American Comics Agency: Starting with rescuing Iron Man

Chapter 238 Humans can handle it (additional update on 4.16)

The plane landed slowly in the human base. When they got off, a white-haired old man wearing an oxygen mask looked at Li Qingyue and the others. They saw a group of heavily armed guys aiming their weapons at Li Qingyue and the others.

"Stranger, can you tell me how you breathe on Pandora?"

Li Qingyue did not speak, but slowly floated up. Seeing this scene that was like a miracle, everyone was stunned. Then Connor took out the wand, and saw the top of the wand glowing slightly, followed by everyone present. The guns flew towards Connor, but when they got closer, they were melted into a puddle of molten iron by Constantine's magic.

"Can we have a good talk now?" Li Qingyue asked, looking down at the old man.

The old man swallowed and nodded helplessly. Then under the leadership of the old man, they arrived at the fully enclosed base, where humans could breathe freely.

"Who are you?"

"Do you know about the soul tree?" Li Qingyue asked.

"Soul tree? I don't know what a soul tree is."

"The soul tree is the incarnation of the planet Pandora. In terms that you are more familiar with, the soul tree is equivalent to the consciousness of the planet Pandora. It is the one who asked us to help humans and the Na'vi people coexist peacefully."

"Peaceful coexistence?"

"Yes, because the soul tree believes that the Na'vi tribe also needs to experience technology, instead of being complacent and continuing to live according to today's lifestyle, so it wants the Na'vi tribe to change. It just so happens that humans appeared at this time, but The problem is that you humans only want to exploit resources. When the resources are gone, you will abandon this planet. I’m right.”

The old man did not refute, because he was right.

"So the Soul Tree found us and asked us to allow peace between you."

"You know this is impossible."

"Nothing is impossible. You have to know that force can solve everything. What do you think?" Li Qingyue looked at the old man and said softly.

"Human beings are not as weak as you think. Without instructions from above, I will not coexist peacefully with them."

"You mean let's go find Earth to talk, right?"

"That's right."

Looking at the determined old man, Li Qingyue smiled slightly, then looked at Constantine and asked: "Can you open the portal?"

"It should be possible. After all, it's the Earth. Even the Earth in the parallel universe should be able to do it. I'll give it a try."

Constantine put on the hanging ring and immediately opened the teleportation gate. He found that he could really teleport to the earth in this world, and found that the earth in this world was relatively high to some extent.

"What's next?"

"Look at me!" Li Qingyue slowly flew into the air, and soon his figure attracted a large number of people to watch. This was nothing. Li Qingyue continued to float in the air until the police arrived.

Li Qingyue fell into the air, then stood on the ground, and then raised his fingers provocatively at the policemen. One policeman was so nervous that he actually opened fire, and the sound of the gunfire seemed to ignite the explosive barrel. The other policemen also Shots were fired.

Li Qingyue just stood there, enjoying the baptism of bullets. I don't know how long it took, but the gunshots stopped. The police and the onlookers looked at Li Qingyue with disbelief.

"It seems that your attack is not very effective. Please do me a favor and call for your person in charge." Li Qingyue appeared next to one of the policemen like a flash and said softly.

"Okay sir, let's go and notify our director now."

Then they left quickly.

When other onlookers saw the police leaving, they also left quickly, but the windows of the surrounding buildings were opened, and curious little heads poked out.

Not long after, a "rumbling" sound sounded. Li Qingyue looked at the source of the sound and found that more than a dozen tanks and military vehicles appeared.

"Why can't we recognize the reality?"

Li Qingyue grabbed the incoming tank shell. Everyone was shocked when they saw this scene. It wasn't over yet. Li Qingyue used a little force to crush the shell.

When Li Qingyue walked out of the black smoke, everyone didn't know what to do, until the order to continue the attack came to their ears, and they had no choice but to bite the bullet and continue the attack.

"I gave you a chance. If this is the case, don't blame me."

He bent the barrels of all the tanks at an extremely fast speed and stacked the tanks at the same time. As for the soldiers, they were all knocked unconscious by Li Qingyue. Soon, only Li Qingyue was left standing here. .

Not long after, a flying car came this time. The flying car landed in front of Li Qingyue, and a middle-aged man in a decent suit stepped out.

"Who are you?"

"The president of this country."

"Very well, nice to meet you."

"Are you aliens?"

"So be it."

"What do you need?"

"What do we need? This is not the place to talk."

"Please get in the car." The president said helplessly, while looking at the soldiers on the ground, a trace of regret flashed in his eyes.

"They were just knocked unconscious by me, no one died." Li Qingyue said, seeing the regret flashing in the president's eyes.

The president was relieved. After learning the reason why Li Qingyue and the others came to this world, the president directly put pressure on the managers responsible for developing Pandora. After obtaining the authorization letter, Li Qingyue and his party quickly returned to Pandora.

"Colonel Miles Quatch, this is my authorization letter. Can you obey my command now?" Li Qingyue placed the authorization letter in front of the old man and asked.

After the old man, that is, Colonel Miles Quach saw the contents of the authorization letter, he was so angry that he didn't know what to say. But he had no choice. He couldn't be beaten again and again, and his position was not as high as his. He could only accept his fate.

"Since you have recognized us, I will let you meet once after we discuss with the Na'vi people. Before that, you can continue to develop, but if you encounter the Na'vi people, don't attack them. Do you understand! "

Colonel Quaqi nodded and said reluctantly: "Don't worry, sir, I will obey the order."

However, in order to prevent Colonel Quachi from making small moves, Li Qingyue also handed over half of the command of the armed squad to Dr. Augustine. Because compared to Colonel Quachi's radicalism, Dr. Augustine wanted a win-win situation, so he used It was the best choice for her to restrain Colonel Quachi.

After settling the human side, everyone came to the place where they said goodbye to the Thunder Beast. When they walked out of the portal, they found that the Thunder Beast was still in the same place. Gil ran over happily, and the Thunder Beast also bowed excitedly. With Jill.

What they have to do next is to persuade the Na'vi people to coexist peacefully with humans.

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