American Comics Agency: Starting with rescuing Iron Man

Chapter 218 Come to an end (Supplement 1, owe 3)

crimson universe

Li Qingyue panted and looked at Cytorak who was fighting in front of him.

"You are too weak. Even if you can grow up, you are still no match for me. You are too weak. I won't play with you anymore." Cytorac appeared in front of Li Qingyue in a flash, and then punched him away. in the universe.

Seeing this, Dormammu also forced Strange back, and the two dimensional demons joined forces to collide with the temple's magic circle. Not to mention, the magic circle that the two joined forces really collided with was looming.

"What should we do now?"

Everyone gathered on Earth and asked, but even though they asked, their eyes were always staring at Li Qingyue.

"Is there any way to stop them?"

"Unless the damaged temple is repaired directly, and then I am in charge of the magic circle, so that they can be completely isolated, the reason why those dimensional demons have been unable to attack the earth, apart from the teacher, the biggest reason is that the supreme mage of the past generations is sitting here After the magic circle, the Dimension Demon God cannot break the magic circle at all."

"Then go and repair it quickly. Can't you just use the time stone to repair it?" Li Qingyue shouted.

"Yeah, I forgot about it!" Then Strange quickly ran to the damaged temple, and kept dancing with his gestures. Finally, the Eye of Agamotto slowly opened, and then time began to flow backward in the area where the temple was located. In the end, the temple was restored to its original state, and when the temple was restored, Strange immediately notified the king and asked him to lead people to repair the loopholes in the magic circle to ensure that Hell and the others could not come back.

The joint invasion of the two dimensional demon gods was also stopped by the magic circle.

As Strange sat in the magic circle, where Karma Taj stored the Eye of Agamotto, he sat cross-legged, and the time gem on his chest continued to release green energy. This energy was just Pure energy does not contain the law of time.

This green energy submerged into the magic circle, directly strengthening the magic circle.

If the combined attack of the two people could shake the magic circle before, then their attacks on the magic circle now can be said to be completely calm.

Not only that, Li Qingyue also took action to kill all the dark believers. So far, the crisis composed of five dimensional demon gods has come to an end for the time being, but it is not over, because the dark dimension and the crimson universe have stayed around the earth. , and it only allows entry and no exit. What does that mean? It means that you can enter the earth, but you can’t get out if you want to.

As soon as you go out, you will most likely enter the dark dimension or the crimson universe, where you will be brainwashed by Dormammu and Cytorak to become their believers.

So for the safety of the earth, Strange needs to find a way to deal with them. After all, letting them stay here all year round is not an option. Strange puts the Eye of Agamotto into the center of the circle, and then Strange Qi put a spell into the Eye of Agamotto. This spell allows the time stone to release time energy for a long time to maintain the strength of the magic circle.

In this case, there would be no need for Strange to sit in the center of the magic circle all the time. In fact, the Supreme Mage of a certain generation had already invented this spell, but he did not tell others about it, in order to make those dimensional demons think that the Magic Circle still needs the Supreme Mage to be in charge. To maintain such intensity.

After escaping, Strange immediately threw himself into the library. He needed a lot of knowledge to find a way to break the situation, while the others returned to their respective bases or homes.

Only S.H.I.E.L.D. is struggling to clean up the mess. The corpses of demons and the weapons of demon gods are all they need to clean up.

Especially the weapons of the devil. The moment they touch them, all kinds of spiritual pollution will invade their minds, causing them to involuntarily fall into believing in the Lord of Hell. For this reason, SHIELD has to use disconnected robots to contain these The weapons will be completely destroyed after the robot completes its mission, leaving no residue behind.

So it took them almost a week to clean up these demon corpses and weapons. They only left a sufficient number of demon corpses for research, and all other corpses were thrown into the dimension of destruction. After all, they battled the mages this time. A large amount of destructive energy was used, coupled with the usual unrestrained use, it was only when the debt needed to be repaid that they realized how much they owed.

Fortunately, there were so many demons this time that they even got rich.

SHIELD, after obtaining the demon's body, began research, hoping to create a serum that can strengthen the human body through studying demons. However, demons are legendary existences after all, so these researchers were still a little uncomfortable at first. Dare to dissect and study these demon corpses.

But with Coulson's explanation, they realized that these so-called demons were actually alien races. They just came to the earth many years ago and were recorded by humans at that time. Only then did these researchers relax and start studying demons. body of.

However, this thing does not produce results so quickly, it still needs time to settle.

Li Qingyue was also very tired, but Li Qingyue felt that he had made a profit. After all, he did not use the temporary recruitment card. If he had used it, then the commission would have been a huge loss.

At the same time, Li Qingyue also went to the temple to choose a magic weapon. He chose a crystal ball that can control the weather at will. With this crystal ball, Apocalypse in the office space can be controlled by them, and it will rain if they want. If it rains, it will be sunny if you want.

Everyone also returned to their normal lives, especially Connor. Because he absorbed Satan's hell dimension, he is now ridiculously strong. His physical fitness is not weaker than that of Li Qingyue, and he has even evolved to the ability to fly. , slightly inferior to Li Qingyue in terms of speed, and there is nothing to talk about in terms of strength.

This is still his human form. If it is a demon form, this aspect will be geometrically improved.

It can be said that Connor, Constantine and Li Qingyue are the strongest group of people on earth. Even the Eternals united are no match for them.

Li Qingyue was lying on the beach chair as usual, while Connor was dating Naya, and at the same time he was familiar with the sudden increase of hell energy in his body. After all, only by being completely familiar with it can he truly exert his own strength.

Constantine is assisting Strange and starting to fill the loopholes, so that Hell will not be able to launch a large-scale war for at least a hundred years, but they will not be able to stop the petty theft behind the scenes.

Richard has also returned to campus, but this matter has not completely passed, because the dark dimension and deep red universe around the earth have seriously affected many people.

These two dimensions are not covered up, but are fully displayed. If Tony had not informed each country of the horrors of these two dimensions in advance, they would have probably sent people in to investigate the situation.

After learning about the existence of these two dimensions, the earth immediately began to block information about the situation, and at the same time asked astronomers to make up random things. In short, they wanted to turn these things into a once-in-a-century spectacle. After ensuring that public opinion was controlled, countries The senior management breathed a sigh of relief.

Now they feel more and more that the earth is really too difficult to bring home. It is either invaded by aliens or invaded by dimensional demons. There is no telling what monsters and monsters will appear in the future.

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