American Comics Agency: Starting with rescuing Iron Man

Chapter 133 Destroying Skynet (Part 1)

"Has Wick started training?" Li Qingyue asked looking at Connor who walked in.

"No, he is helping those children to supplement their nutrition. They are too thin."

"Well, what have you been up to lately?"

"No, what's wrong, boss?"

"It's nothing. I plan to directly solve the "Terminator" commission and help mankind solve Skynet, but this requires Gaia's help. Gaia, are you there?" Li Qingyue suddenly shouted.

"My boss here, what's wrong?" Gaia's voice sounded, and her voice became more and more like a human voice.

"Nothing, I just need your help for the next commission. In that world, artificial intelligence betrayed mankind. It first used nuclear bombs to wash the earth, and then created a large number of robots to clean up mankind. What you will deal with will be like this A being, are you sure you can defeat it?"

"Boss, I'm not bragging, I'm invincible now!"

"I told you, read less Chinese novels."

"You don't understand me, boss."

Li Qingyue rolled his eyes angrily, then Li Qingyue took a mobile phone and asked Gaia to transfer it to the mobile phone. Then Li Qingyue said to Connor: "I'm going to go there. If anything happens, you can handle it yourself."

"Got it, boss," Connor shouted.

Then Li Qingyue directly took off the sheepskin scroll, and disappeared in a flash of white light.

When Li Qingyue opened his eyes, he found that he was in a ruins. Several titanium alloy skeleton T600s not far away seemed to have discovered Li Qingyue. Without any nonsense, they directly raised their guns and pointed them at Li Qingyue.


"Received from the boss, they have been controlled!"

I saw the T600, whose eyes originally glowed red, now turned blue, and put away its weapons and stood obediently behind Li Qingyue.

"Boss, these robots are too low-end. They are just made to be used as cannon fodder. They don't even have a sound system."

From Gaia's tone, it seems that she is very dissatisfied with this T600.

"Okay, I asked you to kill Skynet, not to complain. Can you connect to the Internet now?"

"No, these T600 Terminators are not connected to Skynet at all. They are just programmed to kill humans on sight. There is no way to confront Skynet head-on." Gaia said helplessly.

"Forget it, let's see if we can find humans. I guess the surviving humans will know Skynet's base."

"Boss, there seems to be a situation ahead!" Gaia shouted.

Li Qingyue looked up and saw a tall robot appearing in the distance. The robot's hands were two claws, specially used to capture humans for experiments.

"It's the Reaper, a robot that specializes in capturing humans. It's twenty-four meters tall. Can you control it?"

"No problem, but you need to get closer." Gaia's voice came.


Then Li Qingyue led five T600 towards the Reaper giant robot. At this time, the Reaper giant robot seemed to be fighting someone. Just when the giant robot was about to catch those humans, the Reaper giant robot suddenly stopped. down.

"Marcus, what's going on?" a boy asked in horror.

"I don't know either, but I know we have to leave now."

"No, I want to save those people!"

"Kyle! You have to calm down. None of us know when it will continue to act. Now we can only protect ourselves first!" The strong man said, grabbing the boy's shoulders.

"Don't be so nervous, they are my robots now." Li Qingyue walked towards them. They were calm at first, but when they saw the T600 behind Li Qingyue, they were so frightened that they immediately raised their weapons and aimed at them. Li Qingyue.

"Calm down, calm down, I don't want to do anything to you, but the prerequisite is that you don't do anything to me either." Li Qingyue raised his hands to indicate that he had no intention of doing anything.

But the five T600 Terminators behind him were too intimidating. At this time, a little black girl said: "Kyle, look at their eyes, they are blue."

Only then did the boy realize that the T600 Terminator behind Li Qingyue had blue eyes. The T600 Terminator with blue light actually seemed a little peaceful and not so scary.

"Gaia, put them down." Li Qingyue said calmly.

Then the Reapers placed one human being on the ground again. The remaining human beings stood there gasping for air, but they still looked at Li Qingyue with horrified eyes. After all, he could control the Terminator. This is enough to shock them for a lifetime.

"Do you know where Skynet's base is?" Li Qingyue asked them.

"I'm sorry, we don't know the location of the Skynet base, but the rebels will definitely know it, but we don't know how to contact the rebels, and you can control the reapers, why can't you control the reapers and go directly to the Skynet base? What?" the boy said.

"Hey, you are quite smart with your little head. What is your name?"

"Kyle Reese."

"Not bad, Gaia, can you do it?"

"No way, boss, Skynet, the bastard, immediately deleted all the information about the base in the Terminator chips after discovering me." Gaia's voice sounded, which made the people around him subconsciously step back. After all, they had already I have experienced a betrayal by artificial intelligence.

"Don't be afraid, Gaia is different from Skynet. Can you control the T600 Terminators around you now?"

"Okay, now they are like regional networks, and now I can control the Terminator of an entire city."

"Okay, let's take control, clear an area, and then collect supplies."

"Copy that, boss! Just follow the reapers. I've already arranged for the terminators to start cleaning up."

As the Reaper started to activate, Li Qingyue suddenly said: "Gaia, we can ride the Reaper."


"Okay, just take us in."

Then the human beings who had just set foot on the ground were once again captured by the reapers and put into cells. Then the reapers began to walk towards the city. Soon they saw a simple shack, and Terminators of various materials were already being moved in. .

"Everyone, let's rest here tonight, and then help find a way to contact the resistance." Li Qingyue shouted, and then put everyone on the ground.

And they seemed to have not seen so much supplies for a long time. Without saying a word, they rushed up and started eating and drinking. Even if this was a trap, they had to eat to their heart's content.

After they had eaten and drank enough, Li Qingyue said to them: "You can go to bed. Now the terminators in the entire city are on our side, so you can have a peaceful sleep."

After hearing this, everyone's eyes were full of disbelief. They looked at a lot of Terminators around them. They wanted to say something, and finally went into the shack to sleep.

"Gaia, can you contact the rebels via radio?"

"I'm trying. As long as the rebels continue to broadcast, I'm confident that I can find them!" Gaia said, patting her chest.

"I hope so."

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