After everyone had eaten and drank, Li Qingyue found Sterk Pentecost and explained to him the ins and outs of how the monster came to earth.

After learning that there is a wormhole hidden deep in the ocean, it is a two-way channel created by an alien called Pioneer using technology. However, due to insufficient resources, the wormhole was not big at first, so we had to send out For some smaller monsters, when the wormhole becomes larger, the monsters sent by the pioneers will become larger and their strength will also increase.

By then, even nuclear bombs will not be able to completely destroy these monsters, but fortunately Li Qingyue and the others are here.

So after learning about the existence of the wormhole, Sterk Pentecost immediately said: "Excuse me, sir, what do you need us to do?"

"You don't need to do anything, just help hollow out the body of a monster. If you want to enter the wormhole, you must have the genes of the monster, so I plan to hide inside and enter their world."

"Well, we also want to see this so-called alien civilization. Do you think you can let us go there too?"

"Okay, okay, just get ready."

"Okay, thank you, sir."

Immediately, Sterk Pentecost began to make preparations, transporting the three monsters to the base, then disemboweling them, and then putting their bodies on the mecha, so that the mecha could move smoothly Passed through the wormhole, but because most monsters are used by black market merchants to make some kind of nutritional supplements, there are not many monster corpses on the market. There are only these three monsters and the monsters that Li Qingyue defeated at the beginning.

This resulted in them only being able to send four robots there, and at the same time, they also prepared a set of clothes made of monster meat for Li Qingyue to ensure that he could pass through the wormhole.

After everything was ready, the four mechas plus Li Qingyue, a total of nine people, led them to the bottom of the sea and saw the wormhole. Li Qingyue took the lead and swam towards the wormhole, and soon they passed through the wormhole. Appearing in the world belonging to the pioneers, here they saw the planet of the pioneers.

The sky here is filled with yellow sand, and according to the calculations made by the mecha's internal system, the air here is completely unsuitable for human habitation. Even if exposed for two or three seconds, humans will die from inhaling a large amount of toxic gases.

This also explains why the Pioneers sent monsters to invade the earth, because their planet has become completely unsuitable for biological survival. For this reason, they have to become a colonial civilization and constantly use wormhole technology to find planets with civilizations. , then use monsters to destroy civilization from the inside, and then they enter the planet of the destroyed civilization and begin to multiply.

Because of this behavior, the pioneer civilization became more and more powerful, and the earth was the only planet that they did not successfully colonize.

I saw Li Qingyue break away from the monster meat and throw it on the mecha. Then he imitated the Almighty Man and started to crush the monster directly. No matter what level the monster was, in his eyes, it was just scum. In just half an hour , he has already destroyed most of the buildings of the pioneer civilization.

The pioneer civilization found that they seemed to be no match for Li Qingyue, so they had no choice but to surrender, and Li Qingyue did not kill them all. After all, the pioneer civilization was spread all over the universe. If he wanted to clear them out one by one, even he estimated that it would take an astronomical amount of time.

The pioneer civilization has learned English and Chinese, the common languages ​​of mankind, so it is very awkward when speaking, Chinese mixed with English. If Li Qingyue didn't understand both, he would probably have a big head.

Finally, after Li Qingyue's "friendly" communication, the Pioneer Civilization was willing to pay technology as compensation. Li Qingyue looked at the technology they provided, and after letting Walter make a copy, he put away the metal cube that stored the technology. Then he warned them that if they dare to open the wormhole connecting the earth again, then don't blame him for being ruthless.

In this way, everyone returned to the earth, especially the eight people who controlled the mecha. They didn't expect it to be solved so easily. They thought there would be a hearty battle, but the result was like this, but there was no way, the battle was over. , they can only return to Earth reluctantly.

The moment they returned to Earth, the wormhole suddenly collapsed, which heralded the complete failure of the pioneer civilization's colonization plan to invade the Earth. Just when Li Qingyue and the others were about to leave, Sterk Pentecost stopped Li Qingyue and the others, but There was something strange about his expression.

"Mr. Li, in order to express our gratitude, we specially prepared a feast and invited a few of you to the celebration party." Steck Pentecost said with a wry smile.

Li Qingyue had already noticed something was wrong. He smiled and a card appeared in his hand. As the card turned into golden light and merged into everyone's body, everyone could stay in this world for an hour.

"Okay." Li Qingyue wanted to see what tricks they wanted to do.

However, when entering the base, a little girl accidentally bumped into Li Qingyue. Li Qingyue quickly hugged the little girl who was about to fall.

"Yue Yang, didn't I tell you not to run around in the base! Sir, I'm sorry, she is the son of a representative of China. She wants to see the Crimson Storm up close, so she is in this base. If she I apologized to you for bumping into her."

"It's okay, it's just a child." Li Qingyue said with a smile.

Seeing this, Sterk Pentecost continued to lead the way, and Li Qingyue took out the note in his hand, which was given to him by the girl when she pounced on him. Li Qingyue opened the note slightly and found that there was only one sentence in it. : don’t eat

Li Qingyue smiled slightly, gently twisted the note with his hand, and it immediately turned into powder and floated away in the wind.

Soon everyone arrived at the banquet. Walter just smelled it and smelled that the food had been drugged. He looked at Li Qingyue, but Li Qingyue told him with his eyes not to act rashly. He wanted to take a look. what they want to do.

When Walter saw this, he used the magic spell to notify others, most importantly Richard and Jill. After all, their bodies were at most enhanced human beings, so they were still human beings after all.

Then everyone pretended to eat and drink, and then they fainted. However, Jill, Richard and Walter were teleported directly back to Marvel Studios before they fainted. After all, they were not suitable to watch the next scene.

"What should I do? Three people ran away."

"The most important thing is that they don't run away. Take them to the laboratory!"

Li Qingyue, Connor and Constantine closed their eyes and listened to their conversation. From an angle they couldn't see, the corners of Li Qingyue's mouth raised slightly.

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