American Comics Agency: Starting with rescuing Iron Man

Chapter 305 Seeking help from the firm

Fury returned to the Three-Curve Wing Building, probably because the information Li Qingyue gave him was so explosive that he has not yet come to his senses.

At this time, Coulson saw Fury, and then walked towards him and said: "Director, Black Bolt and Medusa, Professor X and Magneto, Tony and Mr. Fantastic, and Agent J, the man in black Agent K is already waiting for you. Do you want to meet them?"


Fury closed his eyes and took a few deep breaths. When he opened his eyes again, he turned back into the resolute director of S.H.I.E.L.D.

"Where are they? Take me to see them." Fury said.

"plz follow me."

Under the leadership of Colson, they came to a conference room. When the two opened the door and walked in, they found that the atmosphere inside was a bit awkward. Everyone found a seat for each other and sat down, but there was no thought between them. The most sign of wanting to chat is whispering these words to the person next to you.

It wasn't until Fury and Coulson walked in that they stopped and looked at the two of them.

"I've figured out who's coming."

"Have you figured it out?" Agent J said with some surprise.

"Do you know who he is?" Fury looked back at the black man in a black suit and black sunglasses and asked.

"Yes, we spent a little money to obtain the identity of that person from some wandering aliens. His identity is the Planet Opening Messenger. We don't know who is behind him, but he will come every time. Planet, explore the water, air, and soil of this planet. If it reaches a certain level, the planet will be destroyed. No one knows how he did it. Countless earths have been destroyed in the universe today. , causing more and more homeless aliens to come to Earth.”

"Planet Opening Envoy, it seems that you already know his identity, but you don't know his power. His name is Hyperion. He was originally a member of the Eternal God Clan. He has unparalleled power and possesses He has a superhuman physique, and he can absorb cosmic energy to continuously strengthen his strength, energy, soul, etc., but I don’t know why he became the planetary opener.” Fury told Hyperion’s situation.

"Is it that silver energy?" Mr. Fantastic asked.

"How did you know?"

"I tested the energy around the guy with the black cloak when he was fighting Hyperion, and I found that when his eyes shot out those two lasers and turned silver, the surrounding cosmic energy was very active, and it could even be said that it entered crazily. After entering Hyperion's body, the most important thing is that the energy transformed by him has become very advanced. It can even be said that it is energy that does not belong to our dimension. If the amount was not too large, I would not even be able to capture his transformed energy. ." Mr. Fantastic said solemnly.

After hearing this, the others' expressions were not much better. Now that the earth is being targeted by such a guy, it means that the earth is really unsafe, but they have nothing to do.

"By the way, have you found the person who helped stop Hyperion?" Tony asked quickly.

"We found Clark Kent, an employee of the office. His nickname is Superman. He does not belong to this world. He comes from another world." Fury said.

"Agency? Marvel Agency?"

Fury nodded.

"Then let's go talk to them. After all, they are also on Earth, so they should be able to contribute." Professor X said.

"No, based on what I know about them, if we want them to take action, it will probably cost us an unbearable price," Fury said.

"No way, after all, they are also on the earth. The earth is in danger now, wouldn't they take action?" Professor X said with a frown.

Fury nodded and explained: "You don't know their origins. They come from other parallel universes. They don't have a strong sense of belonging to this world, so if you want them to take action, you can only come up with corresponding measures." The reward comes.”

"Have you ever asked about the remuneration required by the firm?"

Fury shook his head, and then Tony stood up and said, "I'll go talk to them."

"Okay, but please remember, the next is the most important moment, because standing behind Hyperion is a god, a real god, not a false god like we have seen."


"Yes, God."

Fury then revealed part of the information about the five gods. After learning that the person standing behind Hyperion was Galactus, everyone really didn't know how to solve this incident.

"Is there really no other way?"

"I don't know, but since the boss of that firm can tell the information about the five gods, I think he should have something to do."

"I don't know either. I can only know this if I ask the boss of the firm in detail."

"Okay, let's disband. I'll go talk to the boss of the firm."

Tony then left the meeting room, and everyone else also left after seeing this. After all, they could not come up with a way to deal with a god no matter how much they stayed here.

At the very least, all the weapons they know are likely to be ineffective against gods, and may even be higher in dimension than humans. It can be said that they have no choice but to pin their hopes on Li Qingyue.

At the same time, in the office, Li Qingyue was petting cats with Jill, combing the hair of cats and catkins with a brush. Anyway, they had nothing to do.

After a while, two balls of hair appeared beside the two of them. Jill wiped the sweat from her forehead and said, "How many are there?"

"There are about ten or so. Are you okay? If you can't stand it anymore, let me do it alone. You can go to the side and rest for a while." Li Qingyue said gently.

Jill shook her head and gently placed the kitten that had fallen asleep on her legs on the sofa. Then she patted her legs gently, and the next cat jumped gently and came to her thighs.

The cat that came to Jill's legs stepped on it first, then found a comfortable position and lay down. Jill picked up the comb and started to comb its hair.

Suddenly, there was a harsh brake sound outside the door, and then a luxury car stopped at the door. Tony got out of the car and walked straight towards Li Qingyue.

"Our guests are here." Li Qingyue said to Jill with a smile.

"Guest? What is he doing here?"

"Maybe he wants me to help solve the Hyperion issue." Li Qingyue said as he stuck the fur in his hand into the fur ball beside him.

"Hello, boss of the firm."

"Please sit down, Mr. Stark. Do you mind waiting for a while?"

Tony looked at the cats surrounding Li Qingyue and nodded. After all, who doesn't like cute pets?

And the two of them didn't seem to want to keep Tony waiting for too long, so they moved faster.

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