American Comics Agency: Starting with rescuing Iron Man

Chapter 244 Lessons, a country dominated by one family

In the laboratory 200 meters underground, Li Qingyue and the others were tied to the bed in various ways. The chains that tied them were ropes that they had developed by gathering the technology from all over the world.

The tension of this kind of rope can withstand a thousand tons of tension, so the cost of making this kind of rope is also very expensive. The three of them were lying on the bed, and beside them there was a guy in a white coat holding a laser cutter. The trio cut, but the problem was that even the laser couldn't penetrate their bodies.

"Sir, I'm sorry, this laser cutter is useless. We have used all the methods at our disposal. Their bodies are even harder than all the materials we know. What should we do next?"

"Since the body cannot be cut, I will take off their hair and skin. In short, I will get their genes, and then clone a super soldier that is unique to us!"

Later, they actually cut off a piece of Li Qingyue's hair, but it was only one hair, and this hair was cut off by Li Qingyue. The other hairs were even harder than Li Qingyue's body.

This is because Li Qingyue's biological force field can control the hardness of his body.

After getting Li Qingyue's hair, the group of people immediately left the room where the three were detained. However, when the last person closed the door, he kicked it with his foot and a marble knocked out the tube that delivered the sleeping gas to them.

Li Qingyue also opened his eyes when the man turned around, so he saw who was helping him.

"Okay, stop pretending, get up."

"Boss, what should we do next?"

"How to do it? What do you think?"

"Since they have done this to us, why not destroy the country of those who have done this to us." Connor said lightly. If you want to say who has the weakest morals, it must be Connor, because he himself is a robot, even if After evolving, he also began to evolve after absorbing the energy of hell, so compared to the morals of Li Qingyue and Constantine, his is the weakest one.

"You feel?"

"I think it's good. After all, they need to know the price, that is, they can't mess with anyone." Constantine agreed.

"In this case, I won't play with them anymore."

Then the three people directly blasted open the door and walked out. The next moment, the entire base sounded an alarm, and countless people attacked them. However, Li Qingyue turned into an afterimage and rushed into the passage. When he appeared again, only There were corpses all over the ground, and even Sterk Pentecost was killed by Li Qingyue.

And the three of them also discovered that there were nearly 1.2 million tons of nuclear bombs hidden under the base, which is equivalent to the yield of a hundred little boys.

"Interesting, but these all belong to me." Li Qingyue waved his hand and directly pocketed all the nuclear bombs.

After doing this, everyone was about to take the elevator to leave, but found that the elevator needed to scan my retina. At this moment, a submissive voice sounded: "That one can scan my retina."

Seeing the person coming, Li Qingyue said with a smile: "Please come in."

"Come in, everyone."

Then the elevator was full of people, and they all had one thing in common, that is, they were all Asian and all Chinese.

After all, the Chinese reminded him twice, and Li Qingyue did not take action against their people. After seeing the light of day again, Li Qingyue and the others were discovered by the satellite immediately. Seeing this, Li Qingyue stopped talking nonsense and said to the Chinese: "Tell me You senior leaders, prepare to become the only powerful country on earth.”

After speaking, Li Qingyue, Connor and Constantine flew in different directions. It was not until the sonic boom sounded that they came back to their senses. They immediately notified the top leaders of the country. After combining what Li Qingyue said, they seemed to know What Li Qingyue is going to do.

They immediately asked satellites to monitor the three of them, and saw that they came to the United States, England, and France respectively and began to crush them. All military equipment, such as aircraft carriers, fighter jets, tanks, transport planes, etc. were destroyed by them, and even Even the soldiers suffered heavy losses

In just thirty minutes, they directly destroyed almost the top twenty powerful countries in the world, except of course China. Now these top twenty powerful countries can't even raise a decent team, let alone Resisted.

Finally, these countries learned that China was fine, and they all defected to China and were willing to become a part of China. In this way, China became the largest and most powerful country in the world. After seeing this, some small countries also joined. Of course, there was only one country among the Chinese team. After this country learned that China had become the strongest country on earth, it quickly expressed its intention to join the Chinese nation.

But today's China shows no mercy to this country. It directly sends a large army to bring back its own people. In the end, the entire island of this country is sunk, and this country is the island country.

Some countries that have a blood feud with China are very afraid, fearing that they will be liquidated. However, China is not cruel. It is just that the island country did countless things during World War II.

In the end, China took this opportunity to unify the earth and began interstellar navigation with the help of pioneer civilization technology. At this point, they entered the era of interstellar civilization. Of course, this is all a story later, because Li Qingyue and the others have already left the world of the Pacific Rim. Back at Marvel Studios.

"Why did you come back?" Gil said, looking at the three of them.

"Hey, I can't help it. I just want to see what tricks they are doing."

"So what do they want to do?"

"Nothing, just want to clone me."

"That's it, what next?"

"That's all. I gave them a lesson, and then they came back. By the way, what's going on with this tree?"

Only then did Li Qingyue notice that there was an extra tree at the entrance of the castle, and this tree looked so similar to the soul tree.

"Boss, we don't know when this tree appeared."

"This seems to be the mysterious seed I planted, but the problem is that we are less than a day away from returning from the Pacific Rim. How could it grow so big?"

"Boss, look, it seems to have borne fruit, but not much. There are only ten buds, which means there are only ten fruits."

"Forget it, don't worry about it for now, let's complete the last commission first."

Everyone nodded, and with a flash of white light, everyone appeared in a dim room, and this was the world of "The Wandering Earth".

The moment everyone left, the miniature soul tree shook its trunk, and countless spores slowly fell from the air. A large number of magical animals, especially the nearby Pu Rong Rong and Cat Civet, hurriedly came under the tree.

The spores are integrated into the bodies of these magical animals, making them look comfortable and intoxicated.

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