American Comics Agency: Starting with rescuing Iron Man

Chapter 237 Pandora (supplement 1, no debt)

Marvel Studios

Commissions from three worlds appeared on the commission bulletin board again, and the commissions from these three worlds were pretty good.

"Pacific Rim: Lead the human army to invade the monster world in reverse and achieve success. Each employee will be rewarded with one million points upon completion of the mission, and the boss will be rewarded with a demon-exclusive weapon upgrade coupon."

"Avatar: Help Avatar coexist peacefully with humans. The task rewards each employee with 100,000 points, and the boss rewards special seeds."

"The Wandering Earth: Help the Earth reach the Centaur Galaxy. The mission rewards each employee with one million points. The boss comes to the Silver Superman version of heat vision."

Of these three commissions, only Avatar is more suitable for Walter and the others. To be honest, only Constantine, Connor and Li Qingyue can solve the other two commissions.

After thinking for a moment, Li Qingyue decided to carry out the commission together. After all, this way they could get his rewards and their points. For this reason, they decided to go to the world of Avatar first, because the scenery in this world is honestly very good, and it just so happened. You can go and relax.

In this way, everyone gathered together again. After asking, they found that they had nothing to deal with, and then they turned into a white light. When they appeared again, they had already appeared on the planet Pandora.

Although the environment here is very similar to that on Earth, the problem is that the atmosphere here contains some kind of poisonous gas. This poisonous gas is only targeting humans, so Richard, Walt and Jill immediately felt difficulty breathing.

When Li Qingyue saw this, he immediately looked at Constantine. Constantine waved his hand and a ball of purple energy entered their mouths and noses, so that the harmful gases in the air would be destroyed by the destructive energy.

The three of them soon recovered, and they started wandering around this magnificent planet.

Suddenly, a three-meter-tall beast jumped out, but Connor just glanced at it, and the beast shrank its head in fear.

"Come here, squat down!" Connor shouted sharply. The beast was trembling with fright, but it still lay down obediently. Jill looked at it and walked over gently. The beast still wanted to breathe, but it was okay. Na, Li Qingyue and Constantine glanced at it, and it was so frightened that it quickly buried its head in its hands.

"Okay, don't be afraid, don't be afraid, what is it called?"

"It didn't bark." Li Qingyue replied subconsciously.

As a result, Jill rolled her eyes at Li Qingyue and said, "I asked what its name was!"

"Oh, so that's what you said. Its name is Thunder Beast or Death Beast. It is a ferocious predator. It is 5.5 meters long and 2.5 meters high. It has six legs. It has an extremely hard skull, a huge jaw, and teeth. It is 23 centimeters long and has ten sensor feathers on its head; its whole body is covered with thick armor, which cannot be penetrated even by 7.62mm bullets. "

"It's quite cute." Gil said as he touched the Thunder Beast's head.

The Thunder Beast seems to know that Gil is the only creature that can protect itself, so it tries its best to please Gil.

"Okay, let's continue on our way. This big guy will be used as a means of transportation for you."

"thank you boss!"

"Thank you, teacher!"

Walter and Richard hurriedly ran to the back of the Thunder Beast. Tom and Jerry saw this and ran up quickly. But when Jill was about to go up, the Thunder Beast lowered its head, allowing Jill to get up more easily.

"Thank you, big guy." Gil patted the thunder beast on the head, and then several people and an indigenous beast continued their journey.

At this time, they saw an Avatar in an adventure suit appearing in front of them. You must know that Avatar is not the same race as the indigenous Na'vi people. Avatar is an Avatar cloned by humans using human genes and Na'vi genes, and the Na'vi people They are purebred indigenous people.

The reason why Li Qingyue could recognize these people as Avatars and not Na'vi was because these people were wearing expedition clothes and holding firearms. You must know that the Na'vi are equivalent to the indigenous people on the earth. They can only use cold weapons. He didn't know how to use thermal weapons, so Li Qingyue knew that these people were Avatars and not Na'vi.

"Boss, what should we do now?"

"Let's get to know them. What else can we do?" Li Qingyue walked out of the jungle. When the Avatars saw Li Qingyue and the others, they were shocked and speechless. After all, if humans want to survive on the Pandora planet, they must wear Put on the oxygen mask.

"Are you really human?" asked a female Avatar.

"Of course I'm human."

At this time, the Thunder Beast under Gill's seat roared in one direction. The roar startled the Avatars. When they were about to shoot, Connor stretched out his hand and tapped lightly. Suddenly everyone felt that the gun in their hands became It was very heavy, and in the end they couldn't bear the weight, and the guns hit the ground heavily.

This strange scene made the Avatars present swallow their saliva, and then a large number of wolf-like creatures came out of the jungle behind them. This kind of creature is called a viper wolf. They usually move in groups. , like the wolves, have strict hierarchies, and they have a total of five claws. These claws look like human hands, three in the front and two in the back.

"Viper Wolf!" The female avatar shouted loudly, and then they picked up the firearms on the ground. When they were about to fight back, Richard rushed out with a lunge and started fighting with the group of Viper Wolf with a dagger in hand.

"No need to shoot, he alone is enough."

"He's just a child!" the female Avatar turned around and roared.

"Dr. Augustine, look." At this time, another male Avatar looked at the female Avatar who stopped her. She looked back and found that Richard had already eliminated the group of vipers and wolves.

"How about it?"

"The strength is okay. If I don't use X ability or firearms, I may not be my opponent, but if I use X ability, it will be very simple for me." Richard replied while wiping the dagger on his hand. He put it back into the scabbard on his waist.

"Everyone, can you recommend us to meet the top officer of your base?" Li Qingyue asked politely.

But these Avatars could feel the threat in his tone. Not to mention Richard's power, the Thunder Beast beside them was enough to kill them, so they had no choice.

"Of course, let's lead the way now."

"Okay, please."

"No trouble." The female Avatar said with a wry smile.

But it has to be said that with them accompanying them, they basically never encountered any danger again, and soon arrived at the transfer station, where they needed to take a plane to go to the base. After all, the base was originally located to avoid To allow Pandora's creatures to discover it at will, they chose to set up a base on a high mountain, with access only by plane.

Then everyone got on the plane and flew towards the base.

And when the driver saw Li Qingyue and his party, he immediately reported the situation to the superiors at the base. When he heard that humans could walk on Pandora without wearing oxygen masks, he was also very surprised and immediately organized manpower. As long as they Once it lands, it will be controlled as soon as possible.

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