destroy dimension

After Constantine absorbed Satan's hell dimension, the destruction dimension became much larger. However, because all the hell energy was absorbed by Connor, the improvement of all destruction dimensions was not great, and he still has not left the intermediate dimension.

In the dimension of destruction, Thor continues to fight Beelzebub, but unfortunately, Thor is no match for Beelzebub. The armor is so damaged that it cannot see its original appearance, and only a piece of cloth is left hanging on it. On him.

"You are too weak. You are even weaker than before. It's a pity that you can no longer wash away your shame. After all, I am going to die too." Beelzebub said with a relieved smile, while looking to the side of Constantine.

"Don't interfere. If I lose, just let him go, okay?" Sol said as he stood up.

"He is your opponent, and I respect your choice."

Thor stood up. When Constantine saw this, he waved his hand, and a huge arena suddenly appeared under their feet. Thor opened his hand to summon Thor's hammer.

But Beelzebub didn't give him this chance at all. He flashed in front of him, grabbed his hand and gave him a knee. Sol's arm was turned 90 degrees in the opposite direction, and the bones even appeared.

The intense pain caused Thor to scream, while Constantine watched the battle between the two from above.

Seeing this scene in front of him, he couldn't help but sigh.

But Beelzebub never thought of letting him go, and broke his other arm in the same way. After doing this, Beelzebub did not continue to attack, but squatted down and looked at Suo with the eyes of an ant. you.

Thor glared at Beelzebub. He never thought that he would be looked at by someone like this. He tried hard to stand up, but Beelzebub sneered and said, "What can you do even if you stand up?" ? It’s hard to even move your arm now, let alone hold Mjolnir, so you’d better lie down and admit that I won.”

Sol didn't speak. He put his head on the ground and slowly got up. After some hard work, he finally knelt on the ground with his legs. Then he raised his head, resisting the pain in his arms, and changed from kneeling on his knees to Kneel down on one knee and finally stand up with both legs.

Beelzebub looked at the stubborn Thor, his eyes gradually became colder, he turned his hand, and a sword appeared in his hand. He slowly walked towards Thor, and Thor looked at Beelzebub who was approaching. , there was no fear in his eyes. At this moment, a picture flashed in his mind, which was what Li Qingyue said teasing him.

"Are you the God of Hammers or the God of Thunder?"

It was this joke that kept flashing back in his mind, and he suddenly thought of something. In the blink of an eye, he came to a strange place, where there was a sea in front of him, and he was in a piece of grass.

"You are here, my child." A strong old man looked at him. He wore a red goatee and looked at Thor with a kind expression.

"Who are you?"

"Bor Odinson is also your grandfather."


"That's right. Why, didn't your father tell you about me?"

Thor shook his head, and at the same time he was confused as to why he appeared here.

"Grandpa, why do I appear here?"

"This is your spiritual world and the place where your divine power resides, but your divine power has not been awakened at all."

"Impossible, my divine power has been awakened, I am the God of Thunder!" Thor retorted excitedly.

"Really? If there is no Mjolnir, will you still be the God of Thunder?" Bol asked, looking at Thor.

"I don't have Mjolnir, I'm still the God of Thunder!"

"Really? Attack me!" Bol said as he stood up.

"Grandpa, what did you say!"

"Do it!" Bol became cold and yelled at Thor.

Thor was stunned for a moment, but quickly reacted and rushed towards Bol to take action. Looking at Thor's appearance, Bol shook his head in disappointment and didn't even move his hands, carrying him behind his back. .

Bol turned sideways and stretched out his feet, and Thor was knocked down.

"Come again!"

Thor got up from the ground and continued to attack Bol, but no matter how he attacked, he still couldn't defeat Bol. Even Bol never made a move and defeated him with just his legs.

Thor felt an unprecedented sense of frustration, not even when facing Beelzebub.

"See? Without Mjolnir, you are not even as good as an ordinary Asgardian soldier. Why did your father give you Mjolnir? It was to allow you to better control your Divine power, but now it seems that he should not have given you Mjolnir. Now you are completely dependent on Mjolnir. You must know that you are the God of Thunder, not the God of Hammers, so awaken your divine power."

After saying that, Bor disappeared, and a ball of liquid lightning appeared in front of Thor. Thor directly stretched out his hand and touched the liquid lightning. Suddenly Thor felt more comfortable than ever before.

It seemed that he had been in this mental space for a long time, but in fact the time outside had been cooled down, so when Thor truly awakened his unique power of the God of Thunder, he opened his eyes in reality, and the injuries on his body It has been completely repaired, and his eyes are filled with lightning.

Beelzebub felt the change in Thor, but before he had time to think about why Thor had changed like this, Thor had already arrived in front of him, and saw his hands covered with thunder and lightning attacking him.

Beelzebub held a long sword and kept blocking Thor's attacks, but Thor, who had awakened his true divine power, had completely suppressed Beelzebub. After only a few rounds of fighting, Beelzebub was defeated by Thor. On the ground.

However, Saul did not kill Beelzebub, but let him go.

"I choose to let you go, but you will never be allowed to enter the earth again. Do you hear me clearly?"

Beelzebub did not speak, but looked deeply at Thor, turned and left the dimension of destruction, came to Mephisto's hell dimension, and joined his camp.

Now that the crisis in the three major hells has been lifted, only the dark dimension and the crimson universe are left. But the situation is not much better now. One of the three major temples was destroyed by the dark believers, and now there are only two temples left. There is no way to completely prevent the arrival of the dimension demon.

So Modu began to allocate manpower to repair the damaged temple, and at the same time sent an army to guard the other two temples. Now the safety of the earth can only rely on Strange and Li Qingyue.

At this time, Li Qingyue's situation in the Crimson Universe is not much better. After all, Cytorak is too powerful. He can also be said to be one of the more powerful among the dimensional demons. Even though Li Qingyue has a body of steel, But he was still beaten and retreated.

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