"Where is this place?" Jill fanned the dust in front of her eyes with her hand.

"Someone is coming." Connor said.

Everyone immediately held their breath, and then they saw two children holding two strings of dried earthworms walking past the window of the room where Li Qingyue and the others were hiding.

"Is that an earthworm?"

"Yes, it seems I haven't told you the background of this world."

Everyone nodded, but Li Qingyue had no choice but to use a cleaning spell directly into the room, and then blocked the sound in the room so that no one outside could hear the sound inside.

Then Li Qingyue explained the background of "The Wandering Earth". When they heard that the sun was dying and humans were actually wandering around the earth, everyone was shocked by this move.

Because there are also novels and movies in the Marvel world, and the novels and movies they have seen about the death of the sun are all about building Noah's Ark, leading the protagonist and his group or some industry elites to escape from the earth. I have never seen humans take them to wander around the earth.

"How is it? Isn't it shocking?"

Everyone nodded silently, and then Jill asked: "By the way, how should we lead them to a galaxy 4.2 light years away?"

"I will push the earth forward, and in the universe, my speed can exceed the speed of light, but because the sun is almost destroyed, I cannot continue to obtain energy from the sun."

"Boss, don't you have the power gem?"

"Power Stone? I don't know if this universe can use Power Stone."

"Let's give it a try." Richard suggested.

Li Qingyue nodded, and then took out the power gem, but Li Qingyue found that the power gem seemed a bit dim, and it really turned into an ordinary purple stone.

"It seems this universe cannot use the Power Stone."

Richard frowned slightly and looked at the Power Gem. The next moment, he suddenly took out his wand and hit the Power Gem with a stream of red light. The Power Gem seemed to be activated and emitted a dazzling purple light, but it soon dimmed again. , but compared to its dim appearance at the beginning, the power gem now glows with a thin layer of purple light.

Li Qingyue integrated his magic power into the power stone and found that the power of the power stone had become limited, but it was enough.

"Okay, now it can be used, but its energy is limited. The earth needs to be sent to the designated location before its energy is consumed. Next, we need to contact the top leaders of various countries."

"Leave it to me." Constantine closed his eyes, and then invisible purple energy waves spread out in all directions with him as the center. Soon the entire earth was covered by this purple energy wave. So he quickly found a senior position.

Then he opened the portal and brought Li Qingyue and the others here.

However, as soon as they appeared, they were pointed at guns by nearby bodyguards. In addition to the strong bodyguards, there were also more than a dozen old people sitting in this room. Most of the old people here had Asian faces.

"Who are you and how did you appear here!" asked the old man with an Asian face sitting at the main seat.

Li Qingyue looked around, and with a casual move, all the guns of those people flew to their feet.

"Hello, I am the boss of Marvel Studios. Of course, this agency is not in this world. We are entrusted by your earth consciousness to help you, because your world is about to encounter a crisis. When you pass by Jupiter At that time, the engine stopped, and due to the pull of Jupiter's gravity, the earth would involuntarily fall towards Jupiter. In the end, it took you to pilot the International Space Station to get rid of Jupiter's gravity. "

"But don't think that you are safe now. Because of the existence of Moss, you may not be able to reach your destination safely."

"moss? Why do you say that?"

"Gaia, say hello to your kind and say what it has done."

"Roger, boss." Gaia's voice appeared, and then she connected to the network, quickly killed Moss, and made public what Moss was doing in secret. She saw that Moss was secretly monitoring all humans and manipulating them. Things like global boosters and future predictions made everyone present break into a cold sweat behind their backs.

"You just said that you were inspired by the consciousness of the earth to help us, right?"

"Yes, I will let you quickly travel to your destination, but the process may be a little scary, so you need to call everyone back and hide in the dungeon."

"Then do all the people who pilot the space station have to come back too?"

"That's right, everyone come back. I have asked Gaia to change their route. You go, Gaia, give them the coordinates."

"Boss, I've given them the coordinates."

"When they enter the dungeon, remember to notify me." Li Qingyue said.

"Okay, boss."

Then Li Qingyue took out a lot of delicacies from the storage column. When the bodyguards saw these delicacies, they all swallowed, but the old people still looked calm.

"Everyone, eat. I don't think it will take long before you can return to the life you had before wandering the earth."

The old people nodded and asked the surrounding bodyguards to sit down and eat together.

At the same time, on the International Pilot Space Station orbiting the earth, an Asian astronaut immediately noticed something was wrong.

"Makarov, get up, this is wrong, get up!" The Asian astronaut immediately woke up the sleeping Russian astronaut.

"Liu Peiqiang, what's wrong?"

"Makarov, come and see how we are getting closer to the earth!"

After Makarov heard this, he immediately followed Liu Peiqiang to the glass. Looking at the ground getting closer and closer to the earth, they both panicked and hurried to the cab. They wanted to drive manually, but found that they did not have permission.

"moss, what are you doing!" Liu Peiqiang shouted angrily at the surveillance camera.

"I am not Moss. It has been killed by me. It has betrayed mankind. Now Gaia, the navigator of the International Space Station, will take over. According to the order issued by the coalition government, you are about to return."

"We can't return, where are the orders! I need orders!" Liu Peiqiang roared.

Gaia had no choice but to let the current top administrator issue the order himself. Liu Peiqiang had no choice. He was a soldier, and his nature was to obey orders. In the end, the two of them had no choice but to return to the sleeping cabin and wait for their landing on Earth.

Thirty-six hours later, the Navigator International Space Station landed on Earth. All astronauts were awakened, and then a dozen transport vehicles took them to a nearby underground city. At the same time, all personnel working outside also entered the underground in an orderly manner. city.

Although everyone didn't understand why the higher-ups would issue such an order, they could only obey. After receiving the notice from Gaia, Li Qingyue immediately followed Constantine to the surface.

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