"Finally done, Simba, you guys can play with it, don't bully the catkins." Li Qingyue threw a hairball with a diameter of about 50 centimeters to Simba and said.

Simba grabbed the hairball directly. In order to make them cherish the hairball more, Li Qingyue also asked Walter to add some concentrated blood orchid juice and strong catnip to the hairball.

So when the two hairballs were thrown out by Li Qingyue, the whole office was in chaos. The cats and catkins began to fight for the two balls, but they were very disciplined and would not harass Li Qingyue and Tony at all.

"Sit down, I wonder if the famous Iron Man has any commission for us to deal with?" Li Qingyue asked with a smile.

"I want to know, do you really have the ability to deal with the five gods?"

"Of course I have this ability. I said that there is no commission that we can't complete except what you can't think of." Li Qingyue said confidently.

Seeing Li Qingyue so confident, Tony immediately asked: "Then we want to entrust you to handle this Earth crisis. I wonder how much it will cost?"


"An Infinity Stone." Li Qingyue raised a finger and said.

"An Infinity Stone?"

"Yes, if you don't know what an Infinity Stone is, you can go back and ask Thor, he knows it very well."

"How do you know that we have Infinity Stones?" Tony asked with a frown.

"I'm very sure that you have Infinity Stones. You can go back and ask Thor, he knows it very well."

Seeing that Li Qingyue was so sure, Tony hesitated for a moment and then left the office. He might really go to Thor to ask about the Infinity Stones now.

"Let's go, go shopping with me."

"Shopping again? I still have to work."

"Just leave it to Constantine." Jill said, grabbing Li Qingyue's hand.

"Um, Constantine went to Kamar-Taj, and I don't know when he will be back."

"Where's Walter?"

"He left with Gaia, and I don't know where he went." Li Qingyue spread his hands helplessly.

"Richard, Connor?"

"Richard is in school, Connor is on a date with Naya, and there are only two of us left in the office."

"Where's Clark?" Jill's eyes were already very dangerous, and Li Qingyue couldn't help swallowing his saliva.

"Boss lady, are you calling me?" Just then, Clark just opened the door and walked in.

"You're back just in time, you stay and watch the store for me." Jill said with a dark face.

Clark nodded, although he didn't know why Jill was so angry suddenly, but Clark also knew that he had to go along with Jill at this time.

"Do you have any excuses!"

"No, it's just shopping, let's go." Li Qingyue quickly comforted Jill, and only then did Clark know why Jill was so angry. After all, although he didn't spend much time with Li Qingyue, he also knew Li Qingyue's personality, that is, he was very lazy, and he would never stand if he could lie down, and he would not move if he could not move.

"Hello, does Clark Kent work here?" A soft voice sounded, and the three looked at the door and found that Louise was standing at the door of the office without knowing when.

"Louise, you are here, come in quickly, boss lady, aren't you going shopping? Go quickly." Clark said while pushing Li Qingyue.

"Okay, then we'll go." Jill grabbed Li Qingyue and left, but Li Qingyue kept looking into the office, his eyes full of enthusiasm for eating melons, but Jill's tough attitude forced him to follow Jill and leave.

In this way, only Louise and Clark were left in the office, and of course there were the two little guys Tom and Jerry.

"Is this where you work?" Louise asked, looking at the office.


"Hello, is Tom here?" Mikey's voice came from outside the door, Clark and Louise looked at the same time, and when she saw Mikey, Louise was startled, and Mikey saw Louise's expression and stood there awkwardly.

Louise then walked towards Mackey and asked, "Are you a mutant?"

"Uh, I'm not a mutant, I'm a Ninja Turtle." Mackey replied.

Louise reached out and touched Mackey's shell and muscles, which made Clark a little jealous.

At this time, Tom finally appeared, and he came to Mackey's shoulder with two game consoles.

"Clark, we'll leave first." Mackey shouted to Clark.

Clark nodded, and Louise stopped Mackey.

"Can I take a picture of you?" Louise looked at Mackey and asked.

"You want to report me?"

Louise nodded heavily, Mackey thought for a moment, and finally decided to let Louise take a picture. After taking the picture, Mackey couldn't wait to leave.

Louise excitedly flipped through the photos she had just taken. Clark walked over and asked close to Louise: "There are four brothers in total. Do you want to hear their story?"

"There are four of them in total!"


"Can I? But don't you have to look after the store?"

Just then, Richard and the others had just finished class. When he was about to go home, he was stopped by Clark.

Finally, Richard was left helpless in the office, while Clark followed Louise to the apartment next door, where he found Mikey and the others, told them Louise's request to interview them, and said: "It's okay if you don't want to interview, don't force it."

"Interview us? But we don't want to be famous. You can see that if humans know our appearance, they will probably bully us on the Internet. After all, we don't look like humans." Leo said helplessly.

"Then do you want to walk outside openly?" Louise asked.

"If we can walk on the street like ordinary people, we will definitely be willing."

"Then why not do this, you tell me what happened to you, and then I will draw it into a comic, and then promote it. Just imagine that a virtual character suddenly appears in real life. Wouldn't it be easier to accept this way?"

"You can also draw?" Clark was a little surprised.

"Wow, you hurt my heart when you say that. Of course I can draw, and the major I chose back then was art. But later, influenced by my teacher, I wanted to be a journalist who dared to tell the truth." Louise explained.

"Is it really possible?"

"Anyway, I think it's feasible. Of course, it depends on whether you are willing."

"Of course I am willing."

Then Leo told Louise about their origins and what they had experienced in the original world. After taking notes, Louise said, "Okay, I will notify you when I publish the comics. Remember to buy them."

Leo nodded, and then Clark took Louise to continue to visit the apartment.

On the other side, Li Qingyue and Jill came to Times Square, where Jill walked towards a luxury store with a clear goal.

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