Marvel Studios

"Boss, the building next door has been renovated. Do you want to take a look?" Connor found Li Qingyue and said.

"Ah, what's been decorated?"

"The building next door, didn't we say we would use that building to take in orphans? Now it has been renovated, and orphans or street children are starting to live in it."

Originally Li Qingyue didn't plan to go there, but suddenly he seemed to think of something and changed his mind directly: "Let's go and have a look."

The two came to their previous dormitory building, but now it has been completely renovated and has become similar to a university dormitory. There are beds and tables. The first floor is divided into six rooms. Each room can accommodate four people. Each room has a shower room and toilet, and is also equipped with Internet, washing machine, air conditioner, water dispenser, etc.

It can be said that the accommodation is even better than some people. As soon as the two came in, they found Tom and Jerry eating the golden arches with a group of children.

After seeing the two people coming, the children quickly stood up and timidly said hello to them.

"How do they eat?" Li Qingyue looked at them, stretched out his hand and asked them to continue.

"I ordered their three meals a day from a restaurant in Hell's Kitchen. Although the taste is not very good, it contains meat, vegetables and soup, and the nutrition is relatively balanced. The meals are different every day, and daily necessities I also ask Old Jack to provide a ration of those every month."

"Okay, how many children are there now?"

"About thirty-five kids."

"Call them all over here." Li Qingyue said.

"Boss, what do you want to do?"

"You call them over first, don't worry it won't do any harm to them."

Connor looked at Li Qingyue with suspicion, but still called all the children down.

Thirty-five children almost filled the hall. Li Qingyue looked at it and found that nearly half of the thirty-five children were only four or five years old, and the remaining half were only thirteen or fourteen years old. He was only about a year or two older than Richard.

"Those under ten years old can go back and rest." Li Qingyue said helplessly.

But what he didn't expect was that no one moved.

"Can't you hear me? Children under ten years old can go back to rest. You are all too young."

Not only Li Qingyue was talking, but Connor was also winking at them from behind, and the children left reluctantly. They were about seventeen or eight years old, and they were basically over ten years old.

But they don't have enough to eat all year round, and their bodies are much thinner than those of their peers.

"Okay, I think you should also know my identity. I am the boss of a firm. Now my firm is seriously short of manpower, so I want to train you and let you handle the commissions of our firm. Of course I won't Let you work for nothing, and you can get 90% of the commission."

"But we don't know anything." The oldest child among the seventeen or eight children stood up and said.

"I know, so I will ask someone to train you. Of course, if you don't want to join our firm, I won't blame you. You can continue to live here."

"Can I know how much money we can make from a commission?"

"At least you can earn a few thousand dollars, and at most you can even earn millions. Tens of millions is also possible."

"I'd like to join."

As the first child joined, more and more children joined, and finally all seventeen or eight people joined.

"Okay, from now on, you will be temporary employees of the office. If you perform well, you can become a regular employee. Then I will arrange for someone to train you. If you perform well, you can get the T virus. This virus can strengthen the human body and does not have any As a side effect, I hope you can study hard so that you can graduate earlier and receive commissions earlier."

After speaking, Li Qingyue left, and Connor followed him.

"Boss, who can we ask to train them?"

"I already have a candidate for this."

After saying goodbye to Connor, Li Qingyue came to Vanessa's house and saw Vanessa sunbathing with fans. He immediately asked: "Vanessa, did your brother survive?"

"You survived, but your injuries were very serious. You are lying in the hospital now. What happened?"

"It's okay. I just want him to be an instructor for a group of children."


"Yes, a group of orphans. Let them learn more skills so that they can gain a foothold in this society as adults. Which hospital is Wick in now?"

After waiting for the hospital address, Li Qingyue found Jill and asked her to exchange for a T virus serum. After coming out, Li Qingyue found Wick. At this time, he was lying in the hospital with a smile on his lips because he had successfully escaped from the Continental Congress. , he is a free man from now on.

"Hello, John Wick."

"Boss Li, why are you here?"

"I'm here to give you a job."

"I no longer want to be a killer."

"You are not a killer, but an instructor, teaching a group of children fighting, firearms and other skills. In short, you can teach them what you know. As a reward, in addition to food and accommodation, a monthly salary of 100,000 US dollars, and this Got it." As he spoke, Li Qingyue shook the T-Virus in his hand.

"What's this?"

"T virus, after injection, can give you a special ability and strengthen your body without any side effects."

"I agreed!"

No one can resist the temptation to become stronger. Li Qingyue smiled and helped Wick inject the T virus. Soon the T virus began to strengthen Wick's body and repair his damaged body. Soon Wick could walk out of bed. .

"When do I work?"


"Then now."

The two then came to the dormitory together, called down the group of children, introduced Wick to them, and asked Connor to prepare a place for Wick to live, but unexpectedly Wick refused.

"No, I have a house here too, just next door."

"Look at my brain, I have forgotten that you are Vanessa's brother and Kingpin's uncle. Okay, I'll leave them to you, and you can watch and train them yourself."

"Training is fine, but where's the gun?"

"If you want guns, just go to Jinpin's shooting range. They have a wide variety of them. Just tell him and you can use them as you like."

Wick nodded, and after making it clear, he called the group of children to come to him. The results showed that these children were too thin and there was no way to train them, so the most effective way was to let them catch up with their nutrition first. , Wick immediately began to formulate a training plan.

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