a hammer! !

Squeezing his forehead, Thor said helplessly, "I'm not familiar with the earth, so I have to rely on you to find someone."

Nick Fury was blacked out on the spot.

Your excuses are yo-yo.

Hawkeye next to him made a plan: "How about we go to Gao Fei for help?"

As soon as Gao Fei came forward, it meant that both the Super Patrol and the Fantastic Four would come forward, and Shen Gongde seemed to have a knack for finding people.

But Fury immediately refused.

"No! Let's look for it first, but if we really can't find it, we will go to Gao Fei for help..."

Fury didn't dare to let Goofy know the news of Loki's escape, otherwise Goofy would not have arrested him on the spot with the responsibility letter he signed.

Although Hawkeye disagreed, there was no other way.

Without the interference of the soul stone, he still dared not challenge Fury...


late at night.

A small secret base of S.H.I.E.L.D. in suburban Connecticut.

Loki took Hill and drove straight in, killing all the stationed agents Dou Zhan Que's nest.

Using Hill's authority to call up the internal information of S.H.I.E.L.D., Loki looked for useful information in it.

"Come on, S.H.I.E.L.D., let me see what valuable information you can give me..."

Soon, he turned to a document with a level of 9 or higher authority, the name of the document was - "Avengers - Preliminary Research Report".

Loki's eyes lit up.

"The Avengers? What is this."

Click on the file, and a large number of archive data of superpowers are displayed in front of Loki.

"Name: Carol Danvers. Gender: Female. Ability Rating:..."

After the archive data, there are assessments and recommendations provided by SHIELD.

"Assessment: Perseverance and strong ability. Recommended to join the Avengers."

Scroll down again.

"Name: Anthony Stark. Gender: Male."


"Assessment: Blind and arrogant, defiant, with a certain risk-taking tendency, poor teamwork ability... Suggestion: To be determined."

Move on.

"Name: Namor McKinsey. Gender: Male."

"Assessment: Very poor emotional management ability, extreme personality, stubbornness, lack of sufficient moral restraint on myself... It is not recommended to join the Avengers."

"Name: Frank Custer. Gender: Male."

"Assessment: moody, stubborn, ruthless... I don't recommend joining the Avengers."

"Name: Steve Rogers. Gender: Male."

"Assessment: Excellent tactical literacy and excellent team awareness. Recommended to join the Avengers."

Loki turned back page by page and browsed through these superpowers who were recruited by S.H.I.E.L.D. Since the appearance of Captain Marvel, S.H.I.E.L.D. has been carrying out this secret mission. The superpowers on earth are almost It's almost been checked by them.

Some of the previous content, Loki is just looking at the flowers, because these superpowers are either extremely powerful, or they are too far away and can't be found for a while, and it is not easy for Loki to use them.

Until he turned to one of the pages Loki's eyes stopped.

"Name: Bruce Banner. Gender: Male."

"Ability: When threatened or emotionally unstable, it mutates into a destructive Hulk, which is immune to most attacks."

"Recent Incident: Captured by the military in conjunction with the NYPD after causing damage in New York, currently being held by the military at a secret base in Connecticut."

"Assessment: Emotionally unstable, easy to lose control, and too destructive. It is not recommended to join the Avengers."

Seeing this, there was a smile on the corner of Loki's mouth, he clicked on some videos about Bruce Banner, and the Hulk's burly posture suddenly came into view.

"What a powerful monster..."

Loki looked at the sturdy body of the Hulk and laughed wildly (?).

"What a strong body, what an amazing destructive power, I like this guy so much..."

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